Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sean Hannity interviews Wasilla's own Nurse Ratched. Methinks SOMEBODY has been sampling the medications.

Yesterday the last person at Fox News who still enjoys Sarah Palin's company, Sean Hannity, ("Close your eyes and pretend she's still hot. Close your eyes and pretend she's still hot.") had the "Distasta from Alaska" on to talk about, of all things, poll numbers. (No not numbers performed with a pole, actual POLL numbers.)

In the segment Palin did something that she has tried very hard to resist doing in past interviews, she actually mentioned Mitt Romney's name, albeit through tightly clenched teeth.

After the set up Sean Hannity served his softball: "My conclusion is that Mitt Romeny's looking pretty good in that poll."

Botox Barbie: "Well he is, and the more time that Mitt Romney (Hisss!)has to get his message out the better it is for him. When voters start understanding that middle class families have seen the decimation of their net worth to the tune of 40% under Barack Obama, and monumental fiscal failures are really the hallmark of this administration. (Actually, you nasty bitch, the 40% decrease in middle class net worth is directly tied to the recession that the Bush administration ushered in and that the Republicans have worked to keep THIS President from rectifying.) The more time that Mitt Romney has to get those FACTS out there the more you'll the polls change.

Hannity then goes on to ask the "Lunatic from Lake Lucille" if she thinks the numbers showing the Democrats having a 20% better turnout in 2012 as opposed to 2008 are being purposefully manipulated by the media in the President's favor.

(Gee I wonder how Palin will respond to an opportunity to attack the media?)

Snowdrift Snooki: "No question,.a..abs..absolutely and that's par for the course with the,,the manipulation of the media's message, and you know they did four years ago Sean...they chose their ONE and they did all that they could to usher him into the White House, We're going to see the same tactics this go around, and I think voters though are wiser perhaps this go around, in understanding that the media DOES manipulate information. The filter that the media is is something that a politician, a candidate, has to be extremely astute in a in kind of decimating that filter and..uh..getting through it so that he public has the correct information."

Okay she DOES realize that she just said all of this on FOX NEWS right? Manipulating information is a core principle of Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes.  It is in fact the ENTIRE reason that this cable news station exists. They actually won a lawsuit allowing them to lie to the American people for fuck's sake!

Well Palin continues to babble incoherently for the next several minutes, looking for all the world like a washed up alcoholic that somebody shook awake on a nearby bar stool to ask her opinion about politics. Of course she is significantly less coherent however.

Then Hannity asks Palin a final question about the points the President made (From video taken in 2011 by the way) comparing his plan with the Republican's plan for the economy.

Hannity:  "Doesn't that reek of desperation Governor, to you?" (Yeah THAT doesn't sound prejudicial at all!)

The "Road Kill Coiffed Rogue": "Well it does, consider the source though Sea. I mean read Barack Obama's autobiographies, that he wrote before he accomplished anything, the two books. He made up things in his books and the media, by the way, didn't vet him let him get away with it, Composite girlfriends, and composite experiences that shaped him. So it should be no surprise, no wonder, that he MAKES THINGS UP today, and the lap dogs in the media go along with him. But you know as for that accusation of Romney not being transparent enough with his private funds, and where he invests his dollars. Here it's Debbie Wasserman Schultz accusing him of not revealing more of his tax records, SHE'S never revealed her tax records! (Debbie Wasserman Schultz is running for President?) So if this isn't the kettle calling the pot "black," or the pot calling the kettle "black" I don't know what is. And really if it weren't so insanely hypocritical all of this would be laughable.

Holy shit! There is so much projection going on here that it almost seems that Palin is having a session with her therapist, while strapped in a straight jacket, rather than giving an interview on television. The President "makes things up?" The "lies" that are in OBAMA'S book? The Democrats are "hypocrites?" Seriously?

Somewhere Sigmund Freud is clawing his way out of his grave. pad of paper in hand, hoping to get this lunatic on a couch and start picking through her grey matter.

Again Palin seemed very unhinged and clearly there is a lot going on in her Wasilla "Fortress of Stupitude" that is impacting her mental health and ability to hold it together. (Gee I wonder what that could be?) This interview was ONLY a little less than nine minutes, and you could already see her start to unravel toward the end.

Fortunately for her the clamps holding her wig on kept the top of her head from blowing off.

(H/T to Mediaite.)


  1. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Okay, Mrs. Palin: When you wear one style and length of clip-on hair on one side of your head, and a completely different length and style on on the other, that's the time to check in to rehab. You're welcome.

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      hoo boy! That hair was something else!

    2. emrysa8:40 AM

      HA HA yeah that hair was a riot! I am starting to think that faux puts her on the air for laffs. I mean really, you just can't take seriously someone with huge fake boobs and hair clips that are falling out.

    3. Anonymous9:43 AM

      I know, right?! She must look like a scarecrow getting suited up in football gear when she actually has to be seen in public. She's gotta get on the full shoulder pads, the huge padded bra, the extra-thick wig, the false eyelashes, the high goodness.

    4. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Willow did one side and Piper did the other.

    5. Hilarious piece from Vanity Fair about Baldy's ghoulish appearance last night!

      "Sarah Palin has finally answered the question on no one’s minds: is Mitt Romney considering Sarah Palin for his vice president? “I think that Governor Romney will probably play it safe, relatively speaking, in terms of finding someone who is a known commodity, so the media doesn’t do what the media did to me and making things up and kind of thrashing somebody’s reputation and record in order to distract,” she said on Fox News.

      Wait: Palin does not think she is a “known commodity”? Is there any commodity more know? Any politician in the last century more overexposed? Does anyone, anywhere, have any unanswered questions about Sarah Palin? (No, put your hand down—“What did we do to deserve this?” doesn’t count.)

      Told y'all she said "thrashing" instead of "trashing".

      Here's the link....

  2. KJinGA7:31 AM

    Awwww... did Bible Spice learn a new word this week? Maybe now she can really decimate the competition and win the VP nod again!

    1. The Sword of Truth9:42 AM

      Sarah was the darling of the 2008 RNC convention. Sarah was the 2012 front-runner for the GOP nominee for POTUS.

      Sarah is an ¨untouchable¨ for the 2012 RNC convention. Sarah was sarcastically labeled ¨Presidential¨ before being forced to admit she was not running in 2012 to her supporters. The conservative media fucked with her big time. Payback was an absolute bitch.

      Credit goes to this blog and others like it. No one here ever wasted a minute of their time chasing a ¨conspiracy theory.¨

      Stick a fork in Sarah Palin.

      She´s done.

    2. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Her silly supporters are being taken for the biggest carnival ride. She was NEVER running for President, she couldn't lest all the secrets/lies be uncovered and she knew they would be.

      So with a wink, lick, and "come hither" look she grifts 'em for their milk money. Can't say I'm sorry that her utter deceit, hatred, and jealousy is starting to manifest itself physically. Karma, baby.

  3. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the definition of decimate "to reduce by 10%"?

    1. Well that's one meaning (archaic). More commonly: cause great destruction or harm or reduce drastically in number.

    2. Anonymous7:55 AM

      OK, you're wrong!

    3. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Yes, but decimate is hardly ever used that way anymore.

    4. Anna Marie8:29 AM

      You're correct but the dumbed down 'rill 'murican educamanation of present would disagree..USA!USA! Lol.

    5. Anonymous9:11 AM

      When Sarah said "decimate the media" she was not speaking like a ril 'murican. Our constitution recognizes the right of a free press-- First amendment, Congress shall make no law regarding the freedom of speech, or of the press......

  4. ibwilliamsi7:42 AM

    Why is her hair so lopsided?

    (I'm sorry - you have to know that I can't actually watch her move or listen to her speak. I gave up on self-flagellation years ago.)

