Friday, July 13, 2012

Sarah Palin makes her case to be Mitt Romney's running mate.

You have to admit, that is an eerily accurate impression.

Of course we all know that Palin would NEVER accept the number two spot behind Romney.  Her pride would never allow it.

But hey, she will always be a number two in my book!


  1. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Democratic Governors Association Releases Video Attacking Palin, GOP Govs On Health Care

    1. Anonymous3:22 PM

      They should ignore her IMO

  2. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Must read:

    Guess Who Doesn't Care that Condi Is Pro-Choice?

    ...“I would certainly prefer a presidential and vice presidential candidate who had that respect for all innocent, precious, purposeful human life, and showed that respect by being a pro-life candidate," Palin said. "We need to remember, though, that it’s not the vice president that would legislate abortion, and that would be Congress’ role. And we'll keep that in mind.”

    What a joke. What a primitive people, Palin and her -ites.

    1. AJ Billings1:11 PM

      Not only does Condi FAIL the so called litmus test of conservative social values on abortion rights, she is also SINGLE and has never even been divorced. Ruh-Roh!

      That is suspicious as hell for a middle aged woman in Repub circles, because it means she might have the geh thing goin' on, dontcha know.

      Can't be havin' that geh bidness with our top folks, they have to be Christian, white, and love them some opposing gender to be 'rill Americuns!

    2. If you aren't aware that CR is of the Lesbyterian persuasion, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?

  3. Sally in MI12:54 PM

    Wait, she is only in favor of "purposeful life?" I thought she thought ALL life was she now in favor of death panels deciding who should live? You know, like her poster child for unloving motherhood, or her grandma, or her whatevers? Sarah, you should really stay on script before you start slipping in the truth.


    He really is a liar!

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Yet in Florida, there are commercials nonstop where he calls Obama a liar. Every commercial of Romneys is filled with lies. They are disgusting. My only hope is that people ignore all these. There are so many, it's ridiculous!!!

  5. AJ Billings1:03 PM

    Obama Girl does a pretty good $arah routing

  6. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Can you just imagine how the Quitter from Wasilla would feel if Condi Rice was tapped as the VP nominee? Come on, say what you will about Rice and there is a lot to be said (Bush troll) but she's way smarter than Palin and has a boatload of experience in government affairs that Palin never had and never will have.

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      And what would Glenn Rice have to say about this?

  7. sewnup1:09 PM

    I don't think her "pride" would keep her from what she sees as fame, power, and glory. She has historically had no problem making her "facts" fit the situation, as we know so well. It's simply a characteristic of sociopaths to make it all about themselves. If Romney so much as wiggled his finger she'd be all over it.

  8. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Wasn't realistic.

    She wasn't snarlingly attacking the questioner for asking her gotcha questions with a liberal slant.

    1. Olivia1:42 PM

      And her voice was much too pleasant, she didn't have that phoney accent and she was obviously YOUNG.

  9. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Why American men should boycott American women

    Boycott American Women

    I am an American man, and I have decided to boycott American women. In a nutshell, American women are the most likely to cheat on you, to divorce you, to get fat, to steal half of your money in the divorce courts, don't know how to cook or clean, don't want to have children, etc. Therefore, what intelligent man would want to get involved with American women?

    American women are generally immature, selfish, extremely arrogant and self-centered, mentally unstable, irresponsible, and highly unchaste. The behavior of most American women is utterly disgusting, to say the least.

    This blog is my attempt to explain why I feel American women are inferior to foreign women (non-American women), and why American men should boycott American women, and date/marry only foreign (non-American) women.

    Tens of millions of American men have had their lives completely destroyed by American women through the following crimes:

    1. False rape accusations (it has been proven that up to 80 percent of rape accusations are FALSE)

    2. False domestic violence (DV) charges (same as above)

    3. Financial destruction of men in divorce courts through alimony and support payments (women get up to 95 percent of their ex-husband's income and savings, as well as the house, car, etc)

    4. Emotional destruction of men by ex-wives who have stolen their children from them and forbidden the fathers from having custody or contact with their own children

    5. Divorced dads who commit suicide as a result

    Not one single American woman has EVER condemned their fellow American women for committing these crimes against men. Silence means consent. Therefore, American women support and enjoy destroying men's lives and causing men to commit suicide. Apparently, American women think it is okay to be a criminal, just as long as you are a woman. Therefore, is it any surprise that a huge percent of American men no longer want anything to do with American women, other than using them for easy sex and then throwing them away?

    A few more reasons to stay away from American women?

