Monday, July 23, 2012

MIchelle Bachmann is an idiot, and possibly a traitor to this country.

Courtesy of the New York Post:

Police and federal officials have placed security around ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, after a New Jersey man threatened her, law-enforcement sources said. 

An individual, described as a Muslim man, made the unspecified threat after Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) last week claimed Abedin’s family had ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and asked for a probe to see if she is helping the Islamist organization. 

The man was questioned by the NYPD and the State Department and has not been charged, sources said. 

The idea that a member of Congress would make such careless, and unfounded, charges against a member of the administration, which results in threats of violent against that person, should result in that member of Congress being impeached or charged with treason in my opinion.

Bachmann is a crazy person, but even THAT should not be used to defend these actions. And the people of Minnesota should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this horrible individual to represent their state.

Bachmann's insanity has gone on long enough and it is time for the people of Minnesota to take responsibility for their lack of judgement.


  1. Bachmann and Palin have literally put targets on two women who are their betters in all aspects. Palin's tactic worked and Bachmann may be responsible for any harm that befalls Huma.

    Bachmann and Palin are an embarrassment to Americans, women and all decent human beings. They are irresponsible, vengeful and should be shunned by society. Bachmann should at least be censured in the House. News media should shun these two and report nothing about them - except their deaths. (This is not a threat; this is merely a wish.)

    1. AKinPA8:07 AM

      Yes. If the Republicans had any integrity, they would censure this irresponsible, hateful, idiot. Boehner came out with a negative comment, but I guess, he's too afraid of the tea-baggots, to initiate a censure. Disgusting!

    2. Jeanabella8:57 AM

      You're exactly correct! Palin is just as bad as Bachmann or worse! Get these two phony women out of our government & out of the national dialogue!
      Disgusting people!

    3. <<Boehner came out with a negative comment, but I guess, he's too afraid of the tea-baggots, to initiate a censure. Disgusting!<<

      I think the only reason Boner said what he did was that it came to light that it was Bachmann's nonsense that was behind the attacks on Hillary's motorcade in Egypt.

      The craziness has left our shores and it's embarrassing.

  2. Anonymous6:28 AM

    thats shelly in a NUT SHELL, she is crazy. Notice none of her ''foster girls'' ever came out to openly support her, the frekkin fony!
    COME ON NEIGHBORS IN MINNESOTA make her go away, and Marcus and his 'pray away the gay scam also" too,
    ~~over the river here in 'sconny

    1. Anonymous7:18 AM

      why would they support her - she took their babies

  3. Anonymous6:29 AM

    that is a nice pic of Hillary

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      I was thinking the same thing; she is beautiful.

  4. Anonymous6:29 AM

    I lived in her district at one time. She is absolutely a nut case. Her lies and Christian paranoia are hideous. She is an embarrassment to any thinking person.

    1. Anonymous6:55 AM

      She is not a Christian in the true meaning of the word. There is nothing Christ-like about her.

    2. Anonymous7:42 AM

      I agree with your sentiment. Just change Christian to "Psuedo-Christian."

    3. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Bachmann is a crazy person. How she was ever elected says a lot about the people who voted for her. What were they thinking?

      She is not only stupid but she is paranoid and in desperate need of therapy...long term...really, really loooooooong term.

  5. Leland6:46 AM

    You KNOW things are bad when even Boehner comes out and calls her dangerous - publicly!

  6. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Bachmann is evil beyond words. Poison just oozes out of every pore of her evil body.

    She's a sociopath, she is also a white supremacist.

    1. Anonymous9:59 AM

      And those are her good points.

  7. lostinmn6:50 AM

    As a MN person, I can assure you the people who vote her in the 6th and keep her there are the lowest of the lowest of the lowest. One of her counties has one of the highest rates of incest in the country; alcoholism is rampant as are abuses against women, homophobic attacks on gays and a general "billy bob" view of the world. Cast in that light Shelly is kind of mid-range normal for that group. They won't ever vote her out of office and she continues to shame the rest of the state. It was once speculated she might run against Amy or Al for U.S. Senate and that speculation was met with a very loud and sustained bwahahahaha from all parts of the state. She'd be toast.

  8. Some years ago, a Minneapolis policeman was shot at an outdoor dining area by black gang members from Chicago. The police had been trying to work with the gang members; neutralizing them to some degree.

    A recording was retrieved and widely circulated of the gang members laughing about how easy it was to deceive those “liberals.”

