Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sexual pioneer Hugh Hefner has some very important insights into what our country is going through right now.

Courtesy of (Where else?) Playboy:  

When I wrote The Playboy Philosophy in the early 1960s, both oral and anal sex were illegal in 49 of the 50 states. In 10 of those states, sodomy—which was variously defined but could, in some states, include oral sex—carried a maximum sentence of 20 years. Citizens in Connecticut who engaged in oral sex faced 30 years in prison—60 years for people who lived in North Carolina. In Nevada it could mean life behind bars. It was a time when 37 states outlawed sex between unmarried people and 45 criminalized adultery. Two states even banned heavy petting. 

This is the oppressive world some would have us return to. These moralists say that if sex doesn’t beget children, it’s a sin. Your sex life, your privacy rights and the rights of men and women everywhere are casualties of this belief. In Arizona, under a proposed bill women who hoped to have their health insurer cover birth control would have been forced to provide their employer with proof they were taking the pill for a medical condition—not just for the purpose of avoiding pregnancy. A new Kansas law allows a pharmacist to refuse to sell someone contraception on the grounds that such a sale could violate the pharmacist’s religious beliefs. Similar laws already exist in Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi and South Dakota. Lawmakers in Michigan are pushing one of the most restrictive anti-abortion bills in decades, while in Texas and Pennsylvania people continue to demand the defunding of Planned Parenthood centers, which provide health care to countless women. Across America these conservatives continue to assault the rights of gays, whether by denying them the right to marry or, as in Kansas, by attempting to empower landlords, business owners and employers to discriminate against gays on religious grounds. And earlier this year, when a Republican legislator in Virginia told CNN “sodomy is not a civil right,” I thought of Charles Cotner (A man charged and jailed for 3 years in 1965 for engaging in consensual anal sex with his own wife) and wondered how much time we have left before we lose all the advances of the sexual revolution. 

Nearly 50 years ago in the pages of this magazine I warned that “when religion rather than reason dictates legislation, do not expect logic with your law.” Today, in every instance of sexual rights falling under attack, you’ll find legislation forced into place by people who practice discrimination disguised as religious freedom. Their goal is to dehumanize everyone’s sexuality and reduce us to using sex for the sole purpose of perpetuating our species. To that end, they will criminalize your entire sex life. 

This is a religious nation, but it is also a secular one. For decades the American people have found a way to balance religious beliefs with secular freedoms. We have enjoyed freedom of religion as well as freedom from religion. These need not be incompatible. No one should have to subjugate their religious freedom, and no one should have their personal freedoms infringed. This is America and we must protect the rights of all Americans.

It may be hard to imagine that the old man with the much too young "girlfriends," who are clearly nothing more than window dressing used to buoy an image that he has worked a lifetime to promote, was once on the cutting edge of the sexual revolution in this country. But he was.

So despite what your opinion is of the man, you still have to recognize that he certainly knows what he is talking about. And what's more his observations of what is happening to our country, something that he apparently predicted nearly fiftieth years ago, is dead on.


  1. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Wow. In 37 states years ago, a good majority of the Palins and Heaths would probably be behind bars for having sex whilst being unmarried?


    Seems they might want to be careful about where they throw stones considering their stance on gay marriage -- especially since Big B and Trackers were both keeping up family tradition and expecting babies out of wedlock.

  2. lostinmn4:56 PM

    Gees, I see that photo of the young Heff and I swear I can smell pipe smoke -

  3. Anonymous5:02 PM

    To be honest, I like Hef, and I'm an old lady! But he is what he is, and he's never said otherwise.

    If only all men were at least as honest as he seems to be.

    And he's right on this one.

  4. Your HefPo makes my request look slightly less off topic...

    Hey, Gryphen, when you get a chance can you confirm or refudiate a really bizarre rumor I've been hearing lately?

    Apparently there's a high tech Silicone Valley start-up - funded mostly by Bane Capital - that's developing some top secret, mega-secure biometric identity system called The AnaDent3000(tm) that relies on the inherently unique physiography of the human anus.

    Sounds like a crazy idea, right? But it looks like they're actually rolling out a prototype version of the system to provide security to the 15,000 assholes coming to the Donald Trump Memorial Convention Center, Waterpark and Indoor Flea Market in Tampa this week.

