Monday, August 06, 2012

Finally! Levi Johnston to file for full custody!

Courtesy of TMZ:

 Levi Johnston believes Bristol Palin is a TERRIBLE PARENT -- and the proof is in her reality show ... in which she lets their son Tripp run wild, talk back, curse, and show no respect to his elders ... so he's decided to take action ... and seek full custody. 

In case you're like most of the country, and haven't been watching Bristol's new reality show "Life's a Tripp" -- her and Levi's son has been a little ball of trouble ... and in one recent episode, even called his aunt Willow the f-word.


Now, Levi's had enough -- telling TMZ, he's been watching the show and is "disgusted" by his son's language and behavior. Levi says his son is on a "downward spiral" and getting "no real parenting." 

Levi tells us, Tripp "deserves a better family" than what Bristol and the rest of the Palins are providing -- adding, "I love my son more than anything .. and I will do whatever it takes to make sure he is raised the right way."

Well this is what we have been waiting for Levi to do, and it looks like he is finally ready to take the Palins on head to head.

Levi has a pretty good lawyer, however he is still financially challenged and it is anybody's guess how long this lawyer will work with Levi pro bono before it gets to be too much.

I have already suggested to his mom that Levi set up a pay pal account, and hopefully he will do that. I have little doubt that many of you would be willing to help get Tripp away from that horrible family.

If you would be willing to donate just leave your comment here and I will make sure it gets to Levi and Sunny.

From what I understand Rex and Tank are stonewalling Levi and his attorney, and it appears that they will have to take them to court as well in order to get Levi's money. Of course that will result in even more court costs for the young man, who just recently got a job as an electrician.

Funny thing is that last week I ran into Rex Butler downtown at the courthouse. He was all smiles and handshakes, and even introduced me to a client of his. Our interaction remained cordial because I was on the job and could not bring up anything more controversial at that time. Perhaps next time he and I can have a REAL conversation about what he did to Levi.  Though I seriously doubt that is one he wants to have with me.

Anyhow I really hope that Levi is serious about staying in this for the long haul, because as we know the Palins fight dirty, and they have a substantial amount of finances at their disposal. There is little doubt THIS will get ugly.


  1. Anonymous7:09 AM

    About damn time. I just hope now that he has picked up the papers that he actually follows through.

    1. Anonymous8:12 AM

      Maybe a fund raiser in Wasilla could be done to raise money for legal fees. I'm sure many Alaskans especially in Wasilla would be willing to help Levi.

    2. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Levi's attorney should sue for access to the Alaska Fund Trust (or whatever it is called today) since the purpose of the fund was to support the Palin family (Levi is blood now) and whatever fungible legality they would encounter.

      Wouldn't that be funny? Kristen Cole, you ever file a report yet with what you are all doing with that money that was raised to protect poor Sarah from so many frivolous lawsuits?

    3. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Why does he not file a complaint with the BAR association and a complaint with the PI association? They ripped him off.
      It doesn't cost $$ to raise holy hell!

  2. telah7:29 AM

    I would contribute to help cover court expenses. Gryphen, you may consider allowing people to send to your paypal with a note to forward, if you think he would be comfortable with that, and if it doesn't create an issue for you related to taxes, etal.

  3. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Put me down for a donation! Good luck, Levi

    1. Jeanabella7:57 AM

      Me as well!


    2. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Me, too!

      Possibly a monthly donation after the elections if he commits to regular updates, maybe on his facebook page.

    3. lostinthemidwest8:40 AM

      I'm in! I would gladly roll over my monthly donations to President Obama after the elections.

      I think if this hit the lamestream media there might be even more donations. People do not like the Paymes.

    4. Great idea! If George Zimmerman can get $200K in donations for defense help in a murder case, we can certainly help Levi save Tripp from the Palin Curse.

  4. Anonymous7:32 AM

    I don't have a lot to spare, but I'd still chip in something.

    1. Bear Woman7:49 AM

      Let us know where and the money is on the way.

      Hopefully his attorney will last this long war that messy custody cases are.

      Good luck on recovering anything from Rex and Tank! I'm sure it's all been spent on bling for them

  5. I would absolutely make a donation to help Levi in his quest to save Tripp from the permanent emotional damage being inflicted on him by the Palins.

  6. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Ready, willing and waiting. Let's flood this like a Palin DWTS vote!

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      speaking of which, why doesn't DWTS extend and invitation to Levi to participate in the show? That would make Mama and Jr. Grizzly's heads explode while providing for Tripp and his half-sister.

    2. Anonymous10:15 AM

      He'd be smarter to avoid any Bristol-like reality teevee whoring.

    3. Anonymous2:12 PM

      I agree. Why lower himself to Bristol's level?

  7. nogravity7:39 AM

    Maybe then Tripp will find out what his real birthday is.

  8. He has enough on tape to get shared custody at least. And I hope he saved the texts and other crap he got from them.

    and I hope he blackmails them over what he knows and I will chip in too

    1. And there's that book Bristol 'wrote' too. Lots of stuff to take to the Judge.

    2. and interviews and more interviews...Bristol was really generous with her vindictiveness.

  9. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Come on, G, I don't think it's wrong to try to collect some money for Levi & his little family, but his lawyer should ask for attorneys fees and if Levi wins, he could very well get Brisdull to pay--after all, she's making all the money now, isn't she? And not only should those videos be included as evidence of her poor parenting, he should ask for the edited portions in discovery pleadings.

    I'm sure now that Levi is working, they'll have it tough with this kind of expense, esp with a new baby coming. They should also go ahead and get married, ASAP, for income tax purposes, at least, and it will look better in the court's eyes, too.

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Yes, his attorney can ask for attorney's fees. But that is rarely granted, and will come much later, when the case is decided. He will probably need to pay the attorney something before that.

    2. Durham11:05 AM

      Alaska I assume has child welfare workers who are capable of looking into how Tripp is being raised at home and what's in the video's. Besides the parenting, the time Bristol spends at home with Tripp and the frequency he is left with a baby sitter should also be taken into account. The amount of time Bristol allows for Levi and Tripp to be together is another important factor. When she travels and leaves Tripp with a baby sitter or other family member instead of offer that time to Levi, also helps to establish her unwillingness for visitation.

      Overall there is a lot of factors for a State child protective agency to take into consideration. If Levi has actually asked for visitation and not gotten it will also be considered. All the agency will do is write a final report for the court and make recommendations based on the investigation. This should cost Levi nothing and if he has been truthful with us in the past, he should have a good chance of getting what he wants.

    3. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Isn't there something with the court that outlines how visiting and trips out of Wasilla are to be handled?

      Has she violated any of that? If she is free to do as she pleases he must petition for a change.

      If she is violating why hasn't he involved the State protective services?

      In California the child people are all over celebrities if they don't behave.

  10. Absolutely! I will help Levi with his attorney fees as soon as there's a place to send them. I can't think of a better cause.

    1. Me too. I'll be looking for the PayPal info.

  11. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Same here. Not much to spare, but willing to part with it.

  12. Yes, I'll gladly donate to a legal fund for Tripp and Levi.

  13. Virginia Voter7:54 AM

    I would definitely kick in some scratch...Levi also needs to ask Bristol for child support, and refuse to give his permission for that poor kid to appear in any more cheesy tabloid photo spreads and shitty reality tee vee..,as far as I can see it has been a complete disaster.

