Saturday, August 18, 2012

Are you sure you're from Wasilla?

I stay in occasional contact with Mercede and Sherry Johnston, probably communicating with Sadie about once a month or so and her mother a tad more frequently, and of course we are also Facebook friends.

As a rule I pay little attention to the things that Sadie posts on FB, because it is often directed more to the friends in her social circle and I sometimes feel like it's eavesdropping if I read anything personal. (I am not sure I will ever be completely comfortable with immediately knowing who just broke up with whom and when somebody that I don't really know very well has a parent die. But I guess that is the world we now live in.)

However the other day at the top of my news feed was a rather impassioned post about Sadie's feelings concerning a certain question that she is continually being asked.

I immediately thought that it deserved to be seen by a wider audience so I e-mailed Sadie and asked if I could post it.  She said, and I quote, "Absolutely no problem jess."

So here it is:

It is inconceivable to me that people ask me why I don't have kids yet or tell me I should get pregnant with them because it would be "cool" or "fun". Bringing a child into this world isn't glamorous, "cool", or a fad..they're human beings that demand unconditional love, everlasting time, an excessive amount of money, unfathomable attention, and exceptionally hard work. (no offense to any young mothers out there). 

Call me old fashioned but I think one should be in a long-term commited relationship, get married, be financially stable, and live in a safe and happy environment before even considering bringing another life into this world. 

This is not intended to insult or hurt anyone. It just continues to shock me how people think it's normal to expect a 20 yr old to have a kid(s). Or think it's acceptable to get pregnant just because a friend is and they unfortunately assume it would be "fun".

Now this was not written as an attack on anybody else, in fact many of Sadie's friends are in fact pregnant (Including her brother's girlfriend.), but it does indicate a certain point of view which seems to be out of vogue with many in the Valley these days. Perhaps in no small way the result of a certain Wasilla reality show participant who has made it seem glamorous and lucrative to have a baby out of wedlock.

Personally after reading this I was kind of proud of Sadie for standing up for the idea of waiting to have children, and for pointing out how wrong it is to have babies simply because they are "fun." They can indeed be a great source of joy, and fun as well, but having children, as she points out, is also hard work and a lifetime commitment. Not one that should be taken lightly, despite what one might learn from watching certain reality show that I will refrain from mentioning.

Oh by the way, this was Sherry's response to Sadie's Facebook post:

What I don't like is that America is telling our kids that it's cool to be a teenaged mother. Get a reality show and make lots of money! We all know that's BS. If you happen to become a mother when you're a teenager, I pray you have a great family and friends. You will need that support system.

And it looks as if when Mercede finally does become a mother, she will have exactly that.

And this is why these are my favorite two people in Wasilla. Not that they had a lot of competition.


  1. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Smart, responsible, upstanding and outspoken. Well said, Sadie. You're much more of a credit to your town than someone else who needn't even be named.

  2. Such an attractive, young lady. Hang in there, Sadie.

    1. She is, isn't she? I haven't seen that pic of Sadie before and was actually taken aback at how beautiful she's gotten. That girl is like a fine wine, she only gets better with age! :D

  3. Sounds like this girl/woman has been taught confidence and that it's okay to think independently of anyone else. What a joy.

  4. Ellen S2:28 PM

    Sadie and Sherry continue to be class acts. The wrong Wasillan is out doing public speaking to young women.

  5. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Thank you Sadie! You are a bright and positive young woman. Why in the world being pregnant in the Valley is considered a way to have “fun”?

    Fun is when you explore the world beyond your parents’ home; fun is being on your own and your own person; fun is your first job; fun is going to school with a group of goal oriented and like-minded friends and (this last is a big FU to Sarah Palin): Fun is getting a backpack and a passport and jumping on a plane to all parts of the world to explore other cultures, great food, and enjoy a love affair in Paris and with Paris, or Rome, or London or Prague or Kosovo or wherever!!!!

  6. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Well said, mex. +1

  7. Anonymous2:48 PM

    This craze for children while in ones teens does seem to be occurring in pockets of adolescents throughout America. While the overall teen birth rate has decreased from 2001-2011, we still read about these groups of girls in different cities in different states that seem to have a "gang mentality" regarding having babies out of wedlock and before graduating high school. Not sure where that drive originates; these could just be groups of girls whose parents were absent because they both had to work to support the family, leaving these girls feeling unloved and needing something that they believe will love them unconditionally.

