Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Obama campaign is no longer bothering to play nice with Mittens. Good, it's about time!

Oooh, THAT is brutal!

And, as it turns out, completely accurate.

Let's see him use that "I was a successful businessman" talking point now!


  1. Gryphen, I'm so glad you posted this video. Brutal is absolutely right.

    Whoever is behind the sound engineering in this piece is a genius. To paraphrase a commenter from TPM, Mitt is there in those empty buildings, singing his heart out after bankrupting the businesses and sending the jobs overseas.

    Obama/Biden 2012

  2. Anonymous1:08 PM

    OMG...that is a beautiful thing! I can just hear him on Fox later: "I wish the President was not resorting to lies, none of it's true. "
    Host: "Why do you think they are resorting to this negativity, Governor? I mean, you are obviously a smart man and a successful business man."
    "Well, Great um it's obvious that the President can't run on his abysmal jobs record, so he's decided to attack me for doing what Americans do: make money. It saddens me, because I had planned to run a positive campaign and show the people how that's done."
    Host nods with a very serious look on face.

  3. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Damn! Hit him in the balls with the truth.

  4. Anonymous1:29 PM

    IF the OutSorcerer can't handle the TRUTH, then he sure as hell won't be able to tolerate the sound of his own voice!

    I anxiously await the first debate!


  5. Think mebbe they're shooting their wad too soon? Or, do they have MORE? Here's to hoping!

    1. Olivia2:05 PM

      I wondered that myself but I think that they need to keep the momentum of this going. Otherwise it will fade away and then all Mitt's lies become acceptable, just another day in politics.

    2. Anonymous2:32 PM

      As long as Romney refuses to release his tax returns, it looks like he's hiding something big... because why else in heaven's name wouldn't he?

    3. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Maybe Scarah will wreck the convention in Tampa with one of her tricks. It could actually be the end of the GOP. Even Republicans can only take so much.

    4. Karen in SoCal4:46 PM

      I think the Obama campaign must also have the Bain corporate minutes - that's the latest thing they're asking about. And you know the old saying: Don't ask a question you don't already know the answer to.
      I think there's much more to come. Get your popcorn ready, kids!

  6. A second thought: if things get to hot for Meh, might he be knocked out and another Rethug commandeered to replace him?

    Brokered convention!!!!! $P to the rescue!!!! Aha, she's had this planned the whole time, doncha know.


    (Okay, I'm calm now.)

  7. Pat in MA1:43 PM

    Love this ad! One (of the many) things that bothers me about Mitt is that when he is trying to say something serious, he always has this half smile/laugh thing going on, a mix between "I can't believe I have to explain this to you morons" and "just trust me, it's not a big deal, I'm so f'n awesome, just vote for me and all will be well."
    Yeah, right.

    1. Anonymous2:29 PM

      My husband and I were just talking about that "smile/laugh thing" last night. I'm sure a lot of other people have noticed it or will notice it. It's unnerving... and disgustingly smarmy.

      Romney is a snake.

    2. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Sarah does have a plan. And you will all eat your words. Wait and see! And you will be able to thank Obama for playing right into her plan the way wanted him too.

    3. Anony 2:46 ~

      I'm pleading with the Everywhere that $arah is the Republican nominee :) Please, plead to whomsoever you plead to that this be so. It's the best way i can think of to expose all of her 'gates' in a fell swoop.

      I think it's brilliant that $arah's handlers looked to the MUCH brighter Obama Campaign to disable Rmoney for her.

      Of course, it wasn't $arah's idea because slobbering in a corner is about all $he can manage these days :)

    4. AKinPA6:05 PM

      Yes. That smile in those interviews! He smiled the whole time. It was eerie and so unnatural. No one smiles like that. It reminded me of that horrible smile of Jerry Sandusky.

  8. Anonymous1:43 PM

    How you like that apology Mitt? HAhahahaha

  9. 32 seconds of perfection. I agree with Pol @1:08, whoever's behind the sound track is a genius. "Successful businessman", my a**. Mitt is playing with a bunch of people who know what they're doing.

  10. I had to go back and watch it again. Beautiful! It gives me chills...or maybe it's just that awful voice.

  11. Sharon2:08 PM

    I have to admit the overwhelming fear that Romney might win due to all that money and the unbelievable stupidy of voters, I am feeling more hopeful. When every news media outlet is drumming him to death about Bain...and his lies about everything, I don't think even Fox can save him from himself. I can't wait for their convention....maybe there will be so many Republicans hating this guy, Ron Paul will get elected by the people...not the money. Then of course we have the debates which will destroy any last attempt he has of lying his way thru. I surely hope the nation will vote all the Republicans out, governors, congress and the senate. Maybe this country can really get about the business of recovery and growth...hope springs eternal.