  14. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Don't have much right now but I'll send something Friday (payday). Good luck Levi!

  15. Anonymous8:02 AM

    He'd get a donation from me (based in the UK).

  16. Anonymous8:03 AM

    And just in time to embarrass the former MIL as she tries to claw her way back into the good gracdes of the GOP. Can you imagine a VP candidate with this kind of baggage? She is finally done. She'll keep running her mouth, but she will never hold office again.
    I hope Levi wins this...wonder how Brissy will enjoy running back to AK for court dates while she's supposed to be 'learnin' new dance steps.' Or will she be like her daddy and ignore those subpoenas? Wouldn't it be great to see her in handcuffs in LA? Well, that was mean.

    1. Mean? Nah - just remember Bristol's "big middle finger" to all the people that 'hate' her Mom and 'hate' her.

  17. Nikogriego8:03 AM

    In family court, at least in California, where I practice law, there is an equitable system that provides for situations where there is an imbalance in finances between father and mother. The court will decide the underlying issue, and if the moving party's cause is found to have merit, the court will order the parent who is more financially able to pay the costs and fees of the less able parent. This is to prevent the parent with money from completely crushing the one with less or none. So the fact that Bristol has way more money than Levi should not be a factor.

    I don't know if this is the system in Alaska, but is should be. I don't believe asking for donations to Levi's cause is the best way to go; I don't want to give away my hard earned money to this family for any reason. Let the court get it from Bristol and give it to Levi. I'd bet Bristol would not be too happy about that.

  18. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I'm in. Just say where.

  19. Anonymous8:15 AM

    I wish Levi all the luck in the world and hope he gets custody of Tripp. We've all seen what a horrible, vindictive,and immature mother Bristol is.

  20. Anonymous8:16 AM

    I will send a little dough for the cause. There certainly seems to be sufficient evidence to make a good case against that appalling person who calls herself a mother. I hope Levi's got a savvy lawyer.

    Stella Guadalupe

  21. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I hope they also have tapes of Bristol saying the show is the "real" her.

    Parental Alienation Syndrome is hard to prove. In the Palin's way their need to assignate Levi, set up situations to manipulate people they showed their true colors. Bristol's show furnished profound evidence of PAS and that she has no desire or intention to teach him self dusciplune, set limits or enforce consequences.

    Also Bristol quite publicly bashed him and Sunny as a "psycho". Even the Palins won't be able to successfully spin or lie their way out of this. I expect them to blame the production team (devil made her do it).

    I hope production crew are subpeoned too.

    1. Anonymous2:54 PM

      They should also be able to subpoena the phone records. Remember all those times she said she was calling Levi and just had the show replay his voice message without dialing his number. Oh, Bristol, subpoenas are so fun!

    2. Anonymous2:55 PM

      Yep, he's serious. We are all very serious about Tripp being allowed a loving family that doesn't exploit him and use him as their money train.

  22. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Get fucking serious. He doesn't stand a chance of getting full custody and doesn't intend to. This is no more than a cheap publicity stunt at the expense of the kid.

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      Hi Bristol!

    2. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Using Tripp's bleeping language won't make your case. Please don't say "at the expense of the kid." The Palins specialized in using their kids as props. Sarah took Piper everywhere she went as Governor. Trig was the ultimate right-to-life prop four years ago. Bristol used Tripp to get a tv series. She has nothing else that defines her other than getting pregnant when she was an unmarried teen.

    3. Anonymous9:04 AM

      No, what Bristol has been doing since before Tripp was born is a cheap publicity stunt at the expense of the kid.

    4. Anonymous9:13 AM

      And try to stop imagining that everybody who understands that both families are cheap trailer trash must be Brisket or the Palin bitch herself.

    5. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Tripp won't even know unless Bristol tells him while disparaging Levi in front of him.We already know Bristol can keep quiet about some things ,as she has done about naming her child after her dads favorite prostitute.

    6. Anonymous10:43 AM

      YOU are a terrible person and barely a human being! How can any sane person think Bristol is capable of being a good parent! It isn't totally her fault because of her own terrible parents, but...
      She has broken so many agreements in the previous custody agreement. There must be something wrong with you if you can't see that.
      Grow the F up!

    7. Anonymous11:46 AM

      i gotta agree with you 8:21. much as i cant stand the palin clan, there really is no reason for the public at large to get intertwined with this sure to be fiasco of a custody battle in all directions. i have no doubt this will go no-where and flame out. if someone could finally provide proof about the parentage of trig and solve that mystery... id probably never click on another palin headline again.

    8. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Hey Barstool, hows tricks these days?
      If you flop at DWTS and we know you will...b/c you have no skills, you can always be a ho for daddyO!
      I'm sure he's always looking for new...umm talent.
      Bless your heart barstool....Hope Levi beats your skank ass in court!

    9. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Cheap publicity stunt at the expense of the kid...hmmm...THAT SOUNDS MORE LIKE YOUR "REALITY" SHOW,BRISTOL.

  23. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Why is Levi criticizing Bristol to TMZ?

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Why not. Bristol and Sarah have sure been all over the media and the tabloids talking about him. Turnabout is fair play.

    2. Anonymous8:51 AM

      I seem to remember Sarah calling Levi "Ricky Hollywood" on television. There was no need for her to be so childish. Bristol bashed Levi every time she showed up in an interview. It's about time that Levi had a voice, too.

    3. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Why is Bristol criticizing Levi to his own son on national television?

    4. Anonymous9:15 AM

      My thoughts are if the issue is parents disparaging the other publicly it may not be wise for Levi to also do so.

      I am aware the Palins use words as weapons and Levi has a right to stand up for himself telling his side.

    5. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Bristol blatantly abused Tripp physically and mentally ON NATIONAL TV!! Granted, hardly anyone tuned in to watch but the fact remains that the Mother of Levi's child Tripp allowed herself to be filmed while inadequately parenting his child. I'd say that gives him a little room to step up and question her behavior and to intervene in the raising of HIS child, not Gino's, not Bristol's alone, but Levi and Bristol's offspring. I'd say he's been rather gracious considering the fact that he has not been allowed to see his child since January, oh, unless he agreed to show up on her reality show, which thankfully he had the smarts to say "no" to.

    6. Anonymous10:42 AM

      TMZ has on the Palins speed dial, I was shocked to read this. Why shouldn't they report both perspectives. a court case is more than hesaid/shesaid. Facts and evidence go into the mix as well. This is not about a child cursing, it is about a child being protected from child abuse. Cruelty like parental alienation.

      O/T Christians aren't the only religion to feel persecuted. Some freaky things going on: An eyewitness to the Sikh temple shooting in Wisconsin says that a team of four men dressed in black carried out the massacre, contradicting the official narrative that a lone gunman was the culprit.

    7. Dis Gusted10:52 AM

      "Why is Levi criticizing Bristol to TMZ?"

      of course he criticizes her. Any normal person would. She's never done anything praiseworthy. Why did he go to the tabloids? He learned from the Palins that's where the $$ is.

  24. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I just think if Levi does decide to go to the public for monetary help he should do so with his lawyer.

