Tuesday, July 03, 2012

It looks like Todd Palin may have bitten off more than he can chew with his new reality show.

"I'm a little sore."
The above is a picture of Todd doing his best to appear manly for his new reality show. However the brief interview he did with Zap2it, does not do much to reinforce that image:  

"I'm a little sore," Palin tells Zap2it, calling in from his Arizona home, hours before flying back to Alaska to return to commercial fishing. 

Asked what he did for the show -- which just finished filming -- Palin says, "You name it, jumping out of helicopters, running, rappelling walls, shooting all kinds of weapons. It was just insane."

Palin followed that up by exclaiming "It was very scary and loud, I really just want my mommy!"  (Okay I MIGHT have made that last part up.)

Still you have to admit that even the apprehensive way in which Todd is holding that weapon is still a hell of lot more manly than his FIRST promotional pictures from the series.

Todd Palin action doll coming soon to a toy store near you. Mom jeans sold separately.
Gee I have NO idea why the Grizzled Mama would find this embarrassing?


  1. Anonymous1:15 PM

    He went on to say, "Compared to providing prostitutes to secret service agents guarding my wife, this was nothing."

  2. Balzafiar1:15 PM

    Not only does he finally have a big gun, he's wearing Sarah's tits, too.

    1. Anonymous2:04 PM

      I have a grown son with breasts. Nothing physically wrong with him, just his body type. It makes me want to cry when people make fun of such men. Adolescence is hard enough without gratuitously and irrelevant comments about body type.

    2. Anonymous2:05 PM


    3. Anonymous2:07 PM

      They're both A-cups.

      Hers look like a couple of silver-dollar pancakes turned on their sides and dangling.

      But his are nice and perky though. Just sayin'.

    4. LMAO

      Eeeeeeeek ! ! ! !

    5. Anonymous3:04 PM

      anon at 2:04....men can get a breast reduction, too. If it really bothers him, he should do it.

    6. Anonymous5:41 PM

      My trainer has a fantastic chest and I've joked (not at the gym, obviously) that he has more cleavage than I do. Quite possibly Tawd has done some exercising, yanno, picking up all those cans and putting any of 'em, all of 'em, back in the pantry.

    7. Anonymous5:48 PM

      anon 2:04PM

      You're right, Mrs. Palin. We apologize.

      Ever since we were all kids growing up together, Todd's always been a great friend to have around whenever one of the guys wanted to have a quick titty-fuck.

    8. Anonymous7:33 PM

      @Anonymous 5:48 PM
      "quick titty-fuck"

      That made me giggle!

  3. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Why in the frickety frack is he wearing a collared polo type shirt? Does he wear a suit and tie for snowmobillin'? Is he going to interview a new hooker after?

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Sissy Rambo..

    2. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Not "Rambo".

      The military guys on the "reality" show called him Ram-butt, cuz Todd's a "catcher" all the way.

  4. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Hopefully, the doll will come WITHOUT batteries, but will most likely include a Sarah figurine attached to the string in his back.

  5. Anonymous1:22 PM

    You'd be sore too if all you did was carry your "wife's" purse around.


    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      You can ALL kiss my ass! You have NO fuckin' idea how heavy Sarah's purse can be, some days! ---Todd

    2. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Yep...those redbull cans, gallon bottles of Vodka and pill bottles full of adderall are....H E A V Y!


    3. angela2:08 PM

      Now that is some funny shit! Hahahahaha.

    4. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Todd, If you'd HIT that thing right, Sarah Heath MIGHT carry her own damn purse.--- G. Rice

    5. Anonymous5:13 PM

      "Shut the hell up, Glenn. I'd kick your ass if I weren't such a pussy!"
      --- Mr. Sarah Palin


  6. Anonymous1:26 PM

    He is nothing more than a 'twirp' with a small guy attitude which equates to being a 'bully'! Ask folks in Alaska about him!!!! Yuke!! Hope people are contacting the folks on the idiotic reality show he is doing. Know two people that sent "Boys Will be Boys" to the producers of the show!

  7. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Todd's still a doofus no matter how Sarah tries to market him.

  8. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Like Ted Nugent, he can't walk the talk.

