Thursday, August 02, 2012

Leave it to Fox News to define pro-equal rights as anti-heterosexual.

You know when I saw this I thought that Fox was just making words up, but it turns out I was wrong.

So I guess since I also stand up against racism that makes me anti-white. I also stand up for women's rights so clearly I must be anti-male. And I stand against animal cruelty so the "evidence" indicates that I must be anti-human.

Boy I'm just a self loathing mess!


  1. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Fox News prides itself on lying. After all, it won the right to do so in a misguided opinion written by a judge who obviously did not understand the law well enough to dispel the muddled logic that Fox's lawyers presented.

    Fox News is mirrors the current GOTP in that it turns reality upside down and inside out and has the arrogance to act insulted if anyone clear-thinking, civilized and compassionate person points out the hypocrisy and lack of truth and logic in its pronouncements.

    BTW, millions of Americans join you in your view of the world because most Americans are intelligent, caring people.

  2. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Howdy fellow "whatever Fox is for/anti-", we're not them folks!

    I think we're going to have a mighty crowded corner of the world!


  3. Not really about Harry Reid, but: never stop fighting because you’re tired.

    And Harry Reid; he may be soft spoken, but he’s a backroom brawler. He helped me personally, and I was a newly arrived in Nevada nobody with a corrupted pension plan from Minnesota; his people got results. Don’t be afraid to contact his office; they seem to love these tussles.

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      Seems like he picks his battles carefully and stays out of the spotlight most of the time, unlike some of his Congressional colleagues who scream and spit on camera every other day. Them when you least expect it...BAMMM!!!

      I have no doubt that anything he may imply has been investigated and triple-checked and verified before he said a word!

  4. Olivia5:44 PM

    Oh, for fuck's sake!! How far is this bullshit going to go before the last 4 normal conservatives in the country cry "ENOUGH!!!"?. I swear, Fox has been playing a prank on the right wing and doesn't know how to stop because they all got sucked in. How totally nuts do they have to get before everyone starts laughing and slapping their knees cause they got punked?

  5. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Dear Gryphen,
    I hope you to have noticed that CFA had to have this on the FIRST when the welfare checks arrived.

  6. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I quote Woody Allen when I say that I am, "A bigot for the left." Proudly so.

  7. Sharon6:16 PM

    I hope all those "I live to hate" Faux lovers keep eating all those yummy artery clogging fried chicken
    goodies, the sooner they die off the better.

    What a waste of human beings, the tide is turning.

    1. Anonymous6:00 AM

      '''I hope all those "I live to hate" Faux lovers keep eating all those yummy artery clogging fried chicken

      They think they are cute promoting that junk food.

  8. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Down here the Bible-thumping wingnuts are packing into Chick-fil-Shit like sardines.They're acting like they just won some war or something.I'll never understand these people.he same people who make frequent racist remarks about Hispanics,but pig out at La Hacienda three times a week.There's a woman on my street who was praising Chick-fil-Shit for "upholding the Bible's definition of marriage"...she was 8 months preggo at her own wedding...*shakes head*

  9. Boscoe6:36 PM

    Well, I guess they needed to find *some* way to turn the oppressed's desire for equal rights into an assault on the people oppressing them's religious liberties. I guess.

    Someone should really do research into why people with right-wing brain orientation have this deep seated need to be perceived as victims. I think it's a fascinating phenomenon. Also, sociopathic.

  10. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Baby Whisperer on board...

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!5:06 AM

      OH Thank you!!

      The pictures are just amazing - as always.

      Here's something:

      Look at the cross section of people at President Obama's rally - young, old, black, white - and almost ALL have their hands up, reaching for him when he comes out on stage!

      They LOVE this man!

      Mittens does not have enough money to accomplish that. (But breaking the law, well, that he has money for..)

      OBAMA 2012!!!

    2. Anonymous9:30 AM

      So true. The level of diversity when you see his public appearances is noteworthy!