    Now, the rural areas of Minnesota had always been intolerant of all types of non-white or non-Christian peoples, but the large cities and areas with good schools (Iron Range?) had been PC on the surface. That changed in much of the state. Bachmann is a result of that change.

    I was living in Nevada when this occurred, but I heard the same story from several relatives.

    1. Olivia7:30 AM

      Bachmann is part of the regiment of bible college carpetbagger graduates that the Christian right has been and still are training and to send out to liberal parts of the country to get elected to Congress. They graduate them with advanced "degrees" that make real university scholars cringe.

      Bachmann's district doesn't include the Iron Range. It is the central area of the state just north of the Twin Cities where there is a hugely conservative population. There are many wealthy religious conservatives in that area.

      I wouldn't characterize rural Minnesota as being intolerant in general. There are Hmong, Mexican, Somali and other minority families in many outstate areas and while I wouldn't say that they are completely integrated into the culture, they certainly are making an impact in the areas where they are living. There is also an increasing number of minority children being adopted into families in the rural parts of the state.

    2. Anonymous7:35 AM

      I somehow doubt that gang bangers were using the term 'liberals'. Do you have a link? I tried to find it but could not.

      I have relatives that repeat all kinds if things they are told many of which are not true.

    3. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Anonymous 7:35 am: "I somehow doubt that gang bangers were using the term 'liberals'. "

      Yeah, that struck me, too. Typical right-wing lie.

    4. Olivia8:24 AM

      I agree with you about the use of the term "liberals" and although the story has an "urban legend" quality to it, I think that the story was referring to Jerry Haaf.

      Keep in mind that there is a lot of biased opinion entwined with facts in the above link

    5. Thanks for that; I was never able to find it since I didn’t know the officer’s name.

      It looks like my relatives were wrong about “liberal” and “seated outside.” That shooting IS what they were talking about.

    6. Paul - Minnesota12:54 AM

      Olivia, thank you. When I read the first comment in this thread, I also thought of Jerry Haff.

      Yup. Haff. He was killed 19 3/4 years ago in September, 1992. I remember that murder as I was living in Minneapolis then (as I am now again, after living in other states for some years and in the Twin Cities suburbs).

      Also when one looks at All:

      This person was the last policeperson killed and it didn't involve a restaurant.

      Melissa J. Schmidt
      Appointed Mar 25, 1996 - Died Aug 1, 2002

  9. lostinmn6:52 AM


    Let's not forget she trashed Keith Ellison as well. You might want to try to grab the short interview he gave and contrast it with the interviews Shelly gives. He didn't say exactly she was a crazy bitch, but you could listen between the lines. Very competent and thoughtful man. Esp for a black Muslim :-)

  10. I don't understand why an aspiring journalist has not taken it upon themselves to interview her neighbors, track down her foster kids, investigate. That would be a story I would read and if it was done well, I would think some media outlet, maybe Rolling Stone Magazine or Mother Jones would pick it up. Anyone, Anyone?

    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      Her foster kids managed to escape the cult of shellyB. Do you really think they want to relive that and talk to a reporter? Some of her neighbors are the ones who keep her in office also, too. Still, it would be good to see an investigation to see if she is pro-american or anti-american.

    2. Anonymous10:32 AM

      She only did emergency short term, and always for pregnant teens. I doubt any of them stayed more than a week. Just long enough to be made to feel guilty.

  11. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Michele Bachmann is despicable. No consciencious professional would spout off to media with a governmental official's name as being tied to terrorism. Is she crazy? First off, Huma Abedin is innocent. But even if she were guilty, why would a Congresswoman accuse her in public and risk all staff of Hillary Clinton put in danger?

    MB should be fired and never again be allowed to serve, as she is a risk to her own countrymen.

  12. Anonymous7:03 AM

    It is time to prevent more of the Insane from running the Asylum! NOW!

    Vote Straight Ticket Democratic Party from the local, to the state to the national levels.

    Make an effort to look at the record of judicial decisions of those running for judgeships. Vote only for those who display objectivity in their decisions.

    All three branches need to be pried from the greedy claws of regressives of all stripes.

    Fast Forward into the Dark Ages it NOT an option.


  13. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Gryphen please do not judge all Minnesotans like that. Blame the ones in District 6, they are the ones who elected her. I don't even live in her district. Most Minnesotans are decent people. With the exception of the Bachmann's, Pawlenty, and Bradley Dean.