    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Iḿ the same way. If Gryphen wrote ¨Sarah starts picking her nose at the 1:42 mark¨ I still couldn´t make it that long.

      I get the feeling Fox wants to get rid of Sean. Why? I don´t know. But Fox seems intent on putting Sarah´s stink on him.

      Maybe he´s an unbearable diva too?

    2. Anonymous2:34 PM

      "Why is her hair so lopsided?"

      Her hair is symmetric. It has not been decimated. Her head is lopsided. Nothing new there.

      Sean just isn't doing his usual ass-kissing smoochy-smooch nearly as much for "The Governor" these days. She sounded so sad and disappointed for herself when she said that Romney was going to play it safe by picking a "known" commodity. Apparently, Sarah doesn't think that we KNOW enough about her already to make a decision about her level of competence.

      Ha, I beg to differ, Ms. Palin.

  5. Anonymous7:44 AM

    I watched, for as long as I could stomach it, the matriarch of Wasilla's own Dysfunction Junction and yes, she came across as unhinged and delusional. When Hannity asked her about Romney's choice of a VP, she made sure to mention that the media will "make up lies" about whomever he picks like they did about her four years ago. Yes, she's delusional.

  6. Virginia Voter7:45 AM

    Oh, for Fucks sake, SArahs not even trying to pretend the wig is real hair's like six inches longer on one side. Me thinks Willow is playing a cruel joke on Skinny these days. Well played, Willer, well played.

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Sarah wakes up in a different world every day, and it's never one which is even remotely associated with reality.

      So why shouldn't she have a new hairstyle with different length clip-on extensions and lopsided wigs? It's obvious no one takes her serious anymore other than perhaps 100 or so old farts over at the Pee Pond Plaza. Not that there's anything wrong with being an old fart, as I am one, but at least I have retained enough sense to recognize a walking car crash whenever she pops up on Hannity or Greta's show, whereas I instantly hit the mute button.

      Roger Ailes realizes he just has to take his lumps and run the clock out until Sarah's contract expires. Ailes knows that hiring Sarh will always be a shit stain on his resume, just like the Lifetime Network exec that bought 10 episodes of Bristol's piece-of-shit faux reality show-->Instant buyer's remorse.

  7. Anonymous7:51 AM

    I wonder if she did the show alone, there was a lot of echo going on and the camera never zooomed in-out like TAWD likes to try and do.
    My guess, big party at bristols to watcsc her sad trainwreck show and the drag queeen had to scurry back to her studio, slap on a wig and hit-""LIVE ON AIR" todd gave her the directions and wa=la here I am Sean, I hate Obama bla bla bla
    mo def on something though. Just read a good line,
    KARMA is alike a star, takes a long time for the light reach you, but you know it's going to someday. sucks to be you sarah.............

  8. Okay, this is probably an out of left field question Jesse but I gots to know.....what was the weather like in Wasilla yesterday? That scene behind her looks like a big storm front is sitting right on top of the mountain except for one thing.....nothing is moving behind her. No wind (clouds not moving), no birds flying by, no waves in the dead lake, no boats or jet skis on a lake - in summer - during those long Alaska summer days? She really needs to change her backdrop if she wants people to see how beautiful Alaska is, this one really isn't working.

    1. PL - MN8:19 AM

      She's showed 'murica her true talent.

      Converting beauty to her brand of fugly.

  9. Anonymous7:57 AM

    What's up with the echo? Did they put her green screen in the bathroom?

  10. Gryphen...."Fortress of Stupitude"....LOL!! Lot's of folks living there that's for sure!

    Baldy's interview got NO LOVE from even from her own site! "Crazies4Palin" have two articles up about her interview and they only have 86 comments total!

    Uh oh Baldy...looks like your "base" is sneaking over the wall...better send Creepy Jr to drop off a message and get the patients back in the Dayroom!

    And I don't know what's up with Lifetime...but even they must be embarrassed about Beefy's car crash show...they haven't posted last night's episode! Is that a good sign? I hope so! LOL!!!

    The Beefy thread was crazy! I don't think it was just Krusty commenting either...some kind of moose call must have gone out! Sounded like a bunch of Krusty's Krazy friends and Wallow losing their little minds last night!

    Poor Krusty must have one hell of a hangover today! LOL!! Sleep it off Krusty and see you on your next shift!

    1. Anonymous8:45 AM

      Every day I see the Crazies4Palin slide a bit more into their Abyss of Hatred.

      I swear, the moderators have Google alerts for "Palin" just to catch some random person vaguely referencing St. Sarah in a mildly negative fashion. Then they RUSH to the blog to post their hate-filled screed, calling on the palin minions to "decimate" this vile creature.

      Point in fact: Not-so-Breitbart article on Jon Huntsman daughter, Abby. Abby briefly mentioned Sarah at the beginning of a video of her father introducing Sarah at the 2008 GOP convention. There really wasn't much to it; it wasn't a huge slam on Palin, and you had to strain to even hear what was said.

      But that was enough for the hatezombies at Crazies4Palin to "decimate" Abby in yet another "Here's another one for 'Sarah's Enemies List' article". The comments by the palinbots are shockingly misogynistic, classless and hateful. Laced with veiled hopes of violence (remember Brianus "not" praying for the deaths of the SCOTUS? This is how the Crazies operate)... and projecting... "rich daughter; spoiled brat".

      The woman BARELY said ANYTHING. She agreed with the panel that her dad introducing Palin was now a cringe-worthy moment, and (if you can hear it), that he hasn't mentioned Palin since. That's it.

      Seriously: What's wrong with those people?

    2. Durham10:07 AM

      In the past 2 weeks there has been a mini rebellion going on at Sea4Pee after the moderators banned a regular commenter because they believed the commenter was pigeon holing Sarah if she didn't try to run for the presidential nominee at the Republican convention. That particular commenter I have to admit was showing delusional thinking and saying that Sarah has been making "predictive statements" about running since she stated she was not running. She seemed to have a lot of similar delusional believers who left
      after she was banned. Now all they talk about is Romney.

      I'm also proud to say I was the one who particularly feels proud to take credit for commenting about this commenter (Exodus2011) on Mediate to one of the Sea4Pee commenters . Shortly after I made my comment her and others being delusional, several commenters at Sea4Pee brought up how they believed my comment embarrassed the site. The moderators then put out a statement of what would now be acceptable and what would not be, singling out Exodus2011. The number of commenters have declined since all this happened within the past 2 weeks.

    3. Durham...I agree...when Exxodus made of the REALLY delusional folks left with her! A few tried to come back but when they brought up Baldy and brokered convention...the Staff (moderators) shot them down with a QUICKNESS!

      Now they just aimlessly wander around the Dayroom (Open Thread) and post the Best of Baldy youtube videos from 2008!

      It's going to be VERY interesting to see how these goobers will respond when Baldy shows up in Tampa with her table of wares wearing that shiny aluminum foil jacket of hers!

      I hope there is enough room for Baldy and the rabid Paulbots! Tampa is going to be off the CHAIN! LOL!!!

    4. Durham10:34 AM

      Also, I go by the name of MBaker if you see any of my comments on Mediate. You can bet the Sea4Pee crowd probably hates me. I also love to make comments about their play ground name calling and lack of substance to any of their replies. I sorry but I should have mentioned that in my first reply.

    5. Durham11:31 AM


      I live in Tampa and would love to go to Channelside Mall where she will be setting up her table just to see what she's doing, but then I don't want to even get close to the convention with all the people who will be there. I do wonder what the hell she'll be doing there and what she has got planned. The only thing I can think of is she wants to get in on the attention the convention will bring to help keep her name in the press. Similar to what she did when she took her bus close to where Romney was located when he announced his candidacy, or the motorcycle ride she claimed she was invited to when she really wasn't.