    1. Rmoney has to win the nomination, first, before he can win the Presidency.

      This article at ABC News talks about Rmoney lounging by the water whilst President Obama is hard at work on the campaign trail in Virginia:

      If you scan through the comments, you'll see that a LOT of Republican voters do NOT like Mitt Rmoney and do not want him to be the Republican candidate.

    2. BTW: That's a H/T to Anony 2:30, below, for the link to the ABCNews article :)

    3. Anonymous7:34 PM

      I had been feeling increasingly pessimistic about the election because of all the polls having them so close, but the recent developments with Romney's tax returns and the Bain situation have left me much more hopeful.

      I'm also very happy to see that the Obama campaign is finally becoming more aggressive about calling out the lies and flip-flops.

      Finally, the debate(s) will go a long way toward showing what an arrogant, self-absorbed, heartless, spoiled loser Romney really is. He doesn't think well on his feet while Obama has four years of Presidential experience to call on and the intelligence to make Romney look like a fool.

  12. "I'm President Obama...and I approve this message!"

    OUCHIE OUCHIE.....O U C H! That had to leave a serious skid mark in Meh's magic drawers!


    1. Anonymous2:55 PM

      Love your graphic comment!

  13. Ex-cel-lent!

    There will be no "swift-boating" of Barack Obama. He's dah man. There is no such thing as positive electioneering in the GOP world. Finally, the Dems are getting the message before it's too late. Hit 'em early and often - right up to election day.

    No one ever won an election by being "too nice."

  14. Anonymous2:30 PM

    While President Obama Rallies, Mitt Romney Sits Lakeside With iPad

  15. Axelrod doesn’t play patty cakes.

    You’re either in it to win or you’re not.

  16. MissSunshine2:40 PM

    Pat in MA - W. Bush had that same smug little smirk on his face during his "campaign".

    I think the American people know a phoney when they see one; the concern that keeps me up at nights is if this election can be stolen the way it was in 2004 with the Diebold voting machines.

    P.S. Brilliant ad. I'm glad to see first rate people on O's side. Absolute class while going for Mitten's vulture throat.

  17. Anonymous2:41 PM

    The Bain Event: Watch All 5 Of Mitt Romney’s Bain Storm Interviews

    From a political standpoint, the repetition of themes in these interviews provides a window into the messages that Gov. Romney wants to deliver. The most practical takeaway is that he would like very much to move the goalposts on his involvement with Bain Capital between 1999 and 2002. While his declaration on a federal disclosure form read “Since February 11, 1999, Mr. Romney has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way,” Romney stressed, in each of these interviews, that he had no management responsibilities.

  18. Anonymous2:42 PM


    1. Anita Winecooler7:14 PM

      Truly Funny! Would make a great tee shirt! Thanks for sharing!

  19. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Team Obama don't appear to be playing beanbag, do they?

    The sound you're hearing now is right-wingers heads exploding.

  20. Anonymous2:44 PM

    The beauty of these attack ads is whether one thinks they're 'over-the-top' or not, the Romney camp is obliged to respond as ignoring them is just not an option, which is what they usually do. The Romney campaign just doesn't defend well, in fact I'd go so far as to say they go out of their way not to defend direct attacks at all, and you can't get much more explicit than this ad.

    Bare-knuckle politics versus a candidate who doesn't appear to even like to get his hair mussed. Pass the popcorn.

  21. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Karl Rove's head is definitely exploding. The Prez is out-Roving Rove.

  22. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Fantastic ad. That will do exactly what it's designed to to. That awful singing will definitely get attention. The message combined with the negative association of Mittens mangling America the beautiful is guaranteed to create negative feelings.

    The President walking in the first two seconds of the ad was an especially nice touch.

    OFA's best yet.

  23. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I can't stand any of the Sunday shows but, tomorrow I will be watching. Clearly by the unhinged, delusional, and changing of the subject type of comments here by the Romneybots, even they know that he's in BIG TROUBLE! Most disturbing is Mitt's belief that he doesn't have to release any more tax returns. Yesterday was Friday the 13th and it's becoming clear that this was the day he lost the election! What I'm really looking forward to tomorrow is watching the GOP surrogates squirm as they try to convince voters that there's no need to think Romney is hiding something simply because he's hiding something!

  24. Anonymous2:51 PM

    No doubt you'll hear this somewhere: "Maryland governor Martin O'Malley quipped that in 2008 John McCain saw 23 years of Romney's tax returns and then picked Sarah Palin." Mittens refusal to release more than 2010 and 2011 (when they're ready) tax returns only creates more suspicion. Expect more "out loud musing and speculation about 'why' he's hiding them, and 'what' he's hiding."

