Friday, August 31, 2012

I am not sure if this is an indictment of the Republicans, or of Americans in general?

Courtesy of Hollywood Reporter:

The fourth episode of Honey Boo Boo pulled in just shy of 3 million viewers at 10 p.m., according to Nielsen overnight ratings, growing 30 percent from last week's 2.3 million haul. In the demo, Honey Boo Boo did even better. 

The half-hour series' showing among adults 18-49 bested all other cable outings for the night -- including coverage of the Republican National Convention -- to pull a 1.3 rating.

Okay now I will admit that for the most part the GOP convention was a giant snoozefest, with the notable exception of Clint Eastwood's losing argument with  an empty chair. But for something like this televised child abuse and neglect to have beaten them in the ratings says horrible things about our country.

I mean it is NOT like coverage of the convention lost in the ratings war against a well written quality television show, it lost against something that just about ANYBODY living in a trailer park in Alabama can watch just by looking out their window.

So like I said, either the Republican party is so uninteresting that it can't attract viewers away from watching a snot nosed little brat verbally abuse her family, or the IQ of the average American viewer is just about equivalent to the IQ of a bowl of Tapioca pudding.

Either way, it ain't good news.


  1. HONEY BOO BOO RULES!! That is ONE crazy ass hillbilly family!

    No wonder their show beat the Convention...the Base switched over to watch themselves! LOL!!1

    1. Gryph, here is a rather lengthy anonymous text message I just received. I looks like it was intended for you but sent to me by mistake. Looks like it's time for me to get ANOTHER new cell number. ~Frenchie Toast~


      Y'all quit tellin' lies about Honey Boo Boo! You don't even know who her best friends are, do you Jesse?

      She's my OTHER best friend that I love dearly. Her Mom reminds me so much of my favorite governor. Honey Boo Boo is simply trying to live a simple, normal, happy private life with all the wonderful members of her happy, successful, attractive family, but the lib haters won't leave her alone because they are all JEALOUS. These are facts. --- K.P.

  2. Anonymous2:34 PM

    The little piglet is adorable.

  3. The average American is of average intelligence...'Nuff said!

  4. Anonymous2:38 PM

    " lost against something that just about ANYBODY living in a trailer park in Alabama can watch just by looking out their window."


    1. Anonymous5:06 PM

      If they're living in a trailer park in AL,it is pretty likely they don't have to go as far as the window.

    2. Dow here in Al-a-bammy, we just have openings where the winnderz was before they was busted out.

      Only them E-leets that move down here from Tennessee have all that nice shit like glass winnderz and screens. Or floors.

      Hey, you know what we call a one of them possums that crawls in one through one a them openings in the trailer house?

      "Dinner", once we shoot his ass.

      Hey, they's some mighty good eatin' with some brown gravy an' biscuits! Mmmm mmm!

  5. angela2:50 PM

    C'mon Gryphen. Honey Boo Boo speaks to Americans like American Hoggers, Lizard Lick Towing, Swamp People, The Wildman, Hillbilly Hand fishing and the rest of the down home reality tripe speaks to America.

    I don't know I might watch a woman with four children by four different men whose felonious histories range from child exploitation to arson, with a pregnant teen daughter and beauty pageants histories anytime over the GOP clown show. Of course Honey Boo Boo's family sounds a lot like someone else we know from Alaska. Except of course their reality shows were so bad they had to be buried deep so they wouldn't stink up the place.

    1. Anonymous2:57 PM

      angela, you make the American tv line up seem lovely and pleasant next to RNC2012.

    2. Angela, don't be dissin' my cousin, Joker, by leaving him off your snooty famous celebrity list. Joker does his tradin' at the Cajun Pawn Stars shop on the teevee.

      He don't have nearly as many fans with internet connections as Sarah does, but the ones he does have is all twice as crazy, and WILL come after ya if you slight him in the least. I'm talkin 'bout gittin' in the pickup an comin after ya! So don't be doin' no dissin' on Joker, ya hear?

  6. Anonymous2:54 PM

    "United States is Safer, the United States is Stronger, and the United States is More Respected"

    Says our President to our troops at Fort Bragg, today. President Obama's speech to our troops at Fort Bragg, this afternoon.