    When I was in High School in the 80's a few of my friends became pregnant. Once their status became known to their parents it was quickly taken care of, not a one of these girls was given the opportunity to have a child while in their teens. The parents had a plan for their children and having a baby while in high school did not fit into that "life plan". Most of them went on to college and some of them had families later in life and some didn't. Most are very thankful that their parents intervened and did not allow their daughters to have an unwanted pregnancy while in high school.

    1. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Sounds like some great parents..nobody wants to vote for a pregnant prom queen

    2. Anonymous3:27 PM

      When I was in high school a friend became pregnant and her parents also stepped in and made sure their child didn’t have a baby. It was more common in the 1970s than anyone will admit. (And in the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s etc. ...) In fact, when Roe v. Wade became law there was absolutely no uproar. I remember a sense of relief among young women that biology wasn’t destiny and my friends and I all had a real affection for Gloria Steinem and her positive and constructive map for our lives. We also read “The Feminine Mystique” and it provided a lot of late evening fodder for intelligent debate. Mostly we all recognized out mothers in Betty Fridan’s account of “the problem with no name.” If you were the daughter of a woman in post-war 1950s and 1960s you recognized that problem that created a lot of very unhappy and unfulfilled women. Raising a passel of kids just wasn’t doing it for most women. There needed to be something more to life than procreation for procreation’s sake. This is why I am so angry with Sarah Palin. She missed the whole point of the women’s movement and has the nerve to call herself a feminist. She, in my opinion, is anti-women. And the proof is Bristol Palin. The girl never had a chance with a mother like that.

    3. Anonymous4:45 PM

      Yet she's happy, has a real job, loves her family, knows what matters...

    4. Anonymous5:01 PM

      Anonymous4:45 PM

      Yet she's happy, has a real job, loves her family, knows what matters...

      I hope you are talking about Sadie and not barstool?

    5. Anonymous5:30 PM

      There's a great film- Cider House Rules - Toby McGuire, I think. Yeah, actually very, very common.

  8. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Gryph, thanks for posting this, Like you, I am a bit old-fashioned about reading people's FB, if I do not personally know them. I really like Sadie and her mother - and Levi too - and I wish them all a happy healthy fulfilling life. It was refreshing to read this young woman's comment. Good for you, Sadie!

  9. Anonymous2:59 PM

    I think Sadie and Sherry are the only sane ones in that hillbilly town.

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Oh I dunno, I met a young woman form Wasilla in a foreign country - she concurred, after she somewhat abashedly said - yeah that Wasilla - and most people there DON't like Sarah Palin - to my involuntarily raised eyebrows.

  10. angela3:10 PM

    Bravo Sadie! But I have to add it is ridiculous that we all have to applaud a young woman who is responsible, open and has a big truckload of common sense. It seems to be rare these days. She should be the norm---but
    sadly . . .

    I hear you Anon 2:48
    I was in high school in the early 80s and knew of a few girls who got pregnant because of failed birth control or basic idiocy, but as it was not socially acceptable and everyone was expected to go on to college or at least have a life that didn't include a baby before their mid twenties. So either they disappeared for a few months or terminated the pregnancy. My class graduated exactly 0 pregnant girls. Of course that was when parents actually preferred that their kids used birth control and weren't all fool enough to think throwing jeebus in their face or telling them to just say no
    was going to work.

    There is a whole society of people who think children are accessories to be pushed around the mall in cute outfits. These are the same idiots who think nothing of the child's future education or economic lot in life. They need to just say yes to birth control!

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      I'm a late 80s teen, and I knew a lot of teen brides, but only 2 unwed teen moms. One of the moms dumped her newborn in a field to die. The mom didn't live much longer, she died in her late teens.

  11. BabyRaptor3:29 PM

    I mostly agree.

    The only part I don't agree with is the necessity of marriage. Single parents can do a fantastic job if they're capable and ready.

    Two people in a committed relationship that lacks that little piece of paper can also be great parents, if they're ready and capable.

    The marriage part doesn't really seem necessary to me. I understand that a lot of people place importance on it, and I have no issue with that. But seeing it as a requirement is just wrong, and trashing people who aren't married but are otherwise good parents simply because they don't fit your chosen definition of right is immature and insulting.

