Friday, August 17, 2012

Twice as many business executives believe global economy will do better under an Obama presidency than a Romney presidency. So much for that business acumen there Mittens!

Courtesy of the Huffington Post:  

Twice as many business executives around the world say the global economy will prosper better if incumbent U.S. president Barack Obama wins the next election than if his Republican challenger Mitt Romney does, a poll showed on Friday. 

Democrat Obama was chosen by 42.7 percent in the 1,700 respondent poll, compared with 20.5 percent for Romney. The rest said "neither". 

The result was different among respondents in the United States, where a slim majority thought Romney would be better for their businesses than Obama. 

Obama maintains a seven-point lead over Romney among registered voters in the race for the Nov. 6 presidential election, despite the fact Americans are increasingly pessimistic about the future, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted last week. 

The FT poll was conducted before Romney picked Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan as his vice presidential running mate at the weekend, a move that could dramatically shift the election debate between two sharply contrasting views of government spending and debt. 

Romney's choice for running mate gave him no immediate boost to his White House prospects, a Reuters/Ipsos poll suggested on Monday.

Of course the REASON that a "slim majority" in the United States believe that Romney will be better for the economy can be summed up in two words, "Fox News." Without Fox providing propaganda on Romney's behalf, I seriously doubt that Americans would buy that he has any ability to improve the economy in a significant way either. Just look at what he did for Massachusetts.

And as for Ryan helping with Romney's business bonafides all I have to say is ...bitch please!

Personally I believe that once Romney has to face off against Obama in a debate that it will be quite evident who knows the facts and who has the plan that will help America. And it sure ain't the guy that Grover Norquist identified as a rubber stamp for the failed Republican economic philosophy:

"Pick a Republican with enough working digits to handle a pen to become president of the United States. This is a change for Republicans: the House and Senate doing the work with the president signing bills. His job is to be captain of the team, to sign the legislation that has already been prepared."

Yes a President with enough working digits to sign  sign legislation drawn up by the same crowd that brought you the Bush economic crash. Gee no wonder the majority of business executives NOT hypnotized by Fox News prefer Obama.


  1. Sally in MI11:55 AM

    I'm actually surprised that the US number isn't in favor of Mitttens by a big margin: he would end a lot of those 'job-killing' regulations and give a red carpet to fracking and tar sands sludge criss-crossing America. Just imagine the Pipeline going into areas where the natural gas polluters are fracking and causing earthquakes...they could foul the water, the air and the land all at once, and no one in the Romney administration would hold them accountable. Not for one death or one ruined well. After all, the people chose to live over these valuable natural resources..let them and their insurance companies deal with the fallout. Of course, once they start a nuclear war, what wil it matter anyway?

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      A couple of days ago, we had a natural gas well head explode in Ft. Lupton . The area Romney visited (away from the public) 2-3 weeks ago and praising them for their work. One person was killed. This is the same company, Encana, that is appealing for fracking rights next to a school and housing development up there. The people are not happy! He slipped in and slipped out with little fanfare or exposure. Keeping the oilmen happy and their money coming in. He meets with the people (oil workers) in western CO but just the fundraisers in private, in Denver. He sent Ryan to meet with the people. That man is just like Palin when it comes to the press and questions from "you people"!CO is a swing state, but getting bluer every minute because of him and Ryan.

  2. Sadly, this story is likely to appear only on Huffpo...the MSM is too frightened of being called liberal to run such a thing. They're all too busy accusing the President of negative campaigning (as if Mitt Romney is innocent of any such negativity. This headline from Bloomberg was during the March primaries: Pro-Romney PAC Killing Machine With Attack Ads

  3. Anonymous12:10 PM

    o/t Morello told Rolling Stone last night. "Our response: 'Hey Jackass, stop using our music on your racist, misogynist, right wing clown show." (He later tweeted the same message.)