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Duh, that's because I have such a large package between my legs! Don't you know that 3.5 is rounded up to 4! As in inches. --- Toddy "Two-tone"

    2. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Drillin peepholes is HARD WORK!

    3. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Hey 2:47pm

      Todd Palin replied: "Not if you got a 3/4 inch drill bit. Then you drill 2 holes, one eye level and the other a little lower than waist-high so my pencil pecker will just fit through when I put a little honey on my wing-wang. Gotta keep an eye out for the neighbor's dog so he doesn't think he's found a slim-jim treat!"

      "I hate when that happens."

    4. Anonymous5:53 PM

      The Toad needs to remember that barroom admonition,"Don't let your mouth (or in Toad's case, your wife's mouth) write a check your body/fists can't cover.

  9. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...both of these pictures are HILARIOUS! The second picture especially...he looks like he just finished taking a dump!

    Nevermind the "jazz hands"(H/T to somebody!)...what's with that SQUINT! I know he has eyes...but why does his eyes look like slits?? Couldn't they photo shop the fella a wide eyed stare or sumtin'??

    And the "I'm a little sore" can be misconstrued a few different ways...there's the rumors of him playing patty cake with other guys (not that their is anything wrong with it)...and he seemed to be awfully close to the Big...Muscular...Manly Man...Terry Crews! Get it Toad!

    I'm sure Baldy doesn't do it for you...so you got to find those "hugs" wherever you can find them! I ain't hatin Player! LOL!!!

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      Or at least give that pussy, Todd, a pair of bad-ass sunglasses, so he won't have to squint like a little girly-boy because he has the sun in his eyes.

      "Sarah, puh-leeez let me wear your sunglasses, just for a few minutes while they take this photo, sugar tits!"

    2. Olivia2:07 PM

      If they had 'shopped his eyes and made them wide, he would have looked like he was still taking the dump.

  10. Anonymous1:38 PM

    "I'm a little sore," Palin tells Zap2it, calling in from his Arizona home, hours before flying back to Alaska to return to commercial fishing.

    Is there any chance he is commercial fishing? Where? No one wants him in Dillingham. Some of the residents swear he has moved on.

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Even if he did go commercial fishing, I think he wanted people's perception to "think" of Deadliest Catch. Never mind, that he sets nets, something women can do and isn't regularly dangerous.

    2. Anonymous2:30 PM

      Sarah posted on Facebook today that her wife, Todd, was flying the girls to Bristol Bay to wave at the salmon or something.

      Also, Willow gets a tank of gas for her birthday. Gee, tanks Mom!

      And another plug for "Life's a Beggin' Strip" or whatever it's called.

    3. Anonymous3:02 PM

      If he's sore, either he was out of shape or he means that he's angry that he didn't win.

    4. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Also, Willow gets a tank of gas for her birthday. Gee, tanks Mom!

      Tank of gas? Why not buy Willow an education? Wait! Sarah already did that when she bought Willow her GED a year early.

    5. Anonymous2:30 PM

      What a load of crap! Baldy's FB written by RAM reads like one of those stupid Christmas letters! Let me tell you what it really says....

      Celebrating as UnAmerican's, Palin Style
      by Baldy Palin (psst...it's really RAM) on Tuesday, July 3 2012 at whatever time RAM finished writing this up

      One of the Trig's and I are gearing up to watch Piper Chri march in the "big" annual 4th of July parade tomorrow with her caregivers in Wasilla! (Yes, Piper's middle name "Chri" is short for "Jesus Christ") The Toad picks up the prostitutes...uh...I mean Beefy and Wallow to fly them over to Bristol Bay so they can get their hands dirty picking their noses on our commercial fishing grounds - an extremely long word salad on steroids sentence...unable to decipher...something about Alaskan Salmon and young folks...not including her own kids making some money for school tuition! Wallow celebrates being a mother for her birthday during this holiday week, and she gets a case of diapers for her baby; it's her favorite gift. Glad it's Tuesday because we get to tune in to Beefy's "Life's a Train Wreck" on the soon to be canceled Lifetime Network (that Palin curse is real!) tonight amid Piper's parade preparations (good walking shoes and comfortable clothes)...I've been paid to think it's the episode where the heifers..er...girls attend C(R)PAC conference with me and we have a camera crew follow us and we have a great time with paid minions and racist tea baggers! Try to stay awake and tune in tonight to see Wallow's protruding stomach she shares my "expertise on politics. :)

      Thinking about Curtis Menard's son and all of America's deployed troops and our vets who let me exploit them for our great nation's independence. Thank you, U.S military, for not telling me to STFU. We love America and we thank those who are available to serve me and sacrifice.

