Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Lest you think that the opinions of Todd "Legitimate rapes can't result in pregnancy" Akin were not reflective of the GOP presidential and vice presidential nominee's opinions. Think again.

Here is what Mitt Romney had to say in 2007.

"I would welcome a circumstance where there were such a consensus in this country that we said we don't want to have abortion in this country, at all, period! That would be wonderful, I'd be delighted to sign that bill."

As we know Mitt Romney is the absolute king of the flip floppers so he is currently modifying his stated view to reflect what he thinks the voting public will tolerate, however as a strict Mormon, I find his statements in 2007 to be MUCH more reflective of what I believe to be his core values.

In other words I have little doubt that he would encourage the repeal of Roe V Wade, and with Paul Ryan as his running mate that is all the MORE likely.

They want smaller government alright. Just the right size to fit inside a woman's lady parts and tell them exactly what they can and cannot do.


  1. Anonymous11:09 AM

    He'd be delighted.

    Delighted to stomp on the rights and privileges a legally protected, safe and accessible procedure afforded to free Americans.

    I can't think of bigger government than what this represents. No recourse for unwanted pregnancies, no matter how they are conceived?

    No way, not in my country.

    That's the beauty of choice, you don't believe in it? Don't have one. What's more, we won't make you have one and we won't shame you for it.

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Mitt would be delighted if the trees all over this country were the same height as those in Michigan. He'd also be delighted if everyone drive a couple of Cadillacs, like his wife Ann does. Isn't that delightful ?

    2. Anonymous1:33 PM

      Here, let's help them out:



      Uterus Police

      The Facts About Rape

      Send these out to everyone you know--from the father of two daughters.

    3. Anonymous4:25 PM

      In those pictures, I couldn't identify the organs that "shut down" automatically during rape to prevent pregnancy.

      Maybe I'll check the Family Research Council website to see if they offer a diagram or something.

  2. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Romney, in one of his many statements on the subject, in one of the 2012 Primary debates said he'd be "thrilled" to have Roe V Wade overturned.

  3. Anonymous11:18 AM

    check this out. amazingly stupid republicans.

  4. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Add Sharon Barnes and Mike Huckabee to the list of unconscionably stupid publicans(sorry if that's redundant.)

    An official from Missouri’s Republican Party on Monday defended Senate candidate Todd Akin after he suggested abortions should not be allowed in any case because victims of “legitimate” rape victims could not get pregnant.

    GOP 4th Senate District Committeewoman Sharon Barnes told The New York Times “that abortion is never an option.”

    In an interview with KTVI-TV over the weekend, Akin had said that “the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down,” referring to pregnancy after so-called “legitimate rape.”

    Barnes “echoed Mr. Akin’s statement that very few rapes resulted in pregnancy,” according to the Times, and she added that “at that point, if God has chosen to bless this person with a life, you don’t kill it.”

    “That’s more what I believe he was trying to state,” she insisted. “He just phrased it badly.”

    During an interview with Akin on Monday, Fox News host Mike Huckabee noted that “forcible rapes” had created some “extraordinary people.”

    “Ethel Waters, for example, was the result of a forcible rape,” Huckabee pointed out. “I used to work for James Robison back in the 1970s, he leads a large Christian organization. He, himself, was the result of a forcible rape.”

    “And so I know it happens, and yet even from those horrible, horrible tragedies of rape, which are inexcusable and indefensible, life has come and sometimes, you know, those people are able to do extraordinary things.”


  5. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Andrew Sullivan posted:

    "theocon doctrine that a cluster of cells requires all the constitutional protections of a fully adult human being. That is as radical a position as requiring people in a vegetative state to be kept alive for decades on feeding tubes. It is not so much pro-life as neurotically opposed to death. Which is an odd thing for Christians of all people to fear."


    It baffles me how they can spew so much about being pro-life yet send so many young men and women to die, especially in a fake war. They're continuing drumbeat is 'War, War, War' -- don't give a second thought to it and neither have the majority nor their families ever serve. As we all know, they come up with every excuse in the book to avoid it -- all fake excuses.


  6. Mitt has absolutely no conviction of belief behind any of his words. He just says shit he thinks people who will vote for him once they hear him say it. Every position he takes and then later changes is based on what is politically expedient at that moment.

    For instance, none of his public positions on abortion have been due to his Mormon faith. His positions at the moment might align with the belief doctrine of his church, but he has been all over the map on the subject of abortion during his adulthood and political career spanning the past 20 years.