    6. Anonymous11:38 AM

      I still think exodus is some paid bot who is paid to stir them up and get them thinking she will somehow take over the convention so they will send money.Maybe Ram.But she went too far.

    7. Gina and Durham --

      There's a delusional soul who still posts at the pond -- Son of Original Ted -- who insists he has inside knowledge that Palin will be VP.

      First of all, he needs a new screen name. Second, Mitt won't choose Palin; she's crackers!

    8. Anonymous2:06 PM

      The exodus of Exxodus has been hilarious to follow. The delusional Bot had bought into the "earthquake" scam and now that is is close to the convention the moderators needed t shut the talk down, but yet C$P HAD started the talk. OL, I think a few more "regulars" or as I like to call them "the straightjacketed" are next in line.
      Even in the posts with more comments, it is down to less than 20 people usually.
      Hehehe, Saree better come up with some QVC product to sell because I am betting her Sarahpac take is going to be done to nothing.

  11. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Her mannerisms are beginning to remind me of one of the homelss guys who used to hang out in the Farragut North Metro station in DC... he could go from calm, almost coherent conversational tone to slurry mumbling to screaming about cutting some mo'fo up with an axe all in the space of 60 seconds all while keeping the same rictus grin on his face.

    Doesn't anyone in the family care enough to try and get her help? I mean, if you don't care about her, at least consider the cash flow people!

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      There is a institution in Anchorage where her family could put her - it's called API!

    2. Anonymous8:33 AM

      a) of course they don't care. she doesn't care about them, either. survival of the fittest in that family.
      b) they are too limited to see what is right before their eyes: Sarah on the brink.
      c) even if they could recognize it, they wouldn't know what to do about it.
      d) if they did believe she needed intensive therapy, their "ethos" doesn't accept therapy as a response to her kind of behavior.
      e) they're in a canoe that's about to go over the rapids, but, at this moment, they think things are still steady as she goes, and the money will keep flowing as it always has.
      f) when it does all start to fall apart, and they explode, blaming each other, they'll do great damage to Piper, Tripp and Trig as the "grown ups" act out.

    3. Anonymous3:27 PM

      I'll have to turn my head when the folks still in the Palin canoe begin to hear the roar of the waterfall up ahead. Although it would be funny at first sight to see the clueless PondBots trying to reverse direction and do their backstroke, honestly, I really hate to see anyone hurt financially and psychologically only because of their ignorance, after being preyed upon by the likes of Sarah Palin, Inc.

      I also pity their families who have to "put up with" their Sarah obsession, despite all evidence that they should've bailed on Sarah long before they first reached for their checkbook after getting lured to the SarahPAC site.

      Sarah has hurt a lot of people and while she's too self-focused to realize the carnage in her wake, her karma ain't looking too good. I sure as hell wouldn't share an umbrella with her if an unexpected thunderstorm with rain blew in suddenly.

  12. Anonymous8:09 AM

    The "author" of Going Rogue should be careful about accusing someone of making things up in an autobiography.

    1. emrysa8:48 AM

      I've come to the point where I don't think she knows what she says. seriously. I used to think she was intentionally making accusations, but now it seems that it is just some tape playing over and over in her head that even to her has no meaning anymore. I thought this was nice:

      "I mean read Barack Obama's autobiographies, that he wrote before he accomplished anything,"

      UMM...bristol? yeah she sure accomplished a helluva lot more than obama before she "wrote" her book. amazing there is just no self awareness there at all.

    2. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Right - didn't President Obama write those books while he was an Illinois senator? You know, after he became a lawyer and was President of the Harvard Law review?

      Uhm... Sarah - wrote a book after a failed campaign and a quit governorship.

      Bristol? Not even worth mentioning. Her book was meant to be written on a chewing gum wrapper.

  13. Anonymous8:10 AM

    I'd like to see Sarah Palin's college records... oh, and Trig's birth certificate too! lol.

    1. Durham10:26 AM

      I sincerely believe Sarah's college records would indicate she struggled in college and never graduated. I mean come on, she said she graduated in journalism and couldn't even speak proper grammar when she first came on the scene. I believe she has since been extensively tutored and of course we all know she has ghost writers. I also believe Hannity feeds her scripted and leading questions which she reads the answers to off a Tele E Prompter. I also support this belief in the fact she has never been able to respond to questions quickly or very well off the cuff.

      If you also examine Palin's donations to SarahPAC from FEC required filings, you'll find the donations are dwindling like the half life of nuclear material. She uses very little of it to help candidates and seems to use most of it to support consultants and others who simply help to keep her name out front. Thankfully with less money coming in we will start to hear less and less from her, especially as I believe when FOX cancels her contract after the election. After that Palin will have to live off her previous earnings.

    2. Anonymous5:04 PM

      No way she graduated college.

      She calls college educated people negative names and she would have tripped (ha!) Over herself to show the diploma once her graduation status was questioned.

      Think about it.

      Sarah would have reveled in the opportunity to FINALLY vindicate herself to the LSM who mocked her.


      So, bitch never graduated.

      Show us your degree!

  14. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Gryphen, I love reading your blog, but I don't think that you elevate the conversation by using insulting names when you refer to Sarah Palin. (I know, and people writing comments call her all kinds of names, too, along with Bristol).

    Using names like Botox Barbie, Bible spice, Road Kill Coiffed Rogue, Snowdrift Snooki, Screechy, Baldy, Beffalo is immature. We sink to Sarah's level when we do that. Sarah and Hannity refer to President Obama as "The Anointed One." If anyone was "anointed" or "chosen" it was George W. Bush who did not get a majority of the votes and was voted in by 5 members of the Supreme Court who stopped the Florida recount.

    Yes, it's funny for a minute, but it's as juvenile as Bristol teaching Tripp to stick his tongue out at a photographer. Then, when Tripp stuck his tongue out at Bristol and Gino last night, Bristol didn't think it was so cute. Bristol has no idea how to discipline Tripp, so she is asking people who read her blog to provide suggestions.

    My suggestion to Bristol is to grow up. She didn't take her birth control pills. She chose to keep Tripp. She excludes Levi from Tripp's life, so discipline is Bristol's responsibility. We have to be a little more responsible, too, or else we sink to her level. And, I don't think we want to go that low.

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Cue the "You're a Troll" attacks in 3...2...
      For the record, you're 100% correct in that assessment.
      You'll be mocked as a bot though, this blog is just a parallel of everything they hate in the Palins. It used to be a great source of information. Oh well.

    2. I can't speak for anyone else but for me the clever, funny names serve a purpose. When I got on here today, I was still steaming about Sarah saying something like "when he (President Obama) keeps 'them' eating out of his hand...". Sarah's disrespect of our president as well as the people who need food stamps or other help right now, infuriates me. How dare she when she's scammed everybody from the RNC for clothes and silk underwear to Wasilla taxpayers for her house! Let's not forget that McCain took the public money for his campaign so Sarah was on the public dime during the 2008 campaign.

      So when I read the funny labels, it lightens my mood. Gets me past the anger. Botox Barbie and Fortress of Stupitude were particularly funny today. Gryhen is performing a public service with the funny names.

    3. My favorite was 'nasty bitch'...

      ... just sayin' :)

    4. Anonymous11:01 AM

      “Cue the "You're a Troll" attacks in 3...2...
      For the record, you're 100% correct in that assessment.
      You'll be mocked as a bot though, this blog is just a parallel of everything they hate in the Palins. It used to be a great source of information. Oh well.”

      @9:55 A.M.

      Cue the people who say: “Cue the you’re a Troll attacks” in 3...2...” who are just as annoying!

      I wasn’t even thinking of calling 8:15 A.M. a troll.