      Happy whatever day of July, America!

      -Baldy Palin

      *Insert picture of Hillbilly truck with heavily tinted windows*

      If you like Faith's husband new pickup truck anthem "Truck Yeah", you'll understand how many kids can be hidden in their rigs. Here's one of the girls' trucks; it explains why they are always "expecting" and work for a case of diapers

    6. "One of the Trig's and I" - Hahahaha!! You did it again, GinaM! I'm telling you, you must submit a "Baldy and Beefy" script to Trey Parker and Matt Stone, because you could SO write for South Park.

      Keep on! You rule ... Happy Independence (from the Teabaggers) Day!

    7. Oh yeah...here's Baldy's ORIGINAL FB post.

      Celebrating America, Palin Style
      by Sarah Palin on Tuesday, July 3, 2012 at 1:57pm ·

      Trig and I are gearing up to watch Piper Indi march in the “big” annual 4th of July parade tomorrow with her cousins in Wasilla! (Yes, Piper’s middle name “Indi” is short for Independence.) Todd picks up Bristol and Willow to fly them over to Bristol Bay so they can get their hands dirty on our commercial fishing grounds – the season’s peak is soon and we’re praying for an onslaught of wild Alaskan salmon to slay for appreciative consumers and a huge harvest for our young crew that needs to make some money for school tuition! Willow celebrates her birthday during this holiday week, and she gets a tank of gas in her pickup truck; it's her favorite gift. Glad it’s Tuesday because we'll get to tune in to Bristol’s show “Life’s a Tripp” on the Lifetime Network tonight amidst Piper’s parade preparations… I think it’s the episode where the girls attend the CPAC conference with me and we have a wild time with great friends and patriots! Tune in tonight to see Willow's profound advice she shares on my politics. :)

      Thinking about our son and all of America’s deployed troops and our vets who let us celebrate our great nation’s independence. Thank you, U.S. military, for serving there so we can celebrate here. We love America and we thank those who serve and sacrifice.

      Happy 4th of July, America!

      If you like Tim McGraw’s new pickup truck anthem "Truck Yeah", you'll understand my kids’ love of their rigs. Here’s one of the girls’ trucks; it explains why they’re expected to work for a full gas tank.

    8. Sarah's trying to encourage people to watch Bristol's show... who's going to stay up late the night before the Fourth of July? Everybody wants to be up late tomorrow night!

    9. Anonymous5:35 PM

      A tank of gas for Willow is fine, but Beefy can't even get out of the driveway unless the glove box is filled up with condoms.

      Finally after 4 pregnancies she's starting to catch on.

  11. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Wow! This family so so unaware of how they are perceived. Bristol is taking a beating over her reality show...we can only assume it will be the same (hopefully worse)for the former "first rube". Ugh. They all need to fade to black.

    1. Anonymous3:10 PM

      Most public believes the Palin family mythology. They will pity the poor little dude.

  12. Anonymous1:45 PM

    WTH? It looks like Todd has had some face work done too! He just looks ... odd in that top photo. Or is it just me?

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      Photo shopped is my guess. The man has no lips. Is that because he lost his front teeth?

    2. Mebbe it was photoshopped a mite. (Lines/wrinkles just vanish sometmes)

    3. Anonymous6:18 PM

      I don't know about face surgery, but I've heard stories at the camp that Todd had gotten very drunk and had a couple of facials.

      Not nearly as many as Bristol---not by a large margin.

      Plus, how'd you find out? I thought everyone had to sign a non-disclosure or we didn't get to keep those new shotguns that Todd gave us.

  13. Anonymous1:51 PM

    The X-shadow Governor and his old team must be enjoying his day in the sun. A rill teevee star he is. Party time — http://tinyurl.com/76vtglg

    1. Anonymous4:56 PM

      “There’s nothing about the Alaskan Independence Party that I don’t like. It’s just great,”

  14. Anonymous1:54 PM

    It will help a little if he doesn't have to say anything.

