Friday, August 10, 2012

Sadly NASA's Curiosity has yet to discover intelligent life on the surface of Mars. Not even close!

"I can see Earth from my front porch, don'tcha know?"


  1. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Hey, what is that new species? It's P-alien to me.

  2. Anonymous4:27 AM

    I can see the t-shirts now:

    "2.3 Billion dollars, and all we found was a brain-dead celebrity from Alaska."

  3. Anonymous4:45 AM

    gryp Now this one is perfect.

  4. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Dammit! There goes another cup of coffee all over the iPad. Thanks for a giggle to start my day - now if only that pic was real.......

  5. Smirnonn6:05 AM

    "It Came From Planet Grift."

  6. lostinmn6:08 AM

    I see she's shooting her mouth off now about how PAC's spend their money - hahahahaha

    1. Anonymous8:14 AM

      Watched the youtube Hannity thing from last night. She looked awful (surprise)--mint green is a bad color for anyone except white haired old ladies. Her new glasses are too wide for her face, don't go with her eyebrows, and leave shadows all over her face.

      She of course, didn't make sense. And her hoping things didn't happen to President Obama's girls--it was impossible to figure out what things she was talking about. That they get plastic surgery at age 20? Be high school drop out vandals? Write homphobic slurs on facebook? um, don't think so. . .

  7. Olivia6:14 AM

    Nice comparison pics of then and now:

  8. Anonymous6:35 AM

    lol now that's a funny picture. Proof that Sarah will go to any lengths to get some face time in that spotlight there.

    It came from Wasilla. It sucked up all the oxygen on Mars.

  9. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Why did you leave out TAWD, BRISCOW, and WALLOW? The Palins are Failures at Educating themselves through Home-Schooling. The worst part is that they are still breeding the same type of IMBECILES. How's that 'STILLMAN' endorsement treatin' Ya? BWAHAHAHA.

  10. CorningNY7:42 AM

    LOL!! This would certainly explain Sarah's trouble speaking English!

  11. Anonymous8:28 AM

    There goes the neighborhood. Property values plummet. Damn you NASA!

  12. Anonymous8:37 AM

    During an appearance on Fox News on Thursday night, Sarah Palin took aim at President Barack Obama, saying she finds his speeches on the issue of civility "nauseating."

    "I think it's disgusting," the former Alaska governor said. "And at this point, you know, with all due respect to the office of the presidency, when I hear Barack Obama speak at this point, especially when he lectures about ethics and civility, it's nauseating to me."

    Says the WGE, an authority on nausea and disgust.

  13. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Look at the difference in her appearance in four- short years! It's amazing. She really has aged horribly!!! Evil ways, Sarah, begets the visuals we now have of you!

  14. jcinco10:42 AM

    those new specs don't do her any favors...she's such a shrew, bringing up the president's daughters. everyone knows his girls will get a wonderful education and go on to be successful, much like Chelsea Clinton. sarah's brood are too lazy to further their education. they conduct their lives like the white trash they are. maybe sarah, the nasty bitch, should think about the fact that the president is the one who spoke up and defended slutty bristol during the campaign before she starts yapping about Malia and Sasha.

  15. Leland12:18 PM

    Oh Great! We spent how many billions on that Mars lander and SHE has to go and risk the lens!!!!!!!!!!


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