    In a nutshell, Mitt's position that he states today is the one that he thinks will bring him 50.1% of the votes he thinks he needs to be elected POTUS. This year he is going to learn a little bit more than he wants to about electoral vote system strategery, but that's another topic for later.

  7. Anonymous11:41 AM

    For the party that habitually spews they want smaller government - they've done nothing but expand government with the thousand bills federal and state just on women's rights as it expands on the healthcare system, the justice system, etc. to 'monitor' all these bills and laws.

  8. Anonymous11:43 AM

    It's pretty amazing to me (but not really) that with all their 'no abortion under ANY circumstances' legislation and rhetoric these clowns never discuss any companion bills that deal with:

    - Where all these unwanted, unloved, uncared for children will live once they're born.
    - How we'll feed all these children.
    - How social services for these children will be paid for.
    - If the child is the result of rape, will the rapist automatically lose parental rights? Or, if the mother decides not to put the child up for adoption, will the rapist 'daddy' be on the hook for child support? Kind of difficult if he's behind bars, but I guess that'll be taken care of when they change the definition of rape.
    - Where the funds will come from to create more law enforcement positions to enforce their 'no abortion under ANY circumstances' rule -- I guess it'll be akin to 'Law and Order: Special Fetus Unit' or something like that.

    These people employ magical thinking usually found in children ages 3-5. They truly think that an unwanted pregnancy will suddenly put money in a poor woman's pocket or help her get over her drug addictions or mental health issues and somehow MAKE her be a good mom. These folks are insane and the sooner they're marginalized.

    1. Anonymous1:55 PM

      "Law and Order: Special Fetus Unit" that's rich!!! And this coming from the "keep government out of my life" folks. Yea, they want small government, small enough to fit in my uterus!!

    2. Anonymous2:13 PM

      You have said it very well. Now if we could get the "clowns" to give us answers to your questions that had any substance it would truly be a miracle.
      I am so sick of these "holier than thou" people who do nothing to help solve any problem. They just proclaim THEIR views as if everything will solve itself and they can go on their merry way.
      Why oh why do they ever get to the positions they occupy? Are Americans all that stupid now? Well not all. Not me and not the people who comment here. But we are a minority. Immoral or not.

  9. Anonymous11:53 AM

    I would suspect that forcible rape pregnancies have created many more serial killers, murders, and other dangerous people than the few "extraordinary people" referenced by the Huck. Can you imagine the horror of being raped, getting pregnant, and then having to carry the baby of a rapist to full term. Talk about being a prisoner in your own body. The emotional strain on the mother would have to have some serious impact on the unborn child.

  10. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Maybe they ought to go and ask all the women that were raped in Bosnia.

  11. Anonymous11:58 AM

    We are at a crossroads.....we owe our children an apology for having let it get this far....

  12. Anonymous12:04 PM

    And how do you like Ryan's pretty wife looking at him adoringly knowing full well that he is bound and determined to deny women control over their own bodies? Is she deaf, dumb and blind? Oh yes, she has her beautiful family, successfully uses the Rhythm Method and will probably never be unlucky enough to experience an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage that has to be addressed. Moreover, she will never have to worry about being a victim of rape in all probability. What about the poor, the ignorant, the unfortunate, the battered women all over the country? Oh, right: TOUGH S*%T! We with the charmed lives win: the rest of you lose.

  13. O/T but crazy Republican related...somebody is having fun with the patients today at the Asylum!

    In the Day Room (Open Thread) quite a few of the regular's comments are being "flagged for review"! It's been going on for a couple of pages and finally someone mentioned "Why are there so many comments being flagged for review"!

    I'm trying to figure out how long it's going to take the "staff" (moderators) to figure out that somebody left a stink bomb in the Day Room and get it cleaned up! LMAO!!

    Meanwhile...check out this old broke down goat of a man's comment defending Akin...you should see this guys picture...he looks like he's been turned down by quite a few women which may explain his defense of Akin!

    "C E Donaldson Today 01:56 PM
    GIVE IT A REST. Don't tell me you or someone you know hasn't had his life destroyed by a woman who LIED about being raped or sexually molested. I HAVE and I know that it destroys people, it destroys families, it destroys futures. Trying to disprove a lie is practically fruitless. People believe the woman without looking at the details. There is such a thing as Date Rape and such a thing as "I regret having said Yes so I'm going to report my shameful act as Rape" and also "Morning After Regret Rape" and never forget the "OH GAWD, I missed my period Rape" ..... and the male is always jumped on but the woman's past indiscretions are ignored. REAL RAPE is when the woman says NO or when she's overpowered. Women tease men and tell the man it's 'okay' or 'I'm protected' or 'wear protection' or whatever ALL THE TIME and have second day-after thoughts and call the mutual consent "rape." Well, there is FAKE RAPE and why in the world someone doesn't explain that to the Media and those who want to jump on this man is beyond me. NO FLAMES, you know I am not 'misspeaking' here.