    We are fresh off George Zimmerman transferring his funds for personal use and not to pay his lawyer.

    Maybe with a stipulation that if there is money in excess of the lawyers fees or in the event they were able to recover the lawyers fees from the Palins, then the money would go to charity - say the National Down Syndrome Society. :)

    I'd be willing to contribute but hate the idea Tank and Rex could get their hands on it.

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Sad that so many sent money to a racist murderer's defense, we'll see how many think a child's welfare is as valuable.

    2. Anonymous3:43 PM

      I just want to be clear. I in no way support that racist murderer Zimmerman. But there were people who did and all they did was pay his credit cards and mortgage/rent. And they deserve that for being too stupid to see thru him.

      As long as my money goes to helping Levi and Sunny have a part of Tripp's life I would love to help. I just don't want it to go to Tank and Rex for some owed bills.

  25. Like others here, I don't have a lot, but I would chip in what I can.

    Just a thought, have Levi and Sunny gotten married yet? I think that would help show a judge that Trip would be going to a more stable family.

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Levi and Sunny getting married may help with proving their a more stable family but I would never push someone into getting married before their ready just for that sloe purpose. Levi and Sunny can provide a beautiful and stable life for Tripp Without getting married. As long as they have a close loving relationship, that's what counts. Getting married before both are ready will end in disaster. Levi and Sunny are a great couple and will be great parents. Tripp will have a "real" smile on his face when he gets to live with his daddy.

  26. You’re a good friend, Jesse.

    The Palins will attack like rabid dogs. I’ve known terrible mothers, who would have benefited from childlessness, but they feared the Bad Mother label too much.

    I think this proves Levi is really Tripp’s father. He is the father of Tripp (the oldest or a twin), and Ruffled Triggy Bear.

  27. Anonymous8:36 AM

    At first anyone would think that he has a good chance,but we have to remember that he is still way behind on child support.Anyone who is behind has to pay off their arrears before the judge will even consider granting him custody.He is also broke and living with his mom so I doubt that he'll pay the child support or fight this for very long.

    1. Anonymous8:51 AM

      Where do you get your information. I can't imagine a court refusing to move a kid from a bad home to a good home becuase of child support arrears. The arrears won't go away, but it's a separate decision from custody.

    2. Anonymous8:54 AM

      He is not living with his mother. That was a total lie.

    3. To Anonymous 8:36 AM: Those claims have been debunked as Palin-generated bullshit. Stop repeating their lies.

    4. Anonymous9:06 AM

      Excuse us is we don't take your word for it. Levi is taking legal steps to provide a stable environment for his son.

    5. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Child support payments have no bearing on custody issues.Did you not read the article,Levi is back to work as an electrician?

    6. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Don't you just wish that were true? Trying to keep spreading the same OLD palin lies just make you pathetic.

      You go Levi! I'm rooting for you & even more for Tripp.

    7. Anonymous10:55 AM

      9:19 AM and others are right. What you smokin' ? Child custody is about the child. Parents are looked into to see if they have ability to parent and what is best for the child. At this time it is hard to know where this will go, it could get real tough on Bristol. She can't do what she did when under sworn testimony in Tennessee and get away with it so easy now. She will have to have some real good back up for all her lies. You would be surprised how much more a small little court matter can unravel. I don't know why the Palins would go to court. I bet there are many delays.

    8. Anonymous11:01 AM

      @Anonymous9:26 AM

      Although I don't know Alaskan Law, I'm pretty sure it's true. If you have some legal authority to suggest otherwise, I'd be interested.

      In the states I'm aware of, custody is based on "best interest of the child" and child support figured out after that (largely based on formulas although there are lots of exceptions this may be a case for exceptions as no one has steady income).

      I can't imagine a case where child support arrears would be the determinative factor (although it may be one factor, and not the most important factor).

      Please, what is the basis for your assertion. I want to know.

  28. Anonymous8:39 AM

    To 8:21 a.m. ... "cheap publicity stunt at the expense of the kid" = just about everything Bristol has done. Obviously the two posts at 8:21 are the same person, and calling Tripp "the kid" sounds just like a Palin.

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Yes, the same cheap tricks Brisket has pulled herself. All for publicity at the expense of the 'kid, child, whatever. Anon@8:21

  29. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I checked the Alaska Court Records site and so far no filing.

  30. “In all cases except one, the charges [fabricated by the Palins against Wooten] were ruled unfounded after an internal investigation.”

    "...the bitterness of whatever who did what to whom has overridden good judgment," Suddock said in an audio recording from the trial on TV station KTUU's Web site.”

    "Disparaging will not be tolerated—it is A FORM OF CHILD ABUSE," the judge told a settlement hearing in October 2005, according to typed notes of the proceedings.

    “In an order signed Jan. 31, 2006, which granted Palin's sister and Wooten a final divorce decree, Judge Suddock continued to express concern about attacks by Palin's family on Wooten. THE JUDGE EVEN THREATENED TO CURB PALIN'S SISTER'S CHILD CUSTODY RIGHTS IF FAMILY CRITICISM OF WOOTEN CONTINUED.”

    There's a history here. 'Life's a Tripp' shows the Palins learned absolutely nothing. They went so far as to broadcast their attempts to alienate Tripp from Levi and emotionally abuse him in situations set up to end in disappointment. Having him call Gino 'daddy' and the 'finding a daddy for Tripp' nonsense should seal the deal.

    How wonderful for Tripp to know that his Daddy really does want him!

    1. After all these years?????

    2. Since when does Levi really care about Tripp. He's mad no effort that we know of to protect that child from the Palins until NOW???


  31. Anonymous8:47 AM

    The whole world has seen Bristol stare at the camera dozens of times and say, "I know I'm not doing a good job of disciplining Tripp..." We have seen her teach him to stick out his tongue at adults, laugh when he swears, threaten timeouts, etc, that are never delivered, exploit him for her television show, manipulate him with nasty intent, repeatedly disparage the child's father in his hearing--the list goes on and on and on. She has basically admitted that she is incapable of parenting that child.

    As for a legal assistance fund, there are many people over at Politicalgates who don't read here but have been anxious to contribute to such a fund for years. I think a lot of people would like to help. Me--no. I sent money to Celtic Diva for Palin's emails and then nothing happened. I felt like I got ripped off. Once bitten, twice shy.

  32. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I would like to encourage anyone who wants to support Levi to make a donation to his legal defense fund (if and when he has one). That's each person's own choice. I also think that if the lawyer has enough examples of Bristol badmouthing Levi on her show, he could include a suit for defamation, and the lawyer would take that on a contingency basis. His fee would be a percentage of what he could get for Bristol speaking so badly of Levi. (Hint: The show was supposed to be an inspiration message to other single girls. There was nothing essential to that premise in insulting Levi, publicly, on television.)

    It's nice to see that Bristol crappy show had one redeeming quality-- providing Levi with some real proof of Bristol's very bad parenting.

  33. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Count me in for $100. I will have to give them in $25 installments to hide from the hubby, but HAPPY to help Levi. Just let us know when and how.

  34. Anonymous8:53 AM

    BEst wishes to Levi. I hope he wins full custody AND child support....he is going to need it to cover the treatment Tripp will need.