    I've come back to Bliss for a simple reason. Two years ago, I was here to mark a historic moment in the life of our nation and our military -- the end of major combat operations in Iraq. It was a chance for me to say on behalf of the American people to you and all who served there -- welcome home, and congratulations on a job well done.
    AUDIENCE: Hooah!

    THE PRESIDENT: In every major phase of that war, you were there, the Iron Soldiers. Because of your speed and strength, American troops toppled a dictator in less than a month. Because of your commitment, you stayed on extended tours and went back, tour after tour, year after year. Because of your determination to succeed, you turned back an insurgency. You stood firm against sectarian strife. You helped pull Iraq back from the abyss and you trained Iraqis to take the lead. That was the progress you made possible with your service and your courage.

    And so, two years ago, I was able to come here to Bliss and mark the end of our combat mission. And that night I told the American people that all our troops would be out of Iraq by the end of the following year. At the time, I know some folks didn’t believe me. They were skeptical. Some thought the end of combat was just word games and semantics, but I meant what I said. (Hooah!)

    So you kept training up those Iraqi forces. We removed nearly 150,000 troops, and this past December, under General Austin’s leadership, the last American troops came home, including the 4th Brigade Combat Team from Bliss. (Hooah!) (Applause.)

    You left Iraq with honor, your mission complete, your heads held high. After nearly nine years, our war in Iraq was over. And today Iraq has a chance to forge its own destiny, and there are no American troops fighting and dying in Iraq.

    THE PRESIDENT: So make no mistake -- ending the wars responsibly makes us safer and it makes our military even stronger. And ending these wars is letting us do something else -- restore American leadership.
    If you hear anyone trying to say that America is in decline or that our influence has waned, don’t you believe it. Because here's the truth -- our alliances have never been stronger. We're leading on behalf of freedom, including standing with the people of Libya that are finally free from Muammar Qaddafi. (Hooah!)

    Around the world, there's a new attitude toward America, new confidence in our leadership. When people are asked, which country do you admire most, one nation always comes out on top: the United States of America. (Hooah!) (Applause.)

    And that’s the progress that we've made, thanks to your incredible service. We're winding down a decade of war. We're destroying terrorist networks that attacked us. And we've restored American leadership. And today, every American can be proud that the United States is safer, the United States is stronger, and the United States is more respected in the world.

  7. The viewing audience just went for a classier brand of redneck.

    1. Anonymous11:31 PM

      Classier? By what qualifications?

  8. "or the IQ of the average American viewer is just about equivalent to the IQ of a bowl of Tapioca pudding."

    Gryphen, you've really put your foot in it this time! I can't disclose any details but I tell you from PAINFUL personal experience: you do NOT ever want to piss off the folks over at the American Tapioca And Tapioca-Like Products Council. Oh, you most assuredly do not....

  9. Anonymous2:59 PM

    I watched Clint Eastwood's talk with an invisible President Obama last night, and the very first thing that struck me when Eastwood attributed President Obama as saying "shut up" and "go blank yourself" was that President Obama would never respond to anyone that way. I even said it out loud to nobody in the room with me, "President Obama wouldn't say that." Based on every public appearance I've seen of President Obama responding to someone, he has always demonstrated respect towards the other person, whether that person was friendly or combative. It was frustrating last night to watch all the jokes being made about Clint Eastwood's performance and not see anyone mentioning the fact that the words that Eastwood attributed to President Obama were demonstrable lies.

    President Obama is a respectful person. It is not the kind of respect perceived by racist people who assume African-Americans must be respectful to white people due to some perceived white supremacy; but the kind of respect that any descent, honorable human being pays to all people, regardless of their race, creed or gender. That, at his core, is who President Obama is and one of the reasons I have so much admiration and respect for him.

    ...Ultimately, I imagine that if President Obama was really sitting in that chair last night, the conversation would have gone quite differently.

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      and it is to that innate respect that causes little children respond so happily to the man

  10. Anonymous2:59 PM

    15 seconds of Honey Boo Boo and I would beg, implore, beseech, cry out for the chance to listen to anyone else, even Mitt Romney telling me he looked at his tax returns and paid x% but will NOT show me the tax returns.

