Sunday, August 26, 2012

No Mitt Romney did NOT just accidentally slip and make that joke about birth certificates and here's why.

Courtesy of The Atlantic Wire:

The recent direction of Mitt Romney's campaign may seem perplexing — the candidate's birther joke, those ads accusing Obama of gutting welfare reform, John Sununu's jab that Obama needs to learn how to be American, and veep pick Paul Ryan's pride at bitterly clinging to guns and God — but it can all be explained with just one number: 61 percent, which is the share of the white vote Romney needs to win. 

In June RealClearPolitics' David Paul Kuhn looked at the demographic break down in vote projections and concluded, "The white margin to watch: 61-39. That’s the rough break-even point. Obama likely needs more than 39 percent of whites to assure re-election." To put that into context, Kuhn notes, "Whites favored Reagan in 1984 by a 64-35 margin. They favored Bush in 1988 by a 59-40 margin. Four years ago, whites favored McCain by a 55-43 margin." When Kuhn was writing in late June, he noted in an average of four polls, Obama was a couple points below the 39 percent mark -- and Romney was far from his 61 percent target. The New Republic's Nate Cohn pointed out that averaging more polls, whites were splitting for Romney by 52 percent to 39 percent. With Romney making little headway with black or Hispanic voters — polls typically put his support among non-white voters in the high teens to low 20s — the best remaining option is to get to that 61 percent threshold with whites. And if the Republican primary taught us anything — think back to Donald Trump's birther bubble and Newt Gingrich's South Carolina victory after doubling down on his charge that Obama is the "food stamp president" — these racially tinged campaign barbs are sure crowd pleasers among white Republicans. 

In other words, Romney needs to be more loved by white people and Obama needs to be more disliked by them for Romney to win. Romney made a step toward that goal Friday with his birther joke, "No one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know that this is the place that we were born and raised." Romney defended his comments, saying of his mostly-white audience, "the crowd loved it and got a good laugh."

I NEVER believed that Romney made a slip of the tongue despite many journalists pushing that idea on virtually EVERY cable news channel.

Mitt Romney will do ANYTHING to win this election, and if he thought standing up on stage in a Klu Klux Klan outfit yelling "Let's lynch the ni**er!" would get him the votes that he needs, he would be cutting holes in his bedsheets as we speak.


  1. Anonymous2:55 AM

    If ever there were a Manchurian Candidate......Mitt is it........

  2. Main problem is he already has the lunatic fringe - sending out dog whistles to them is pointless - he may have lost the remaining "real" republicans with his racist birther comment

  3. angela4:01 AM

    "cutting holes in sheets and dragging a cross behind his bus to light fire to later . . . ." Romney is a bastard supreme and everyone ought to smell the desperation of this creature and VOTE against him.

  4. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Most interesting post Mr. G. Why doesn't someone~anyone ask Romney to see his birth certificate?


    1. Anonymous5:51 AM

      I'd rather just ignore him. His handlers have twisted him into a pretzel with all of the different positions he's shifted on. In one of the political blogs stated it very well a couple of days ago:

      "Willard Milton Romney is a man without any of his own convictions."

      For someone who aspires to be a public servant in a position of trust, there's not a worse insult and this one happens to describe him perfectly.

    2. Anonymous7:25 AM

      Earlier in history, a female journalist did ask Willard about his birth certificate to see if his middle name was Milton or Mitt. I don't know if she ever got to see it, but the question HAS been put to him (so he lied yet again.)

    3. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Mitt is a shitt.

      "But what does the birth certificate belonging to the presidential candidate actually state?

      Four years ago, I asked Romney spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom to settle the matter.

      “It’s Willard Mitt Romney on the birth certificate,’’ he replied, via e-mail.

      Could I see it? I asked. “Sure. He was born in Detroit. City Hall should have it,’’ he e-mailed back.

      Birth records are restricted in Michigan and only a person or parent named on the record, or a legal guardian or representative can request a copy. “That shouldn’t be a problem for an old reporter like you,’’ Fehrnstrom responded. It was."


  5. Paul - Minnesota4:30 AM

    He's either a robot or an alien under his human skin suit. I'd like to see evidence that he's human.

    Plus, his no media can attend his fundraisers probably means that Mitt gets to tell the joke yet using the N word for President Obama or other African-Americans.

    His racism and pandering to the tea racists should come easily to Mitt, considering how Mormons for years viewed black people as not being worthy of being in the Mormon church. Evidently, while the Mormon church says they've moved on, Mitt didn't move ahead or change.

