Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Google supports marriage equality, so anti-gay American Family Association decides to boycott them. Oh yeah, THAT'LL teach them!

Courtesy of The New Civil Rights Movement:  

Buster Wilson today suggested conservatives boycott Google for the search engine and advertising giant’s recently announced “Legalize Love” campaign to decriminalize homosexuality around the world. Wilson, general manager of the American Family Association‘s radio stations and technically Bryan Fischer‘s boss, acknowledges a boycott against Google “is going be tough,” and will “test the meat of our convictions.” 

"I said that I did not want to support any efforts like this, in fact, we are a part of boycotting efforts similar to this with other businesses. This is going to be hard for a lot of us. A lot of us are so integrated into Google and Google products, this is going to be a tough one. It’s more than just a search engine — many of us have Android phones the Android system is a Google product. Many of us use Google calendar and Google task, and Gmail, and all those kinds of things. YouTube and all the other things — it’s not just the search engine. So this is going be tough. This one’s going to be one of those situations where I guess we’ll test the meat of our convictions."

Okay does the term "test the meat of our convictions" sound totally gay to anybody else?

Well anyway, this is absolutely hysterical in my opinion. The idea that these idiots will be able to get their supporters to boycott the most powerful search engine in the world in 2012 is simply ridiculous. They would have more success forcing their church going men to give up the porn we all know they are watching at night after their wives go to sleep. Ain't gonna happen.

You know if you think about it, this could be framed as a battle between the forces of God versus the forces of Google.

I don't know about all of you but MY money is on the equal rights endorsing search engine. I don't think that God even has a chance here.

All hail the great and glorious Google, blessed be thy name!


  1. Anonymous4:27 AM

    If God, as in the Christian God which includes Jesus Christ is who you mean by that Jesse, then "God" would be on Google's side. Using the wealth and the power that comes with it to do good. And the stories about Christ are all about him rejecting the hypocritical (see Pharisees)who obeyed the letter of the law and ignored it's spirit. Meanwhile, Christ was hanging out with friends like Mary Magdalene, the prostitute. And I'll bet more than a few of the apostles and disciples were gay. And Christ was OK with that.
    The AFA is a religious organization only because they are attracted to the authoritarian aspects-much more the Old Testament Yahweh smiting god stuff.

    1. Anonymous6:16 AM

      And Jesus wasn't a christian.
      He was a black man, a jewish man, and a gay man, and his name wasn't Jesus. But Christians never get those facts get in the way of their hate.

  2. Anonymous4:29 AM


    Shit, I wouldn't curse my dog with a name like that.

  3. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Google is on the side of justice for all. The AFA is on the side of homophobia and hate. If I believed in Jesus I imagine he'd be using Google with a smile on his face and in his heart.

  4. I thought Google WAS God.

  5. Anonymous5:02 AM

    I feel we should pop some popcorn, it back and watch them turn themselves into pretzels -- Live -- on the

    'Goog'n'God Show'!!!!

  6. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Actually, I think God is on Google's side. After all, He loves all the creatures He created, and He doesn't make mistakes.

  7. Anonymous5:26 AM

    The Obama-Biden Campaign is offering free LGBT Americans for Obama bumper stickers. If you would like to thank President Obama for supporting marriage equality, or ending Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, or for refusing to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court, you can now do it for free.

  8. Anonymous5:29 AM

    ..."test the meat of our convictions" sounds awfully carnivorous to me. Test = Taste, correct?

    I bet those convictions will prove to be very hard to swallow and eventually regurgitated before being followed by a vegetarian word salad of obfuscation.

    waiting for it fromthediagonal

  9. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Breaking: 132 House Democrats File Amicus Brief Denouncing DOMA

    1. Anonymous10:12 AM

      They are such idiots! Always putting politics before people. They should try to work and do their jobs instead.

  10. Ha!! Even if they DON'T have an android, iPhones at least (and I assume most other phones also) have google as the default search engine. There's no escaping google without significant bother and time waste. I love this! I say go for it with all your fervor guys! All ten of you will make a HUGE hole in googles profits, Bahaha.

  11. WalterNeff5:41 AM

    Why would they boycott something they clearly have never used?

    1. Anonymous6:20 AM

      You hit the nail on the head.

      Them using Google to research FACTS!! ROFL

      Never has nor never will happen!!

    2. Anonymous10:30 AM

      BINGO! lol

  12. Anonymous5:42 AM

    I am an atheist, but this is one of those times where I would be quite happy if there were a heaven and hell; where our deeds on earth were judged with the reward of heaven or hell. AFA members would definitely be in need of sunscreen in the afterlife.

  13. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Three more episodes of Bristol's show with the capper being Bristol and Gino getting engaged on national tv.

    That home gym is going to take a massive beatdown isn't it?

    1. A "beatdown?"

      Do you even know how to use gym equipment?

    2. Anonymous6:23 AM

      I think Anon is referencing the gym equipment as the equivalent of the 'refrigerators'

    3. Anonymous10:14 AM

      A beat down? Why would he give a flying F or be angry that Bristol gets engaged on TV. You really are a sick delusional person if you think Gryphen cares that much. Bristol and Gino are a joke and irrelevant!

    4. Bristolthehoe is getting engaged on national tv? She's an unreality tv skank. Only her fellow skanks would care.

  14. Is it a coincidence that AFA is ALWAYS fixated on testing somebody's meat?

    Maybe it's true what they say--- that inside every closet is a self-hating, sexuality-denying, hard-core-fundie evangelical in there bible-thumpin' and meat testing, or vice versa.