  11. I will thank you not to abuse Tapioca Pudding in the future. What has Tapioca Pudding ever done to you?????

    1. No I am not backing off of this one.

      I have served Tapioca pudding and CLEARLY it is lacking in the intelligence department.

      I mean it is not stupid enough to talk to an empty chair, but still..

    2. Anonymous5:14 PM

      Is this the sticky recipe or the fluffy one with beaten egg whites?

    3. 5:14PM

      EXCUSE ME. But why you libs gotta make ever-thang be about SEX all the time? Migod, they's chillrens runnin 'round hearin this shit.

  12. Anonymous3:03 PM

    The robot king has spoken. The curtains came down on the Republican Convention, and the damage to America was limited. For three days delegates foamed at the mouth, lunging lustily for every half-truth about the Obama administration the speakers would spew at them. The whole event turned into an orgy of hatred and anger, which doesn’t play well on TV. Savvy operators like Senator Marco Rubio (we’ll hear from him again) tried to smile and power through an uplifting message, but if anyone leads Americans into a dark and scary place with ease, it’s the man Rubio introduced, Mitt Romney.

    The maudlin opening stanzas were standard “I love my family fare.” Some of the sap, like “there’s no legislation for the love of a father holding his child in his arms” were painful, but it was apparently all necessary for the Mitt Romney humanization project. When a Republican operative is crowing afterwards that the image of “the Mitt-bot” has taken a hit, you know the standard for likeability has been set so low it’s no wonder Rick Santorum beat him in so many primaries.

  13. Anonymous3:04 PM

    The interesting thing is, when one really gets down to it, more people believe in republican principles of working for what you want.

    Democrats only want to provide handouts. However, when you give people an inch, they take 10 miles.

    THAT is why socialism fundamentally doesn't work.

    Eastwood is a genius. He showed that the chair (ie democrats elected an empty chair/suit/man in 08) went right over Dems heads.

    1. You know what irks me enough to answer a troll? It's when that troll is moronic enough to assign a political point of view to the wish to better oneself. Or to vilify the communal effort to help one person who needs help because it makes the community that much stronger.

      Small "s" socialism and small "c" communism -- both are nothing more than the belief that the group is stronger than the individual, and groups of good will PROTECT the individual, they don't intimidate, harass, or expel the individual.

      BTW, troll, if Eastwood wanted to portray the elected "empty suit/man" he should have used a suit on a hanger. Or hired a mime. The chair was a reach network viewers never really "got", and most of the Internet gossip today isn't about the RNC or Romney/Ryan, it's about the senile idiot, "genius".

    2. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Well said, KaJo!

      An elderly and probably senile actor turned director, ranting at an empty chair, is that the best the GOP can offer its supporters at the apex of its convention?

      Face it, Clint Eastwood is now the Unforgiven.

    3. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Uneducated morANS are easy to spot. You can really tell how our education system is suffering when people don't even know what socialism or communism is. It has nothing to do with handouts. I think you need to go back to school because you only embarrass yourself with your comments. I know you aren't embarrasses but that's only because you have no idea how stupid you sound. My seventh grade students understand the various forms of government better than you do.

      You represent everything that is wrong in our country today: idiocy, self-centered ness and demonization of others with differing belief systems. You are an extremely narrow minded, misinformed and angry person. Anyone who says all Democrats are this or that, is a simpleton.

      In addition, it's clear you are severely mentally ill. Only an unhappy, lonely and disturbed individual would go on a blog with the intent of putting everyone down there. Get help. You are a disturbed and pitiful individual without joy in his/her life. I'll pray for you. And I already copied your post to bring to a class discussion. You perfectly illustrate someone who not only is uneducated, but who is void of critical thinking skills.

    4. Hey dipshit at 3:04!

      "working for what you want" is not a Rebublican principle any more than it's a principle for Democrats.

      But I do hear there are SOME ignorant people that don't know any better, so if you talk to any of those fucking idiots, you set 'em straight, okay?

      And if you will, let me know their names so I don't hire any of them dumbasses to do any painting on the cut-ins or trim work on any of my properties. Cuz those idiots use the biggest, widest fucking brushes on the narrowest areas and make the biggest fucking messes every time.