  11. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Mitt Romney Replaces Sarah Palin as America’s Most Hated Politician

    A new Pew survey has found that Mitt Romney is so unpopular that he has now replaced Sarah Palin as America’s most hated national political figure.

    The Pew Research Center for People and the Press survey revealed that more than half of respondents (52%) hold an unfavorable view of Mitt Romney, and only 37% have a favorable opinion of the Republican nominee. This is the sixth consecutive month that overall opinion of Mitt Romney has been negative. Romney’s unfavorable rating has increased five points in the past month, and has not been lower than 45% since November of 2011.

    The high unfavorable rating would be manageable if Romney had an equally high favorable rating. The problem for him is that he doesn’t. The highest Romney’s favorable rating has been is 45%.

    To put Romney’s numbers into context, when Sarah Palin hit her initial approval rating low point in March of 2010, she had an identical 37% approval rating and a slightly higher 55% disapproval rating. After her Paul Revere moment, Sarah Palin unfavorable rating was 54%. What should give the Republicans pause is that all of Palin’s unfavorable ratings are either lower than Romney’s or are within a three point margin of error of the man they have pinned their 2012 hopes on.

    What should really terrify Republicans is that Romney’s image problem is nearly equal to Sarah Palin’s after her blood libel video. Romney is currently at 37%/52%. After her infamous post Gabby Giffords shooting blood libel video, Palin was at 38%/53%.

    Things are even worse for Romney when...

    1. If Mitt were a true GOP loyalist, he'd go ahead and pick Sarah for VP and take his medicine by getting his ass slaughtered in November with similar numbers to Reagan's in 84 when he took 49 states and 60% of the popular vote, rather than fucking up either Ryan's or Portman's careers before they even get off the ground by pinning a loss to them needlessly.

      This election is going to be another decisive 53%-47% Obama win in the popular vote as Mitt continues to slide, and Obama/Biden will swamp Romney & Sucker with well over 300 electoral votes. Nate Silver at NYT 538 has Obama at 70% probability of winning now.

      POB is gonna put Mittens away before October 1st and then coast the rest of the way while the baggers and RINOs whine and cry and gorge on their fucking 50 fat-gram chicken sandwiches and eat their waffle fries 'til they puke. Just look at these trend lines at 538:

      Romney hasn't gained an inch and doesn't have a prayer in the general,and unless Obama is caught with Huckabee out in the barn fucking a couple of pigs, Mitt will continue to fade into obscurity. I don't think that's all that likely to happen, although if Huckabee isn't at the mic at his desk when the red light comes on, somebody go get Mike. Having Mittens pounded into submission early will just empower the Baggers and Sarah noisemakers to squeal even louder and really show their asses, but honestly, fuck all of them.

      They're now playing for the down-ticket votes now and the Kochs know it already. I hope they send Sarah's bony ass to Michigan and Alaska to campaign and finally prove to her how stupid her suggestion was in 2008 to keep campaigning there. She is about a dumbass, and not much more, period.

      Mitt won't be able to deliver the Senate to the GOP either. More gridlock for the next 4 years, but the POTUS will be calling him out some cowards next term and shaming them into getting off their obstructing asses and making some headway on legislation. Hopefully, the GOP will lose a few seats in the House over the Romney tax plan, if the Dems will get off their haunches and go on the offensive against Mitt's tax plan which heavily favors the top-tier earners and screws the middle class without making any dent in the $16 Trillion of debt. Fuck that stupid plan, Willard. We're not playing that shit and your down-ticket GOP pals are going to be wearing that fucking tax plan around their necks like an anchor.

      So please pick Paul Ryan, Mittens. Please.

    2. Anonymous4:35 AM

      This is why Willard hired the lady who tried to polish the BP oil spill turd among other hard-to-defend companies who screwed up. Rachel Maddow did an excellent segment on her last night.