    I will be delighted to contribute to the legal fund for the custody battle, but I think that the fund needs to be created with some provisions...pays for legal fees, Palin never gets a cent, and anything left over goes into an education fund for Tripp.

    1. WakeUpAmerica9:04 AM

      Leftover money should go into a fund to pay for college and therapy for Tripp. HE will need plenty after mind-fucking he has received from the Palins.

  35. Anonymous8:59 AM

    I have a suggestion for IM readers. I think that we can show our support for Levi by writing comments here. It is each person's personal decision whether they want to donate to a legal defense fund for him or not. If you don't want to donate, fine, but don't write about it here. I get telephone calls, mailings and emails asking for money all the time. I don't bother with the ones where I don't want to donate. But, I don't need to tell you about my choices.

    I don't see anything wrong with showing support for Levi. Bristol has been airing her side of the story for the past 14 episodes. It's nice to see Levi get a chance to respond.

  36. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Maybe he should set it up to go directly to his attorney...

  37. WakeUpAmerica9:03 AM

    I will donate. He should set it up through his lawyer.

  38. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Start saying your goodbyes to little Tri-pp. He won't be yours to abuse much longer. All our dreams are coming true!
    Next: Exposing babygate to the world.

    1. Anonymous2:19 PM

      I hope you are someone with inside knowledge. A two-fer of getting custody of Tripp and exposing baby-gate would be the ultimate smack-down to the Palin's. I really hope that Levi uses all the weapons he has at his disposal to get custody of Tripp and Trig, as I believe Trig to be his as well.

  39. Anonymous9:04 AM

    He should get married before the baby is born. He will gain respect for that and it will look better in court.

    1. Anonymous9:41 AM

      There's that sanctity of marriage thingy again, they should get a piece of paper and all the legalities of a union just to get your respect?

    2. Anonymous10:18 AM

      It's up to them to get married or not, but if they are planning to get married, this would be a good time to do so.

    3. Dis Gusted10:48 AM

      trivia - the term "sanctity of marriage" was invented in 2004.

  40. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Hopefully he will be able to save Tri-PP before the damage Bristol's done is irreversible. Go Team Levi!

  41. BAustin9:05 AM

    ....and please get a paternity test this time!

  42. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I will be happy to donate off and on throughout the process to Levi's political fund. Just let me know how to do it - mailing address, etc. and I'll mail my first check.

    Totally think Levi should have full custody - Bristol et al are doing a horrid job of raising that kid and he is on the road to being a holy terror as a teenager.

    Hope Levi has a good attorney because the Palins have more money (although I don't think they are as well off as they'd like us to believe and don't forget that Sarah et al's approval ratings are dropping horribly as the years pass.

    Good luck, Levi and family!!! Will keep you all in my positive thoughts.

    1. Anonymous10:05 AM

      I didn't mean to say 'political' fund in the above comment. I'm not sure what the fund would be called - probably 'child custody' - 'legal fund' - ??

  43. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Ditto anonymous 8:53

  44. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Gryphen Photo of Sarah at Wonkette is a keeper.

    Levi ...take the Palin family down! Now is the time to tell what you know.

    1. Anonymous9:50 AM

      Sarah's Source for Shoe Fashion

  45. Anonymous9:08 AM

    It seems early in the process to ask for donations. If/when the Palins try to drag this out and bankrupt Levi, it would be best to set up a LEGAL-FEES-ONLY trust rather than ask for random donations.

  46. Anonymous9:13 AM

    All these years Bristol thought her shit doesn't stink. Well Bristol its time to wipe your ass.

  47. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Bristol is her own worst enemy.

  48. Anonymous9:15 AM

    The borderline retard is going down!

  49. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Bristol maybe if you back out of DWTS to show the courts that you are now serious about being a mom, maybe they will let you have Tripp on Saturdays if you promise to keep him away from Pimp Daddy Todd, Tripp's Homopobic Mentor Willow and from that no good scamming grifting retard mother of yours.

  50. Anonymous9:21 AM

    What good mother drags their child all over the country and provide no stable home.First of all she was at home then living at a condo then ran to californis for DWTS then moved to Az then back to CA then had enough and couldn't stand all the phoney ppl and had to go back to Alaska. but- first chance she gets, forgets about all the phoney liberal ppl there and has to do god's bidding and dance again in Ca. So many ad things happening in the world but he needs her to dance. How many dad's has this kid been through? The kicker she's going to get him a better dad. Stupid you only get 1 dad. She is a no good mom. Only thinks of herself.

  51. Anonymous9:25 AM

    One more thought: Parental alienation and Bristol's failure to comply with the visitation agreement make a better case for custody than Tripp's discipline issues. I hope Levi's attorney is covering all bases.

  52. Anonymous9:25 AM

    I hope Levi and all of his family have kept recordings of phone conversations they have had w/Bristol et al - made copies of the reality show (Bristol recently did) that bombed so horribly - emails, text messages, etc.

    If they didn't they can be obtained through the Court system. But, remember, Sarah and Todd are dirty as hell and have always appeared to have the Anchorage Police Department (this custody battle should not include them - I wouldn't think?!) as well as the State of Alaska (through contacts i.e. Gov Sean Parnell and other Palin former administration people).

    I'll bet Sarah et al are on this matter already because they probably had word that Levi was moving in this direction against Bristol. Where would the Court case be filed? Palmer or Wasilla?

    We need proof, IM, when the Court action has been filed. Levi and family are going to have to be so strong. They'll need our support in more ways than just financially. Many of us have kept records (of the Palins et al) throughout the years that could benefit Levi's attorneys.

  53. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Bristol get ready.... when you are walking alone by yourself on the freeway because your trial husband got tired of your shit too and threw you out of the car, just keep watching the passing cars. You might see Tripp in a car as he passes you by sticking his tongue out at you for all the years you kept him away from his Grandma Johnston and Auntie Mercede.

    Poetic Justice

    1. Anonymous12:34 PM

      It would be poetic justice for sure.

  54. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I know your heart is in the right place, Gryphen. And I feel for Levi. I would be inclined to make a contribution to him. But not in such a haphazard manner as a PayPal account where for all I know he'd use that money to buy beer or ammunition with instead of paying his lawyer.

    Let's face it, Levi has not been a responsible young man up until now. I would only contribute to an account that went directly to the lawyer.

    I have to admit, when I first read the account on TMZ, with the picture of Levi at the courthouse, I had to wonder if he is really serious. Notifying a notorious gossip site about what should be a private family matter (yeah, I know it never has been!) for the sake of his son, and even providing a photo, really did not impress me as to his seriousness about this, or at least his understanding of the seriousness of it.

    I also agree with the suggestion that Levi (or his lawyer) provide updates on his case to those who contributed.

    Most of us don't have a lot of money to throw around, and as much as we feel for Levi, he is a stranger to us and he has brought many of his problems (not all of them) on himself. He is not really someone who would be at the top of most of our lists to help out without some effort on his part to account for how he is spending our money.

    Also, Levi better at least be filing a complaint against Tank with the AK bar association.

    What I'm saying is given Levi's lack of commitment to following through on anything so far, and given the sensational way he's begun this process, I'm just a little skeptical he's really going to follow through on this.

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      "Let's face it, Levi has not been a responsible young man up until now."