    Anybody remember Ted Haggard?

  15. WakeUpAmerica5:57 AM

    "...a battle between the forces of God versus the forces of Google"

    Uh no. It is a battle between Google and the forces of ignorance. What an ignorant thing to say, Jesse. Do you have OCD? Like Palin, you don't seem able to let some things go. "Namaste" my ass.

    1. Anonymous7:17 AM

      Aaaww someone's got her "panties for jebus" in a!

    2. Anonymous10:15 AM

      OCD? He was joking. Take a Valium


    God says that He needs the google to be able to find important shit on Conservapedia. Just sayin'.

  17. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Sorry this is OT:

    National Enquirer Blind Item

    THIS prominent lady politico is frantic to keep news of her recent tummy tuck and liposuction procedures out of the media. The conservative mom wants her fans to believe she’s all natural and stays trim by exercising daily! Can you name her?

    Guess who the most popular answer is?

    1. Anonymous11:48 AM

      I post on that site and added my "vote" for Sister Sarah.

  18. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! What are they going to do? Use Microsoft Bing? Sorry, AFA, Microsoft also supports marriage equality. Too funny, Gryph!

  19. A. J. Billings6:25 AM

    Being from an IT networking background for the last 25 years, I can tell you this is going to be a massive pain in the ass for the religious crowd and their techie types.

    If you've got 2000 people using Google apps for business as a non profit, you are paying WAY less than market rates for a lot of services, especially FREE email.

    Now the AFA, and other hate groups are going to have to BUY services from Micro$oft, or Oracle, or Rackspace, etc. Then they get the magical joy of
    migrating their thousands of clients, and servers to the new systems.

    Oops, I bet Microsoft suppports LBGT folks too, not sure about Oracle. But tech firms tend to be staffed and run by progressive folks, so good luck with that "we hate Google" crap!

  20. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Here in Northcentral Indiana we have a sect of German Baptist and they forsake a whole lot of modern conveniences such as TVs and Radios but those cleaning German Baptist ladies will NEVER, NEVER give up their cell phones!! Those things are attached to every GB at the wrist! What a bunch of douchebags! Can we just carve out a few states such as North Dakota, Montana, and Idaho and put all of these nutjobs there (kind of like reservations in the 19th century). They can do whatever they want in their own precious little world.

  21. Anonymous6:59 AM

    OT: Everybody should watch Stephanie Miller on Current TV (Dish #215) or listen on Sirius Left #127 (9:00-12:00 EST). Her radio show just played Sarah's screech from last night and skewered her but good. LOL!

  22. That's simply hilarious. Google is mammoth, and sufficiently diverse, that they are unlikely to even notice this "boycott." (anyway, most of this org. probably dont know how to use the internet !)

  23. PL - MN8:22 AM

    Ah, I think they should also boycott Apple and Microsoft.

    Then see how much they can get onto that spidery interwebs tubular thingie. :)

  24. Smirnonn9:11 AM

    Well, they'd better buy some encyclopedias and a lot of stamps.

  25. Anonymous9:39 AM

    But remember above when I mentioned Miscrosoft’s Bing search engine? Not so fast, Buster! As Right Wing Watch points out, “If the AFA goes ahead with its Google boycott, the group will also have to boycott Google’s rival Microsoft as the company recently endorsed marriage equality.”

    That sound you hear is a whole lotta patriarchal penises deflating. In other words, might as well beam yourself back to the 1930s, to the era before a gay man, Alan Turing, invented the modern computer and made the AFA’s web-based bigotry possible. After all, where would they be without Bryan Fischer’s always entertaining hate blog?

    This has gotta be hell on Google Earth for self-righteous aberrochristian bigots, to know they owe so much to a gay man, and are now so dependent on technology invented by a gay man and systems run by or manufactured by companies that support the rights of gays and lesbians to be treated like human beings.

  26. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I'm glad that he mentioned all the other entities that Google owns, reminding his people what they REALLY will be missing. lol

  27. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Well, they can always use the Yahoo search engine, no?

  28. Anonymous2:20 PM

    "Test the meat"....can these people even breathe without their pent-up sexual repression showing?

    Seriously,though...why don't all these holy-roller sexually-repressed family-lovin' folks just get together and establish their own isolated community and live as they want WITHOUT expecting everyone else to follow them,like the Amish and Quakers?

  29. Boscoe5:48 PM

    Hey, I just had an awesome idea! If every person and company that supports marriage equality came out staunchly and openly in favor of it, all of those hateful douchetards like the AFA would respond by, basically, cutting themselves off from the rest of us in protest!

    We'd finally have those bigoted morons penned up in a tiny ghetto of their own making!

    ...assuming they're not hypocritical asshats and would actually live up to their word and conviction.

    Yeah, I guess it's a pretty dumb idea after all. :P

  30. Beldar Torus Conehead2:09 PM

    You're really off track on this one, Gryphen. What does Google have to offer that a devout xtian can't simply look up in the Bible? Answer: nothing! (ok, besides links to popular porn sites, of course)

    Only pagans, heathens, and non-believers use Google any more and you can look that up... ...on Google.

    Once the boycott is really underway, I would estimate Google, at the most, stays in business only another 25 years. and it could be even less than that. Just sayin'

    (this message sponsored by Bing! The search engine that doesnt hate xtians.)


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