    -25 percent of American women take psychiatric drugs for mental illnesses.
    -25 percent of women under the age of 30 have at least one STD.
    -85 percent of divorces in America are INITIATED by women, thus women are responsible for the vast majority of divorces.
    -70 percent of criminals in America were raised by single mothers, thus feminism is responsible for most crime in America.
    -The majority of child molestation, child abuse, and child murder in America is done by WOMEN.

    Over 50 percent of American women are single, without a boyfriend or husband; so the fact is most American men no longer want to marry American women. Let these worthless American women grow old living alone with their 10 cats.


    1. Olivia1:43 PM

      Do us all a favor and carry on!

    2. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Bad divorce or just a rotten childhood? I pity any woman that has to even spend time around you let alone be married to you.

      As for your phoney statistics for women being responsible to the majority of child molestation, abuse and murder. Pure bullshit.

    3. 1:22 PM

      Just to ease your consternation on the subject of American women, other than those with 10 cats, I've got your slack.

      You know, I've heard that some guys like myself can occasionally be a pain in the ass, also, too. While it's only hearsay, I'm going to trust my source and continue to boycott men, just as always. But hey, that's more guys for you, so go for it, man. BTW, I hear Toddy Palin is on the hunt (again). Since you've given up on the ladies, maybe you need to check him out. FYI, I hear that Toddy is DEFINITELY a bottom. So good luck with that.

    4. Dinty2:35 PM

      Wow. Somebody's a little bitter. Something tells me that with that level of bitterness boycotting women isn't that difficult for you, no?

    5. You know you really can't "boycott" women.

      They are not merchandise that is for sale or antyhing.

      Besides they're all soft, and pretty, and stuff.

    6. AJ Billings2:42 PM

      I think you need your
      meds adjusted @1:22 pm

      WTF is wrong with you?

      Your post is not only off topic, but stupidly inane, utterly unsubstantiated, and perfectly misogynist in tone and content

      Start your own blog, yell at your goldfish, or just go soak your head in icewater; maybe that will make you less of a doofus

    7. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Please put down the crack pipe and get thee to the nearest REHAB!

    8. Beldar Torus Klaatu Conehead3:17 PM


      See, Peoples? Satire isnt easy as it looks!

      (This IS satire, right? Tell me it's satire. Please. It can't be serious, can it?)

    9. Anonymous5:46 PM

      I concur
      Fat white tea party patriot.

    10. Anita Winecooler8:35 PM

      Anon 1:22
      American Women thank you for your service.
      Culling the herd of stupid men saves us a lot of time! Thanks Again!

  10. Funny (especially the note cards!) but not accurate. Too articulate.

    1. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Nor screechy and drug addled enough either.

  11. Anonymous @1:22PM

    Hi, Todd

  12. Anonymous2:40 PM

    That Sarah Piglin is a Fucking Idiot.

  13. Beldar Torus Klaatu Conehead3:10 PM

    Oh, she's a Number Two alright, Gryphen, but I think you're wrong to dismiss her as a possible VP pick for Mittens - and very possibly for every GOP presidential candidate for years to come. She certainly has the candiditorial experience and very likely she has some of the wardrobe left over from 2008.

    The only fly in her stinky ointment is that objectively speaking she simply wasnt good enough in 2008. And, upon further analysis and careful consideration, one can only conclude she certainly isn't good enough now. And if you'll permit me to project to such a time in the future when the last light of the last star in the universe sputters out into darkness (trillions of years from last Tuesday, if my calculations are correct), she will never, ever, ever, never, ever be good enough.

    Other that that, yeah, Mittens, give The Screechy Wretch(tm) a good hard look, why dontcha! She might just be EXACTLY what you're looking for.

  14. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Anonymous 1:22, go ahead and send for your mail order foreign bride who will cook and clean for you and have no opinions but be aware that it is not unheard of for a woman from another country to take advantage of an American fool male. I am sure that typical of your genre - middle aged white male who can't handle a woman who isn't subservient, you are not talking about acquiring a German, Swedish, British, or French wife but are looking for an Asian stereotype. Good luck and thank you for sparing American women.

  15. Anita Winecooler8:08 PM

    In a nutshell, that's our gal Sarah! If you can't baffle them with brilliance, then dazzle them with moosenuggets.

  16. Anonymous3:47 AM

    LOL! Poor wittle babies are upset because men are boycotting them! BWAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA

    Have fun growing old alone with your 10 cats, bitch!

  17. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I guess Mitt Romney is not into wonky eyed skanks?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.