Thursday, August 23, 2012

Texas judge wants to raise taxes in preparation for when President Obama hands the sovereignty of America over to the United Nations. Wait, what?

Courtesy of Fox 34 News:

 Lubbock County Judge Tom Head and Commissioner Mark Heinrich went into great detail Monday night on FOX 34 News @ Nine about why it is necessary to raise the tax rate by 1.7 cents the next fiscal year. 

An across-the-board pay increase is needed for the attorneys on the DA's staff to keep them from being poached by higher-paying counties, and the sheriff needs to expand his staff by seven deputies to reduce call response times, minimize officer fatigue and reduce the turnaround time for investigations. 

Judge Head said he and the county must be prepared for many contingencies, one that he particularly fears, is if President Obama is reelected. 

“He's going to try to hand over the sovereignty of the United States to the UN, and what is going to happen when that happens?,” Head asked. 

“I'm thinking the worst. Civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war maybe. And we're not just talking a few riots here and demonstrations, we're talking Lexington, Concord, take up arms and get rid of the guy. 

"Now what's going to happen if we do that, if the public decides to do that? He's going to send in U.N. troops. I don't want 'em in Lubbock County. OK. So I'm going to stand in front of their armored personnel carrier and say 'you're not coming in here'. 

So I'm guessing this judge is NOT a Democrat?

Holy crap! You know just when I think the most ignorant, batshit crazy people in the world live up here in Alaska, along comes Texas to prove me wrong.

My favorite part is that he thinks raising the tax rate by 1.7 cents is enough to prepare for an assault by UN troops. Hey with a few pennies more, they COULD also be ready to ward off an attack from outer space!

Think bigger Texas, think bigger!


  1. Anonymous4:07 AM

    The UN has troops? Since when? The guy is a total idiot!

    Thank God we have President Obama and VP Biden governing our nation and I sincerely hope they are reelected.

    Mitt and Ryan have done nothing but lie, lie, lie on their campaign even through proof is continually shown they are doing it.

  2. Virginia Voter4:11 AM

    Uh, if this judge actually believes this crap he's spewing, he needs to be thrown off the bench and into a straight jacket.

    I hope our resident "democrats lie" trolls have an excuse for this guy. I'm waiting.

    1. The County Judge doesn't have a bench but just presides over the County Commissioners. Also, most business is not handled by the county, but by its cities and towns. Hope that is slightly reassuring to you!

  3. WakeUpAmerica4:15 AM

    Wait. What? Aren't we the main force of the UN troops? Isn't the US the go-to guys when armed troops are needed? I wonder if this "judge" is friends with Shaeffer Cox.

    1. WUA - Actually a large percentage of the 'standing' UN military force is supplied by developing countries. I don't believe it's common practice for US military personnel to operate under UN command. Even in the Korean War, a UN sanctioned mission, the American troops conducted operations under US command.

      Some interesting info:

  4. Sally in MI4:23 AM

    The best part for me was listening to the interviewer who just kept agreeing with this POS, instead of calling for the guys in the white coats. Or did Perry eliminate all mental health facilities when he realized that the State of TExas deems him competent to run Texas?

  5. Oh good God, the United Nations bogeyman again? I thought we chased him away with torches and pitchforks about ten years ago. I’ve got to admit, he was kind of cute with his baby blue beret, and once we got him into the open, he wasn’t scary at all.

  6. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Just to avoid confusion, in Texas a "county judge" is the equivalent of a councilman, not a courtroom judge.

  7. Wasn't Tommy Lee Jones All Gore's roommate at Harvard? Hee. The Repubs are so scared right now that their grand agenda may not be realized and, right now we owe a lot to a RWNJ from Missouri for directing the conversation towards the severe conservative total anti-abortion platform. I believe this will be the final death blow to the tea baggers, delivered by the female vote and anyone with critical thinking skills.