      BUT, I happen to like the name-calling. I think it’s funny, and I do hate the Palins. If that makes me hateful, and juvenile, then so be it.

      If you don't like this blog, and no longer believe it is a good source of information, then why are you here?

      “oh, well…”


    5. I LOVE the names folks come up with for Baldy! Dirty Wig was one of my favorites and then she hired Wallow to keep the muskrats in line and feed and wash them on the I had to let that one go!

      And since we know that she's losing her hair along with her mind...I'm definitely attached to Baldy!

      Baldy is a JOKE and should be laughed and mocked mercilessly until she removes that ugly mannish mug off our TV. When she does that...then the name calling STOPS!

      Until then...thanks for the wonderful list...

      "Botox Barbie, Bible spice, Road Kill Coiffed Rogue, Snowdrift Snooki, Screechy, Baldy, Beffalo (FYI...should be spelled Beefalo)"


    6. Anonymous11:44 AM

      Sarah Palin is an ex Governor,an ex candidate for VP,a motivational speaker(?),a tv commentator.She would be expected to speak and act intelligently and well.We,however,are having watercooler type conversations here,just not in person.We can be expected to speak and act a little differently.

    7. Dis Gusted1:27 PM

      I don't feel bad when people call her names. This woman referred to candidate Obama as Sambo before anyone in the lower 48 knew who she was.

      She calls her kids fuckin' babies and retards.... I could care less what anybody calls HER.

    8. Anonymous4:57 PM

      I agree about "sinking to their level". I visit C4P regularly, sometimes out of curiosity, sometimes for "teh lulz"... but one thing that's consistent over there, NONE of them can seem to post the name OBAMA.

      Occasionally, there is "obama" with no capitalization, but more frequently, it's childish names like Obummer, Obambi, Obozo, Omuslimsocialistmarxistcommie... and I have to admit, after seeing that over and over and over at C4P, it's very tempting to come here and post "Bible Spice", "The Disasta from Alaska", "Saint Sarah", etc. And sometimes I'm better than that... and sometimes I'm not.

      Bottom line: I can only control my own behavior. This is Gryphen's site. If he wants it censored, that's up to him. I know full well what to expect when I visit here... and I keep coming back.

    9. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Sarah palin is a fucking caricature.

      She is mocked as such.

      She had no business accepting the nomination, because she is under educated, intellectually bankrupt and downright criminal.

      She doesn't deserve the respect of being called by xtian name.

  15. She does not look well! Is she hungover or exhausted?

    I know it's ridiculous, but I kinda feel sorry for Sarah. Even when she demonstrates, again, how stupid she is and what a shallow understanding she has of politics in general, I still see her rapid decline as sad.

    I'm about her age, and I have wonderful daughters of whom I'm extremely proud and a husband who is my best friend. She will never know what it's like to be happy with herself - that feeling of peace that many women attain in middle age. Her mental illness has robbed her of any chance of happiness. She is so full of hate, she's hideous, and she's become a parody of herself.

    I can't help but feel sorry for her, but then again, I felt sorry for Voldemort too.

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      Please don't spend much time in pity. I feel her sad drug addled looks and behaviors at times and any addict is a sad case. She is more than that, she is a fake and a fraud of humongous criminal proportions. Remember what she does to destoy the United States and the decent leadership we have left.

    2. Anonymous11:45 AM

      She looks like a tiny little dried up husk of a woman wrapped in a thick layer of padding,then dressed in padded clothes.

    3. I know she's a horrible person. She's destroyed lives, and she continues to pose a threat by ginning up fear among people who don't have the intellectual capacity to see her as she really is - a villain, even a monster.

      But can you imagine if she had even a brief moment of self realization - if she could see herself as most of the world sees her? I think it would completely destroy what's left of her drug addled brain.

      I wouldn't trade places with her for all the money in the world. No wonder she tries to dull the pain with drugs.

    4. Anonymous7:10 PM

      I can't feel sorry for Sarah at all because she has legitimized hatred based on race and political philosophy. I do feel a tad sorry for all of her kids though (even Bristol) because they seem to me to be an extreme version of the kids I see every day in college classes. They've been told they're "special" every day of their lives and they really aren't. It's not their fault their parents failed them so miserably. And now at 18-20 years old they're learning the truth and they're like deer in the headlights.

  16. PL - MN8:17 AM

    Gryphen, you forgot to mention, she's = also Mrs. Sordid of Scottsdale.

  17. Anonymous8:23 AM

    I don't think Palin earned a college was a figment of John McCain's imagination when he put her on his ticket.

    When interviewed - teachers/professors didn't even recall teaching her in the various colleges she supposedly attended.

    Oh, and another thing - she was NOT an energy expert as McCain also touted.

    The woman is an idiot and fraud!

    1. Dis Gusted1:29 PM

      IMO, it's impossible for her to have a degree. In the five years she attended school, she did not complete near enough credits to graduate. She took a few breaks....nervous breakdown? That's what I heard years go. Another pregnancy before Todd was in the picture? highly possible....

  18. angela8:25 AM

    The poor nutcase used to be better at this. Well . . . no she wasn't as it is ALL about her. Everything is about her poor tortured crazy ass life. And talk about projection . . . .Damn, she couldn't project more if she had a fifty foot mirror parked in the sun reflecting off a lake.

  19. Boo, the only "gray matter" Sarah Palin has is her real hair under that RuPaul reject wig.

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Hah! Good one! :-D

    2. Anonymous9:50 AM

      Has anyone else noticed how her hair has grown about 3-4 inches longer, since about 2 weeks ago? And, also-too, on her right side her hair is nearly 2 inches longer than on the left. Maybe, Willow-the-Hair-School-Person, does it for her. LOL

      Poor, dumb, ignorant, nasty, dirty, lying, etc., etc., etc., woman - she is quite unbelievable.

    3. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Guess you're meaning that wig that she got for $1 in the Thrift Store!! LOL

    4. Beefy has a post up talking about LAST weeks show! In it she talks about Trig "sprayed spit all over" the nasty ass looking cake they made for Baldy! What a nice sister/mom thing to say!

      She also brings up Baldy's gift of the pink gun...but what they didn't show on camera was the REAL gift they got was a pink flask!

      I'm sure it stays full and it doesn't stray far from the alkies grasp! Matter of fact...on last night love fest with just know as soon as that camera light went off Baldy guzzled from that flask like nobody's business! We KNOW Baldy...WE KNOW! LOL!!!

    5. Flask, hell! Gina, girl done switched to an IV by now!

  20. Anonymous8:32 AM

    It's a very rare thing to see a human speak SO vindictively and show such raw spite against an elective process. She basically is saying there's no democratic process anymore. She is trying to convince people that the right to vote and the voting process doesn't matter, because her lamestream media lie, and distort facts. She insults voters by suggesting they can't through the manipulations of media, and only Fox News is the champion of truth.

    Sarah is so wrapped up in her pity/victim/thrashed candidate, poor-poor me mode, which she will NEVER ever get over with, unless she gets psychological therapy. She can't possibly offer any advice to Fox viewers that makes any sense, because her huge chip on her shoulder flushes out any reason, any solid political common sense advice. Her crazed rantings make a viewer believe there is no hope, and no point in even going to vote in November.

    In her selfish self-pity bubble, Sarah tries to manipulate people into this doomsday mood, making them think that every liberal is evil, has an evil agenda, and even Romney isn't strong enough to keep conservatives interested; after listening to that, where does that leave voters? Do they basically just curl up in the fetal position and suck their thumbs until after the election. Just what do Hannity and Sarah think this conversation accomplishes? What a duo of party-poopers.

    Maybe Fox leaders are closet Democrats, because I can't believe they think Sarah is helping the cause. Her cheerleading ability as a political contributor ain't working.