    Racism is still his value and comes in handy for him, another way of Mitt to benefit for his own personal gain rather than being worthy of being POTUS and representing everyone in the USA.

    Plus, thanks Mitt, you've helped me see how (rhymes with duck) mucked up Mormonism is, if no one in that religion will speak out against you for your greed, lies, dishonesty, lack of ethics and more of what you do that would seem to be evil via your religion's teachings and what's in your buy-bull.

    Another example, some Christians and Mormons are somehow exempt from following their own religious rules, laws and teachings. Yet everyone else better follow them, or else.

    The USA does have a domestic taliban. Mitt now wants to be head of it. The USA GOP/tea party.

  6. Anonymous4:31 AM

    There's also a very good analysis of this on the CNN site.

  7. Not What You Want to Hear4:33 AM

    There is also the rightwing propaganda "documentary" out about Obama's father. These people are ugly, ugly, ugly. It is not enough to smear Barack Obama as "different." No, these monsters actually stoop to attacking his dead father.

    1. In their defense, I have to say I'm pretty sure they would viciously attack President Obama's father even if he were still alive.

    2. Anonymous6:18 AM

      I agree, Beldar. Those pig-fuckers acted the same way about Brown v. Bd of Education. Nothing new there. They haven't exactly "evolved" very much since 1954.

    3. I just finished reading "The Help". Quite a stark reminder of just what being racist means. Absolutely vicious apartheid white supremacism. It's been 200 YEARS and they still haven't evolved.

  8. Not What You Want to Hear4:52 AM

    I want to sound just one note of caution about the pervading belief that most of the resentment against Barack Obama is because of his skin color. To be sure, the rightwingers are deliberately feeding racist fears, HOWEVER, starting with Bill Clinton, this relentlessly personal attack against a Democratic president is absolutely what we can expect each and every time one is elected.

    Yes, the rightwingers are going with the racist angle against Obama. But the goal of personal destruction of liberal, progressive, or moderate presidents and legislators will not stop when he's out of office.

    It is far past time for media figures to summon up the courage to state the truth: liberals, progressives, and moderates are being singled out as the new Jews in this country. There is an end goal here, to wipe us completely out of the national landscape, both figuratively - and if that doesn't work - I am convinced literally.

    Anyone who is keeping track of all the rightwing violence against American citizens - like the man who shot up that Unitarian church, the man who was going to go on a killing spree at the Tides Foundation, the person who planted that bomb at the MLK day parade, just to name a few - and still doesn't see this has their head buried in the sand.

    1. What, me worry? So sadly true.

      Let's keep our eye on the ball, if you will.

  9. Kimosabe5:06 AM

    He's one of the Visitors from V. Underneath his fake skin dwells a reptile. And that's the vote he's going after. (Diana was hot!)

  10. Anonymous5:26 AM

    The man has been trying to win for Eight years, in that he has not cleaned up enough tax returns to produce, nor has he gotten good at being a stand up guy.

    Wishy washy Mittens is in luck with Citizens United-it left the Koch brothers with millions to funnel into PACS without penalty. Buying an election-we are going to see it in our lifetime.

    Thanks, supreme court-you trashed the constitution and sit there watching it all burn.

  11. Mitt is trying so hard to ingratiate himself with the right wing, and for what reason other than to put himself in front of friendly crowds? He will get all of those votes anyway. What Mitt is doing is embarrassing himself and chasing off the moderate and independent votes. Honestly, I think Romney sees the writing on the wall already. If he felt he had a decent shot at the presidency, he would've shown us the tax returns right after he locked up the delegate count he needed to win the nomination.

    Even with all of Mitt's ass-kissing on the TP side, nobody who considers themselves true Teabaggers will respect Romney whether he won or not. We've heard so much grumbling and bitching the past four years because McCain was a RINO and blah blah blah. And to those same knuckleheads, Romney is a bigger stiff than McCain ever was as a candidate.

    Look for the same result in November as we had in '08. I know most of you probably haven't listened to Rushbo a whole lot lately, and I don't make it a regular habit, but I've listened to him sporadically over the past few weeks, and his tone is not nearly as combative down the stretch here. In fact, in his own "subtle" way, I believe Rush has raised his little white flag of surrender on the POTUS race. He can't stand Romney either, he just dislikes Obama more.

    I'm not saying this thing is over---I wish it were--- but Romney is taking the wrong tact to win the independent vote decisively, and guess what? Most independents are white voters and if Mitt doesn't dominate that segment, he gets crushed. . No way Mitt breaks 60%. Even if he comes close, he has NOT executed an effective electoral strategy.