  14. Paul - Minnesota7:17 AM

    I'm a native born Minnesotan who's pissed that some types of out-of-state born white trash end up in Minnesota. The kind dripping of trickle down and trickle brown (shite).

    Michele is from Iowa, she said she's from the same town as John Wayne. Ahem Michele, John Wayne Gacy.

    Marcus is from Wisconsin. Same with Bradlee Dean, the crazy man who tried to sue Rachel Maddow. He's from South Dakota.

    Sorry world, enough of Minnesota's current white trash aren't really Minnesotans. They only ended up in Minnesota.

    Michele, like enough of the elected tea or self-appointed USA tea taliban aren't really into making the USA better. Being in public office is just a cash cow for them. Along with getting farm subsidies, life long taxpayer paid for benefits, Marucs getting paid taxpayer monies while he does his religious pray away the gay fraud pretending to be legitimate mental health care. Bradlee Dean shatters the Minnesota Legislature decorum with his hateful rant since he was invited by the tea majority to speak to them in the Minnesota capitol.

    Ugh, also, I'm embarrassed that Tim Pawlenty, he is Mr. Boring White Guy, also a great flip flopper, is from Minnesota. Figures, he is on Mitt's team hoping 2012 will be his VP year.

    It's pathetic that great people in Congress and in Minnesota's legislature, Keith Ellison, Al Franken and many other progressives, get pushed into obscurity. As Michele Bachmann and others in the USA elected tea or religious tea taliban always need and they hog the spotlight for their tea limited, wasting taxpayer monies, con and fraud agenda.

    As Minnesotans will be voting on a constitutional amendment re: putting discrimination into the Minnesota Constitution this fall. Along with possibly the Minnesota tea's not needed constitutional amendment on photo ID for voting potentially being on the ballot too. Not that the MN tea would do other less costly and more effective alternatives. Nope, not the Minnesota tea, who ...

    ... otherwise waste Minnesota taxpayer monies over their tea scandals:

    Along with the MN tea being $1 million in debt due to the last recount and not paying their other bills. Also, separate, all monies the MN tea didn't pay for their rent on their state party's headquarters. So they had to be taken to court (more waste onto the taxpayers).

    And the MN tea have gotten fined for other political misdeeds. Which means more oversight bodies taking up taxpayers monies to police the tea who cannot nor will do the right ethical, honest, moral things. Yet the tea want to police other people's sexuality and bodies, and for Jesus too.

    So much for when they talk about pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps. I keep wondering, how much is their constitutional amendments going to cost Minnesotans if the MN tea win. It'll be again, Minnesota taxpayers cleanig u up the tea messes long into the future.

    So, Michele, please, Shut The Fuck Up already with your pulled out of your ass conspiracies. I say ass, as when she does says anything, the toilet which is her mind flushes and everyone has to hear her shit.

    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Don't blame the Iowegians...they were smart enough to outsource her. :-)

  15. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Brietbart and c for pee has gone bananas over this. They think it is part of the plan President Obama has to take over the country and make it Muslim.

    They really think another Obama term will do us in, and they are losing it. It's become a conspiracy site for the insane. Desperate people do desperate things. Scares the shit out of me.

    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      I don't worry so much about the peepond anymore. I only visit out of amusement now. The only Sarah "supporters" left at the site now are a handful of conspiracy-minded extremists and "Christians" who routinely post cherry-picked Bible verses. Seriously, if they truly lived "by the Bible", they would not be supporting a WOMAN for any elected office.

      However, the Pro-Romney vs Anti-Romney feuds at the peepond are hilarious! They're eating their own... "old timers" have been reported, die-hard Sarah supporters have been banned... people are out on a witch hunt OF THEIR OWN PEOPLE.

      Pretty soon it's just going to be the poetic ramblings of virginiagentleman & briAnus, the same damn daily multiple "fact-checking" posts of ZH100, and the "please someone look at my blog" posts of MSheppard.

  16. WakeUpAmerica7:21 AM

    She certainly brings shame on our country, the one she professes to love. Minnesota Cuckoo, state bird of MN.

  17. Anonymous7:32 AM

    My guess is it would be pretty hard to find foster kids (Due to privacy laws) and some might be young enough to still be in the system?

    Yes, Huma Abedin needs to sue her. Period. And Congress needs to ensure her.

