Friday, August 24, 2012

Bill Maher has a New Rule for Todd Akin and the Republican party.

Courtesy of Huffpo:  

New Rule: If your entire party tries to get rid of you, and you stay in, you can't talk about how easy it is for a woman to push a stupid prick out of her body. 

I don't want to waste another second thinking about Todd Akin, and his theory that you can't get pregnant unless your eggs are asking for it. Here's the only thing you need to know about Todd Akin and human anatomy: he's an asshole. What I want to talk about is how it's not a coincidence that the party of fundamentalism is also the party of fantasy. When I say religion is a mental illness, this is what I mean: it corrodes your mental faculties to the point where you can believe in tiny ninja warriors who hide in vaginas and lie in wait for bad people's sperm. 

Evangelicals might like to pretend that the magical thinking that they indulge in at home doesn't affect what they do at the office, but it absolutely does. The brain that believes in angels and miracles and Jesus riding a dinosaur is trained to see the world not as it is, but as you want it to be. 

Republicans would like to pretend like Congressman Akin's substitution of superstition for science is a lone problem but it's not: they're all magical thinkers, on nearly every issue. They don't get their answers on climate change from climatologists, they get them from the Book of Genesis. Hence Sharia Law in America is a dire threat, and global warming a hoax.

(To read the rest, just click the link at the top.)

Of course Maher is right.  As much as certain Christians DON'T like to hear this, the very fact that they base a set of beliefs on faith alone, opens them up to all kinds of magical thinking possibilities. Which also allows people like Todd Akin to use that very faith to introduce ridiculous ideas with the expectancy that nobody will dare call him out on them, without taking the risk of being identified as a person of little or NO faith.

And in America what could possibly be worse than THAT?

How else to explain this amazing contention by an Evangelical group that Todd Akin is the victim of a "political gang-rape" and then go on to make the following assertion:

Liberals may wish us to believe that no woman would ever stoop so low as to lie about being raped. But this simply does not comport with what we Christians know about fallen human nature. We, conservatives, all agree that millions of women annually conspire to commit murder on their unborn babies. So do you expect me to feel it unacceptable to believe they would lie about why? This is political correctness run amok. Why, after all, would someone willing to kill out of convenience not also lie for various reasons out of convenience?

"Millions of women conspire to commit murder on their unborn babies?" Gee isn't it great that the whole "war on women" thing was just a hoax?

Politicians like Todd Akin, Mitt Romney, and Paul Ryan know just WHO they can actively lie to over and over again without fear of being called out on those lies.

And they are easy to locate.  Just wait until Sunday morning and you can find the majority of them sitting in the same building, listening to the same fables, and suffering the same erosion of their critical thinking skills.

Yes I realize that there are many highly intelligent people that also attend services right along with the less evolved of their brethren, but I am sure that the Republicans are fully aware that no plan is perfect. Just highly effective.


  1. Sally in MI4:39 PM

    And the worst is not out in the light yet. Ryan also sponsored a bill to make it legal for a RAPIST to sue his victim should she opt to abort "HIS" child. And yet, these control freaks also abhor the morning after pill, which does not 'kill' anything..just makes it impossible for the sperm to connect with the egg. What is immoral about that? God these people are freaking crazy. There is hope..there are new commercials running about GOP women who are voing for Obama.

  2. Anonymous5:14 PM

    "Why, after all, would someone willing to kill out of convenience not also lie for various reasons out of convenience?"

    Is the converse of this statement also true? Would someone who is willing to lie for various reasons of convenience (read Mitt Romney) also be willing to kill out of convenince?

    The age of perpetual war is coming, brought to you by the Republican party. Be scared. Be very, very scared if this man ever becomes president.

    1. Actually, if you include our covert "actions" and "military advisers" fighting all over southeast Asia, the Middle East, North Africa and Central America, the perpetual war thingy started without interruption with Pearl Harbor. It's been easy pickins ever since.

      Eisenhower tried to warn us on his way out. Kennedy gave some major clues in his speeches. Then he was assassinated. But since Johnson, no one has bothered us except when they needed to drum up a little fear in folks to get us behind some major conquests like Iraq.

      Military is big biz. Patriotism, Nationalism, and jingoism don't come cheap. Sing the Star Spangled Banner and get out your checkbook because it's expensive to keep killing people all over the world to keep the multinationals going with positive cash flow.

      Outside all of the dead bodies, bombs are expensive and so is the reconstruction of all the shit we blow up---you know, all that "collateral" damage. But you know, if I were at all cynical about all that great American exceptionalism, some stupid fucking redneck might accuse me of being a librul. And I sure wouldn't want em to do that.

    2. fromthediagonal3:09 AM

      So true, She's Toast@6:53, but let me add one more reason for these perpetual wars:

      All of that constantly produced military hardware, weaponry and ammunition will age and have to be superseded by newer, better versions.

      So what to do if you are the manufacturer and the politician you bought into government: You find a reason to start a new "little war" and then dispose of the outdated stuff in another part of the world, thus gearing up another cycle of production of the latest and greatest advances of the Death Merchants.