    1. Well, she admits that she's not trying to trash anyone. She's merely sharing her view. Considering that her brother's now had two babies out of wedlock, I don't think she's trying to be superior.
      For some people, marriage is just the next step. For others, they don't see a need and are happy to co-parent. For others still they opt to adopt/do IVF/etc and be a single mother/father with no co-parent. This is just Sadie's view.

    2. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Sadie just said that for HER, love, marriage, commitment and THEN children is the right order. You can believe whatever you like. I happen to agree with her. I have nephews who got girls pregnant and finally married them after several more years, and I really don't see much happiness in those relationships.

    3. Anonymous5:36 PM

      You're right, but realize it is a remnant of the days before paternity testing, IMO. Back then, you had to hogtie them men to get their child support or health insurance - today, genetic testing prevents deadbeat dads.

    4. AKRNHSNC3:42 AM

      I might agree that being married is not a requirement as long as that single person is deciding to become pregnant at a time in their life where they have a support system, savings, and if not someone who will be an active father in the child's life, at the very least, a couple men who they know will be strong male role models for the child. There are women who want to have children that might not have found someone they want to marry and I don't think it should necessarily preclude their having a child of their own, but I certainly hope the decision is made with a great deal of introspection and thought about what it will be like as a single mother who 24/7 will have this child totally dependent on you for the next 18 years. It's quite obvious that many of the young girls who think it will be cool to have a baby have changed their mind once said baby has arrived and it's more than a few months old, sleep is a luxury of the past, along with any time with friends and money is scarce. If they could live that reality for a week, their glamorous ideas of motherhood would go out the window damn quick.

      Kudos to Sadie for such a normal, healthy attitude. I hope that one of these days she'll realize her dreams of attending college. She certainly has the intelligence to do so and it would be quite the shame to see it wasted.

  12. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Sadie sounds like a very intelligent and mature young woman unlike an immature mother of her cute little nephew.

  13. Gryphen, I'm so pleased you have posted this!

    Firstly, it may actually short circuit Kristy Patullo's brain once and for all.

    Secondly, I am so proud of Sadie and I'm thrilled the REAL "commonsense" lady of Wasilla is getting some recognition.

    Kristy lives to troll about how the Johnstons love the spotlight, but if people knew the chances Sadie has had for "spotlight" in the last year, they would be shocked. Instead she chose to keep a low profile and only pursue media opportunities which allow her to speak some TRUTH about the Palins. Anyone who thinks Sadie did Playboy for the money (she received a pittance; I make more in 3 months at my job than she was paid by Playboy and all those "six figures" rumors were just that) needs to READ THE ARTICLE. I braved going into the Houston "MetropleXXX" to get my copy (cashier: wow. I've never seen a black lady in here before) and while my eyes can't unsee the covers of "Gary Gets It On With Granny" and "2 Girls, 1 D*ck", it was worth the ocular trauma to support Sadie and to read the article.

    Like many of you, I have been BEYOND frustrated time and again when Sadie vowed to "stop being silent" and "finally speak up" only to see prolonged total radio silence from her after these pronouncements.

    Eventually I came to a similar conclusion with Sadie as I did for why Levi won't talk (yet). For all the times I have pointed out how LEVI was just a minor child when he was literally kidnapped by GOP operatives in a "heelicopter" and deposited at the RNC after being told he was GOING to play Happy Family with Bristol, SADIE was barely 16 years old when all this started! Can you imagine as a freshman or sophomore in high school dealing with paparazzi waiting outside your school every day? Having your computer wiped clean so you lose ALL of your photos, school assignments, etc? Having McCain agents LITERALLY hold you prisoner inside your home, refusing to let you leave for any reason- bodily blocking the door when you try to go pay your cell phone bill?

    I think Sadie is staying quiet for the same reason Levi is- they need to let Sherry's probation end (I think we're inside less than a hundred days left, no?!) and GET TRIPP safely away from the nightmare of abuse, neglect, and constant upheaval he currently faces with his mother.