    I can't guarantee that this is true, but if you see long lines of delegates dropping their trousers to sit on a greased replica of the Washington Monument you'll know this system is real. Sounds like their biggest concern is that too many of the more deeply closeted delegates - away from the old ball and chain at home - will become obsessed with the procedure and make hundreds - perhaps thousands - of obsessively repeated trips thru the shiny new anal scanners thus creating an horrendous security logjam from the bottom up.

    And that is why I have endorsed Williard Milliard Mittens "Mittens" Rmoney to be president in 2012.

    1. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Did you just say your asshole is lonely?

    2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:59 PM

      Beldaranus T.K. Coneheadicus--you ROCK!!

      The pic of retro Hef is too cool. This era was a bit before my time, but I remember him well in the late 60s. Can't believe how far we've come (no pun intended). Gotta love the guy, he still looks great!

    3. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Marry me, Beldar!

    4. Anita Winecooler8:33 PM

      Hey, Mr. Conehead, someone other than Romney had to figure this out, but it's genius!

      Everyone's heard of retinal scanners, but who'd have thought to use facial recognition software on a trans Rectal Probe? We all know they have their heads up their butts!

      Bravo, one of your best!

    5. Anonymous10:47 PM

      Another ROFLMAO!! Thanks Beldar!

  5. I totally support his freedom to be who he is; he doesn’t involve children. But a lot of men threw away opportunities (and got laughed at), staggering in the large footprints of Hugh Hefner (they never met Barbie Benton), and when they came up for air, people were walking away and chuckling. No one cared very quickly.

  6. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Sarah may spout her talking points and she doesn't openly address the social issues, but she is a true supporter of ALL of the Republican social platforms. She just thinks she is clever by not voicing her beliefs...

    1. Anonymous6:55 PM

      But what of her abortions?

    2. Anita Winecooler8:37 PM

      Yeah, she's busy standing with our north Korean allies.

  7. Everything I ever learned about sexual freedom I learned from my brothers' copies of Playboy all those years ago. Hef and his magazine did more to educate people than any other medium in the 1960s. We were mostly a bunch of ignorant fools back in those days. Especially those of us who, like myself, were raised as Catholics. Thanks, Hef.

    1. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Yup, Playboy bunnies were the epitome of sex ed.

    2. Anonymous6:54 PM

      Educate you? You mean, brainwash you into thinking your ideal girlfriend was a 42DD with a 26 inch waist fresh from the Iowa cornfields? I sure hope you are not holding your wife to those fake standards. My husband tried, and when I got pregnant and then didn't lose the weight, he lost interest. And yeah, Playboy taught him a lot as well.

    3. I am a female. I read the forums, the articles by fabulous authors (Jean Shepard rocked) and I also avoided the centerfold and the boob shots because there was so much good about the magazine. It really was way ahead of its time. BTW, the jokes and cartoons were hilarious.

  8. Anonymous5:45 PM

    He may be right, but he treated the girls at the Playboy Clubs abominably.

  9. It's a little known fact that Hugh Hefner is also a natural born archivist. He keeps meticulous archives of his magazines and other things. I'm pretty sure he has no library training so not sure where he developed the skills.

    1. Anonymous6:52 PM

      How hard is it to store your magazines in order on some shelves?

    2. This wasn't just storage.

      He had archival boxes. And he had photos, pamphlets, letters, etc. And they were archived according to subject, date, etc. It was similar to the system I saw used by the librarian at the Museum of Modern Art in Los Angeles.

      It was some special on TV. Maybe a movie on his life or something. Might have been PBS. But he had this box on a table and was going through the items specific to an exhibit or artist or something. And he had the letters exchanged, photos, pamphlet, etc. Just like a librarian archivist would do it. List of contents on the side of the box too. And he does not hire this out. He does it himself.

  10. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I don't believe that repulsive, senile old man, who made his fortune by brainwashing insecure women into thinking demeaning themselves by becoming jerk-off material was a good move, wrote such a thoughtful essay, but ITA with whoever did.

    1. Leland6:30 PM

      Ever met the man? If not, just how can you call him names like that? Sounds to me like you happen to agree with what the current Repubes are trying to stick us with - again!