  4. Anonymous12:17 PM

    saw this on facebook and thought you and IM readers would enjoy it - Republicans for Obama

    Here’s a link to a well-written piece (a bit long, but worth it), supposedly penned by a life-long Republican businessman, that clearly explains why Mitt Romney is a terrible choice for president (click on “See More” to read the whole thing). Like so many other voters, I am not terribly impressed with Obama’s presidency so far, though he obviously inherited a situation that can’t really be fixed in just three years. But, having lived with Romney as “governor” (his governorship was nothing more than an opportunistic & transparent step to give him some political creds for his eventual run for president), there’s no question in my mind that he would be far worse than Obama.

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      Thanks for the link but for the many of us that don't do Facebook, perhaps you could have just cut and paste the content?

    2. Anonymous3:34 PM

      I don't do facebook but the link can be viewed without joining or registering. that is not always true but all you have to do is cut and paste the link and take a look.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:16 PM

      What an informative read! I live in a traditionally Republican voting pocket on the outskirts of Philly. A lot of Republicans, especially business people, aren't feeling the "love" for Mitt. His "whiteboard" wtf trick has bombed, as well as the many negative ads by Romney's Pac. They're constantly bashing the President and ignoring the Republican's mistrust of the obstructionist Congress that's held back the job growth. Basically, it's backfiring.

      But with the voter id laws AND the state scrubbing the pdf file to register by computer will cause more of a backlash. We've got our work cut out for us, but we have boots on the ground getting people their id's ready.

      Thanks for the link, I forwarded it to my OFA friends.

  5. Anonymous12:35 PM

    The Big Lie of the Day: Republicans Balance Federal Budgets
    The Truth: The last Republican president who ever balanced the budget was Dwight Eisenhower.

    The Big Lie Of The Day: The Osama Swiftboaters
    The Truth: The President painstakingly gave credit to all who participated in the mission that he personally approved against bin Laden, while protecting national security secrets far more scrupulously than the previous administration.
    What Wisconsin Journalists Want You To Know About Paul Ryan

    "He is Dick Cheney with very good hair."

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      "Dick Cheney with very good hair" Ha!

  6. Enjay in E MT12:46 PM

    The more I read & hear about Mitt'ens the more similarities there are between him & Sister Sarah and with Paul Ryan in the mix.... its a menage a trois

    Mitt'ens says we should trust him on his taxes
    SPalin says we should trust she gave birth

    Mitt'ens doesn't read before signing documents
    SPalin doesn't read, signed or not

    Mitt'ens calls us "small minded" & "you people"
    SPalin talks of "real America" & "real Americans"

    Mitt'ens wants to replace Medicare with vouchers
    SPalin had people die during her reign due to lack of healthcare.

    Paul Ryan didn't ask for stimulas funds
    SPalin didn't lobby for bridge to no-where either

    Mitt'ens left MA worse off economically
    SPalin left Wasilla off deep in debt

    what else???

  7. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Here us a story about a real hero to teen-age moms!!! Bristol Palin conducts criminal fraud considering herself an ambassador for teen moms. She may be a teen mom but she offers nothing like the real hope this woman offers to truly impoverished teen moms.

  8. lostinmn2:33 PM

    The only "businesses" really behind Mittens are financial in nature. Places that actually make something tangible realize that Mittens would deregulate but in the end stripping the country of its last remaining manufacturing and shipping it off to China would kill this country once and for all.

    They can find a deluded small business guy here and there but as a small business owner I can attest that my business is on a very slow and steady increase the last 12 months. Maybe the big companies are growing that well but three of my fellow small business owners are experiencing the same result as me.

  9. Anita Winecooler6:32 PM

    There's a business district near me that's almost entirely small, family enterprises. They were struggling under the tail end of the Bush administration, and the first eight months of President Obama's administration. The stimulus package built a new train station and expanded parking, all the roads were re-paved, and the sidewalks re-vamped to help give handicapped access.
    The businesses got together and filled the planters, painted the existing benches, and got their windows professionally dressed and put out proper signage and advertising. Since the stimulus package, this area's foot traffic has increased at least five fold, and they're thrilled with the results.
    The irony is, it's in a traditionally Republican voting area, and we're seeing quite a few actually touting the Obama Administration's efforts.
    Yet, when you read the local community newspaper, you'd think Romney had his hand in all this.

    By picking Ryan, one would think the boost would show some kind of huge improvement, but from what I've seen, it's been anemic.


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