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      I often wonder if Sarah isn't purposefully trying to steer voters AWAY from Romney, in order for Obama to win a second term.

      Think about it. A second term for Obama profits Sarah more than a Romney win.

      - 4 more years to bash Obama and attempt to grow her base again.

      - 4 years to pretend to kind of think about maybe running for President in 2016, and thereby gaining more cash for SarahPAC.

      - Enough time to write three more books: "All Politicians are Corrupt Except Me", "How to Tweet Your Way to the Presidency: Oops, Never Mind, I've Changed My Mind Again" and "Guard Yourself Against Just Accusations by Wearing Honkin' Huge Religious and Patriotic Jewelry".

      If Romney wins, her zealous hate-infused diatribes won't be as welcome at Fox, so there goes that easy gig. She needs an Obama win to secure her grifting enterprises for at least 4 more years.

      Also too, it's Obama who defeated the "Undefeated" -- her vendetta isn't against Romney (not yet anyway).

    2. Irishgirl10:36 AM

      Anon 9.39

      I absolutely agree with you.In order for Palin to stay relevant, she needs President Obama to win - and she knows it.

    3. Anonymous2:10 PM

      anon ay 9:39
      Yes she wants President Obama to win, otherwise ALL of her Sarahpac $$$$ will dry up. She makes her living off trashing the president.

  21. Was fascinated by the chyron running below. Far more interesting and tragic than Madzilla. I heard the audio of her remarks on Stephanie Miller this morning and the panel decided that her word salad must have fallen on the floor and was re-mixed. Worse than ever. I am still surprised that there are people out there who think she's intelligent.

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Stephanie Miller: daughter of Republican candidate William Miller (Goldwater/Miller) in 1964.

      She makes the children of vice presidential candidates proud.

    2. Anonymous4:20 PM


      Yeah, there are people out there that don't listen actively to Sarah, and they don't know what they're missing!

      Last night, a neighbor of ours who happens to be an apologist for "all things evangelical" came inside for a few minutes while dropping the kids off after band camp. He sat down in the living room where my wife and a girlfriend, Katie, were watching Hannity and they could hardly say "Hello" because they were laughing their asses off watching and listening to Sarah's word salad with the closed captioning turned on.

      Unprompted, he said, "You know, those people at Fox News edit Sarah's segments whenever she appears, in order to make her sound like she's stupid."

      When Katie abruptly stopped laughing and deadpanned in response, "Reeaallly?", as I was trying to swallow a sip of my drink, I had one of those "Coca-Cola spewing out the nasal passages" moments. Omigod, I thought I was gonna choke to death and even my eyes were burning, but it was worth the laugh. I've been snickering to myself ALL DAY.

  22. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Sean Hannity, the enabler of Miss Frankenstein, knows exactly what questions to ask her to get maximum bitter reaction from her. What Sarah doesn't know, is that Fox and Sean make her believe she's wonderful. They know after buttering up her ego, that they can then go on the air, and put the questions about President Obama to her, and like a trained elephant, she puts out. This is great for ratings. Or, just feed the wild animal a few varmints, then throw a few riled-up monkeys in the cage, and watch the show. Her frenzied nonsensical answers make for a great show. The crowd moves away getting their money's worth. Of course no one is the wiser if the answers don't provide solutions - they just want to see the animal behind the cage get all agitated.

    Sarah is being used by Fox, and she can't even see it.

    1. Anonymous9:17 AM

      I agree with this. Fox News is watched, obviously, by Obama haters, and they put this woman on who REALLY hates Obama, who spews nothing but vile and hatred toward him and their audience eats it up, en mass.

    2. I really think you are on to something with the wild animal analogy. Faux News has plenty of political commentators, but Sarah is the only one who reliably gets coverage in the media every time she appears. Of course, the attention she receives is because she says BATSHIT CRAZY things, but it's attention nonetheless. Very few animal documentaries just focus on the majority of activities in which an animal engages - people want to see the exciting stuff like a lion chasing a gazelle and then ripping the meat off. That's Sarah. She says really stupid things and then gets coverage - she'll always have a home (or cage) at Faux news.

      Do you think Sarah believes they hired her because she's smart? Could her mental illness be that bad to the point she's completely delusional? I think I already know the answer to that question...

    3. Anonymous10:08 AM

      I guarantee she had a list of those questions before hand and memorized the answers someone wrote for her.

    4. Anonymous11:59 AM

      They get viewers who are cult members plus viewers watching the train wreck.

  23. Anonymous8:50 AM

    There's absolutely no point in repeating endlessly the story of how "the media" makes things up, lies, etc.
    The antidote to that -- especially with the Fox megaphone -- is to set the record straight.For every "lie" that Sarah Palin thinks she's seen, she has a duty to tell the world what the real truth is. Just calling something a lie is only half the story, Mizz Palin. Surely they taught you that during one of your communications/journalism/common sense courses?

    If no correction is provided, then the "lie" stands as the truth, since you can't come up with an alternate set of facts.

    And you've got plenty of time on your hands to "vet" President Obama, and the next vice presidential candidate. Go to it, Lois Lane! Don't let any lies slip away, any of them or all of them.

    btw -- of course the President offered "composite" girlfriends in his autobiography. He did so to protect their privacy -- possibly at their request. None of them has said he bent the truth....and recent excerpts from his student letters show a sensitive, thoughtful, intellectual young man. Nothing hidden. He was a young man, and that's all we needed to know about him. Why make it sinister?

    When you give us the names of all your boyfriends, Sarah, pre- and post-marriage, then you can cast stones.

    1. Anonymous11:16 AM

      Repeat, repeat, repeat. Scientologists use the same propaganda technique.

    2. Anonymous12:52 PM

      When are we going to see her & Tom Cruise hanging out? Or will John Travolta fly his jet up to Alaska?

    3. Dis Gusted1:35 PM

      again with the projection. SP thinks everyone would pull the crap she does.

      Is she married? She doubted her rival in the mayor election....hmmmmm

      Did she graduate? Don't think it's possible. Her sister Molly did though.

      Was she the star player on the HS basketball team? No - made up bull crap

      Did she give birth to TriG? No - she had a tubal ligation after Piper (that fuckin' baby).

      Did she have affairs? more than one.

      Did Todd have affairs? more than one.

      Are there other illegitimate Palin children out there? Yes, at least one. If you also count Bristol's, more than one.

    4. Anonymous2:28 PM

      Todd has been giving Travlota some massage on the side. My money is on Travolta and Todd as an item.

  24. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Gryphen,I'm about to explode from stifling laughter at work while reading your post!

    Excellent job!

    What the hell is she wearing? A hoodie? She is so tacky and trashy! I know she's not really a political commentator, but can you imagine any other woman on tv to give commentary wearing the crap she wears?!

    R in NC

  25. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Wow Sarah Palin's chest region looks boney. Looks like a man who doesn't work out and just has a layer of skin over bone.

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      I think she is responding to comments that she has never shown cleavage and is attempting to do that here.

      That's not exactly cleavage. That is like a boney indentation in the middle of her chest, like Tori Spelling (who sports more obvious implants but has weird "cleavage")

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Bone cleavage. She is innovative. Will it catch on?

  26. Smirnonn9:04 AM

    Faux noise is a cesspool of depraved moronic asshats. Check out the hack ass hatchet editing job of President Obama at 6:48. Multiple speeches, quick edits. They may as well have just chopped out single words and strung them together to say whatever they want. And the reverb on the paylump's voice is awful. What, are they trying to blur the jagged edges of her screeching? Poorly produced propaganda.