      What you perceive as irresponsibility may be something altogether different...possibly legal misdirection and misrepresentation, not to mention manipulation by the Palins.

    2. Anonymous11:44 AM

      I agree with you. Levi just posted on his FB a request for donations to a reality show where he was a guest on one of the segments in which Levi taught the man how to KILL BEARS. Levi wants that show to be aired. The timing of this FB request and the photo he sent to TMZ is odd.

    3. Anonymous12:06 PM

      10:28, you think fathering two children out of wedlock before turning 21 is responsible behavior? Levi is the poster boy for irresponsibility. Legal misdirection has nothing to do with it. Levi has no fucking clue, period.

    4. Anonymous12:10 PM

      11:44, I didn't see that but thanks for the info. I have changed my mind about donating to him, and realize I should have given this more thought before stating I would; I forgot he was such an avid gun collector and hunter, a subspecies I despise. I won't donate to killers.

  55. Anonymous9:28 AM

    "Levi can't take me to court in Alaska and win.... I'm a Palin!"

  56. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Levi will you at least let Bristol keep the shirt on her back?

  57. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Why shouldn't he have a defense fund? Granny Grifter did, or does. I will contribute.

  58. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Okay Levi, don't be greedy when you take Bristol to court. Let her keep her chin implant and the shirt on her back.

  59. Anonymous9:51 AM

    "Levi Johnston to file for full custody"

    No hard feelings Bristol...

    You know how it goes... God wanted it this way!

  60. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Levi time to spill the beans in court, who is a better piece of ass?

    Sally Heath?
    Or Todd?

  61. Anonymous9:55 AM

    This story reminds me of when Sara Evans was on DWTS. Sara dropped out due to a custody battle with her now x husband. Will Bristol drop out of DWTS before it even airs this season?

  62. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Of course, many of us have opinions on how this should go down. Rex and Tank always seemed to me to be on the take FROM THE PALINS and not true supporters of Levi. One step at a time - if they have Levi's money - have to fight them?

    Levi needs a damned good attorney backed by a good attorney firm (with an excellent reputation). There will be a lot of publicity to this case there is no doubt which will provide 'name' recognition of the attorney(s) and firm throughout the country. I think he needs to review firms in Anchorage or elsewhere that deal strictly or heavily in 'child custody' cases. (I'm not sure what the 'valley' provides in this regard - combined Palmer/Wasilla areas.)

    Then, how would the donations work? I would be happy to start w/$1000! But, how is the money going to be protected so that the attorney(s) don't rip off the funds (as to their fees)? Would Levi have some control of it? I would think he should have a say, but not full control himself. But, the money would be donated to assist in covering legal fees vs personal use. Could Bristol be made to pay all the fees or some of them - especially if Levi wins the case?

    I 100% support Levi and his family in this matter, there is no doubt about it. Bristol et al are proven disgraces as parents that goes back to the Heaths. The little guy does need to be pulled from that Palin clan - there is much proof out there that substantiates that fact!

    But, the Palins are dirty and nasty as they come. That is why Levi needs the very BEST representation Alaska or Washington State have available in these type cases.

  63. Anonymous10:04 AM

    The TMZ article has made its way to HuffPo and Levi is getting really trashed there - as well as other sites. When I saw the article here I was reluctant to open the comments as I did not want to read any more trash about Levi. I want to thank so many of you who are offering him good wishes as well as other support. We have some very good people on this site. Thanks to all of you.
    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anonymous10:39 AM

      I would suspect that if there are a lot of negative positings there that much of it has to do w/the Palins. Remember, Sarah was known to put 'positive' stuff out about herself to the media under others names when she was 'quitter' gov.

      She and Bristol would support nothing but 'negative' being spread across the media about Levi. They've been doing it for four years!!!!

      Also, remember that the Palins have more 'in their favor' (as to people count) than does Levi's family. But, the Palin's favorability has dropped horribly.

      Don't forget, a Court will decide this matter - not the public!!!

      In support of Levi and his family!!!!

    2. Anonymous11:11 AM

      The Palins do have better contacts in media and with publicity. May that get turned around. Those people who support Palins will have to support child abuse if they don't take notice of what is happening.

  64. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I will give Levi money for attorneys fees.

  65. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I think Levi should get custody of Tripp and get married to Hotty Sunny in the same court proceeding. Bristol can be Levi's and Sunny's witness and best man.

  66. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Levi while you're in court in getting custody of Tripp, demand that you get the Tripp's personalized license plate and do the right thing with it.

    Give it back to the person Todd originally bought it for... Shailey "Tripp"

  67. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Bristol does NOT want this played out in court. There is too many family secrets that will just have to come out. The Judge won't care what confidential agreements are signed-he/she will want the truth. Good for you , Levi! I will donate.

    1. Anonymous11:16 AM

      I agree. Palins will not do court. Only Levi knows what he has on the family. It was years ago they said they could derail a political career. Whatever goes on in arbitration no one will know. If he has a mother load he can just hold his ground. Bristol would have to give up Tripp. She can say she is treating her body dysmorphic syndrome and too sick. She can still be a victim.

  68. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I hope they bring up when Tripp slapped Mark Ballas when he and Bristol "performed for him" Of course, they said he was giving Mark a high five but you could tell even a child felt what he was doing to his mother was inappropriate and hit Mark because he was "bad"

    1. Anonymous12:56 PM

      If this goes anyplace Tripp and all will be seen by professionals in mental health et al.
      Deposition will no doubt have tons of incidents.

      Is there video of Tripp slapping Ballas? If it comes to that can you imagine all that made the edit room floor? All that could be involved in a court matter. Can't tamper or destroy evidence.

      Is it on film or in an interview where Bristol says the show is to show the real Bristol? It was to prove what a no good Levi was. I can't believe how very sick and crazy the Palins are.

      Gag... those two videos of Bristol and Todd doing their teevee starlet promos. Todd pumping up his military cred. He is in Alaska because of the military?

    2. Anonymous2:57 PM

      tripp's at around 1:40

  69. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I strongly believe Levi should have primary custody of Tripp. However, I predict that Bristol will quickly try and settle for shared custody, just in time for DWTS. Levi should hold out for custody with child support and adhere strictly to any visitation rights Bristol gets (with the stipulation that she cannot disparage him in front of Tripp). Keep granny grifter and pimp-grampa away from him.

    Hopefully a judge will see that a father and stepmother with a shared sibling on the way is far better than dragging the boy across the country and exposing him to the public (in a way that makes him look like a bad kid...think about what people think of him since he's been on his titular reality show).

  70. Dis Gusted10:44 AM

    Levi is on FB asking for money but not re: this custody suit. He wants $3K to get Manformation off the ground - another reality show about hunting.

    1. Anonymous2:29 PM

      Good luck Levi! You actually know how to hunt and your show would be wonderful to watch.

    2. Anonymous2:52 PM

      I think his main concern should be on his son.

    3. Anonymous3:47 PM

      He has to have income. That is concern for family, including son.

  71. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Nothing on Bristol's blog. Suppose she was told not to talk about it? Also, I hope Levi brings up everything in the videos. The worse that could happen would be for Levi to get joint custody, which would be great in itself. He needs to marry Sunny right away to prove it is a wholesome family.
    Also, can Lifetime refuse to turn over scripts, edits, etc. if they choose to? I wonder if the Palins have stock in Lifetime, they seem to have a lot of control. Oh, Bristol, this was God's plan for Levi to go for it. Works both ways.