    My opinion is that the Crossroads/Rove PACs and AFP/Koch Bros hold back $250-300 Million from campaign ads for Romney and redirect most of it down-ticket to Senate and House races at the beginning of October. In other words, the "Smart Money" is being shifted to more "win-able contests". You won't hear those teabaggers clinging on to Mitts coattails either on the stump either. They don't want to get drug down because he's more of a boat anchor than a leader who can carry others over the finish line with momentum under the R/R banner. It will be strictly anti-Obama. Which to me, is both sad and it's chicken-shit of those candidates. But they have a better shot of running and winning as anti- Obama as opposed to pro-Romney. Anybody that tries that will get laughed out of contention. I expect Mitt to be campaigning with House and Senate contenders just about as much as they'll have George W Bush on the stump with them. As in not at all if they can avoid even mentioning Romney's name altogether.

    1. Anonymous7:28 AM

      Rush makes a lot more money if Obama stays in office than if he loses. THIS is why he has "modified" his tone. He knows if Rmoney wins, he will lose a lot of cash in the long run.

    2. Anita Winecooler7:22 PM

      Toast, I always love reading your comments, your pov is always spot on and your comments are well thought out.
      I just finished watching CNN's "Romney Revealed" special. They glossed over a lot of Romney's flip flop records over his long career.
      The story of the french car crash was so wrought with melodrama, yet Ann, when recalling she got a call that Mitt had passed, actually had a calm demeanor and open smile. If I got a call like that about my husband, retelling it would be reliving it, and not be smile worthy. The whole thing was scripted and they were handled with kid gloves.

      They're doing one on the President, and I'm sure they'll really ask him and his family the tough questions, and the emotions will be genuine.

      The media is really showing it's bias.

  12. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Best not to focus on this --it serves mostly as a distraction to RMoney's taxes (or lack thereof).

  13. still, a losing strategy on his part. the southern strategy requires a little more finesse than screaming n*gger n*gger n*gger all day long.

    might be part of the same analysis, but even with race giving the equivalent of a home state advantage in every state, the persistent alienation of everyone who is not hard core right, even considering the number of low-information voters, is political seppuku.

    which is alarming, as I think this is telegraphing the GOP's confidence about their vote suppression scheme.

  14. Leland5:40 AM

    This from an "anchor child".

    Gawd! I wish Hawaii would officially slam these fools every time they open their mouths!

  15. The RWDBs (right wing douchebags) may be racist but they arent very creative. "Let's lynch the ni**er!" could be the fresh new theme they've been seeking for their upcoming "SAVE AMERCIA FROM THE JOOZ & DARKIES" bus tour.

    As we speak, Hank Williams, Jr is likely recording an uptempo version of "Strange Fruit", promoting the 'forgotten positive side of good ol' common sense, small town conservative Amerkin spontaneous street justice'. Featuring Ted Nugent on lead guitar, Mike Huckabee on bass and Paul Ryan on electric kazoo. Special guest performer: Oily Taint on tambourine and cowbell.

    Meanwhile, the depths of their hatred and avaricious hunger for power knows no bounds.

    1. Anonymous7:29 AM

      You can bet the NFL is so damned glad it distanced itself from that racist douche nozzle Williams, Jr.

  16. C'mon Gryph, you are so wrong: "[I]f he thought standing up on stage in a Klu Klux Klan outfit yelling "Let's lynch the ni**er!" would get him the votes that he needs, he would be cutting holes in his bedsheets as we speak."

    Really? You should realize be now that bedsheet has long since tailored and embroidered! Sheesh...

  17. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Romney's father was born in Mexico in a polygamous cult. Romney's father was not a "natural-born American", so where are the birfers wailing that Mitt can't be "natural-born" because both his parents weren't? Oh, yeah, Mitt is white...

    1. Anonymous7:31 AM

      George's parents were both American citizens so it would not matter where he was born (see John McCain). President Obama is an American citizen on two counts. He was born in the state of Hawaii AND his mom was an American citizen. It would not matter one whit if he were born in Kenya or on Mars, if his mother was American so is he. That's the argument I use on the birther morons that I know. I even give them literature to back it up.

    2. Anonymous9:46 AM

      REASONABLE people (that precludes the birfers) understand that being born in America makes one an American citizen, but remember the years and years of whining and redefining the rules to "prove" that Obama couldn't be a natural-born citizen. Romney's in the same boat, and we haven't heard a peep from the so-called "concerned citizens". Gee, I wonder why that might be?

  18. Anonymous6:06 AM

    My granddaddy said of those politicians like Mitt who talked out of both sides of their mouth all the time: "He ain't worth a-killin!"