    3. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Yes, Paul Ryan!!! Bwahahahah

  12. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Ann’s Rafalca Debuts Same Day as Romney’s Middle Class Tax Plan

    Certainly it was poor timing that Mitt Romney was wooing the middle class with his cocktail napkin tax plan (including his failure to mention the middle class in same speech) on the same day as one of his wife’s horses competed in the Olympics, prancing around with plaited hair, gloved, top-hatted rider astride, in a scene that evoked the long weekends of those born to the manor. Yes, there are dressage etiquette rules for the audience and you won’t see the plastic ponchos that so offended Mitt Romney at NASCAR.

  13. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Gina is RAM. I have proof.

    1. LMAO!!! Please by all means...lets see it! LOL!!!

      It's the picture right! LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous9:14 PM

      Too funny.
      I have a feeling we will be waiting for his proof for as long as we will be waiting for Rmoney to release his tax returns.


    3. MariaT9:53 PM

      Helloooooo, Anon@7:28pm...
      If my avatar is the pic of a cat, does that prove I'm feline? Excellent critical thinking!

    4. Hey RAM, er, Gina, alright, show me your check stubs.

      BTW, why the hell did you send those paychecks back to the Wonky-eyed Half-term Quitter Twitter? Was that for tax planning purposes to keep you in a lower taxable income bracket in exchange for one of them fancy Cayman Island tax-free annuities?

      Careful, I'd make sure Baldy paid me in cash only down the stretch here. She'll be writing checks on that PAC account until 2016, but her account balance will go under before 2013. She'll have to pay her remaining debts off with Beefy and Creepy Jr/Sr books.H

    5. Anonymous2:08 AM

      I have seen a Gina, who may be Ram, but it is "Gina", not "GinaM." I am not anon @7:28.

    6. Gina, baby, is this true???? I thought, you know, we were gonna be internet honest with each other. I just always assumed the avatar was... ironic schtick. I'll probably still internet love you even if you are RAM. But, damn, girl! Those lips... those eyes... Shudder.....

    7. Olivia6:29 AM

      Well I suppose you might make that point...have you ever seen the two of them together? Very odd that nobody has noticed that before. 8^D

    8. Anonymous7:08 AM

      No but Irma did caution GinaM to stop laughing at the Palins or she'll wake up with RAM'S face as punishment.C4P insanity reaches new heights (or is it lows).

  14. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Confounds the mind. They call themselves Christian, yet Jesus never spoke of homosexuality but "love your neighbor as yourself," "judge not lest ye be judged," and "how can you remove the speck in your brother's eye when there's a plank in your own?" Sin is sin and all weighed the same.

    That what the RWNJs do......make some issue HUGE so no one pays attention to what's going on behind the curtain.

    Isn't that right, $ARAH?????????


  15. Anonymous7:54 PM


    BIG UPDATE! At the very end of her show tonight, Rachel offered this tantalizing teaser about the story she will be opening Friday night's show with. You might want to tune in tomorrow night and watch.

    Here's what Rachel said:

    The matter of what is in Mr. Romney's tax returns, and what he says is in his tax returns, turned into a white hot political fight today. We have found some tape in the archives that may take this fight in a whole new direction, as of tomorrow. We have got that tape that I think nobody has seen in at least a decade, and we've got that story as our lead tomorrow night. We've got incredible tape tomorrow night. Please be here. Same bat time, same bat channel.

    1. Anonymous9:11 PM

      Go Rachel!! Thanks for the heads up.


    2. Olivia7:02 AM

      I wonder if Rachel's bombshell is related to this:

  16. And yet statistics tell us that two - or more - of the broadly grinning anti-heterophobics in that photo are praying desperately to Jeebus that no one on the bus discovers their little secret...

    Hopefully for them, it gets better.

    1. Anonymous9:38 AM

      I was thinking something almost exactly like that...pray it away!!

  17. Anonymous10:39 PM

    I'm sure getting sick and tired of these hollier than thou Christians being shoved down my throat! Wish they'd act like they are suppose to according to the Bible. It appears the majority of them have not read or studied it!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.