    Texas talks about the UN taking over the US while they work hard to take over women's bodies. I can't believe that anyone wants to go back to pre-Roe v. Wade days. Only change will be that rich people can get safe abortions; poor people will have to go to the back alley and wire coat hangers are in short supply these days.

  8. My dog ate my homework. It's not my fault that I don't have it. It's my dog's fault. I need to have my allowance increased so I can afford to have an animal control agent assigned to my room to protect my homework, which I work on so diligently every day.

    Sure kid, here's an extra $1000 bucks a week. Think that'll be enough? Or will you need more for overtime and benefits for your additional personnel?


    Lubbock County needs additional revenue to expand its staff of Sheriff's Deputies, add an additional Animal Control Officer, and increase across-the-board pay for County Attorneys, who are underpaid relative to similar positions in adjacent counties.

    Problem: Undercollection of existing taxes on the books has caused a revenue shortage to cover existing obligations as well as funding necessary for expansion of services.

    Solution: Blame the proposed tax increase of 22.7% on President Barak Obama. Problem solved.

    Current property tax rate= 28.1946 cents per $100 property value assessed
    Proposed New Rate= 36,6 cents per $100 prop value assessed
    Increase per $100 assessed= 6.4054 cents = 22.72%

    Caveat: What if the people of Lubbock County think that we've just been inefficient in handling the finances of our county? Eureka! It's not OUR fault. It's OBAMA'S! Blame it on the black man. We're off the hook.

    1. hedgewytch7:25 AM

      Bingo! That's it exactly. But what is so painfully funny is that the Texas judge probably believes half the crap he is spewing. I love how he used "UN troops". If there was an insurrection wouldn't it be more logical to go ahead and use those National Guard troops that are already stationed right there in Texas?

    2. Anonymous3:18 PM

      ShesToast: B.I.N.G.O !!
      As I was reading the article, I thought the very same thing.

  9. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Wow, just wow. Palinism is everywhere!

    Stupid has become the norm in some places. No wonder Joe Scarborough - the conservative's voice on MSNBC - says he is tired of being tied to the Stupid Party.

    He related a personal anecdote this morning. Seems that he and his wife were in the car, driving along with their nine-year old daughter asked her mother who she was going to vote for in November. Joe's wife, who he claims is always carping on him for not being conservative enough, replied after a long silence, "I'll have to get back to you on that." The GOP/TP's war on women finally got to her with Akins's rape remarks. Now even the Scarborough family is reconsidering it's automatic endorsement of stupid people like this sheriff, Romney and Ryan.

    Hurray! Maybe this is the start of a trend of moderate to what had been conservative Republicans are rethinking their allegiance to the party that once embraced the epitome of ignorance, fear and hate known as Sarah Palin.

  10. Anonymous5:07 AM

    County Sheriff? He likely means 1.7 cents per $100 of property value - and yes, that is a sizeable chunk. ANd yes, he's a treasonous a-hole.

  11. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Hi Griffin,

    This is off topic, but I wanted to know if you think there is any more coming to expose the truth about Trig and the faked pregnancy.

    I probably shouldn't let it, but this big, unresolved exposé is driving me nuts and I need to know if you think there is any hope of Palin finally being exposed.

  12. If anyone questions your need of additional funds for the next fiscal year, show them just how effective you have been with the funds allocated last year by preventing any attacks by the UN's fleet of armored personnel carriers on the Lubbock County. We have the best record of protecting our citizens from UN troops in West Texas.

    Boogeyman strategy. Fear and deflection used to support administrative decisions in a post 9/11 world. Not the most efficient way to make decisions of this nature, but the citizens of Lubbock County have to make those choices at the polls. Hopefully, people will judge these officials based on their performance against real standards, not how many alien invasions they have staved off in their 4 year term which is concluding.

  13. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Like I'd trust my public safety and American soverignty in the hands of these fucking yokels.