      I show 'em time and time again, and I'll be damned if they still don't fuck it up every time because they don't listen, they don't think, and they never learn.

      You understand what I'm saying? Or do you need me to draw you an illustration with stick figures in lieu of text so you won't have to read it to understand?

    5. Anonymous11:27 PM

      Only the most narrow-minded idiot would unknowingly assign a label to a human being's work ethic based purely on knowledge of their political party registration.

      But there's some out there, apparently, and only that type of doofus would LOSE an argument to one of the 12 empty chairs in our dining room. Any of em. All of em.

    6. comeonpeople4:27 AM

      Fuck you troll. Currently my family and my coworkers are working to help two people in our circle who are hit with tragedy and have no recourse other than us. One dad lost a job, a good 6 figure job, when company bought out. The other is a nurse with a newborn and a three year old, who just filed for divorce from a physically and mentally abusive cop husband, whose mom (her babysitter of her two special needs kids) just got a death sentence diagnosis and a major life threatening complication right off the bat.
      If these people were in Holland, they'd get major help, handouts? to help get them over the hump so they don't
      1) lose their job
      2)lose their home
      3) lose ability to get their kids to stay in their early intervention program
      4) Let their oldest kid start college this week as planned.
      There is NO HELP for strong smart hardworking middle class families who are beset with tragedies like these, other than the goodness of the community. That sucks.
      We need to look at Holland's model. Get the fuck out of all these retarded wars and HELP OUR OWN COMMODITIES: hard working middle class.

  14. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Two sides of the same damn coin.

  15. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Eastwood's Chair Now In a Video Game About Romney's Dog

    1. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Hilarious! The Romney/Ryan ticket has been upstaged by an empty chair!

      The GOP should have gone with the Ronald Reagan Hologram. At least then, they would have known what "The Gripper" would have said and done.

  16. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Hey man, these folks actually live in a shack with railroad track not 10 feet from their back porch. They have a 17 year old daughter that gave birth two a baby with TWO THUMBS on one of her hands. It's so white trash that I almost think it has to be a performance piece! You can't make this shit up...God Bless America??? We already know that 25% of American lives like the Boo Boo family and that is just sad, but hey, most of them vote a straight republican ticket so they get what they deserve, huh? These people wallow in their stupidity like pigs in mud, except that pigs are more intelligent than these nimrods.

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      If we totally destroy the education system we can have more than a mere 25% American Boo Boo.
      And yes the military will take the delinquents and use them as they see fit.

    2. Anonymous4:08 PM

      3:34pm. The US military already has enough delinquents and murderous sociopaths on their hands. There won't be enough wars to employ the ranks of the undereducated and disenfranchised youth in the future. What will the low achievers do when they have no military to join?

    3. Anonymous5:15 PM


    4. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Ha ha- reminds me of a slacker do-nothing student I had once who decided school was too much trouble so he'd join the air force. Yep, nothin' the air force needs more than a lazy, stupid do-nothing.

  17. Anonymous3:45 PM

    It is just very sad to me that people actually choose to watch this shit on TV. Talking about the dumbing down the population. Unreal!

    1. Anonymous4:20 PM

      I know!

      And they watched Honey Boo Boo too...

    2. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Honey Boo Boo is an improvement over the RNC convention. If Americans have better choices they will not watch train wreck families like Boo Boo and Palin.

    3. A. J. Billings1:53 AM

      so true, and so sad. Paylin reality show and boo boo are just two sides of the same coin

  18. I was miserably unfortunate to have witnessed an ad for this show while channel surfing.

    I was gobsmacked that 1) it was a show and 2) that any one would watch that trash...

    it's a sad social commentary.

    1. Anonymous11:39 PM

      Just saw the ad as well. Looked like real redneck trash. The whole family is dumb as a box of rocks. I cannot believe anyone watches this junk! What has happened to Americans?

  19. Jaw dropping GARBAGE! That's what THAT is!

  20. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Sorry, have to agree on this one. Granted, they are not middle America and have some "questionable" parenting decisions, but at least they seem to actually like their kids and care about them, however misguided they may seem to those of us with more education. At least they are not running all over the country leaving them on their own while claiming the mantle of Supermom!