    The photos are not up to Hollywood standards and no one to help him dress? Sarah must be in excruciating misery if she wants him to live up to her spin... 'have you seen Todd?'

  15. Anonymous2:03 PM

    He's so masculine and dreamy! LOL! Sarah, your family should retreat from the limelight. Oh, and McCain is totally sick and embarrassed that he took others' advice and chose you for his running mate. We all are, too. -MInnesota Lakes

  16. There are three "bla" people on this show. I wonder if Tawd will try to take them to the gravel pit after school? And I guess Wesley Clark has never heard of the "Palin Curse." The former Valedictorian of West Point's career as "Supreme Allied Commander, Europe of NATO" is about to experience, first (Dude) hand, what can come of 'palin' around with Palins. And what's up with Todd's "man boobs?" Sarah would kill for those! Oh, wait. Sarah HAS killed for those -- Wolves, Caribou, any and all of 'em -- just for ratings $$$ and plastic surgery $$$.

    Sorry, General Clark. Now you'll just be known for 'Palin' around with secessionists.

    1. Anonymous3:36 PM

      I cannot even believe that Todd will have 'face space' w/General Clark. Absolutely fucking amazing! Alaskans assuredly have no regard for the Palin/Heath clan. They could be buried in ice and snow and no one in would care! They are the biggest embarrassment to Alaskans that have ever reared their ugly heads! Proven frauds and liars there is no doubt!

  17. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Well... I bet the people who he worked with, were able to get to know him a bit, and see for themselves that he isn't exceptionally smart or an amazing athlete. They will tell others, and the word will keep spreading..

    1. Anonymous3:12 PM

      It will be like Massey bros and DWTS. You say nice things no matter what.

    2. Anonymous5:58 PM

      The cast is required to sign a non-disclosure agreement stating that they will not mention to anyone that Todd is a punk-ass bitch.

      Like folks don't know that already. Ha!

  18. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Bristol is set to embarrass herself once again tonight. I hope some of you will be watching and keep the rest of us up to date.

    1. ManxMamma3:12 PM

      Not a chance!

    2. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Oh, the tea baggers will watch, enmasse, like they did for her dancing with the whores job...

    3. Anonymous4:04 PM

      It's easier to not watch and just find out the show details from the ensuing lawsuits.

    4. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Nope, instead of watching Bristul's show tonight, me and Larry the cable guy have other plans already. We're, uh, we are... gonna put our wieners in a meat grinder.

      No, not at the same time. We're gonna take turns. OK, go ahead, Lar. You get to go first.

    5. Anita Winecooler9:42 PM

      I watched, epic failure! Beefy can't discipline Tripp because that the husband's job, calls him a "hellion".
      Throw mom a surprise birthday party at bone collector's place. Bristol miraculously bakes a cake from "scratch" with no flour, butter, sugar, etc in sight in her American Ikea Kitchen.
      They give her a family portrait, with trigg number 2, Tripp the hellion sticks his tongue out at wallow "Bad blonde streak job", Piper's got full face makeup and a powder puff updo, Brita and her daughter, fallopia, also too, show up for the photo. They lament that Sarah's eldest is not able to be there, he's shuffling papers in an undisclosed underground bunker in Afganistan while real people are doing their jobs.

      They go gun shopping, buy Sarah a pink handgun because she has many, but no pink ones. They take Tripp a gun shoppin, he's goin ta be a rill alaskan and pack heat when he grows up. Did I mention Beefy calls him "hellion"?
      Todd tells Bristol to remember when he was working the slopes, and Mom was the disciplinarian. See? A woman CAN do it all!

      Beefy puts "hellion" to bed, laments he has no dad, but feels she's ready to get married sooner rather than later.

      Can't wait for Gina's review.

      They did a huge re-edit and splice job, so something relating to one of the court cases must have been taken out.

    6. fallopia?? LOL !!

  19. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Hey Todd, where did you get that shirt - at Land's End?

    Todd: "No, actually the tag said $5.96 from Wal-Mart. Sarah and the kids gave this to me for Father's Day. And I got a red and a white one, too! Pretty sharp, huh?"

    1. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Didn't they have one in his size?

    2. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Of course. It's a Large. Actually a Boy's size Large. Slightly Irregular.