    I like how they can't wait to be so right about chaos and the end of the American Way of Life as We Know it only so they can lord their firepower over us, and make us vulnerable, beholden or subject to them instead of the law. This integrity isn't about freedom, it's about them having the power, not government, over the populace, and making us pay - exacting the right amount of fear and deference they've craved since they were school yard bullies.

  14. Anonymous5:38 AM

    OT A theme night for RNC is We Built This! Wonkette has funny comments specific to Romney misrepresenting Obama citing other's contributions that make things possible or influence to achieve success. People suggest @Wonkette Tampa responders, Mayor, FEMA, federal aviation etc. leave the Republicans to deal with the hurricane on their own.

  15. Not What You Want to Hear6:00 AM

    Notice how there's never a peep out of these fascists about the real international organizations that are wiping out our economic sovereignity? No complaints about the World Trade Organization. No problem with the International Monetary Fund.

    Perhaps if these groups start concerning themselves with starving third world countries, then the rabid rightwingers will muster up some outrage.

  16. Anonymous6:28 AM

    In related news, those 4p'ers are a STRANGE bunch! Just like their idol.

    1. Anonymous6:28 AM

      You said a mouthful! I'm reading there now...and I keep spitting out my tea from laughing so much at their antics this morning!

      The latest thread is "How Republicans Can Distance Themselves from Akin" is sheer hilarity! This part had me screaming in laughter...

      "Ever-increasing pressure should fall on Akin’s shoulders over the next few days.
      Does Akin want to be the man whom history will recall as guaranteeing McCaskill’s reelection, possibly keeping the U.S. Senate in the hands of hardened liberal Democrat, Harry Reid?
      Does Akin hope to be known in perpetuity as the cause of Barack Obama’s reelection, notwithstanding the multifarious merits of the Romney-Ryan ticket?
      Does Akin want to lie on his deathbed and exhale his last breath while trying vainly to forget that he made it impossible to repeal Obamacare, reverse the rampant damage of the Obama years, and turn America from the path to decline?
      If such thoughts do not penetrate Akin’s thick skull by next Monday evening, the Grand Old Party should take dramatic, collective action against him.
      On its opening evening in Tampa, the Republican National Convention should vote on prime-time television to denounce Akin, reject his wretched comments, disassociate the party from him, and pledge that no GOP resources will be deployed to support his campaign. Each delegation should express itself on this matter through a roll call of the states. The decision should be overwhelming, if not unanimous, against Akin."

      BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...WHEW...Now THAT I would watch! Heading back in to finish reading some crazy anti abortion post they got up about prosecuting women who have abortions!

      I better take an Alka-Seltzer plus before I do though! LOL!!

    2. GinaM - you said a mouthful... You could take anyone of the 4'pers and substitute them directly into the sheriff's video and not a word would change... Not a body movement would be different... Nothing...

      We really need to rent a bigger garbage barge...

    3. Boscoe7:00 PM

      This is the sort of thing that makes my head implode... So the Pee'rz™ aren't upset about what Akin said, they're just worried about him losing the race as a result of having said it.

      Typical. The only thing missing is the standard Right wing non-apology "apology": "I'm sorry if anyone was offended"

  17. Anonymous6:33 AM

    We are in need of a soul-searching discussion on the topic of "mental health in America"..........

  18. Anonymous6:58 AM

    It's guys like this who wake up every day thinking about that black guy in the WH and then praying for the ability to get through the day without calling him a n***er. But that will happen. One day one of them will just say it, on Fox probably.

  19. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Doesn't this amount to encouragement of armed insurrection? Isn't this guy a fucking traitor? I hope the FBI is checking in on him.

  20. If he's so concerned about his county's finances why isn't he expressing outrage over the LIBOR scandal instead of some paranoid delusional conspiracy theory? LIBOR is real.

    And Texas, WTF? Seems as anywhere outside of Austin or the Dallas/FW area is just plain messed up. Big radon problem?