    1. Anonymous9:38 PM

      I mean I disagree. I actually like it for what it is - silly tv for unwinding at the end of a long week.

  21. Anonymous4:29 PM

    For all the craziness that embodies this country I guess I'm happy to live here. The stock market is doing well and generally life is good here in America even if I have issues with both political parties. My father reminded me yesterday when I was going off on Romney and his stealing ways, that if Romney gets elected many of our investments will increase in value. I then had to remind my dear Dad, who is actually a Democrat, that a Romney Presidency will set this country back 50 years. Dad just reminded me that the "people" don't elect the POTUS and in this case with Citizens vs. United being overturned that Big Money is working very hard to get Romney into office. My father then reminded me that even if they overturn Roe v Wade with a Romney POTUS and his two possible supreme court nominees that it won't affect me as I'm past child-bearing years. I still can't find it in my heart to feel good about a Romney POTUS even if it would mean good things financially for me and my family. I find him to be fake, and just a basic liar, but if it does happen I guess I'll just ride it out like I did 8 years of Bush. Nothing bad happened to me or my family during Bush, but he certainly was an embarrasment to this country.

    1. angela5:12 PM

      But a lot of bad happened to other people when Bush was president.
      And ultimately--that is what it is all about. The collective WE.

      People died in the towers, people died in a senseless war in Iraq, people were tortured in prisons, a city was allowed to drown, our economy was destroyed. And by the way the Dow is doing great right now. Remember, Mitt Romney does not have his money here. He could care less about the American economy-- He just doesn't want rich people paying taxes.

      We are not supposed to sit down and ride out disaster because it isn't happening to us. Are you sure your father is a democrat?

    2. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Your dad is a bit misguided. If you aren't yet 55, you will not have social security or medicare. If you have kids in higher ed. they will lose loans, and funding and the ability to be on your insurance. They will likely face lower paying jobs - YES, you do have a lot to lose. Your investments - Rmoney level folks don't care about YOUR investments - just theirs. It's like a game of monopoly - they want it ALL.

    3. Anonymous5:20 PM

      I'm in the same position you are. Potentially, I could be better off in my
      "golden years" because I'm one of the lucky ones with a pension and (very modest) investments. But what about my children? And grandchildren? I care more for them than I do for myself and I worry for them a good deal. What would a Romney president mean for their futures?

    4. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Think about Bain Capitol Romney, off shore investment Romney and you can get a glimpse of your children's future with any puppet Republican President the GOP can put in power.

  22. Anonymous4:32 PM

    I guess its easy to get low intelligent types to buy into the "Democrats are really nothing but socialists, and want the rich to pay for everyone else to sit around doing drugs."

    --as I see so many spelling challenged posters parroting such bullshit, on nearly every website.

    It makes you want to launch into the "if it wasn't for LIMITED 'socialism' you would be driving an unsafe car, over rutted fields instead of roads, and..."

    Then it hits you that for all the good you are doing, you may as well be addressing a chair.

    Fox channel has done a spectacular job of turning its audience into total idiots, who repeat the talking points they drill into them, verbatim, nearly every time they open their mouths, or sit at a keyboard.

    As each and every one of those points are debunked by everyone else, they just move on to the next one, such as how Clint Eastwood did NOT sound like an escaped mental patient, but was just a wise old man pointing out how much he hates the black President, who deserves being talked down to as if he was the uppity house nigger.

    It is THAT aspect of the rightwingers that pisses me off the most: that they NEVER back down, even when some congressman on the freaking SCIENCE committee, speaks of magic vaginas, and how breast milk prevents homosexuality.

    When you support even the obviously insane, it destroys any credibility you may have hoped to have, for your other positions.

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      "Democrats are really nothing but socialists, and want the rich to pay for everyone else to sit around doing drugs."

      Simpletons don't have a clue but they sure know how to spread the lies.