  18. Olivia7:34 AM

    Bachmann is trying to out-Palin Sarah Palin and get her target killed. Palin's was only wounded. I am not exaggerating. Imagine the cred she would get in the gun nut world. The woman is insane.

  19. She's not in my district, never voted for her. Does anyone know how much outside money supports her political campaigns? It's not just the local yokels.

  20. Anonymous7:43 AM

    *shakes head at yet another case of bullseye targetism*

    Bachmann = Palin, part 2

    And this time, anything happens, nothing, nothing, nothing will stop total and complete destruction of all things Bachmann - not to mention Palin (guaranteeing Palin will have NO place at the GOP/Tea Party table).


  21. "MIchelle Bachmann is an idiot, and possibly a traitor to this country."

    Wow, Gryphen, talk about OLD news! Tell us something we DON'T know!

    Hillary and Huma are extremely attractive women, but that looks like a regal dismissive hand wave from Hillary. Not the best pic.

  22. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Bobby Kennedy put it well: "What is objectionable, what is dangerous about extremists, is not that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant. The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents." back in the 60's , Civil Rights was about race, now it's pretty much everything not related to being a white, right-wing "Christian".

  23. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Minnesota used be known for great Americans like Hubert Humphrey, and Walter Mondale.
    Now it is known for cretins like Michele Bachmann(although I know Michele is a transplant), and Tim Pawlenty.

    1. Olivia8:43 AM

      Pawlenty got hit in the head by a hockey puck one too many times.

  24. Olivia8:33 AM

    Maybe she has finally jumped the shark. It would be great if we could keep this going.

  25. She has also gone after Norquist as having ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
    Too bad Michelle Michelle and numerous other republicans signed his tax pledge.

    When will the normal republicans stand up and say, enough is enough?

    1. Anonymous8:57 AM

      I don't believe there are any of those left.

    2. vegaslib10:09 AM

      The last Republican that seemed normal was Jon Huntsman. But of course the nutbags ran him off.

  26. i live in minnesota and thank god i live in Ellison's district, he is GREAT. The only reason batshit-crazy-bachmann continues to get elected is because she has a ridiculously gerrymandered district, including the craziest, most inbred part of the state, Stearns county. Stearns county is the colostomy bag hanging off the bible belt of minnesota.

    1. Anonymous11:58 AM

      NewDealFarmGrrrlll you hit the nail on the head.
      I too live in Mn.up north,so we have less stearns County thinking here.

    2. Anonymous4:25 PM

      A few years ago I was visiting siblings still living in MN, and when I mentioned Bachmann they commented she was only elected because the district had been artistically gerrymandered.

  27. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Bachmann’s Muslim Hunt Boosts Her Democratic Opponent

    ...Graves said he’s seen an “uptick in financial support” on the ground in the 6th District as Bachmann’s quest to rid the federal government of “Islamist” infiltrators has dominated headlines. Many of Bachmann’s fellow Republicans, including her former presidential campaign manager Ed Rollins, have condemned her recent charges, especially the ones aimed at State Department staffer Huma Abedin.

    Graves said he’s seen the same kind of disgust from some Republicans in Bachmann’s district. The state Republican Party did not respond to multiple requests to discuss Bachmann on Friday.

    “A lot of Republicans [in the district] say, ‘This is the straw that broke the camel’s back. We just cant afford to have this uncertainty and fear-mongering and McCarthyism,’” Graves said.

    Bachmann’s latest foray into the headlines has cast a new spotlight on her reelection campaign. Graves expects the controversy to drive more national money and attention to his campaign. The Democratic candidate has a net worth between $22 million and $111 million and told TPM he’s prepared to put his own money behind his bid against Bachmann, a prolific fundraiser with a national base.

    1. Let's hope her opponent wins - big time.

  28. Anonymous8:50 AM

    For starters, she should be kicked off the House Intelligence Commitee, since she has an obvious problem keeping her mouth shut. Is there a House Stupidity Commitee? She'd be perfect for that. She could be the chairman.

  29. Anonymous8:50 AM

    GOP Rep. Stands Up For Huma Abedin & Freedom Of Religion At Town Hall

    At a town hall with constituents on Sunday, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) stood up for Abedin, appealing to freedom of religion, which he called “one of the most cherished freedoms that this country has had since its beginning.”