  25. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Looks like its time for Mitt to take a page out of the Sarah Palin handbook and have a three week fake pregnancy culminating with the delivery of A baby with special needs. I'm sure Sarah can hook him up with some long scarves and CBJ's phone number.

  26. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Great ad! Thrilled that the gloves are FINALLY coming off and that Mitt is being exposed for the fraud that he is. It is imperative that this message becomes a drumbeat. He and his cohorts ARE the problem NOT the solution. OBAMA/BIDEN 2012.

    1. Yep, we must take the gloves off when you're dealing with Mittens!


  27. Anonymous2:57 PM

    John McCain knows more about Romney than he's letting on; we should waterboard him to get to the truth about Willard.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:09 PM

      Can we just strap him to a chair and make him listen to Sarah Palin Speeches at full volume, 24/7?

  28. Anonymous2:58 PM

    "Boom!" goes the dynamite.

  29. Anonymous2:59 PM

    This is classic Rove (actually Lee Atwater), of taking what should be a natural Romney advantage and completely turning it against him. This is exposing Mitt Romney's soft underbelly.

  30. Anonymous3:00 PM

    HE doesn't like to get his hair mussed (heaven forbid - that's for commoners). "I'm running for office, for Pete's sake" indeed.

    But he sure doesn't mind it when his (not coordinating with) Super PACs do all the down and dirty work. Just ask Gingrich or Santorum.

    "Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander" indeed. And karma is indeed a bitch.

  31. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Rachel Maddow Mocks Mitt Romney's Interview Blitz (VIDEO)

    Romney and the White Horse Prophecy

    A close look at the roots of Romney's -- and the Mormon church's -- political ambitions

    When Mitt Romney received his patriarchal blessing as a Michigan teenager, he was told that the Lord expected great things from him. All young Mormon men — the “worthy males” of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as it is officially known — receive such a blessing as they embark on their requisite journeys as religious missionaries. But at 19 years of age, the youngest son of the most prominent Mormon in American politics — a seventh-generation direct descendant of one of the faith’s founding 12 apostles—Mitt Romney had been singled out as a destined leader.

    From the time of his birth — March 13, 1947 — through adolescence and into manhood, the meshing of religion and politics was paramount in Mitt Romney’s life. Called “my miracle baby” by his mother, who had been told by her physician that it was impossible for her to bear a fourth child, Romney was christened Willard Mitt Romney in honor of close family friend and one of the richest Mormons in history, J. Willard Marriott.

    In 1962, when Mitt — as they decided to call him — was a sophomore in high school, his father, George W. Romney, was elected governor of Michigan. Throughout the early 1960s, Mitt collected petition signatures, campaigned at his father’s side, attended strategy sessions with his father’s political advisors, and interned at his father’s office during all three of his gubernatorial terms. He attended the 1964 Republican National Convention where his father led a challenge of moderates against the right-wing Barry Goldwater. Although he was fulfilling his spiritual obligation as a Mormon missionary in France in 1968 while his father was the front-running GOP presidential candidate, Mitt was kept apprised of the political developments back in the U.S.

    Upon completion of his foreign mission, he immersed himself in the 1970 senatorial campaign of his mother, Lenore Romney, who was running against Phillip Hart in the Michigan general election. That same year, the Cougar Club — the all male, all white social club at Brigham Young University in Salt Lake City (blacks were excluded from full membership in the Mormon church until 1978) — was humming with talk that its president, Mitt Romney, would become the first Mormon president of the United States. “If not Mitt, then who?” was the ubiquitous slogan within the elite organization. The pious world of BYU was expected to spawn the man who would lead the Mormons into the White House and fulfill the prophecies of the church’s founder, Joseph Smith Jr., which Romney has avidly sought to realize.

  32. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Mitt Romney At Leisure: 12 Pictures From His Day Off

    The Republican presidential nominee took a day off from campaigning at his home in New Hampshire Saturday on the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee. He seems to be enjoying himself.

    he still seems to be showing off his many speed boats!!!

    1. Anita Winecooler6:58 PM

      HA! I love number 9. Alone, with empty chairs and the "modest" summer cabin in the background. Even when he's by himself, he looks like a "poser" and completely out of his element.

  33. Anonymous3:18 PM

    "I have to admit I did not think I was going to be in politics," Romney said during a recent interview, leaning back into the couch of his State House office. Perhaps it was the setting or media conditioning, but sitting with the well-spoken, erudite governor it occurs to one that if presidential candidates could be manufactured like cars, The Romney -- politically savvy, morally unchallenged (so far as we know now, but it's not as if Ted Kennedy doesn't have a good dirt-digging team), bank account flush with the fortune he made heading up the Bain Capital investment firm in the 1980s and '90s (helping catapult such national chains as Staples, Domino's, and The Sports Authority into the general consciousness), yet still able to pull the "Aw, shucks" routine off flawlessly -- would likely be a popular model.