  23. I would never watch such a thing, however, with EVERYONE talking about it, now I want to see it. Wish me willpower!

    1. Watch this hilarious parody with enough current cuts to know EXACTLY what's going on:

      Honey Boo Boo 25 Years Later

      (the parody is actually of Toddlers and Tiara's, of which Honey Boo Boo was a break-out star)

    2. Sarah needs to let Honey Boo Boo take all three of her daughters camping and explain to them in terms they might understand why keeping your feet up on the tent ceiling while you're in there drunk and naked with your boyfriend is not the best method of staying "un-pregnant".

      Plus, Honey Boo Boo might teach 'em that where she's from, they don't call that "abstinence", either.

      You know, since Sarah and Todd never got around to explaining anything like that to any of their kids.

    3. Hammer & a Feather,

      That's funny as hell. Keeping it with my faves. Thanks!

      Ain't it great how that processed sugar/high fructose corn syrup/crack combo helps keep her trim and fit?

      Reminds me of ANOTHER stage mom sharing her diet/energy "goodies" with her reality show dancing-dotter! Who? I'll give you two guesses but I'll bet you only need one.

  24. Anonymous5:05 PM

    NO cable so thankfully can't watch - is Honey Boo Boo the child or the pig? or are they interchangeable?

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Not interchangeable. The piglet is smart and does no harm, very cute also. The child is a victim and fed the most awful diet, it is sad. A lot like Bristol Palin and Tripp, but they are not as honest as the Boo Boos. Bristol failed because they are bigger frauds and too many lies plus the child abuse is revolting.

    2. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Finally something more revolting than Bristol and Willow arguing and Tripp being a brat.

      The Learning Channel? Learning what, how tacky you can get? Enough is enough. Honey Boo Boo and her family is even more trashy than the Palins, but they aren't looking to be the President and trashy family in the White House.

  25. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Honey Boo Boo Family Fathers: Convicted Felons

    Honey Boo Boo’s family may bring big laughs and ratings on their reality show, but the family’s shady past — including four kids by four different criminal fathers — is no laughing matter. Here Comes Honey Boo Boo has made America laugh (and cringe) since it premiered on Aug. 8, but the reality behind the reality show’s zany family is quite shocking. Alana Thompson, aka Honey Boo Boo, was a breakout star during her segment on TLC’s Toddlers & Tiaras. But it was Mama June Shannon, the family’s matriarch, who is in the spotlight after their spinoff reality show Here Comes Honey Boo Boo has aired. Honey Boo Boo lives with June and her dad, David Michael “Sugar Bear” Thompson, who are not married. Alana’s four sisters actually all have different fathers, two of whom are convicted criminals. The oldest sister, Anna “Chickadee” Shannon, 17, was fathered by a man named David Dunn, 37, who didn’t even know he had a kid until June took him to court when their daughter was 4 years old! He went to prison for stealing a handgun in 1995, and again in 1998 for stealing several cartons of cigarettes, according to the National Enquirer. “They wanted me to sign away my rights to Anna, but I refused,” he told the magazine. “June won’t let me see her.” 15-year-old Jessica “Chubs” Shannon‘s dad is Anthony Michael Ford, 35, who is a registered sex offender in Georgia, and served more than two years in prison in 2005 for sexually exploiting a child, but he too claims that Mama June won’t let him see his daughter. To add to the confusion, no one is really sure who 12-year-old Lauryn’s father is. “I don’t think June even knows who it is,” a source told the magazine. Even Sugar Bear has a criminal record. He was sentenced to five years for robbing a series of hunting camps, according to the National Enquirer, and June spent some time in the slammer for passing bad checks and stealing money from McDonald’s when she was an employee.

  26. emrysa6:44 PM

    I think it's an indictment of americans in general, gryphen. this place is f-ed. yes we have good people here but there should be some basic standards as to what we will allow and what we won't, and as long as we allow shit like this the stupids will eat it up and not look elsewhere for more worthwhile programming. funny this is the same network that showed quitter palins alaska! sez it all.

  27. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Yeah, but this week you got to see Mama's "forklift toe." AND the Elvis act. That there is some gooooood teevee!

  28. Anonymous9:49 PM

    I watched an episode then another feeling worried about the 17 year old in early labor considering the family members lack of sense.
    It is like an accident hard to stop looking at. As horrifying as most of it was none of them shoved the other's face in a cake.