    And my granny would agree by restating in her own words:
    "He's doin' the best he knows how, ain't he?"

    1. Anita Winecooler7:29 PM

      My Grandparents were masters of the back handed complement. I think we might be related!

  19. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Mitt made a purposeful point IMO. I expect an escalation of remarks inflaming stereotypes of race and birther conspiracy references.

    On MSNBC this morning they are discussing probable redefining of Romney and Ryan at the convention.

  20. Sharon6:29 AM

    After educating myself on McCain's biography and Palin's, you would think it couldn't get any worse. Mitt Robme has to be the most despicable person in America, let alone running for office. Check out the latest news on his tax rate...this seems really big. Non-political tax experts shedding light on the "active" and "passive" kind of income from Bain just doesn't justify 15% tax rates, when he claims those kind of expenses. The IRS has a different definition than ole Mitt's. I so hope this finally cooks his golden goose.

  21. Rmoney doesn't commit slips of the tongue. He doesn't misspeak. He means everything he says. The fact that he's had to walk back his statements speaks to his poor judgement and core beliefs.

    As far as getting 61% of the vote, I don't think the War on Women the G NO P is committing is going to help them there. First, women are about 50% of any demographic. So he'd need ALL of the white men and at least 11% of the white women. While some women will be stupid enough to vote for him and against their own best interests, there are plenty of men who are sons, brothers, husbands and fathers who will NOT. Enough that Rmoney will not get his 61%.

    That doesn't mean complacency. As with 2008, Obama must win by a HUGE margin just to be considered the winner. And even then, there will still be attacks that he still did not earn and deserve the Oval Office.

  22. I still cannot believe this is the best that the gop has to offer. What a cesspool.

    I recently read an article about the mindset of the privileged. It outlined the sense of entitlement, the narcissism and the complete lack of understanding of the average, everyday life that most people lead. The author likened the bizarre disconnect from reality and self centered nature to a mental disease. Willard and his wife are perfect examples of this. They have no clue about what 99% of us are concerned with. This is all just an egomaniacal power trip for an entitled man who was ordained at the age of 12. The combination of his Mormon religion and his silver spoon upbringing is why Willard feels entitled to the highest office in the land.

    The author also described how much extreme wealth and growing up around that culture compensates for intelligence and talent. People who come from super wealthy families can be extremely dim and still end up in positions of power. Just look at GWShrub. That guy is a fucking moron and he ended up with 2 terms. The WORST 2 terms in modern history, but 2 terms none the less. Money buys everything, including opportunity.

    rMoney is a man without a core, without a single personal conviction beyond making money. I cannot wait until he loses and goes back to the gated obscurity that he fucking deserves. Obama may not be perfect but he's light years beyond anything the gop has had to offer in half a century, if not more. And I full on believe that after he wins in November the kid gloves will come completely off, as Obama intimated to Medvedev.

  23. Randall3:57 PM

    Oh lighten UP, Gryph - Mittens was JOKING.

    It's all in good fun. Like, for example, if President Obama were to take off on Romney:

    Hey - my dad was from Kenya, but my mom's from Hawaii... Where's YOUR dad from, Mitt? Mexico? So what's that make YOU, an anchor baby?
    (yuk yuk yuk)
    And WHY was your dad living in Mexico - how many wives did he have fer chrissakes!

    I kid, I kid, we love ya Mitt, but seriously, some folks like to kid that I'm a Muslim, but everybody knows I'm really a Christian - MY prophets are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John -- who's yours, Mitt? That convicted con-man that got divine inspiration from sticking his face in a magic hat?

    My god is the god of the universe, but Romney's god is some guy from the planet Kolob, right Willard?

    Hey, hey - it's all in good fun, gang.

    Hey, didja hear about the Republican that doesn't understand how a woman's reproductive system works, doesn't understand how climate works, and doesn't understand evolution? Yeah - he's on the House SCIENCE COMMITTEE!

    By the way, I understand the Republican's platform this year is "Vote for ME and I promise to lower MY OWN taxes!"

    OK, I gotta run - don't forget to tip the veal and try your waitress....

  24. Anita Winecooler7:38 PM

    I just can't believe Romeny is the last one on the island! Mitt has one major problem, his robotic demeanor and smarmy smirk while getting applause for his pre-written raw meat to the base comment shows that he'll do or say whatever the audience wants to hear.
    I wish he was as transparent about his elite mindset that his finances are private as he is with his blatant and implied racism.
    He says his dad had a huge influence in his life, so why not make dad proud and follow his lead with his tax forms?


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