Monday, August 06, 2012

Hey Teabaggers, do you believe in coincidences?

This graphic popped up on my Facebook account last night, and at first I thought "No way!"

But as it it turned out, "Way!"

Courtesy of Wikipedia:

After a brief refit at Portsmouth Romney recommissioned in March 1767 under Captain John Corner, as part of a squadron sent to North America under Samuel Hood. While serving off North America, Romney achieved a degree of notoriety after being sent to Boston Harbour to support the commissioners, who had asked Hood for help in enforcing the Townshend Acts. Romney arrived on 17 May 1768, but being short of men, Captain Corner began to impress seamen from the harbour. This was unpopular with the locals, who took to attacking the impress gangs. Events escalated when the commissioners in the town ordered the seizure of the merchant vessel Liberty, which belonged to John Hancock. When sailors and marines from Romney attempted to seize the vessel, mobs attacked them and then turned on the commissioners. Many of the officials took refuge aboard the Romney, before transferring to Castle William. These incidents heightened tensions that would eventually lead to the Boston Massacre in 1770.

These events would eventually lead to the 1773 Boston Tea Party, from which the modern day, chronically undereducated, Teabaggers have taken their name.

Well now isn't THAT an interesting coinky dink?


  1. Anonymous12:59 PM

    If Mrs. Todd Palin were to retell this story Paul Revere rode a dressage horse into the countryside ringing his bells and warning everybody that "The Romneys are coming, the Romneys are coming." And then Revere told all those Tea Party Patriots that the Romneys were going to take away their precious First Amendment Rights that the militia was defending so the lamestream media couldn't tell people what to think and what to say.

    Or something like that.

    A Fan From Chicago

  2. kraftysue1:00 PM

    Missouri's teabagger, Sarah Steelman, has the screecher narrating her tv ad. I have heard it so many times my ears hurt. Now I sing la, la, la, the whole time she is on. Can hardly wait until Tuesday when they vote.

  3. Anonymous1:23 PM

    There is a dog tied up in the crow's nest!

    Yep, it is Mitt's boat.

  4. Anonymous1:26 PM

    How appropo!!! Someone should write a song concerning the "HMS Romney" and war and taxation!

  5. Sharon1:36 PM

    This is just tooooo funny, you can't make this stuff up.

  6. WakeUpAmerica2:05 PM

    Where can I grab that graphic, Gryphen. It isn't copying well from your site. I have a Mormon I want to send the picture to.

  7. "Assigned to blockade the Dutch coast, Romney ran aground in November 1804 while sailing to join the fleet off Den Helder. She broke up after attempts to float her off failed." Wiki

    Let's only hope that running aground and breaking up when trying to join a fleet becomes a metaphor for the Romney campaign.

  8. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Heck, Gryphen, maybe you'll be a believer in 'no coinky dinks' some day, or like in "Lost" (man of science, or man of faith).


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