    In a video of the event put online by Think Progress, a woman can be heard voicing support for Bachmann and others who are “calling for an investigation to the Muslim Brotherhood’s possible infiltration into our federal agencies.” Sensenbrenner responded firmly:

    Let me say that I do know Huma Abedin and I think that the comments that were made about her in that letter, whether or not they were taken out of context, were the wrong thing to do. She could not have gotten the job, either as then-Sen. Hillary Clinton’s top advisor, or the job in the State Department, without passing a rather rigorous security clearance.

    When the constituent later contended that “there’s a political ideology that’s a concern in Islam,” Sensenbrenner interrupted her:

    'Heidi, Heidi, Heidi, the First Amendment prohibits the government from making a distinction between what is “good religion” and what is “bad religion.” That’s none of the government’s business. Religion is a personal issue to every one of the people who lives in the United States, whether you practice a faith, how you practice a faith, whether you don’t practice a faith, whether you say you’re a member of a faith but you don’t practice it, it’s none of the government’s business. And this is the whole issue of religious freedom. And that has been one of the most cherished freedoms that this country has had since its beginning.'


  30. Bachmann has crossed the line. The time has come for Ms. Bachmann to be arrested on the charge of endangering National Security. She should be housed in a detention facility close to her home so her constituents can watch as she is humiliated and disgraced. If THEY balk, THEY should be charged.

    Politics is one arena. Aligning yourself with KNOWN IDIOTS and making damaging statements to press and other governmental entities about terrorist links of PROVEN entities and members of the US Congress is finally over the line. She should be placed under the same scrutiny as Joseph McCarthy and be FORECD TO RESIGN her seat in congress - TODAY!

  31. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I don't understand why something isn't being done to Michelle - like a recall effort - like treason charges - enough is enough as far as she is concerned.

    She and Sarah Palin are two of a kind there is no doubt. Both absolute idiots - not christian in their daily actions - will do anything for attention - certainly not afraid to spread lies - are frauds and on and on!

  32. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Conservatives Outraged Over Obama Releasing Photo of Private Visit with Aurora Victims

    ...Have they no shame? Must they carry their hatred into every single moment of our national debate? I could say that conservatives are “politicizing” Stephanie’s story by hating it because they hate this President, but perhaps it’s just that conservatives find compassion icky and gross. One thing is certain; water seeks its own level.

    Expect conservatives to continue raining on this small saving grace – this moment of Stephanie’s love for her friend saving her life. We are not allowed to even have a moment of warmth. If it were up to conservatives, we would live in the dregs of hatred and rage, swimming in heightened fear and anticipation of what they view as inevitable, assuming that all people are the worst among us and arming ourselves with nuclear weapons and automatics in a terror-filled race to the bottom.

    1. I can answer your rhetorical questions that required no answers.

      ...Have they no shame?
      No, they have no shame, whatsoever. And what's worse is that they celebrate and revel in their shamelessness.

      Must they carry their hatred into every single moment of our national debate?
      yes, abso-fucking-lutely, they must. It's what defines them. Hatred is the essential quality that binds them together. (Ok, hatred and fear, also too.)

      Without hatred, there's an opening for reason, reflection and compromise. With hatred they can wallow in their own putrid waste with smiles on their faces.

      Re-elect George W. Bush!
      Vote Rmoney2012, Amercia's Severe Conservative!

  33. Anonymous9:18 AM

    "Stearns county is the colostomy bag hanging off the bible belt of minnesota." Love it. I see that many of my fellow Minnesotans have commented that it's NOT all of Minnesota - it's just the right-wing nutjobs in Minnesota's 6th District that keep on electing Crazy Eyes Bachmann. Stearns County has an appalling heritage of incest (look up the Stearns County Syndrome) and The 6th District is leading the state in foreclosures while Bachmann has steadfastly refused to vote for any support measures. If they insist on re-electing Bachmann, the 6th certainly gets what they deserve.

    1. Anonymous1:38 AM

      I live in McLeod Co.(7th dist.)which votes about 65%Rep(I'm a populist Dem). I've been going to St. Cloud since I was a kid, and it never seemed backward. I don't doubt that some of the small Stearns towns are, but Bachmann's real strength is in parts of Wright co. which is full of Evangelicals and the Constitution Party. Never heard of the CP? They want to take the U.S. back to the 50's-the 1850's! Add to them the rich in the N. suburbs, who don't want any tax raise for any reason, and you see how she gets elected.