  72. Anonymous10:50 AM

    If Levi gets joint custody, does he have to have Bristols permission to get a blood test for Tripp to make sure he is his son? And, is Tripp using Johnston as his last name now?

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      It is not a blood test, it's a cheek swab. And he is the legal father of record. He does not need her permission.

    2. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Bristol, Lifetime or anyone needs to obey the court.

  73. Anonymous10:53 AM

    The judge may not care about confidential agreements, but presumably they were designed by attorneys smart enough to make it painful to break the confidentiality anyway. Uusually the person is not prohibited from speaking, there's just a painful financial penalty if they talk (and the argument I would try is that the contract is unconsconscionable and therefore voidable - might work). Judge isn't going to pay that. Maybe Levi will decide it's worth the cost.

  74. The Palins may have given away their argument for sealing court documents in this case. They have plainly publicized the uglier aspects of Bristol's one and only parenting skill: exploitation.

  75. Anonymous11:05 AM

    I support Levi and will contribute to his legal defense fund. I so hope he wins custody, AND child support, AND gets all his money that Tank and Rex stole, and has a very very happy life with his loving family. You bet, I would contribute.

  76. Anonymous11:08 AM

    No reason he can't get custody and child support from the grifter's spawn. And we're talking more than just chump change. Since she's used that little boy as her cash cow, I hope she'll understand finally that her "condition" that brought her undeserved fame isn't one to be manipulated. Good luck team Levi!

  77. Amy in Juneau11:11 AM

    Finally!!! Levi, I would be happy to donate to your legal fund. I've always been on Team Johnston. Little Tripp needs you to fight for him. Its in his best interest!

  78. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Daily Mail in the UK even has the story now!

    Levi Johnston to 'seek full custody' of Tripp - after Bristol Palin lets son run wild and use the F-word on her reality show

    Read more:

    1. Anonymous1:07 PM

      They love to dig deep and lots of photographs. If people have anything to share along those lines they love to do little stories. I hope people will see that Tripp needs as much help as he can get in order to have both parents. Bristol needs to deal with her emotional and mental problems but that does not mean she can't be part of Tripp's life. It is too nuts for them to have a joint custody arrangement right off. Levi would be in Tripp's best interest with supervised visitation for Bristol.

  79. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Cheney Revises and Extends on Palin- which will AIR tonight on Hannity:

    Here’s what Cheney told Hannity:

    “It wasn’t aimed so much at Governor Palin as it was against the basic process that McCain used…my point basically dealt with the process in terms of that basic requirement, is this person prepared to step in to be president of the United States when they’re picked? And it was my judgment — I was asked if I thought the McCain process in ’08 had been well done or was it a mistake and I said I thought it was a mistake. That’s not…meant so much as a criticism of Governor Palin as it is that I just thought it was not — the process didn’t meet the standards I would like to see our candidate pursue when they pick a — a running mate.”


    1. Anonymous1:12 PM

      Maybe he is trying out for Comic-con. He can't walk back what he said and come out with any credibility. I guess he is pathetically desperate and has to sound like a lunatic to save face? Sure McCain system didn't work b/c an unqualified fraud and liar past his low standards. Plus he was in on the crimes. as if Cheney doesn't know.

    2. Anonymous2:44 PM

      I guess she is the "kingmaker" that GOP/Tea Party says she is? Seems like no one gets away with bashing her, even Darth Cheney. WTF indeed. One skinny braindead political cheerleader has completely neutered the press and any other politicos that seek to criticize her. Do they need someone to connect with the "dirtbag" element so badly that she is off limits regarding criticism? I mean really...just let Honey Boo Boo and her family or Joe the Plumber speak for these people. It seems like the GOP is desperate to find someone that can connect with those people that are the opposite of the 1%. Looks like Palin is that person. I wish the more of us could line our pockets by being stupid....makes one wonder why we try so hard to excel.....

  80. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Cheney Revises and Extends on Palin

    1. Anonymous12:25 PM

      Weenie walks it back.

    2. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Heartless little weenie.

  81. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I will donate. I can't donate much, but I will what I can spare.

  82. Anonymous11:50 AM

    To: Anonymous8:21 AM

    Hey Sarah, how is that key note speaking engagement at the convention working for ya?

    I can tell the comment is you, Bristol or Willow by the vulgar language.

  83. Anonymous11:54 AM

    The best to Levi and his family. I have a good feeling for the turnout. Not that it is all easy but good results.

  84. Dance Bristol Dance...your money train is coming to an abrupt STOP!
    For Christ sake Levi would you please just go for the life-line on the Palin-clampit Klan...Tripp deserves better, and America has had ENOUGH of them!

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Yes, Dance Bristol Dance..DANCE DANCE DANCE DANCE you little whirling Dervish. Your audience wants to be entertained. No whiny excuses this time.

      You must earn much much MUCH more money to pay for future lawsuits and what God has planned for you will not be cheap.

  85. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Levi Johnston Vying For Full Custody Of His Son With Bristol Palin, Using Reality Show As Ammo

    They say any publicity is good publicity, but it looks like Bristol Palin's new reality TV show may have backfired on her.

    Baby daddy Levi Johnston is using the Lifetime show as a tool to gain full custody of their son, Tripp.

    Levi, 22, was recently photographed picking up paperwork at the local Wasilla, Alaska court house so he can file the documents.

    As previously reported, viewers were shocked when three-year-old Tripp dropped the F-bomb in a July episode of Life's A Tripp.

    “I hate you,” he whines to his Aunt Willow and smacks her on the arm.

    He then says “Get away you f***,” according to the caption in the show, but it sounds like he uses the gay slur fa**ot.

    Bristol, 21, and Willow laugh as the toddler swears, covering their mouths to try and hide their amusement.

    “I’m doing a terrible job disciplining Tripp,” Bristol admits and then says, “I know he’s going to continue to push the limits and push the boundaries.”

    And those are exactly the incidents Levi plans to use to exploit Bristol as an unfit mother.

    Levi's pregnant girlfriend, Sunny Oglesby, has her baby daddy's back and wrote on her Facebook page Monday how desperately Levi wants to be in Tripp's life.

    "Yes the sad reality is that (most) young men dont want to be involved in their childrens life.. Levi has however ALWAYS tried to see his son and WILL be seeing him very soon because he has every right to!" Sunny wrote.

    "Breeze will know her big brother:) Proud of you♥ XOXO"

    Sunny and Levi are expecting a daughter in mid-September and have announced they will name her Breeze Beretta Johnston, after the famed Italian gun manufacturer Beretta.

    Who do you think makes the better parent for little Tripp? Sound off below…

    1. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Custody cases get attention. You know Bristol team will be planting stories of Levi, Sunny and any near or distant relative. If anyone has reliable real first hand information now is the time.

    2. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Bristol has made a bundle. I hope others in Alaska wise up and go for some cash.