  29. First of all, you know with Sarah never sleeping from smoking that crack pipe and swallowing meth and snorting adderall and drinking all those Red Bulls with her vodka, it gives her a LOT of time to think about griftin' and schemin' when normal people might be sleepin' a little every night.

    And you know, too much bad shit can happen with all those baggers standin' their ground an' shit with automatic assault rifles strapped over the shoulders all the time to go along with the shotguns in the gun rack in their pickups and deer knives on their hip and glocks in their waist holsters. You know, accidents.

    Just so everybody knows that I'm not intending to start no rumors that will make RAM and her boss lady want to put one of them surveyor symbols on MY picture or NOBODY else's either. But...

    1. Is it just me, or does Honey Boo Boo (in that picture G put up above) bear a striking resemblance to Wallow and/or Creepy Chucky Senior?

    2. And, take a close look at the face of that little creature Honey Boo Boo's huggin' on in the same pitcher. It looks an awful lot like Beefy or maybe Todd and a little bit likethat dog she "said" she gave to Gino, don't it? Hmmm. Now, stay with me here.

    Just puttin' 2 n 2 together here, you don't reckon the Palins are using their bad gene pool and their "poppin' them babies out fast" abilities along with their attractiveness to stupid people to, um, open up franchises all over the country to corner the market on reality shows starring dumb people?

    Aha! I knew it! The old stupid people breeding to create reality show stars anchor baby plot!

    I told y'all Sarah is crazier than she is stupid when it comes to grifting.

  30. Anonymous12:02 AM

    If the Palins don't recognize where Honey Boo Boo & her Mom are analogous to Brisket & Sarah...

    Never mind. Honey Boo Boo is six years old and already more intelligent and insightful than Brisket, so she'll be fine when she grows up.

    But Brisket and Sarah? Um, not so much.

  31. Anonymous2:08 AM

    There is only one word applicable here...ABOMINATION...

  32. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn4:10 AM

    Here's the scoop on the Boo...

    She sprang out of the Toddlers & Tiaras empire...according to the snark mavens at Television Without Pity, Mama June originally auditioned for Extreme Couponers, or whatever that show is called. For an extra added attraction, it was "discovered" that she could barely speak legible English, farted on cue and towed her youngest daughter Alana around the Southern pageant circuit with her wacky family as an entourage. Pure reality gold!

    It turned out that cute, chubby Alana had more personality than all the other little professional Barbie doll automatons who were always vying for the Ultimate Grand Supreme title (known on the TWOP boards as the "Grand Nacho Supreme"). The title usually involves a tacky, mile-high rhinestone tiara and a cash prize that barely covers the expenses needed to maintain a "cupcake dress" for one's future Miss America. When Alana was being interviewed as to why she wanted to win so badly, she squealed, "Because a dollah makes me hollah 'HONEEEEEE BOO-BOO!!'" And so, a cult was born, complete with a tasty scandal: Mama June often plied her little starlet with Pixy Stix ("pageant crack") and a brew made of Red Bull and Mountain Dew to keep the kid wound up for the talent portion of the show.

    Meanwhile, the scary stage mothers of two other T&T regulars were vying for reality shows of their own, and only Honey BB became the breakout star. BTW, the piglet was given to Honey by her dad because she lost her first glitz (full makeup and big hair) pageant--the pig's name is "Glitzy."

    And, yes, I watch this crapola for the same reason we all follow Teflon Tessie from Wasilla--a complete Gomez Addams train wreck! Or as a friend of mine once said: "It's easier than sticking a pen in your eye."

  33. comeonpeople4:16 AM

    I just heard about honey boo boo show last weekend. I think they live in Georgia, no AL. No matter. It is televised child abuse. The newborn was having her pacifier dipped in code red mountain dew.
    The only explanation is that we are now living in the Idiocracy. Not 500 years hence. NOW.
    I didn't watch show but youtubed a few clips and googled.

  34. Anonymous8:10 AM

    I saw a few seconds of this child-porn drivel on E!News last evening. I think putting a small child, whether Tripp or this little girl, on television for the profit of the mothers should be a crime.


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