    He received two responses and one was from one of the staff (moderators) and I think even he knew he was dealing with a slightly more deranged patient than normal...because he told him that this wasn't about "FAKE RAPE"!

    Oh and they are wondering why the bald fella from the Dead Lake Lucille hasn't commented on Akin except for that not quite clear Twitter message she left!

    What's up Baldy? RAM hasn't come up with something for you about that yet? I'm figuring RAM will have the FB post up sometime today! Get er done Penguin the patients are restless! LOL!!!

    1. Anonymous11:45 PM

      so....this guys's argument is based on instances of casual one-night stand sex? seriously?

  14. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Anon at 11:53, my very thoughts. For every child born of rape who goes on to create something beautiful, how many are in prison for violent crimes, abusers themselves, or suicides?

  15. Anonymous1:10 PM

    You know, if smaller government is what these fucking clowns are after, why don't THEY start by not running for office?

    1. nswfm3:51 PM

      Egg-zackly! We have a husband and wife duo who wants to have the husband in the office first and when he gets termed out, his wife runs for it. They are small government people supposedly but are collecting pensions from the government. How 'bout you start a job-creating business instead of sucking off the taxpayers. Leeches.

  16. Someone on another blog explained the GOP version of Akins thinking:

    " The logic here is plain, but I'll say it anyhow... per Akin, any alleged 'rape' that results in a pregnancy must have been consensual, despite what the woman might claim after the fact."

    Okay ladies, if you are forced to have sex and this act results in a pregnancy....it's your own damn fault because you consented....so deal with it. You weren't raped, you were laying back and enjoying it. Didn't use birth control...how very stupid you are.

    Enough of this BS against women...this is now war and I hope all hell breaks loose until we vote. GOP we're coming to get you!

  17. Olivia2:40 PM

    The only thing that Akin did wrong is vocalize what he, along with the rest of the Viagra set and the Republican party officially believes. I don't know why their hair is on fire over this now. He isn't the first one to say it, I heard it and similar shit several times in the past year, from Santorum and others. Apparently he pulled back the curtain and exposed some things they are trying to keep quiet to take advantage of short memories. They keep forgetting that its all on the internets now and anyone can dig it out and play it over and over.

  18. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Akin's rape opinion isn't new. Earlier this year, every House Republican and 16 Blue Dog Democrats voted for a bill that would have redefined rape in federal statutes to be "forcible rape."


  19. Anita Winecooler11:13 PM

    Romney is the bevis to Ryan's butthead.

    Ladies, incorporate your uterus! "Corporations are People too, my friends!"

    I'm surprised Romney hasn't trotted out Ann to tell "you people" Romney is Pro Women.

    BTW After reading the comments, I'd like to thank the men who are chiming in, Fathers have Wives and Daughters, they're attacking Families AND Women.

  20. Anonymous12:00 AM

    it is important to remember that a woman's right to control her own body must never be qualified by whether or not she was forced to be pregnant via rape or incest or whether she personally does not feel a pregnancy is what she wants for herself and her life - period - no qualifying. It is a personal choice and should not be parsed by allowing her to only have control over her body if she became pregnant by rape or incest.

  21. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Willard, Ryan, and the majority of Republican law makers are ignorant, hateful, and woefully inept. They lack empathy, understanding and a moral compass. Actually that compass is broken beyond repair.

    The vitriol they so proudly espouse is quite unbelievable, along with their lies, lies, lies, lies. Willard just makes things up. He contradicts himself. He doesn't care about anybody or anything else other than his accrual of more money any way, any how he can make it.

    It is difficult to conceive that women's rights are trampled, beaten down, thrown out and disregarded by Willard and the rest of the like-minded misogynistic yahoos. Women have no rights.

    Shudder to think of Willard in the White House. Now that's a horror movie that should scare the hell out of you!

    It's up to Obama supporters to do as much as each one can NOW until the election. Nothing is carved in stone. We can't afford to lay back and do nothing!

    OBAMA BIDEN 2012


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