    1. Here's an slamming opinion piece from, unbelievably, Fox News re: Romney...

    2. Sam, thank you for the link! Had I not seen it with my own eyes I would not believe that was on! Wow, scathing op-ed.

    3. Please note the opinion piece was written by Joe Trippi, a long time Democratic strategist, and former adviser to Howard Dean in his 2004 presidential bid. Smart guy, too. I assume he's one of Fox's "token liberals"?

  27. Pat in MA9:11 AM

    Gryph, thanks for including the transcript, I've never been able to listen to the screech, but now I can only skim the transcript at best before my eyeballs start to bleed! God she is awful... can't wait to see what she does during the RNC convention, should be very entertaining, not to mention how if Ron Paul wins the majority of delegates in Nebraska he will be eligible to be nominated - fun times ahead

  28. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Jennifer Granholm, who was Gov of Michigan, you know -- that state that according to Mittens the trees are the right height, is skewering Mittens on her Current TV show -- with facts -- that which Romney & his turtles (his campaign staff as they're stunned & stupid like baggers!!) are devoid of.

    Granholm has the advantage of knowing the history of MI and therefore when Romney continues to 'step in it' she can skewer him!

    As CurrentTV is limited in getting into homes, we should pay attention to and push what we can like this segment of Granholm's.

    1. I love her! Did you know she's a genius? A REAL certified genius! I hope she gets back into politics. What an incredible ticket for 2016 - Clinton/Granholm!

      Also, too, she played Palin in debate prep for Joe Biden. Remember the part in Game Change where Joe can't believe Palin actually talks like that because Granholm used Silly Sarah's actual words for the prep? God I miss 2008 :)

      Can you imagine a brain like Granholm's trying to process Sarah's stupid-speak? I hope it didn't lower her IQ!

    2. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Sadly, Jennifer Granholm was born in Canada. She was on Colbert a few months ago and they were lamenting that she was unable to run for Prez. She would be a great candidate!

    3. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Granholm isn't a native-born citizen and isn't eligible to run for VP or Pres.. :(

    4. Anonymous10:41 AM

      Granholm may not be able to run - but the lady sure can talk intelligently WITH FACTS and 'completed' service experience on any number of issues.

      She has the benefit too of the 'Romney history in MI'. When he tosses out BS -- she can skewer him!!

    5. Crap! I had no idea she was born in Canada! Thanks for correcting me 10:16.

    6. Anonymous10:50 AM

      Granholm - a two term governor of a large and populous state.... Insightful, articulate, AND very attractive.

      Sarah Palin is a bottom feeder - Faux.

    7. Thanks to 10:12, too. I appreciate being gently corrected :) it would make a fabulous ticket, though...

    8. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Palin was born in Canada, some say, and she still got VP nominated.

  29. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Here is an excellent takedown of Ms. Palin and her "accomplishments" by 'community pundit':

  30. Re the famous trick of accusing the other person of what one is guilty of oneself:

    Remember "death panels"? Remember the "depopulation" idea? I have long thought that SP heard some GOP strategy group discussing depopulation as one of their goals -- you know, withholding services of all kinds, so people die sooner* -- and her brain turned that into a bad goal she could accuse the other side of, using the term "death panels." SP brought it first into a discussion of ObamaCare coverage for optional end-of-life planning. When someone wants it. And then later it became a concept that stood on its own erroneous little feet.

    I can't think of a better (seemingly hands off) way to depopulate the U.S. of our most vulnerable people (the people it costs gov't money to support) than reducing health services (incl preventive, routine, and emergency); reducing police and fire staffing; reducing education budgets; etc.

    I just always wonder about the origin of a weird and obvious GOP lie, accusing the Dems of things the GOP is actually guilty of. I wonder if they know they are lying? I wonder if SP knows she is lying? And how she can sleep at night. Or maybe she's in deep denial. I guess drugs help a lot with denial.

    *The delay in help following Katrina is just one example. The people who die sooner are disproportionately non-white and poor. Southern Strategy magic.

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      The GOP lies because they have no viable solutions of their own, at least none that meet with the approval of their corporate benefactors.

  31. Anonymous9:33 AM

    BIG PHARM has been pushing drugs for decades. Sarah Palin and her family are well publicized victims. As we watch her decline others will start to see the decay as well. They may get her in re-hab one of these days.

    Until that time comes she is just another addict who can't stop the inevitable without intervention, detox and re-hab. Not a fake church or other re-hab. The real deal.

    For others, like Breitbart, lifestyle catches up and they go real fast. Speed does kill. Downers and speedballs. Ask John Belushi's ghost.

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Nope sorry , I disagree. prescription drugs may be the middle class and higher "dirty little secret" but no one is a VICTIM, they chose to take drugs.
      While Sarah looks like she is abusing mental health drugs mixed with meth ( IMO), it is STILL her choice and she is NOT a victim.

      Good excuse for Saree, but many of us aren't buying it.

  32. Her argument that President Obama won the election because the media decided he should is so offensive. He won because Palin is an idiot!

  33. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I'm more brain dead for having watched this.

  34. Anonymous9:54 AM

    THIS IS NOT OFF TOPIC. Sarah = drugs. If you don't believe that keep watching her on Fox.

    When a pharmacy sells the heartburn drug Zantac, each pill costs about 35 cents. But doctors dispensing it to patients in their offices have charged nearly 10 times that price, or $3.25 a pill.

    1. Anonymous10:25 AM

      Veterinarians do the same thing but the NYT doesn't bother to write an article about them. You can use a mail in pet pharmacy for almost everything by asking for a script from your vet. Same with a human doctor.
      With human drugs there are many more options and only lazy people get their pills from their own doctor. A lot of people get samples from their personal physician but I know of no one who buys their drugs from them, most folks I know go to a local drug store, grocery pharmacy, or mail in prescription service.
      By the way you can get your pet's medications at most Krogers!

    2. I had thyroid cancer in 1999 and don't have a thyroid. Since I no longer have medical insurance, I buy my thyroid med from an online pet pharmacy. Fortunately my dog is low thyroid. My prescription is .2 once a day. His is .2 twice a day. Pills are $.01 each. At the people pharmacy the same 30 pills I pay $.30 for online are $22. THE SAME THING!!!

  35. I thought it was Nurse Wretched. my mistake! ;-)

  36. melissa10:09 AM

    Off topic, but does anyone here ever check out the BlindGossip site? Here's a link to one of their newest blind gossip pieces...sound like anyone we know?

    1. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Can you imagine that the comments are unanimous?

    2. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Dang - you beat me to it. I just posted that link & then I saw yours.

  37. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Somewhere Sigmund Freud is clawing his way out of his grave. pad of paper in hand, hoping to get this lunatic on a couch and start picking through her grey matter.

    I apologize if this is a repeat but you made a mistake in your post. Sarah Palin has no gray matter to pick through. The rest is spot on.

  38. Anonymous10:27 AM

    What a classic case of abnormal human behavior - between Fox News and Sarah Palin - you couldn't find a more public display of modern day sociopaths. Wow. What a show.

    I hope every single student of psychology/sociology/human behavior learn from the personality disorders of Sarah Palin, all of her associates in every venue, and her adoring followers.

    Now that we missed the bullet with the 2008 election, what's left of the Sarah Palin phenomena is like 'Fatal Attraction Redux...After the Loving and the Killing' - it speaks VOLUMES about our very own psychologically-disturbed nation. Gee, I wonder how we got this way.

    Remember, being insane in an insane society is...perfectly normal.

  39. Anonymous10:32 AM

    OT, here is Toad's bio on NBC , it says he: Palin focused on vocational training opportunities and programs for Alaska workers. ??? WTH when did he do this?

    Does this mean pimping and bullying teachers up in Homer?

    Todd Palin is a lifelong commercial fisherman in Alaska's Bristol Bay, where his Yupik Eskimo family has been salmon fishing for many generations. He is also a former North Slope production operator in the oil fields of Prudhoe Bay.