      I started reading Playboy when I was 15. And yes, I did READ it! The interviews and opinions were always well thought out and thought provoking. I find it amazing he wasn't hauled before Congress like some rock groups were for their lyrics. Fortunately one of them told them to stick it! They had a right to SPEAK and Congress couldn't stop them!

    2. Anonymous6:52 PM

      I don;t think 5:59 is wrong. Hefner and his stable of fake boobed, airbrushed women did a lot of damage to the rest of us, as we were expected to look just like them, and of course, could never live up to what boys saw on the page. Tell me that when you were dating you did not look for large breasts and tiny waists? So he also hired some good writers and there were good jokes. His disregard for the feelings of the women is disgusting. And frankly, not liking what he did is in no way condoning the GOP, who is just as wrong and more dangerous.

    3. Anonymous9:15 PM

      Hefner's standard for women was distorted breasts, absurd body proportions, enticing expression, NO education, NO brain, NO goals, existing for the sole purpose of pleasing men.

      The concept of women cavorting in satin suits, bunny tales attached, should make guys realized they are being played for idiots by Hefner. What idiot would consider that ideal? Juts a penis without no brain attached.

  11. Leland6:08 PM

    Hugh Hefner and Barry Goldwater. Two very smart men!

    And they both said basically the same thing at about the same time!

    Barry actually publicly stated that the Christians he had to deal with scared him to death!

  12. Anonymous6:16 PM

    He's right, but he's speaking to the choir for the most part. The far right conservatives who Romney is courting, will never read or listen to what Hefner has to say. At this time you even have to question if there are any moderate Republicans, and if there are, why are they not speaking up. I have no doubt that the current direction of the Republican party is heading will seriously damage the party, particularly if they do poorly this fall. The Citizens United ruling has allowed too many people like the Koch brothers to come in and established the Tea Party who now have a heavy influence of the Republican Party. The Republican politicians now sees where their campaign donations will mostly be coming from and are now more interested in appeasing corporations and the rich than their constituents. Hopefully this fall we will see Republican leaders that only want to help their party and not the country get thrown out of office.

    1. Anonymous3:56 AM

      There are probably a slew of Repub men who check out Playboy and Hefner. This article may open their eyes! Especially the younger generation of conservatives who had no idea what it was like 30-50 years ago.

      My first husband in the 60s was in the military (most guys were due to the draft). Being around so many men -we rented our second bedroom- there was always a Playboy mag floating around. Being an avid reader, I thought the articles were very good, they weren't about sex, but current events/topics. I didn't see the photos distorting or affecting the guys thinking about women. It was just eye candy and superficial to them. They still had respect and genuine love for us "average/normal" girls and preferred intelligence over physicality.

      BTW - A lifelong Republican - high profile - acquaintance of mine was at a local Democratic fundraiser last week, here in Anchorage. I think the moderate Rs will be filling in the circle for President Obama in the voting booth. (Being hopeful!)

  13. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Yep, I sure did enjoy the playboy bunny pinups the guys hung around the office and labs. A professional woman in the sixties was expected to tolerate artificially big boobs and bovine "come hither" expressions. The pinup women were objects without intelligence.

    Yep, Hefner sure was a great guy. NOT!

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Anonymous? Meet Sarah Palin.

  14. Anonymous6:51 PM

    UGH. People like this, mixed with Hollywood, need to be silenced. Keep it private.

  15. Anonymous7:07 PM

    id have my tubes tied before id bring kids into
    a world like this.

    no birth control? how many million more
    heads to feed in 1-2years.
    these rwrs are nuts.

  16. He's practically the only celebrity who speaks sanely and wisely about this topic. That quote is something to respect, and society should listen to it.

  17. Yes, Hefner objectified women and provided impossible standards for the average woman to live up/down to. Then again.... do you hear people condemning Vogue magazine, WWD, Paris Match, any of the magazines and fashion shows that reward anorexia? That also provides an objectification of women and provides impossible standards for the average woman to live up/down to.

    What I'm trying to say is, it's not just Hefner.

    And what I'm also trying to say is, in this essay Hefner is dead on right.

    1. Anonymous9:17 PM

      definitely DOWN to

    2. Anonymous9:26 PM

      The Beaver's mother, June Cleaver, was portrayed in the TV show as the ideal homemaker that even prepared meals all dressed up and complete with a string of pearls.