    I think Sadie has tried to "talk" without saying a word- she chose the photos and submitted them to the producer for the Tyra Banks show. There was a "Triggybear" photo identified as TRIPP. We heard not a peep from Wasilla Shrilla about the Johnstons using photos of "HER" son on television- certainly not what you'd expect from Sarah. Then Sadie once again submits photos for the playboy article and once again a photo of Levi and TRIG is identified as Levi with "his son", Tripp.

    Sadie claims publication error, that she gave the correct captions. But why would a magazine or TV show even want photos of TRIG- they'd worry Sarah would sue them for publishing/broadcasting media of "her child" without permission. Plus, the articles and show were about the TRIPP custody battle.

    No, I think Sadie was counting on the Truthers to pick up on her obvious and carefully placed breadcrumbs.

    SADIE- good job on this statement of logic and wisdom regarding parenthood. Not only is every word of it true, it will make Bristol pop a chin implant in rage. And that's always a good thing.

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Hmm, we can purchase Playboy at Barnes and Noble where I live, also in other bookstores and some of the quickshops. I can't believe that you had to go to a XXX shop for Playboy!

      I guess my first question should have been, are you in Utah :-)

    2. LMAO @ Nyah's(you are crazy girl!)...

      "I braved going into the Houston "MetropleXXX" to get my copy (cashier: wow. I've never seen a black lady in here before) and while my eyes can't unsee the covers of "Gary Gets It On With Granny" and "2 Girls, 1 D*ck", it was worth the ocular trauma to support Sadie and to read the article."

      BWAHAHAHAHAHA...the Toad is reading here and writing down the title's of these porno movies to be ordered later! LOL!!

      And Baldy has a OLLDDDD ass admirer named "Gary" who probably wished it was him with the "Granny Grifter of Wasilla"! LOL some more!

    3. Anon @ 4:26, those places sell Playboy in Houston as well. However, they don't order very many copies (I don't think a lot of people go to B&N for porn) and the first few places I went were sold out.

      At the 3rd or 4th place, the cashier recommended going to the "meteopleXXX", an area of town with several of these adult establishments. So I did!

      Truth be told, I thought I was pretty worldly until I walked into that place. There were displays filled with items which I could not have told you what to do with if my very existence depended on it. And they had these plexiglass cases with- uh, I guess you would say- "dolls" in them. The dolls had certain shaped "openings" and, well- I may have pictured horny old republicans ordering theirs with a bumpit hairdo and naughty monkey shoes. (yes, apparently you can "customize" them! How SAD IS THE HUMAN RACE??!!)

      Gina- boo, you calling me crazy is like Bristol Palin calling someone else a media whore. But that's ok- we be craycray together.

    4. LMAO @Nyah...stop it! You got me cracking up!

      "craycray"...ain't heard that in a long time! I was thinking more along the lines of "Sheneneh" of " so craaazy" thang! But I'm cool with being "crazycray together"! LOL!!!

  14. I kinda looked at things differently in high school. My sister married about a year after graduation and of course was pregnant. Her life has been an example of pregnancy sealing the deal. Who knows anything about life or themselves at that young age. I have seen my sister crying from being beaten, having a husband run around on her, getting another woman pregnant and he keeps his own money and she keeps her own money earned from working. She has told me you never want to hear the words "I had to marry you" but you will.

    I tell my son to "wrap that rascal" and live his life...oh, stay away from the young girls. With that said, I wonder what mothers tell their daughters.

    1. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Hopefully they tell them what my 12 grade Journalism told us: keep your knees together!

    2. Anonymous5:44 PM

      I hope NOT, 4:43 - I hate sex negative crap. It is fun, you will experiment - do so safely - and here is how. Or, as Helen Gurley Brown said - Good girls go to heaven, bar girls go EVERYWHERE.

  15. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Good for you, Sadie!! There is so much more out there in the world to experience before getting married and having children.

    You are one young woman that others (of your generation) could emulate and they'd be better off for it.

    You are a lovely lady!

    1. Anonymous4:27 PM

      Way to judge people. Live and let live.

    2. Anonymous10:01 PM

      @Anonymous 4:27

      Fuck you Bristol.

  16. Anonymous3:43 PM

    I agree with what she said. I talk the talk, and I walked that walk. I made a conscious decision at 15 or so that I would not be getting pregnant until marriage. Marriage may end in divorce, but at least it shows you tried to provide stability. I learned about birth control methods and to avoid risky days. Not getting pregnant isn't that hard, no matter what girls tell ya.