  34. Anonymous9:46 AM

    O/T and big!!! MUPPETS DUMP CFA!!!

    "The Jim Henson Company has celebrated and embraced diversity and inclusiveness for over fifty years and we have notified Chick-Fil-A that we do not wish to partner with them on any future endeavors. Lisa Henson, our CEO is personally a strong supporter of gay marriage and has directed us to donate the payment we received from Chick-Fil-A to GLAAD. ("

    And so it begins!


    PS - I did get $$ for the gift card I had for CFA. Local manager I see in non-CFA places is a pretty good person, and was told that a number of restaurant guests about what to do about cashing in cards also. So, mgr. exchanged my card for money (less than $10, not much, but it's the principal of the thing).

    And yes, I thanked the mgr. for doing it - this person will probably get some corporate blow-back for doing this too.

  35. Anonymous9:57 AM

    What's the difference between Michelle Bachmann and Joe McCarthy? A Weiner.

  36. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Bachmann should be censured in the House. Bachmann should lose her seat on the intelligence committee.

    What am I thinking, Bachmann is a Republican, and this is the Republican way: hateful lies that beget insane death threats.

  37. vegaslib10:06 AM

    I wonder what it will take to finally get her out of Congress? Perhaps Americans being kidnapped and killed abroad, or here in the US?

    I think that the charge for the security should be sent directly to Bachmann and make her pay for it since she is the reason it's necessary.

    I also believe that she should sue the shit out of this bitch.

  38. Anonymous10:57 AM


    "Eyes rolling, head swaying and that bright red ##### hair..." no they were not describing Willow.

  39. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Could Michelle Bachmann cost Romney the Presidency?

    Michele Bachmann is flailing around accusing all the US government officials of Muslim heritage of being connected to the Muslim Brotherhood (which in turn she misunderstands as a radical group). Not only did she attack the aide to Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, but when Rep. Keith Ellison complained about her McCarthyite campaign, she launched the same accusation at him (Ellison is one of two Muslims in the Congress).

    Bachmann’s bizarre behavior (there, I’ve been redundant) is alarming the Republican establishment. Even right wing poobah Mike Rogers (R-Michigan), head of the House intelligence committee, after initially supporting her, has backed away from Bachmann’s nuttiness, at least on this issue.

    Given her own strong ties to the Iranian terrorist organization, the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK or People’s Holy Jihadis), Bachmann is in a weak position to accuse other people. The MEK was involved in taking US diplomats hostage, and then in the 1990s allied with Saddam Hussein. In fact, her colleagues in Congress should investigate if she has taken money from the MEK, or has given them material assistance. She is, I’ve argued much closer to the Muslim Brotherhood than the people she is accusing. It is extremely scary that this woman is on the House Intelligency Committee. She would even be in a position to share US intelligence with MEK terrorists.

    Establishment Republicans are increasingly dissociating themselves from her just because they don’t want to be tarred by her brush. And, in general, you don’t want the Republican brand being dominated by Bachmann in an election year. But there is another consideration that may have them running from her.

  40. Anonymous12:00 PM

    The Ultimate Mitt Romney Flip-Flop Collection

  41. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Tripp Palin’s gay slur

    Where did Bristol Palin's 3-year-old pick up a homophobic insult?

    Bristol Palin’s son Tripp is 3 years old. And at an age when most children are mastering bowel control, the correct application of the indoor voice, and the distinction that Cheerios go in the mouth and not up the nose, young Master Palin has also clearly been working on his vocabulary. In a new clip from his eponymously titled Lifetime reality show “Life’s a Tripp,” Tripp pitches a meltdown as only a 3-year-old can, smacking his Aunt Willow, declaring “I hate you” to her and his mother, and capping it off by telling Willow, “Go away, you faggot. I don’t like you.” You what?

    It’s a word the Palin family already knows its way around. We noticed it nearly two years ago, when the sisters Palin leapt into a Facebook fight to defend her family’s honor after a mutual friend named Tre critiqued “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” as “failing so hard.” First, Bristol declared Tre a “typical shit talker.” Then, the then-16-year-old Willow had a few choice – and misspelled – words of her own, informing him that “Haha your so gay. I have no idea who you are, But what I’ve seen pictures of, your disgusting … My sister had a kid and is still hot … Tre stfu. Your such a faggot.” See, when you lob the word “faggot” at someone on Facebook, eventually, someone who sleeps on Bob the Builder sheets is going to throw it right back in your face.