  20. I believe those are the same clothes in both publicity pictures.

    1. Anonymous3:14 PM

      ??? Weird, huh? I don't get the whole timing about who he replaced. Jack Osborne. It was announced Jack was fired. Todd was photo shopped in with those poor choice of clothes. Before we know it and Todd is done and 'going fishing'. ?????

  21. Anonymous2:21 PM

    He skeeves me out.

    1. AKinPA4:44 AM

      Me, too. And skeeve is the perfect word.

  22. WalterNeff2:22 PM

    I wonder which episode sees him voted off the island (or however it is they drop competitors)

  23. Irishgirl2:24 PM

    What are Mom jeans?

    1. ManxMamma3:11 PM


    2. Anonymous3:14 PM

      The most typical indicator of mom jeans is a high waist


    3. Irishgirl4:06 PM

      Thanks. :)

    4. Beldar Eugene Conehead4:14 PM



    5. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Beldar, I don't often watch video links but t couldn't resist watching Mom Jeans again. That is certainly a classic! I had to bring my own mother around to the beauty of a fitted jean with a 4" zipper. They are so much more flattering, although she says she no longer feels like a Mom, but a real hot lady :-)

  24. When Todd says "I'm a little sore," does he mean it like "I'm a little teapot?" He's not only a "little sore," he's a "little scab," with little brains, little heart or little to no courage. (All apologies to L. Frank Baum!) And from what Shailey Tripp reports that's not all that's "little" on Toddy Twotone. Hey, Todd, if you're a good boy, Sarah might give you a "little" purse to carry. Carrying the heavy ones must make those 'jazz hands' a little "sore."

    1. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Even is he was a lot sore, shouldn't he have said something about the experience? What a privilege it was, the teamwork, something other than about "him" - it was a real small-minded remark IMO.

    2. Anonymous3:18 PM

      "I'm a little sore," probably means his rectum is sore. Did you see those big guys on that show compared to little old Todd.

      Its obvious Todd gave up the booty with his mom pants.

    3. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Yeah, Todd's a whiny tea-baggin bitch sometimes. That's where Brisket gets her whiny attitude from--- her daddy in the mom pants.

  25. Anonymous2:40 PM

    I wonder how much of a paycheck he got for this? $carah is probably upset that she did not get to view each days filming, so she could censor anything out of line. Looks like $carah is off the gravy train for speeches, and TV shows. Once Fox drops her, she will (hopefully) disappear. Bristles is DONE. After that total FLOP no more reality shows for her. I dread Piper coming on the scene, I have a feeling she will be the worst of the entire group. Watching her bratty behaviour on the ridiculous bus "vacation", we had better watch out.

  26. Anonymous2:48 PM

    SORE??? well isn't THAT interesting... looking at his man boobs, am wondering if he has been off of work or if he borrowed sarah's water bra???

    A commercial fisherman and snowmobile racer with man boobs, and a gut... shouldn't he be wearing a scarf to cover his belly and a white Tee to show off the belmont girls???

    this is all so confusing... is he really that outta shape so fast or is he having so much sex that he is SORE... who paid for the sex????

  27. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Stars earn Stripes? LOL! With the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, it was safe for Palin to appear.I hope he jad the balls to come out! But I have to ask.. WTF makes him a friggin star... evidently he passed the Bristol tv star litmus test.

    1. Anonymous8:32 PM

      Uh oh...

      That idiot can't read worth a shit--- Todd thought the show he signed up for was "Stars Earn Strippers".

      For his $10K per episode, Todd was probably hoping to get his daughters to jump out of a cake naked so they'd get a paycheck, also, too.

  28. Anonymous2:56 PM

    I really don't see how people can call this pimp a handsome man, I find him downright ugly.

    1. Irishgirl4:08 PM

      Me too.

    2. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Me too. Repulsive. From day one.

    3. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Yeah. Ugly for days.

    4. PalinsHoax6:30 PM

      Me three !!!

    5. Anonymous8:33 PM

      but his tits are perkier than Sarah's have been since Junior High.

  29. Anonymous3:05 PM

    I didn't read all the comments yet and I'm sure there are plenty of good ones but what came to my mind is Sarah saying "Have you seen Todd?" Yeah, he's outside playing soldier boy.