    1. Anonymous4:46 PM

      If we ever allow the fundie GOP in power, and they ban contraception, not only will we see an explosion in GOP girls getting pregnant, but minorities as well. They haven't got it through their thick skulls that Planned Parenthood means just that: planning for when you are ready to have a child. What are they going to do, start putting girls in chastity belts again?

  17. Been away sick for a few weeks, so out of the loop!
    What has happened to brissy's reality show? Is it still on? What is the latest? Thanks.

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Well, feral Tripp called Wallow a "fwaggit" on camera and Bristle giggled. Meanwhile, Levi hit the news with his filing for a custody hearing in Palmer. That's the last I've heard, as, along with everybody else, I just can't take it anymore.

    2. Anonymous6:51 AM

      What has happened with Levi filing for custody? Was the news and picture just a way for him to make some money? No one has to go to the courthouse any more to get papers to file. What is he waiting for?

  18. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Watching my oldest sister (married) struggle with two close together babies, and my other sister struggle with one in the days when being an unmarried mother was not acceptable, is why I never had kids.

    Sadie is right. I hope she continues to be very very careful in the birth control department.

  19. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Gryphen,you live in a state that pays people to have children.Imagine the mindset of an 18 year old with a job as a "Barista"(funny,it seems thats a big deal in Alaska?Here they are a "server")or other starter job,thinking "if only I had another $1000 next year,I could rent an apartment/but a car/but a big screen tv/buy an xbox/go on a cool vacation somewhere warm".Maybe some of the impulse to have babies is coming from no where strange.I mean,I'm sure you like your PFD,but I bet I get more satisfaction from my gas and oil lease from my own property that I bought,improved,and pay taxes on.Maybe its time to face facts that the "Lower 48" just can't keep subsidizing those checks for you.Maybe take that money and use it for some infrastructure instead of using the ta dollars I pay to pay for infrastructure.No offense meant.

    1. Anonymous8:46 PM

      The "Lower 48" does not have any part of our PFD; it's our shared ownership of State Resources. We are an "owner state" and a portion of the royalties from oil and gas is placed in an investment fund and all Alaskans that apply split a portion of the interest each year.

      That being said, it is rather amazing that anyone would consider having a child in order to gain another $1000 per year, before taxes! I could imagine that a lot of parents spend nearly that much per month just on food and diapers for a child!

    2. Anonymous9:48 PM

      It will be better when the Ak welfare state is done. Who needs to support that?

      How much does the Palen clan collect each year from the govmit they hate so much? They don;t need the money. Others need it to survive.

    3. Anonymous10:44 PM

      If you did not get the Socialist PFD payment,that money could be used for the infrastructure that "Lower 48" dollars pays for,capiche? We have state,Parish,and city owned land here that earns oil and gas money too,but that money is used to pay for things like water treatment plants,roads,bridges,community centers,parks,etc.And if you find it hard to believe there are teenagers who think it would be cool to have a baby and get an extra $1000 per year,you don't know much about teenagers.Of course it costs a fortune to raise a child,but they don't know that.

  20. Anonymous4:11 PM

    10 bucks says this SLOOT is knocked up by years end

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      10 bucks and a wine cooler will get you between the legs of Bristol and Willow Palin.

    2. Anonymous8:46 PM

      Make that 10 cents.

    3. Anonymous10:02 PM

      Hello again Bristol.

  21. Anonymous4:15 PM

    While I agree that single people are capable of raising a child, there is at least one situation where it is advantageous to be married, and that is if one of the married parents suddenly dies. If that parent has worked and contributed to Social Security, then the surviving spouse AND children may receive survivors' benefits. This happened to my sister-in-law who lost her then 31 year-old husband in a tragic accident. She and their toddler twins qualified to receive Social Security benefits, which the twins received until age 18.

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      4:15 Good point, but you don't have to be married for the child to get Social Security benefits. Just prove parentage and that one parent died.

      Also...because I think this is real important for others to doesn't matter that the parent owes years and years of taxes. Like with fishermen, for example, or other self-employed people. Whether or not they pay taxes is between them (the dead person) and the Social Security. It does not affect the child's right to survivor benefits.