      Hefner's bunnies were June Cleaver without the clutter of children.

      It wasn't a revolution. It was the last stand of the old guard trying to shove women into nonsensical roles for the pleasure of men.

      Hefner can apologize for his idiocy. Then I might read whatever drivel he is scribbling.

  18. Anita Winecooler9:11 PM

    I have no problem with my husband subscribing to Playboy. Yes, it objectifies women's bodies, but it's not mass marketed to teens.

    The objectification that bothers me are the distorted, photoshopped, airbrushed, waif thin, surgically enhanced faces and upper frontals we're bombarded with on a daily basis in ads, print and television media images to sell products.

    Hugh's essay rocks!

  19. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Notice the HUGE boobs on the woman behind Hefner in the younger photo. Of course, someone looking at this photo is supposed to understand Hefner's deep appreciation a woman's mind, her artistic sense, her love of literature, mathematics, philosophy,...


  20. hedgewytch9:36 PM

    Well I hope that Hugh has put his money where his mouth is and given President Obama a nice fat campaign contribution.

  21. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Gloria Steinem famously wrote of her stint as a Playboy bunny.

    Face it, Hef just made it more legitimate to see women as sex objects by injecting a bit of "intellectualism" into his rag.

    1. I wonder if we would have had women's liberation if it weren't for Hefner and Playboy? Maybe, but not as soon, as strong or as lasting.

      I discovered Gahan Wilson in Playboy. My Dad was working temporarily in Arizona and we went for a vacation to stay with him for a week. He was sharing a condo with a guy at work and it had a POOL. His roommate had Playboys in the bathroom and I'd look through them when on the throne. Even brought a few out to read on the couch. I was in my teens (and female) and no one told me I couldn't. I went through every magazine looking for Gahan Wilson cartoons. I also read a few of the articles and was impressed with the writing and subject matter. Some had nothing to do with the purpose of the magazine, shall we say. I can't say my parents would have been as tolerant of me with Penthouse or Hustler. After all, I had a younger brother.

      To me, Playboy was like Rolling Stone only with naked women. There was more to the content than just the photos.

      Years later I did manage to purchase a few books of compilations of Gahan Wilson's cartoons. I think it's exposure to him that brought me to Gary Larson. Although no one else is quite as twisted as Gahan Wilson.

    2. Anonymous10:23 AM

      "I wonder if we would have had women's liberation if it weren't for Hefner and Playboy?"

      Women's liberation is about recognizing women's right to the full use of their intellect and abilities. That is about as far as you can get from Hefner's appalling objectifying women.

  22. Anonymous6:07 AM

    One of my annual holiday gifts to my husband for a number of years was the "Playboy" magazine. We both enjoyed it as it also included very well written articles. (I'm assuming it still does.)

    Thank you, Hef, for opening up the 'sex' world to many of us. But, we are heading back into that 'up tight' world again due to the fat, white male attitudes we are seeing mostly displayed in the Republican party. Get them out of office across the nation, ladies. They are NOT in charge of us or our reproductive systems.

  23. Anonymous7:18 AM

    animals can have sex whenever & whereever they want
    with whatever they want and however they want
    why shouldn't humans be able to do that

  24. Anonymous4:13 PM

    The interviews were GREAT; the cartoons were very sexy and funny and ahead of their time in many ways. The physical image Hef promoted of the perfect curvy women? Just a different take on the hourglass figure (clothed) promoted in women's magazines at the time; these days, the body image young women are encouraged to adhere to is much worse, because suddenly those curves have to be SUPER DUPER artificially huge and you can't have hips or any body fat, which doesn't happen without surgery. At least the Playboy girls had authentic bodies.

    Still, I always thought it painfully stupid that my own mom, a child of the 50's, believed that men "needed those magazines" or they'd become UNHEALTHY. To the point that when her own 80-something dad was in a nursing home, she bought him a yearly subscription! The idea some women fell for back then was that if men didn't have access to girlie mags that their health would suffer.

    Now, whoever promoted THAT as a concept truly IS a marketing genius! :)

    PS: And at least Hef's girls had natural HAIR DOWN THERE; this current era of big-boobed, no-hipped, hairless cat bodies being required of young women is SUPER gross!


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