  30. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Todd really isn't aging well, is he?

  31. Anonymous3:08 PM

    You do realize that Jack Osbourn announced that he had MS on July 18. At the same time, Jack was really angry that he was fired from this show. A day or two later, they announced the Todd would appear on the show. The producer, Mark Burnett, was also the producer for Sarah Palin's Alaska. Hmmmm.

    I wonder how many other politicians have had their family go into reality TV. I'm not talking about former politicians ending up on news shows to comment about the news. I'm talking about the trashy so-called reality show Sarah was so anxious to showcase her family. First Sara, then Bristol, now Todd. Even Sarah must have realized how badly it reflects on her role as a commentator because she gave that interview to NE.

    The good thing about Bristol's programs is that she is handing custody of Tripp over to Levi. All that he needs is a good lawyer. In an coming episode, Bristol will complain about Tripp's discipline issues. Maybe hearing her mother always trashing his father might have something to do with making poor Tripp so unhappy that he has no way to deal with his emotions. Stuffing a pacifier in his mouth is not the answer. Being a good parent involves setting boundaries for the child while reassuring him that he is loved.

    1. Anonymous5:07 PM

      I might actually e upset if the Palin's weren'tfailing in every appearance. Poor Tawd and Sarree might have to get a "rill" job!

    2. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Blago's wife was actually a decent contestant on "I'm A Celebrity--Get Me Out of Here"--which is actually the perfect show for ANY of the Palin clan. I'm pretty sure they would make Spencer & Heidi look like the most talented, considerate folks on earth.

  32. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Does Todd Palin have eyeglasses on in the "action doll" photo?

  33. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Is that a toy gun??

  34. Anonymous3:16 PM

    I betcha Todd misses that warm luscious body of Shailey Tripp.

    That's why Todd went to Arizona before having to go back to the Ice Queen in Wasilla. Who in the fuck would rush back to Sarah?

  35. Better than living off your wife, Todd, but I somehow don’t think it’ll cover the enormous life she’s created.

    Did her parents help steal the bequest to some unfortunate adoptee? My ears perked up at that!

    Can that person get back to us? The Palins are weakened.

    1. Anonymous8:42 PM


      Be sure to check out Malia's blog.

      She has a regular that drops little goodies over there all the time about the trust-fund kid. He can be a challenge to decipher cuz I don't think he's a "journalism graduate" like the Queen Grifter.

      Actually, I think he just drops in whenever he has a snort or two of that high-alcohol content home-made brew.

  36. Anonymous3:32 PM

    I can hardly wait for the Palin/Heath clan to completely disappear from any TV media/reality program. The timing won't come fast enough! They are such frauds!!!!

  37. Anonymous3:38 PM

    These pictures are so odd - they look photoshopped . In the one with the weapon it reminds me of the 1950s -

  38. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I am nuts for saying that if Glen Rice were on this show that I would probably actually watch it?

  39. jcinco3:50 PM

    lol, what a dork, with moobs...

  40. Anonymous3:54 PM

    And he's probably the only one who regularly handles guns. Of course the work they all just engaged in tired them. People who do it daily train for a long time.

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      And he's probably the only one who regularly handles guns. Of course the work they all just engaged in tired them. People who do it daily train for a long time.


      And he's probably the only one who shitted on himself regularly while handling the guns. Of course the work they all just faked their way through tired them. People but not Toad who do it daily train for a long time.

    2. Anonymous4:57 PM

      "regularly handles guns"??? is he a policeman or a State Trooper and we all don't know it or was he with that Alaska Militia? Poor ole Todd, they just wore him out, he's not use to hard work after carrying Mama's purse for the past 3 years...

    3. Anonymous8:50 PM

      Yeah, because Todd's the only REAL man amongst that crew.

      BULLSHIT, Krusty! Don't you have a family that needs you, fool?

      Tiny-dick Todd peed in his Spiderman briefs every time Terry Crews said "Boo!" Fuck Todd! He's a wimp!

  41. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Yeah, Sarah's real embarrassed. The NE is real accurate. When you read ANONYMOUS, the source is a quack.

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Todd's still an ugly vermin.

    2. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Thanks, Anonymous! Pot, meet kettle.

    3. Anonymous7:05 PM

      The NE got a Pulitzer for reporting on John Edwards' affair.