      I've had friends whose kids' fathers were fishermen who owed literally $100,000 or more in back, unpaid taxes who were afraid to file with Social Security. Please, don't be. It's important that the kid get the benefits and the kid IS entitled to it.

      The hard part is proving what the person's wages were if they didn't file taxes. Most employers (or boat owners) will be glad to help if it means money for the children.

      And the Social Security people we worked with were SOOOOO nice and helpful. Really.

  22. Anonymous4:18 PM

    I read Sunny's facebook page and all the comments by the young girls with babies and I am appalled. It is a very different mindset than i am used to in my community. Having a baby is indeed "fun"..all the comments about dressing the baby in cute clothes and bathing it. Yeah...having a baby is hard work if you want to do it right.I'v had two kids and it is the hardest job to do correctly. Itis also not ALL that I aspired t in my life. I waited until I was in my thirties!! I am just appalled at the lack of reality in the comments and the abysmal use of the English language. Spelling and grammar is atrocious even when NOT using texting shorthand.
    It's sasd tht there are parts of this country that think teen pregnancy is OK.
    Good for Mercede for wanting to live alittle before cranking out some kids.

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      I use to read Wasilla social media and what-nots from 2008. It was 16-17 year old babies with babies. It is hard to believe, but having babies were the hot item, so weird. At least nothing like where I have lived. If someone with brains does a study and writes about the area (other areas are similar I suppose) it would be of great value. That and the drug scene gives another view of the Palins.

  23. Sadie -- See how well regarded you are by so many commenters, for so many good reasons.

    My wish for you: get an education! Start ASAP. You have so much to offer. "No degree" means you will have so many fewer options in life. Get some academic person to help you make a plan: start now with for-credit online classes if you must be at home. If you can get into Harvard or similar, it's FREE! I bet you could, if you wanted that. But there are many options.

    Please: do this favor for yourself and your family. Your present and future family.

    Lots of good luck to you.

  24. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Off topic: Your daily dose of culture

    Hilarious poem about Mitt Romney by 92 Year Old Retired ND Judge WWII Vet needs to go viral

  25. HOLY HEDGEHOG GRYPHEN! What are you trying to do MAN! You just waved a red flag in the fucked up face of Beefy and BedPan Krusty! Krusty should be arriving shortly armed with all kinds of crap about Beefy being a great "teen mom"...when the reality is...Beefy is NO LONGER a teen...she's a lazy ass...retarded...good for nothing grifter...just like her bald headed mama!

    Sadie is one of the smart girls from Wasilla...Not only does she knows...WHAT birth control is...she apparently KNOWS how to use it too!

    Beefy and too Wallow apparently think birth control are for sissies and babies are meant to be born in secret!

    It's too bad that when the money runs out...Beefy and Wallow will have to actually take care of those invisible kids in the Hillbilly compound! Right RAM! LOL!!!

    1. Anonymous5:11 PM

      Gina, please, for the sake of humanity, seek psych help.

    2. Anonymous5:11 PM
      Gina, please, for the sake of humanity, seek psych help.

      What up Krust?? Why you getting mad at me? I don't have a bedpan to pee and poop in while laying in my bed posting love letters to Beefy! That's YOUR shtick not mine!

      I can also leave my bedroom and my house and hang out with family and friends...unlike YOU!

      Don't "hate" the messenger Krusty...I'm trying to HELP YOU OUT! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Gina tells it like it is, if you don't like what she posts don't read it.

  26. She's heeere!

    I had to kick back over ten comments so far, and I have a feeling she is just getting started.

    Does anybody else smell brimstone?

    1. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Who is here? Krusty? Beefalo? Granny Grifter herself?

    2. Anonymous5:10 PM

      So, you are allergic to truth?

    3. Gryphen4:47 PM
      She's heeere!

      Does anybody else smell brimstone?

      Yep...I smelled the stench from her bedpan at 4:17PM!

    4. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Her head is spinning!!

      She's doing a 'Linda Blair' by now as it's so under her skin!!


      None of this could ever be said about her and it eats her alive!!!

    5. Anonymous7:10 PM

      It's Kristy, of course. Nobody, not even Sarah or Bristol or Becky Mansour care enough to put in that kind of time or energy.

  27. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I'm late to the blog and haven't read the comments but have to post.

    I'm exploding! I'm so proud of Sadie!!!