    Reality TV is built on dysfunction and judgment, so it’s hard not to feel it’s just taking the bait to call out Bristol and her sister for exposing Tripp to that revolting insult. Yet it’s not just the way the kid blurts out the word he’s clearly picked up around the homestead that’s so stomach turning – it’s the whole framing of that incendiary remark. Behold how the sisters can’t stop cracking up as the devilish munchkin tells them “I hate you.” Note how Willow threatens to wash the kid’s mouth out with soap. (Child-rearing note: This is abusive. Don’t do it.) And for the kicker, observe Bristol and Willow’s mutual response of shocked, barely stifled giggles to Tripp’s outburst. Was it just a nervous reaction? Maybe. But what you don’t see is any indication of either of them pausing for a moment to tell the child, “That word is used to hurt people. I don’t ever want to hear you say again.” It’s just that simple, ladies.

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      What kind of expert is Matt Lutz? He could hear what he wants to hear or is paid to hear.

      He only co-produced one episode of BPLAT, Spreading My Wings.
      Matt Lutz has yet to hear about the Palin curse I take it. He would run if he knew the truth.

  42. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Did you notice that when Bachmann wanted to plead her case she had to go to Glenn Beck. Beck then said Ellison had been a hitman for the mafia. At this point even Faux noise didn't want her. Tho I'm sure Insanity is preparing leading ?? for her . Political fact checker had percentages of her statesments that were true.9% unbelievable.

  43. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Gryphen, check out these bat-shit crazy Bachmann quotes:'s+Craziest+Quotes/articles/O9q3AVzSn5I/The+Sneaky+Gay+Agenda

  44. Anonymous1:22 PM

    I wholeheartedly concur with all the things that have been mentioned that should happen to Michele Bachmann because of her stupidity and hatred. In addition to being censured by the House, demoted from her position on the Intelligence committee, impeached, etc. I would like to see her charged with the cost of security that Huma Abedin now has to have to protect herself. She, Huma, certainly should not have to pay for it nor should the government. Michele Bachmann caused the attacks and only she should have to pay for protection.
    Then she should have to pay by losing her position as a representative to the House of Rep.
    She is indeed not representative of the average Minnesotan.
    Only when the results of her tirades are painful enough for her will she stop them. And maybe she is too stupid to stop even then.

  45. I say bachmann should be impeached, removed form office and be personally liable to pay for ALL security expenses incurred by US, the taxpayers due to her scurrilous claims against Ms. Abedin.

  46. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Don't forget Bachmanns cohorts.Trent Franks,Loiue Gohmert,Thomas Rooney and Lynn Westmoreland.They are just as guilty as Bachmann in perpetrating this fraud.Every one of these unAmerican bastards should be impeached,I am so sick of these right wing red neck ass holes.What has happened to this country?

  47. Anita Winecooler9:09 PM

    Even if her scurrilous allegations were true, does it make any sense to make it a public issue? Aren't there other methods of researching and reporting this (if true)? Yes,
    She's doing this for one reason and one reason alone, to get brownie points with her "base". This has nothing to do with Huma, it's Shelly's warped way of saying "Obama is a secret Muslim" This alleged "Deep Penetration" of "the muslim brotherhood" in all branches of the govmint is just that, bullshit.
    How she got on the "intelligence" committee is beyond me but to her "base" it gives her a level of credence and gravitas. She must know something or she wouldn't say this, right?

  48. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Please, please, please....don't tar all of MN with her foul brush. She "represents" a small segment of our state, centered NW of the twin cities.....and the rest of the state IS horrified that she keeps getting elected.

  49. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Bachmann is a true leader and lefty just wishes they had someone w/ guts like her.... btw whats Weiner and Edwards up to these days??!! brawwwharrr!

  50. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Don't blame me, I am not in her district and yes everyone I know considers her a blight on MN. Problem is that in her district the pro-life candidate always wins and that district is a one issue voting district, an opinion shared by all my contemporaries. We are nervous every time she opens her mouth.

  51. Anonymous11:38 AM

    I am in her district and it sucks because it is a one issue district and they will vote for the moral issue all of the time. There are very few liberals here, and to be honest we moved here thinking that MN was a liberal state, which it is, just not here. It sucks that we live in her district and it will continue to be filtrated with religious conservatives so she will keep getting elected. She is embarrassing and I count the days until we move out of this state and out of her district!


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