      ADN got universally scorned for selling out to the Palins.

    4. Bristol's Real Chin8:25 PM

      "When you read ANONYMOUS, the source is a quack."

      Point taken, Anonymous at 3:55.

  42. Jezus, he looks like a fuckin' asshole, pimp-ass, tool. I just lost my libido for the next month.

    1. Anonymous6:25 AM

      Lost mine, too. And I had some BIG plans for July!

  43. Palin's are frauds4:01 PM

    You're right, Todd really doesn't know hold a FN SCAR 16S.

    That's because all he carries is his wife's purse.

    1. Anonymous8:51 PM

      finger on the trigger, just like his wife showed him

  44. Anonymous4:08 PM

    top photo - very skinny waistline. bottom photo has some tummy falling over the tucked in shirt. gah.

    1. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Toad gets the photoshop nip-n-tuck, Sacarh gets the rill dill

    2. You'd think Todd was one of those ELLE models with all that Photoshop going on...Geesh it's too comical.

      "Have you SEEN Todd?"- Sarah Palin

      Why no Sarah, because this isn't your wussy two-tone weenie.

  45. Beldar Scarabaeus Conehead4:10 PM

    Gryphen, how many times have I insisted that you stop bagging on The Screechy Wretch(tm)? (Really, I don't actually care that you do it, I just cant remember how many times I've insisted that you stop...)

    I don't think you're giving this family enough credit for their effort to create a new collective business/career in Reality TV. Sure, they're humiliating themselves for money now like vomit-encrusted Japanese game show contestants. But I'm willing to bet you 10,000 RmoneyBux that over time they are going to get better and better and better at Reality TV.

    I truly admire their willingness to stare into the bathroom mirror each morning and say to themselves "Holy FUCK! We have no talent, no charisma, nothing to say and every day we look worse than the day before!" And then they trundle down to the that day's shooting of whatever hideous show they happen to be filming that month. That takes a still spine (and perhaps a pocket flask filled with cheap vodka and cranberry juice, also, too)

    Seriously, you watch: I guarantee that within 20-25 years, the family name will no longer be synonymous - as it has been been for the past 3 years - with words like failures, quitters, international laughingstocks, abominable ratings, uneducated grifters, talentless famewhores and dung beetles.

    Run, Screechy, RUN!!!

  46. People I know who run marathons, triathalons and do Tough Mudder get in shape aka train for physical challenges they sign up for. Todd appears he (like the rest of his family)does not believe in preperation either.

    It is not nice considering my gut to say anything about Todd's physique. Considering he is portrayed as a greek god, hunk, Mr. America I will say standards have fallen. If he is the epitomy of rugged athleticism I must be a principal ballerina for NYC ballet.

    1. Anonymous6:43 AM

      Todd now believes in Preparation--- Preparation H. He said his ass was still sore but was healing. Sarah might've shoved a couple of canned goods up his hiney when he fell asleep on the couch watching Brisket's show.

      Anyway, he might want to have a doc check him out and take a look at that. Oh, and Todd, not just ANY doctor. Last time you lost something up your ass you went to a dentist and then an ENT doc. They took a look at it for you, huh? And then laughed their asses off and told everybody they knew that you had all of the dogs chew toys plus 6 of Tripp's Hot Wheel metal cars lodged up your wahoo. Nice attempt to cover your tracks by reminding the docs that most accidents happen at home. Sarah coached you well.

  47. Anonymous4:21 PM

    seal team six, eat your heart out

  48. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Hey, Gryphen, Since Jon and Stephen are showing reruns this week, will you be watching Bristol at her new time slot?? Can't wait to read your review tomorrow.

  49. Anonymous5:04 PM

    POOR tOOdd,
    Maybe you need to come to Texas and find out how "rill" men and women handle challenges.

    You are a wimpy ass Yankee ( and Yes a I am from NE Minnesote where "rill" b=hockey players are raise3de"

    1. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Hehehe from another NE Minnesotan transplanted to Texas, Tawd wouldn't stans=d a chance in either place! BTW I am from out side of Virginia MN!


  50. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Zero, and I mean ZERO, sexual appeal--that's Todd Palin in my book. And he's probably about Sarah's IQ, which I believe is 83. Educable, but not much else.