      Casualties don't mean a thing to them.
      Profit does.

  3. Durham5:17 PM

    I agree with Maher and you completely. The other major problem you didn't mention is their belief that Christianity is the only true religion and everybody else is wrong. The fact that they try to make laws that reflect Christians beliefs is what is terribly wrong right now. I'm an old fart (62), and I've never seen religion interfere and influence our government before. I've also never seen the Republican's, especially Romney, lie as much as they are currently are doing. I've also never seen a television network being so dishonest as Fox. I find the number of people that believe what Fox's feeds them is way beyond what I would have thought 10 years ago. In other words, because of the undereducated being fed so much misinformation and believe if we re-elect Obama are country will fall to Marxism. And where did Shira law come from? It is really scary we currently have so many ignorant people having so much power and influence on our government. I also thought racism was practically gone until we elected Obama.

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      i like to point out to xians, that they are now, always have been and always will be -- the MINORITY, in their belief.

      also, what the freak do they care what other people do with their lives, why are they so afraid they wont get into heaven if a woman has an abortion, yet, their 'god' kills fetuses and babies like it was a bodily function every single day since the beginning of human existence...

      and why is it that every single xian believes they are going to heaven, yet they are always more sinful than I am...

    2. emrysa7:43 PM

      "yet they are always more sinful than I am..."

      hear hear! so true, and more sinful than others that they condemn. it's so backasswards I don't know how anyone can agree with them. they're living, breathing, onion headlines.

  4. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Just went to the "P" for the first time in many weeks and boy, that place is inhabited by both Crazies for Palin and the very much loved Trolls that lead them on. It's so funny now knowing who the Trolls are and how they have managed to maintain an account over there and stir up so much crap, while also being accepted by the mental patients. It makes it much nicer to read over there knowing some of the Trolls and how they are playing the faithful. Big Laughs...hopefully won't lead to "big contractions"

    1. Anonymous11:32 PM

      I went there a couple days ago. They had so many prayering I had to leave. Not a typo.

  5. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I just pray that I am sending out that vibe enough so to have someone rape me so that I can conceive because I am unworthy and then just can't wait to go over to Planned Parenthood and have the taxpayers pay to murder my child. - Said no woman ever.

    And even if they did, guess what, it's their fucking legally protected right, and it's going to come out of their own pocket.

    If we went after guns the way these guys go after wombs, then civil war would erupt. And not only conservatives carry guns or unwanted babies.

    1. WakeUpAmerica9:17 PM

      "If we went after guns the way these guys go after wombs, then civil war would erupt. And not only conservatives carry guns or unwanted babies."

      Truer words were never spoken. That was a rather profound remark.

    2. Anonymous4:53 AM

      Yea, let's have Dems push through legislation that says when all guns are illegal then so will abortion.

  6. OT, but Romney is databasing wealthy church-goers:

    -> Romney's success with mega donors may have something to do with a secretive data mining project that compares the spending habits and church attendance of people before asking them to make a contribution. [AP]

  7. emrysa7:30 PM

    dig it, gryphen. maher is right. hey, I like to engage in a little magical thinking every once in a while, but I would never think that it's the way to structure policy.

  8. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Rapist's Creed:

    Better to knock that bitch up so everybody knows she wanted it rather than pull out and spill your seed on the ground. G_d will kill you for shit like that, even if you're only like 172 yrs old, especially if it's your brother's wife. The moral of the story is don't be wasting no sperm. That stuff is like like liquid gold, just a little saltier, depending on recent dietary habits.

    Pretty sure that's in Genetalia Chapter 2.

  9. Anonymous8:40 PM

    I would add that if we see the world as it is, with science and art, with effort and compassion, we can create the future we want.

  10. Anonymous9:20 AM

    What I am yet to hear anyone mention, is the fact that little girls are raped as well. What about the little 12 yr old who gets raped and gets pregnant? Is she supposed to carry that child to term? Are this so called Christians gonna question whether it was' legitimate' or not. Makes me wonder how they feel, if they have feelings, about all those children around the globe being married off at very tender ages, some of them having children before age 10? In my book that's also rape.
    I will never understand these people that want to tell women what to o with their bodies. Never! Small govt my hiney.


  11. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Also if God is able to put those little ninjas in a women's vagina, y isn't he capable of stopping all rapes before they even happen? He should b capable of making all men respectable and'Todd Akin and his I'll make me sick


  12. Leland10:12 AM

    I wonder how long it is going to take someone like Ryan to support a bill which would say that a man who rapes a virgin can pay today's equivalent of 50 shekels of silver and then force her to marry the guy so she has to submit to him again and again?

    Hey! it's in the Bible, right?

  13. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Hey Repiglicans,I'm curious...what if a rapist - OOPS,I mean a 'Murrikkken male with sperm who must continue his bloodline just like they did in the Old Testament an' stuff - rapes a woman who can't conceive?Will there be a law allowing him to sue her for being unable to take his good red-white-an'-blue rill 'Murrikkken seed and conceive his babby?I mean,that wouldn't be right for a man to go through all that effort only to find out that the woman was barren,right?He would deserve some compensation,right?


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