  86. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I wish good results for Levi. It's not that anyone wishes Tripp lose his mother, but, if she needs intervention, she should get it sooner, rather than later. This action might force her to get the help, therapy she needs to find out why her priority is to live like a celebrity instead of nurturing a little boy who was born into a family with the attention-span of a fly. They don't seem to be able to settle down. Her parents reinforce to her that being successful is being 'seen' and 'celebrated'.

    There seems to be no other vision that the Palins pursue, other than running after celebrity, without any skills, talent, training, education.

    A child who has lived in that short time period, having moved and changed and had to adjust to different people every day, week, month, year, is cruelty. It's not like he is a child of a couple from a refugee camp fleeing from hostile civil unrest. Of course a child who experiences all kinds of unrest will need extra special love and care. But the Palins, and Bristol don't need to make Tripp's life unrestful. Like SHE says, God has blessed HER. So, isn't it common sense to take that blessing and use it appropriately and apply it to her son's well-being, and to others? They have the means, finances, and opportunities to keep him grounded and secure in one place, allowing him to enjoy one home while he can.

    If Bristol doesn't show that she has a solid responsible plan for her future, Levi very well may get full custody. She's leaping from gig to gig. That's not the life for a single mom. She also is making controversial political statements on her facebook page, which puts her in the spotlight; Tripp should be able to enjoy a private, not public, life without the added worries of his mom placing herself in the middle of the ugly political climate right now. She just does not think or seem to care about the consequences of her actions when it comes to Tripp.

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      I am serious when I say Bristol has some critical mental health and addiction issues. They are preventing her from fully functioning. The fantasy world she lives it will not hold up forever. How much of her issues will be known in this custody case is yet to be seen.

      There is a high probability that the court will see she needs help. They may even be able to get to the specifics, what is going on with her body, what she takes for depression or what ever and just what all she is addicted to.

      In that case she won't have custody. She will go to treatment, not on-line Bible bull. Her visits with Tripp will be monitored. Girls in that situation often get pregnant again so no one can take that baby away. But Tripp would have an opportunity to a better life, we hope, and a relationship with Bristol if she can hold it together enough.

  87. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I wonder if Levi's lawyer would actually consider contacting the Massey Brothers and ask them questions about Bristol's parenting. They may have some tales to tell.

    1. Anonymous1:17 PM

      The Massey Bros are too professional to diss on Bristol. Besides they have their own lawsuit going.

    2. That reminds me: Remember reading about DWTS dancer Karina Smirnoff's comments about the "All Stars" returning amateurs, particularly Bristol?

      Well, like Dick Cheney, she walked back her remarks about Bristol, at least to me.

      I Tweeted her Saturday: @Karina_Smirnoff My dear girl, I hope you're ready for #Palin fans' onslaught on yr Twitter account when they see this:

      She answered me later Saturday:
      @KaJo503 I hope they won't, cause i love Bristol. She did an amazing job & will do it again. The press loves to twist words around!

      I imagine she's heard from the big bosses at DWTS and/or ABC about her comments -- so she's all "blame the lamestream media", just like the Palins always do.

  88. I just want to say I think it's GREAT so many IM'ers want to support Levi through what will most likely be the most difficult situation of his young life.

    I think it would be wonderful for some of us to designate 10% of our donations as a baby gift. Remember Levi has gotten a job but has had to secure housing recently as well as purchase what they need for their soon to arrive daughter so I'm sure cash with no strings attached would be extremely appreciated by Levi. (and Sunny, of course)

    Perhaps some of us can even do recurring donations- as I'm sure after Tripp is safely in his father's loving arms, he sadly will need YEARS of behavioral therapy to undo the damage Bristol has carelessly and purposefully wrought.

    Levi, if you are reading this- I'm going to take some of my wedding budget and send it to you. I hope this endeavor by IM patrons and Gryphen underscores once and for all that Gryphen is your biggest champion in online media and has been from day one.

    We are pulling for you Levi, and I for one hope you communicate with Gryphen about your needs because there are MANY of us out here who would gladly call up your electric company and pay your bill with our debit cards over the phone, or purchase goods and services you specifically need.

    One thing is for certain, young man- with Sarah and Bristol as your opponents, please do wisely invest first in an alarm system for your home and vehicle. And a cup. And earplugs.

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      You sound like you mean well, but please. Don't go overboard. You should be focusing on YOUR future, not some kid's you don't and will never know. When you start taking this proprietary of an interest in someone you don't know, you are veering into Kristy territory.

    2. Anonymous3:04 PM

      1:46 PM

      Maybe you should mind your own business and let Nyah decide what she wants to do. And pulling the Kristy card is a troll move for sure.

  89. Anonymous12:52 PM

    After reading some comments here, I can agree that Levi has acted inconsistently, immaturely and maybe in some cases, irresponsibly, after his split with Bristol. But, I'd counter back with the fact that he was a boy, in my view, and even at 17, 18, 19, or 20 years old, was what he was, no different than maybe some of our sons. He went a little off the 'normal' path that a boy with two parents might go off, let alone one parent, and considering that his mom had her own battles around the same time, he probably didn't have a lot of parental attention. He was on his 'own', an immature kid out of school, taking on the Palin's wild political ride into stardom, trying to adjust to it all, then his mom's arrest, all too much for a young boy to digest.

    This is why I'm not too hard on Levi. He made mistakes, but has matured and is now in a committed relationship with a committed young girl, who take raising a child seriously. They both work now. They own a house. They know the importance of staying in one place for a child's sake. He has 'evolved' and turned out to be the more civil, constrained, grown-up in this whole thing. Bristol is the one who has acted like an uncivil, unconstrained, immature, spoiled brat and it's all caught on film.

    She hasn't 'evolved' - she's still stuck in juvenile mode.

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      like your comment - I have a now 28 year old son and he was still a boy at 17-18-19-20. I myself, a woman made disastrous choices at that age. Anyway, bottom line is that I think Levi has matured and Bristol has done nothing but pusue celebrity at her son's expense.

      Bristol is just like her mom, who is also too stick in high school.

    2. Anonymous2:24 PM

      You are so right. Sarah Palin is truly stuck in her teen-age world. I think it is the typical Wasilla culture though. You can’t believe how uneducated a lot of the Palin’s friends are when it comes to human relationships.

  90. Anonymous12:55 PM

    The shows that were aired on televisin were what....20 mins in length X 10 or so shows??? There are hours more of tape that Levi and his attorney will subpoena. Hours and hours and hours.

    I assume the best, cutest, most entertaining tape was edited and spliced to show Bristol's real life. Can you imagine what else is there? And if Levi and his lawyer are thinking ahead they have a plan to secure that film so that it can be reviewed by child welfare experts.

  91. jcinco12:56 PM

    call me cynical but I can't help but wonder if he isn't and has always been a cast member in this shaking down of America by the AIP inspired palins....

    1. Anonymous4:07 PM

      It is hard to know. They are from the same culture. How AIP were the Johnstons? I think Keith was close to the Palins, hockey, work related? Who knows? But a similar breeder mentality in that town. Maybe Levi has grown out of it some? Someone mentioned how Bristol friends are not so sharp either. The drug thing is what it is up there. We don't know all that bonds them together.

  92. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I would feel a lot better if he had already filed, but maybe this is the shot across the bow to let the Palins that it's coming. I bet Bristol and her awesome family will come out swinging on this. Good luck Levi - dot your i's and cross you t's and stay focused. I hope you have a good attorney.