    Palin is a four-time champion of the Iron Dog, the world's longest and toughest snowmobile race spanning over 2,000 miles of frozen wilderness from Alaska's Mat-Su Valley to Nome to Fairbanks.

    Palin is the husband of former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican Vice Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin. As the First Gentleman of Alaska (informally called "The First Dude"), Palin focused on vocational training opportunities and programs for Alaska workers.

    In addition to appearing in the top-rated TLC show "Sarah Palin's Alaska," Palin assisted on the show's logistics and production.

    Palin is an active private pilot who enjoys flying in his Piper Super Cub and his Cessna 185 float plane. His other hobbies include hunting, fishing, hiking, building, and snowmachining. Todd and Sarah have five children and two grandchildren. They live in Wasilla, Alaska.
    What a joke

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM


      you forgot growing weed, cookin' meth and not paying property taxes...amongst other 'things'

    2. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Another hobby of Todd's is mixing water in gasoline tanks of neighbors plane.

    3. Anonymous11:13 AM

      "vocational training opportunities and programs"

      That would be his Pimp Program for Prostitutes.

    4. Anonymous11:14 AM

      The 2-TONED PENIS FIRST DUDE of Wasilla, who is an EXPERIENCED SEX TRAFFICKER and PIMP DADDY.There, fixed it fer ya.

    5. Anonymous11:35 AM

      vocational training opportunities and programs for Alaska workers.

      The NYT had that article about how Sarah hired all her friends who knew nothing. None of them were qualified. Sarah gave them jobs and Todd may have given them the low down on how to work the system (training). Todd also mans the studio that Fox put in for her appearances. It is just a mom and pop operation. He does most of the work. He also carries her bags and personal asst work.

      Todd also had that business with Shailey. He was a traveling salesman of sorts. Trained girls all over the country and worked along side of the Secret Service and military. Can't believe he left all that out.

    6. Anonymous11:38 AM

      As First Dude Toad insisted on being cc'd on all emails to Gov palin cuz his wife was such a dummy

    7. Anonymous12:17 PM

      You forgot to mention Peeping Tom Todd is an expert on peep holes where he logs in numerous hours of categorizing the colors of Alaskan women's nipples.

    8. Anonymous12:29 PM

      Todd Palin house contractor?

      Sarah said the first dud Todd built a two story lakeside house but it is interesting that the first dud was unable to build a 14 foot fence that blew over with the first wind.

      Maybe Todd didn't build the two story house? Was the two story house a payoff for awarding the Wasilla hockey rink contract since the two story house has handrails, windows and other materials similar to the hockey rink?

    9. Anonymous12:36 PM

      yeah, yeah, sure, but what's his day job?

    10. lostinmn12:56 PM

      12:29 - what do you want to bet that if you could get your hands on the bill of delivery for the hockey rink you'd find all the components for Sara's house there? First time ever a bill of lading got redacted for quantity delivered

  40. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Drugged out SKANKERBELLE is a HORRIBLE Mother, and a perfect example of how not to appear on National T.V.
    Roger Ailes must be using the same Drugs, if he thinks that what Sarah Palin is saying is good for FAUX NEWS.

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Don't tell Rog or Faux. Let her be their best act. It is all going to blow up one day. The more she is super glued to Faux and Repubs the better. Go Sarah! Love yourself some mittens.

  41. lostinmn10:44 AM

    Sara? I know you or your family are reading this. Get some help - seriously Sara. Get some help. Fox is doing you no favors trotting you out here time and again for the country to mock and hiss and laugh. You appear to be mentally unstable right now - well, for a while, and in a way it's no longer funny but has become abusive. You understand that? Fox is abusing you because they know you are mentally unstable and want to be taken seriously and they have no interest in your well being and just keep putting you out there when the last thing you should be doing is trying to act intelligent and with it. Fox is taking advantage of you and probably feeds you just enough bullshit you believe you are doing something good. For them, the controversy is more than worth the pittance they pay you. You make millions for Fox - do they really pay you enough to be reduced to a mentally challenged ignoramus? Lifetime is doing the same thing to Bristol - both of you are chumps - not stars - you are the new Gong shows for Fox and Lifetime - more people tune in to see you fail and stumble and looked drugged and unkempt - in Bristol's case to be witness to child abuse and loveless parenting. It's just really very sad. At the same time, you want to keep coming out here then I'll keep commenting - you suck at so many things and yet you seem to equate the money you earn with success or popularity. You really don't understand at all

    1. lostinmn, she's too far gone. My wife is in the mental health field, numerous degrees. She diagnosed Serror as a psychopath years ago. Who should get help is everyone around her. Or, even better, get AWAY.

    2. lostinmn12:54 PM

      Smirnonn - I worked in mental health for a number of years and then dated a diagnosed Borderline. Sara reminds me of her every time she opens her mouth. I'd accept psychopath as well. She is one very sick woman. I guess that's why I wrote what I did. She's being used - a sideshow of horror who is too ill to see how she's being used. Not my call but someone should gently lead her away and get her some help

    3. Anonymous2:35 PM

      someone should gently lead her away and get her some help

      That would be a loving family. In her case they are also using her. Everyone uses her as she does them.

  42. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Lego hair advice to Mitt -go light your 'hair on fire'. WTF!!!!!

    1. Anonymous2:36 PM

      One of his best features. She is jealous.

  43. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I hope Sean has her on after the election. How long can you blame the media for President Obama's winning elections? Americans see through her bullshit once again!

  44. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Hope to see ads on the 'Thugs not working for you' aka Congress Thugs.

    They are taking a vote today -- for the 33rd time - yes I said the 33rd time -- on repealing Obamacare. Like the 1st, 2nd or 10th vote -- didn't repeal it then and won't now. Stunned & Stupid. Waste of massive taxpayer money in that what, they work 2 weeks and off 1 or whatever it is and basically the summer off so therefore 33 times in under two years is pushing towards once a week. The time wasted in spewing their BS from the floor, then the useless vote.

    Remember -- these morons when they took over Congress, their first vote was on abortion. Remember - they ran on jobs -- Abortion -- Jobs -- anyone see a connection? Yet when presented with voting PBO's jobs/infrasture job creating bills -- they vote NO.

  45. Anonymous10:52 AM

    This woman is a FUCKING Idiot.

  46. Anonymous11:04 AM

    All I see now is someone trying to hide whatever they are on. She is so f@cked up. It is more into the tragic phase now. All the make-up, good lighting, soft lenses and so on will never be enough. All I can see is the ADDICT trying to hide. Who needs to listen to the cover ups or word salads now? She is defunct by her own undoing. Thanks to Todd for being purse boy. She could never keep it up on her own. Ailes, Hannity and all the tiny subjects keep up this charade, they feed on the lies they live.

  47. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Slightly o/t --

    because I'm a glutton for punishment, I went to the Lifetime website to see if I could watch the most recent Bristol Bonanza.
    It's not there. Only last week's exciting show has been posted.
    We are offered teasers about Gino chopping down a tree, and several "I Love Alaska" mottoes (I guess they're meant to garner payment from the state film office, showing that this is really all about Alaska).
    In any event, I can wait forever to see the seventh episode, and my curiosity has waned already, but I do note a lack of enthusiasm by Lifetime for its hot-shot Bristol autobiography. Somebody/bodies aren't paying much attention to the Palins these days.

    1. Anonymous12:34 PM

      Bristol must not have liked how the episode played because, once again, it showed Tripp acting up and Bristol crying that there is no daddy to be the bad guy and discipline the child. Bristol doesn't want to be the bad guy, so Tripp is not disciplined.