  51. LOL! Todd Palin reminds me of the Banty roosters on my grandmother's farm. But at least those little noisy puffed up roosters lived an honest life and served a purpose, unlike Todd Palin who is a cheat, a liar and a bully.

    1. Anonymous6:50 AM

      If Banty Rooster Toddy sauntered his scrawny ass by the hen house door, they'd grab lil Toddy by his ear and drag him inside, and then have his bony ass sitting on some eggs while they went out shopping. Just like he does at home.

  52. Anonymous5:59 PM

    The new photo doesn't show him attractive at all! Kind of creepy really. Who would even to share the sack w/him? Yuke! Same as Sarah spreaading her legs for him or anyone else - neither would be attractive in that regard!!!!! Yikes!

  53. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I wouldn't fear Todd holding any weapon! Like the gun, Todd shoots blanks.

    1. PalinsHoax7:07 PM

      Oh my !!! Tawdry shoots blanks. Ol'$carah is snipped and sizzled with a TWO-BULL.

      How is it again Ol'$cary that you became pregnant with Trigg?

  54. Anonymous7:25 PM


    Did everybody else see Willow's COOCHIE through the lace strip on the bottom of her dress on the show when she and Bristol were walking in the bookstore for Bristol's FREE BOOK GIVEAWAY signing? I told my sons not to look at the TV so they wouldn't go straight to hell or get sick to their stomachs on the new carpet.

    My hubbie is still laughing his ass off but I told him to shut up! After all, what kind of mother would send out her teenage daughter dressed like a couple of tramps the way Sarah allows those two little wenches to go out in public all the time?

    Oh yeah, these are the PALIN daughters. Never Mind.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:24 PM

      HA HA HA

      Did you like the Whining Beefy calling Levi's son a "hellion"? Poor dear doesn't know how to discipline a child! Asks Todd for advice.

      "Sarah done all the disciplining when I was working on the slopes, Beefy, you spoil that boy"


    2. Anonymous6:53 AM

      lol Sarah put that strap up against Todd's butt often, but not often enough to get him to mind, either.

  55. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Todd Palin is coming out of the closet. Not even Sarah can keep the rumors quiet much longer.


    1. Anita Winecooler9:21 PM

      HA! The second link is perfect!

      "Hey Girlfriend, what color suitcoat are you wearing for our photo op?"

      Girlfriend reaches for a cigarette on the night stand, lights it, and says "Grey, silly, you picked them up from the cleaners this morning!"

      They do make a nice couple, and he won't have to carry a purse anymore!

  56. Anonymous7:31 PM

    I wanna see Todd on American Ninja Warrior; jumping up the 14 foot wall would be a classic!

  57. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Still think he looks like a 70s porn star.

  58. Anita Winecooler9:14 PM

    Epic Fail!

    Looks like a human version of an anatomically correct Ken Doll, with militia overtones and accessorized by the NRA.

    Work It Todd! I'm sure you're "sore", screwing with a loose baggy condom is more chafing in Arizona than Alaska.

  59. Honestly, Todd looks as if he's wearing Spanx in that photo of him with the gun. It's like they took the first shot of him pretending to be Action Man and decided, Hey, Todd... this is okay... but I want you to go in and put this on. It'll smooth out your line." He looks like he put on the Spanx and snugged up his belt so he wouldn't show the pot belly he did in the first picture they released.

    1. Anonymous9:59 PM

      Will they be able to photoshop the video they filmed to give him giant shoulders and that cute little waist and tiny hips? Maybe Todd is just another shape-shifting Palin.

  60. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Constipated ?

    1. Anonymous7:01 AM

      Naturally, when Todd can't help putting Barbie dolls and Hot Wheels up his butt all the damn time. Just a bad habit he picked up out of boredom after sitting in a recliner and not working for 3 years.

      Sarah:"Tahd, where's the flippin' remote for the TV in the living room? It BETTER not be where I found it LAST TIME, you freak!"

  61. Gasman7:23 AM

    Goddamn! WTF do we need ANOTHER Palin on TV for? Can't these insipid morons in programming get it through their thick skulls that WE ARE TIRED OF ALL OF THE PALINS AND WE WANT THEM TO GO AWAY FOREVER!?


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