    And other things I've always felt for what I think is heading towards 4 years now, when most of us first became aware of Sadie -- She's beautiful - inside and out -- intelligent -- kind -- good hearted -- wise beyond her years. This list so long, there's not enough space!

    Be well Sweet Sadie!! Be yourself young Lady!!

    You did a great job raising this young lady Sherry!! Be proud of yourself.

    A Canadian - Proud of you!!

  28. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Wasilla is no different from most suburban and urban areas.

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Except Urban areas are usually unplanned I'd assume, though assuming is bad.

    2. Anonymous5:25 PM
      Wasilla is no different from most suburban and urban areas.

      It's also home to the notorious bald headed retard who thought she was going to be VP of the United States in what's your point?

    3. Yeah, totally. I mean every city is the meth capitol of the UNIVERSE.

      And while teenage pregnancy is dropping in the rest of the country, statistics show in Wasilla they ought to just open a Baby-Gap-Rampage in the mall to save the girls a lot of shoe leather.

    4. Anonymous5:23 AM

      Sarah was a great and well loved Mayor by those that wanted to keep the bars opened real late. That helped business. It is a money saver not to have the troopers out messing with after hours activities. Parents could be out while the kiddos sleep. It was a win win for all.

    5. Anonymous2:40 PM

      @Anonymous 5:23 AM said...
      "Parents could be out while the kiddos sleep. It was a win win for all."

      #YouMustBeAPalin or you went to the same parenting classes! What kind of parent goes out drinking leaving their children home alone? Idiot.

  29. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Other but speaking of Wasilla-

    If you go to the Aug 15 post on, there is a post about the Texas A&M shooter, Thomas Caffall. Info was taken before his FB page was taken down but he was a RWNJ. He supported" Sarah Palin for President", then Michele Bachmann, and he "liked" Sarah and Bristol among other RWNJ's. People can say what they want, and dismiss Palin, but her "Don't retreat, reload" and all her violent talk has done much damage. However, at least law enforcement, FBI, and other govt agencies could see that info before they took it down. I feel Palin elevated all the frenzied violence beginning in 2008. The media gives her a pass, but I wonder what those studying violence and making reports think.

  30. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Much love and appreciation to the Johnston family. They have been through more than anyone can imagine and deserve for all the madness to end. May they be getting on with a new chapter of their lives. There are may years ahead. Just want to say their strength and endurance is notice and an inspiration to others.

    1. Anonymous9:48 PM

      I agree. Nicely written.

  31. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Good for Sadie for speaking up. I hope she is continuing her education. I do not understand why Levi does not take serious action to exercise his visitation rights.

  32. Anita Winecooler8:26 PM

    I always loved how honest Mercede and her mom are, and in a way, I miss reading her blog, but understand why she stopped writing it.
    My oldest daughter is her age, and she has the same outlook and values concerning children having children because "it's cool".
    I don't do facebook nor twitter for my personal rantings, thoughts, etc. I've set up accounts for political causes and consumer driven causes (like us on facebook and get x coupon savings), but only on things I need. I also have the same ambivalence about intruding on other people's lives, especially people I know marginally.

    Mercede, there are many women your age who realize the sacrifice, expense, and hard work needed to raise a child properly. You're only young once, and there's plenty of time now to have fun, explore life, get an education, fall in love and have a child when everything falls into place. For a young lady, you're wise beyond your years!

    Thank You for allowing us to read your post.

  33. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Thank you, Sadie and Sherry. Lord knows what you've been through and you have a great friend in Gryph. We're all behind you.

    The truth shall set you free. Sleep well.

  34. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Dear Kristy,I bet if you pay him Todd will let you fondle is tiny two toned pecker.

  35. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Now THAT is what a positive role model for young women looks like! I don't know why Candie's didn't hire Sadie instead of Bristol if they really wanted to try to prevent unplanned teenage pregnancy, because Sadie's thoughtful message of responsibility makes WAY more sense than Bristol's fake and hypocritical message.

    Sherry should be proud to have raised such a wise and lovely daughter.

  36. Anonymous1:20 PM

    I'm looking forward to the day that the Johnston's receive their fair hearing in court. But, honestly, I really hope Mercede finds a way to higher education because if she wants to write, she should really know the difference between "inconceivable" and "incomprehensible".


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