  34. Anonymous3:24 PM

    “Mitt Romney spent nearly $100,000 in state funds to replace computers in his office at the end of his term as governor of Massachusetts in 2007 as part of an unprecedented effort to keep his records secret, Reuters has learned”.

    “When Romney left the governorship of Massachusetts, 11 of his aides bought the hard drives of their state-issued computers to keep for themselves. Also before he left office, the governor's staff had emails and other electronic communications by Romney's administration wiped from state servers, state officials say”.

    “Those actions erased much of the internal documentation of Romney's four-year tenure as governor, which ended in January 2007. Precisely what information was erased is unclear”.

    1. I remember reading this in an article somewhere too and found it rather indicting.
      M from MD

    2. I remember reading this in an article somewhere too and found it rather indicting.
      M from MD

  35. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Isn't it ironic that Mitt touted his Bain experience as his biggest qualifier to be President, but now he doesn't want us examining his record there? Just how stupid does he think we are?

    1. Anonymous8:00 PM

      I don't believe he really thinks or cares about us 'little people' at all because we just don't matter.

      He feels divinely entitled to the office of President and simply can't conceive of anyone not supporting his obvious destiny. In his mind, what he did before or does now just isn't important because he's SUPPOSED to be President.

      Just hand him the keys to the White House and be sure to clean up before you leave.

  36. Anonymous3:27 PM

    A lesson in lie detection:

    Watch any recent video and note how Mitt blinks rapidly whenever he lies. His lashes could power a wind farm.

    1. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Oh noes!!

      We'll have none of that silly alternative energy stuff associated with Mittens Romney, the dear, DEAR friend of the oil and gas industry!!!

  37. Anonymous3:29 PM

    "Residency issues have plagued Mitt Romney in the past. When he campaigned for governor of Massachusetts in 2002, he ran into trouble because he had switched his residency to Utah three years earlier when he moved to Park City to take over the struggling Salt Lake Olympic operation. The move technically made him ineligible to run for office in Massachusetts, which requires seven years of continuous state residency before a candidate is eligible to run. After a lot of legal wrangling and paying back taxes, he was finally allowed on the ballot."

    1. Read that too in an article. Romney is just a total slickster when it comes to getting around rules and regulations to get things his way.
      M from MD

  38. Oooh..that's gotta sting.
    M from MD

  39. Oooh...that's gotta sting!
    M from MD

  40. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Do we see the pattern here? When Romney ran for governor of Mass, and his opponent had the temerity to question his record at Bain and his trying to duck any responsibility by saying he wasn't there at the time, he criticized her heavily for bringing up the questions. And for some reason, at that time he got away with it.

    Now, when the Obama campaign is questioning the same areas, he goes on tv and denies the accusations and insists that Obama should apologize to him for bringing it up. Same old Mitt. Won't admit he did anything wrong, uses the "I wasn't even there at the time (although I did cash the paychecks, but you don't get to see that on my tax returns)" excuse, and attacks the other side for even mentioning it.

    I for one do not want to see him get away with it again. I was disgusted by G W Bush getting away with covering up his going AWOL from the National Guard, and I am disgusted by Romney trying to cover up the things he did at Bain, the money he has stashed all over the world, and whatever is in his tax returns for the past decade or so.

    I applaud the Obama campaign for asking these imminently relevant questions. This is completely germain to my right as a voter to know all there is to know about a candidate who is asking for my vote.

  41. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Absolutely loved this spot!

    And O/T, but Gryphen, THANKS for pushing me to watch the first three episodes of "The Newsroom". It is totally awesome and I've set it up for recording to my PVR. I don't want to miss any of it :)

  42. Anita Winecooler6:42 PM

    Whoever does the President's campaign videos is an absolute genius. They're clean, crisp, and to the point. Using Mitt's "haunting" rendition of "
    'Amercia' the Beautiful" echoes the hollowness of those buildings, while the headlines tell the truth.

    How's that "Apology" thing working for you, Mitt?

  43. Anonymous8:07 PM

    What makes me happiest about this is that the Obama campaign is not letting up the pressure on Romney.

    In the past, when they've brought up a lie or flip-flop and the Romney campaign has denied it, Obama's people just accepted it and moved on to other things.

    This time, they've got their teeth firmly planted in his ankle and they're not letting go!

  44. Anonymous2:20 PM

    NEW! Mitt's offshore money. . .personal wealth ???August Vanity Fair article: "Where the Money Lives"


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