      Discipline does not have to mean being the bad guy but Bristol enjoys bashing Levi now that she has excluded him from Tripp's life-- and Bristol has no idea how to be a mother to Tripp since I don't think that she had much of a role model as her own mother.

      You didn't miss anything. Bristol and Willow called each other crazy and psycho.

    2. Anonymous2:39 PM

      Hilarious. That is the romantic Valentimes ep. You don't think she noticed Gino the dopey doped up looking dupe is not what she imagined? She should have stayed with the Massey Bros. Who took her out of that show?

  48. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Sarah Palin Considers Whether Sarah Palin Will Be Mitt Romney’s Vice President

    1. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Insanity is trying the same thing over again and expecting different results.

    2. Anonymous3:42 PM

      This woman is a FUCKING Idiot.

  49. Anonymous11:28 AM

    My single greatest fantasy (I'm older now) is that of having some brave --or wasted--(who cares?) soul run up to her and snatch that silly wig off her head. Has there ever been a person without full blown Asperger's who is so lacking in self awareness? Not that I am intimating she HAS Asperger's. They are usually very intelligent. She's definitely not that, except maybe for a primitive survival cunning thing.

  50. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Gryphen, comment by Anonymous10:32 AM and all the responses needs its own separate post.

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      aw shucks,
      Anna Lynne

    2. Anonymous12:54 PM

      yeah. todd has held many jobs. why do they leave out the main bodies of his work?

    3. Anonymous12:57 PM

      Did you hear the dog barking in the background during the broadcast? it is like amateur hour at lake lucille

    4. Anonymous1:28 PM

      The Hound of the Baskervilles.

  51. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Interesting blind here...most people seem to think that Sarah had the lipo done.

  52. Anonymous12:47 PM

    What the heck is a "composite girlfriend"? bt

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM

      A female composite boyfriend.

    2. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Obama wrote about a girlfriend, their relationship, during his New York City period. He said (in the notes to the book) that such people in his book were composites of a number of people he had known, and he was not describing any one person. One such girlfriend wrote a sweet piece about Obama at the time this was news (a few months ago).

    3. Thanks, 1:37. It drives me nuts when so called fact checkers try to find non-truths in "Dreams". As you mention, the introduction states clearly that names were changed and several characters are composites.

      That was a very charming piece composed by BHO's college girlfriend. It seemed she really loved him, but he remained elusive; perhaps still searching for his ultimate identity. (OK, I'm a romantic at heart...)

    4. Anonymous2:20 PM

      He didn't name the names of the former girlfriends he had written about, protecting their privacy.
      But since Sarah knows of of Tawds prostitutes I guess she thinks she is entitled to know.

      Dear Palins
      can someone please spray Sarah down with a hose or something, she looks greasy with old sweat ugh.

  53. Anonymous12:50 PM

    I suppose it is all coincidence that the rags are onto Sarah's poor looks. They started off slow with John Edwards, also, too. The televised druggy Fox commentator and the tight abs square pillow mother of Trig reveal will come later. Thank heavens for the rags.


    At the same time Camilla was doing her best to charm Elizabeth and win favor.
    GLOBE’s cover also does a pictorial on 21 favorite child stars including Leave It To Beaver’s Tony Dow, The Wonder Year’s Danica McKellar, and Raven Symone from The Cosby Show. Should be fun having a look at these folks… a trip down memory lane.
    We also learn the shocking news in this week’s GLOBE that Sarah Palin is down to 98 pounds! The formerly robust Alaskan is stressed over her divorce battle and has apparently giving up eating.
    GLOBE saves the most amazing news for last! Rodney King was murdered!

  54. OK I managed to watch the whole thing.Never again.She has been saying the same nonsense with EVERY "interview". Sarah, you are a joke.Get help,get off my TV and go back to your dysfunctional family.But before you go please show us the birth certificate.

  55. Anonymous1:29 PM

    She's newsworthy only on the rags, as far as I'm concerned.

    1. Anonymous7:11 PM

      That would be rag. There is only one. And it is not news. Just a place for losers.

  56. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Her eyes are so bloodshot, she reminds me of the aliens on the X Files with no white to their eyes. I wonder what she is on because she looks wasted.

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      She reminds me of someone I knew. She is on anything she can get.

  57. TNbluedot2:24 PM

    I watched as much as I could and went back to my current read - "The Fox Effect" fabulous read, BTW, but oh, so frustrating. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it!

    For fun I took it along to the dealership the other day to kill time while I had some car work done. Sat squarely under the FOX blabbers on TV - holding it so the cover was visible to all in the waiting room. hahaha! (Lasted about 20 min. until I couldn't stand the noise and went to another room. By then the room was nearly empty, so mission accomplished!)

    1. Anonymous7:10 PM

      LOL. I did that too with The Lies of Sarah Palin. Sat there in the auto repair waiting room, book highly visable, kept the sunglasses on so I could watch peoples faces as I flaunted her assinine face. and laughed out loud

  58. Anonymous3:25 PM

    She gasps like someone geeking on coke or meth.

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      That is the way it is. None of the enablers will catch on either.

      I hope Bristol's next act isn't to procreate with the sloth.

  59. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Hate to say this, but her talking points are being used on other media channels today (that she said on Hannity's show!). She still IS getting media time in spite of what all of us think of her on this blog!

    I hate the media - it is all negative and not one damned thing that is positive!!!

    Need to take more breaks from it there is no doubt!

    1. Anonymous5:12 PM

      That is just the way the system works. It is automatic. They aren't going to stop pretending.

  60. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Sarah, what's up with the non-moving eyebrows and forehead? Why the constant slow-motion blinking?

    Sean, lose the pen. Every knows you can't write with an upside down pen!

    1. Anonymous7:04 PM

      notice the tone of her voice is toned down, she might be taking some type of acme speech classes online to help her not sound so ignorant. But she failed. still sounds like a moron liar.

    2. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Still want this nobody to shut up and go away.

  61. This is Off Topic but I wanted to ask-

    I have seen a couple episodes of Bristol's "show", but not the one from last week where they pose for photos to gift Sarah with- the still I saw at AustinIsAFecker shows Britta holding Kyla Grace, Bristol holding presumptive future juvenile delinquent due to her lazy ass 'parenting' Tripp, and Willow holding Trig.

    Here's my question- was Todd in those scenes? The reason I ask is because when I saw the still of that footage, I kept thinking the scene looked familiar. Then I remembered why- sometime earlier this year (I think) Sarah posted something on face book which contained several photos of Trig. Maybe it was for world DS day? Anyway, one of the photos she posted was of Todd holding Tripp and Trig. They are wearing the identical red (Trig) and blue (Tripp) plaid shirts as they are wearing in the "Sarah's birthday gift photo".

    I'm just curious to know if this is yet another of the Palin date fudging ops. The pictures are purported to have been taken right around the time of CPAC but I THOUGHT the picture of Todd holding Trig and Tripp was much older.


  62. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Good gosh that woman is a idiot. I can hardly stand to listen to her drug induced dribble. She did not say anything of substance. Why do they interview a dumb dumb like her? Oh thats right? It fake fox un news. Hey sarah why dont you produce a few papers, like your tax returns, school records, birth certificates, police records, emails, medical records, drugs your on, drugs your kids are on, todds sex tapes, list of prostitutes. YOU know? You really are a POS.

  63. Anita Winecooler8:07 PM

    OH My! She's come undone. I had to stop the clip after about two minutes or so.
    I love your nomenclature for what's left of what was once considered "Sarah Palin, semi-sane ex gov etc.

    Sean was gettin jiggy with wiggy, and she was too busy repeating the voices echoing in her head.

    This part made me roll!

    "Somewhere Sigmund Freud is clawing his way out of his grave. pad of paper in hand, hoping to get this lunatic on a couch and start picking through her grey matter."

    Well said!


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