  93. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Following the televised slur, 22-year-old Palin wrote a blog saying she wasn't proud of the footage but blamed the fact her son is 'surrounded by adults'...... That was in the Daily article.

    Isn't that neglect for a mother to allow a child to hang out with bad influences? Even if it is Todd Palin, the grandfather. That must be scruntinised as well. Just because she is related to the out of control bad people doesn't make it alright.
    Can you imagine what else that child Tripp is exposed to in Todd Palin's garage? It is a hangar I think. Unsupervised in an area with cans of airplane fuel and who knows what toxins and dangers.

    The fact no one watches out for him when he is with his grandfather is only the tip of the iceberg.

  94. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I thought I was supporting Levi when I bought his book.....What a disapointment.... I really don't want to be snookered again... would be willing to help him but.... he has the goods and needs to start talking to get my financial support....which will be substancial if he starts the drip....drip...drip.....drip.

    1. comeonpeople5:20 PM

      Agreed. I'll give money too when he starts talking.I'll g;adly do it, no problem. Just open the door a little Levi. With all the skeletons in the Palin's closet, you just have to eek the door open a tad.
      Wouldn't it be interesitng if Sunny's amniotic sac ruptures and she is told to go to the hospital right away...boy wouldn't that get things talked about....
      Levi, once said he knows something Palin "didn't do" that everyone thinks she did. What is it Levi?

  95. Is It Over Yet?2:09 PM

    I will not be contributing to Levi's defense fund or his reality kill-a-bear show.

    My concern is like what was said earlier...I haven't seen much to indicate they guy is doing the most basic things to help himself out.

    What has he done with all the money he's earned from photos and interviews thus far? He's made a heck of a lot more money than I have, but where is it?

    If what he says about his lawyers was true, why has he not filed a complaint with the Alaska Bar Association? All you've got to do is send an email, for Pete's sake, and they take care of the rest. Then it's up to the lawyers to proof that what Levi said was wrong, or to be sanctioned.

    How much is TMZ paying for that photo of Levy exiting the courthouse? How much of that is going to his legal defense fund? Let's say he got only $2,000 of it. How many $20 donations from IM readers will it take to equal $2,000?

    You can't force someone to get help or take advice. Gryphen has repeatedly offered Levi good advice and he's turned away from it. Levi was a kid when this started, but he's an adult now and needs to act like one. Begging for money for a reality show while flaunting his getting papers for a child custody dispute does not seem like an adult thing to do.

    Let's see him 1) actually file the suit 2) file a complaint against Tank and Rex, et al with the Alaska Bar Association. 3) set aside his search for "fame and fortune" until he finishes the most important task which is to be a good father and get custody of his son and to care for his new daughter.

    People on this site complain that Bristol tries to do to much and take advantage of too many opportunities when she should focus on raising her child. What's good for the goose is good for the gander--shouldn't Levi also be cutting back on outside activities to focus on his child (children)?

    I will not give money but I will offer advice: Levi, set aside all the fame stuff and focus on your kids for now. You can do all that fame stuff once you've gotten the kids taken care of.

    1. You do not understand the first thing about legal ethics complaints.

  96. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Levi and Sunny didn't pick the best time to name an innocent baby girl after a gun but they seem to be real set in their ways. I guess it is better than the language of tattoos. All of Alaska is not Palin/Johnston but they have enough name recognition that it seems that way. As much as I want to see Tripp in a better home, in a home, not on the road so much. I am conflicted about Tripp's options now and do I want to participate in supporting either parent? While I lean toward Levi now, the gun issues have me deeply disturbed today. The tattoos are easy to decipher but the language of guns not so easy. I don't have a problem with hunting for food. I do have a problem with many of the messages people send out about guns and their gun culture. I don't even want to say what my impression is of someone that would name a child after a gun. A lazy mother that teaches (blames others) the word f----ts is seriously mentally flawed and a poor parent. Burdening a baby with a loaded word isn't necessarily better. It always gets back to poor Tripp and he has no chance.

    "The Sikh Temple Shooter's Racist Tattoos, Deciphered"

    How to legally bring a gun to the Republican National Convention

  97. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I will contribute too. Levi you must make your move man! The Pay-me family will cause you nothing but hell for the rest of Tripp’s life until you man up and call them out.

  98. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I was just over at HuffPo reading the comments about Levi's news. Most is favorable toward Levi.

  99. Anonymous2:39 PM

    I guess all those opportunities that God gave to Bristol to show her "real self" was actually God giving Levi an opportunity to get custody of his son. It seems Bristol was getting her signals crossed about what God had in mind for her. Remember Bristol, God works in mysterious ways!!!


    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Just like Sarah thinks God is opening doors for her. It sure looks like God slammed the door shut on you in Tampa.

  100. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Stop and take a breath! Levi hasn't asked for a legal fund, nor has his lawyer. We don't know what the fee arrangement is. Could be pro bono, discounted. At the least, competent representation on Levi's case will have other clients beating on this lawyers door ... clients love high-profile attys. There is no need to be throwing money at Levi and/or his lawyer.

  101. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Best of luck, Levi. Let us know if you set up a paypal account. It's good for your son to know you care. He'll see how you are, and it won't reflect well on a mother who is trying to tell him otherwise.

  102. Anonymous3:37 PM

    The comment section is refreshingly non-toxic and non-bullying compared to other Levi-Bristol posts. Thanks, Gryphen.

    1. Anonymous4:16 PM

      That is because Kristy the troll seems to be absent. For now.

  103. You know, with and despite the tone of most of the articles about this -- Politico, TMZ, Radar Online -- I wouldn't be surprised if Levi trying to get full custody of Tripp wasn't the Palin Plot all along.

    I'm betting being Tripp's mother and custodian is just too much work and responsibility for Bristol, and she and her mother cooked up the abuse angle in the "reality" show to goad Levi into being more pro-active.

    This will allow Bristol, despite her videotaped nastiness, to take on the "pity me, I'm a victim again" mantle when she loses her darling baby boy to his father.

    No doubt her attacks aimed at Levi will intensify if he's successful, and she and the Palin Mafia will make him pay through the nose until then.

  104. If a link is posted to legal fund, I'll see what I can scrounge up to help Mr. Johnston to even the odds.

  105. Anonymous4:20 PM

    One more time - has he contacted one of those father's right's organizations?

  106. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Guess who is to blame for the Temple shooting?

    well, okey according to Pat Robertson.

  107. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Bristol is immature for a 21 yr old and needs parenting classes. I cannot send money to Levi either. Sending TMZ a photo of himself is not how you seriously begin a custody battle. Levi chose today to post on his FB wall a request for money to support a reality show he is featured in about killing bears. His girlfriend, Sunny, posts the TMZ article on her FB page. I wish Levi's heart was in custody for his son but it seems to be in airing a reality show. SAD

  108. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Maybe someone with some time on their hands can search the web and gather all of the negative things Bristol has ever said about Levi. Having worked for attorneys for a long time, I know that they won't do this. People on this blog have been following all along - know the articles, video, etc. Help the lawyer out so they can have a stronger case. They were both ordered not to speak badly about the other and she speaks ill of him at every turn.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.