  21. hedgewytch7:27 AM

    This is a familiar meme. Where have I heard it before? Oh yeah, in the last few months running up to Bush's second term - the progressive radical left were predicting that they'd be rounded up and put into the FEMA camps by the National Guard.

    Fun how old conspiracy's get recycled and reused to the benefit of fear-mongering politicians to gain their own personal, ideological agenda's.

    1. Anonymous7:38 AM

      care to site that? And random homeless people on the street don't count. This guy is a TeaTHUG elected official.

    2. hedgewytch10:45 AM

      Oh I agree he's a nutjob. But it is true about the FEMA camp rumors back during Bush's 2nd term election. And now we're seeing the flip side accusation - Obama is going to put everyone away.

      Here's a few links:

      Here's a fun one with Jesse Ventura videos. Scroll down for text which talks specifically about the huge camp outside of Fairbanks. It's supposed to hold 2 million people and have a mental health facility. Maybe we should send Sarah to check it out?

  22. Yeah, that's right, Mr. Fancy Pants Librul Alaska blogger! Always mocking. What would you have them do? Wait until Obama's horde of blue helmeted Kenyan UN shock troops come storming across The Republic of Texas and legitimate raping our white women???? By then it'll be too late!

    We need to prepare now! Duct tape your doors and windows!!! Consult your Ouija board! Stockpile water, food and enemas!!! BUY MORE AMMUNITION!!! COOK MORE METH!!! RAISE PROPERTY TAXES!!!!!!!!!!!!
    VOTE REPUBLICAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am Beldar J Conehead and I approve this message.

    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      I LOVE it! It's genius!!!!!!

  23. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Why are we wasting this judge's patriotism? We should be shipping off him and all those guys who "have his back" to Afghanistan to kill, kill, kill. I'd like to see a vid of their first/last patrol.

  24. Sitting in an eye clinic yesterday in Oregon, there was a guy spouting the NRA's line to this same effect--that President Obama was going to call in the UN after the election so we all needed to buy more guns and ammo to protect the country.

  25. Sitting in an eye clinic yesterday in Oregon, there was a guy spouting the NRA's line to this same effect--that President Obama was going to call in the UN after the election so we all needed to buy more guns and ammo to protect the country.

  26. Welcome to Rick Perry's insane asylum... This guy will probably get promoted and put on the Guv's personal staff. Just bat-shit nuts....

  27. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Now you know why I want to get the hell out of Texas!
    Oh yeah, another reason....just announced that Gov. Goodhair is considering running for another term.

  28. Leland8:39 AM

    And of course, nobody is saying that regardless of who was in Congressional control the President who tried this would be impeached in less than 24 hours!


  29. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I have always wondered this: if the UN has this HUGE army just waiting to invade the US and take ur guns, why do the member nations of the UN keep having to send OUR troops to carry out UN sanctioned actions? I know that is a really complicated concept. It would be simpler to ask where is this huge UN army? Who are the soldiers in this HUGE UN army? Are they space aliens that will arrive in huge space ships or will they erupt up out of the earth as in Tolkin?

  30. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Another sheriff(candidate)more mind numbing stupidity

  31. These people have such maladjusted thinking and are over the top with shit for brains!

  32. A. J. Billings1:49 PM

    Yet another ultra right Teabagger barfing out xenophobia, conspiracy theories, and utter bullshit.

    GInnin' up controversy like Snake Oil $arah, trying to foment unrest, and bloviating fear and uncertainty to the religious right crowd.

    Yep, that's a page out of Granny $arah's book, just get'em all whipped up into a frenzy cuz of that Muslim communist in the White House.

  33. Anita Winecooler6:53 PM

    Crazy, yes, but the dude's name is "Head", clearly his father Crack Head and mother Pot Head didn't raise him right. They were so high, they named him Tom instead of Shit.

    Do idiots like this believe this stuff or say it to get attention?


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