Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Well you knew THIS was coming! Sarah Palin gloats over Akin "legitimate rape" comments.

Here is more courtesy of The New Civil Right Movement:

 Jennifer Rubin, a Tea Party shill at the Washington Post, noting Palin had supported another GOP candidate in the primary Akin just won, calls the tweet “an I-tol-ya-so drumbeat.” 

So, rather than condemning the concept of “legitimate” or “forcible” rape, rather than educate her millions of followers that 32,101 women each year become pregnant by their rapists, rather than denouncing ideas that make women responsible for being raped — suggestions that allow anything other than 100% of the responsibility for rape to be placed on the rapists, all Palin could muster was, “Sometimes we’re actually right when we go with our gut and stand on principle in supporting underdog candidates.” 


I don't think that most of US who have been following Palin are even the teensiest bit surprised by this response.

Palin does not have an empathic bone in her body. All she cares abut is winning, and lives for the opportunity to rub people's faces in it when they dare to defy her and it turns out badly for them.


  1. Doesn't matter what the subject is...it's ALWAYS about $arah. Really...is she human or is she the female Romney-bot? No empathy for anyone but $arah.

  2. Dis Gusted1:39 PM

    nobody is surprised at SP's stupidness. Nobody would be surprised if it turns out that Bristol was raped and ended up pregnant. Nobody would be surprised if Levi is not the father.

    Nobody should be surprised because SP insisted that rape victims pay for their own rape kits.

    SP does not believe rape is real because she has a REPUTATION for making up rape stories about her daughters. She is guilty of ILLEGITIMATE rapes. She is who Akin was talking about.

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      One has to wonder which relative raped her?

    2. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Any of them, all of them whom she was put in front of over the years....

    3. Anonymous5:03 PM


      Didn't Sarah's Dad, Creepy Chuck have a BFF who was a kiddie fiddler? Some people say that there's always been something unsettling about the Heaths, so there's no telling what all the two Chucks have had a hand in up there. No pun intended, but still applicable.

    4. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Well she was asking for it what with her push-up bra and all!!

    5. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Not when she was a toddler of 2 1/2 set on a motorcycle naked except for shoes...

      chuckles is a pedo.

  3. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Wasn't she paid to campaign for his opponent? She didn't "follow" her "gut instinct", she followed the almighty dollar.

  4. Anonymous1:46 PM

    What do you expect from someone who charged rape victims for their exams?

  5. Anonymous1:48 PM

    What would you expect for a woman who requires woman to pay for their own rape kids (while the state kiddy is stuffed with funds) or who would nominate Wayne Anthony "If a guy can’t rape his wife, who’s he gonna rape?” Ross.

    Sarah has never cared about issues or people; just the score!

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Yes, and Sarah tried to put Wayne Anthony Ross (WAR) up as Attorney General in Alaska and people were in an uproar over it.

      Many contacted their representatives in the Alaska Legislature expressing their reasons as to why he should not gain their approval.

      The vote was taken and WAR NOT approved which was the first time in Alskan's history that a governor's recommendation for an appointment had failed.

      Palin didn't do the homework (prework) for his approval w/the Legislature and that was noted by many of them after the vote was taken and WAR lost.

      Sarah was a horrid half-term 'quitter' gov and will go down in Alaska's history/record as the very worst!

  6. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Today was the deadline for Akin to drop out and let Brunner and Steelman duke it out to take his place to run against the Democratic Incumbent.

    Sarah could have wisely used these last two days to shove the other hot Sarah "Mama Grizzly" down Missouri Primary voter's throats and generate that earthquake rainmaker thing she pretends she has going on, and gotten Stillman back into play. So what if she placed third in the three-way race, this was a time for Palin to shine, but she dithered, stuck her large boney finger in the air to see which way the Pro-Life chattering class wind was blowin, and stuck her head in the sand.

    Even Steelman got out ahead of this:

    Todd Akin's remarks about "legitimate rape" were inexcusable, insulting and embarrassing to the GOP. #mosen
    — Sarah Steelman (@sarah_steelman) August 20, 2012

    And where was Sarah Palin? Didn't have her back, didn't progress her candidate - instead she retreated in a different direction and lost a valuable opportunity.

    Then again, LOL, Akin, not backing down, said he's "not a quitter."

    Sarah Palin is a LOSER in this maelstrom.

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Sarah's check from the Steelman event had cleared already, and other than it being a paying gig via Koch and AFP, Sarah doesn't really give a shit about Sarah Stillman.

      Remember: Whores aren't going to kiss you for free just because you paid them to fuck. And Sarah does no pro bono work unless there's a solid upside for a bigger score for herself or one of her grifting klan pretty close down the road.

      Sarah is the attention whore in the room, and expects to be tipped after she does her dirty deeds, not vice versa. Palin will leave you there with your hand out until your arm falls off if you're waiting for a "thank you" acknowledgement or a tip as a sign of appreciation.

    2. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Akin may not be a quitter but I sure as hell hope he's a loser come November.

  7. Anonymous2:00 PM

    It's just not Palin who has a warp thinking about women's health. The tee party are making it harder to feel safe in the US. Their ideology is wrapped around pseudo religion and white supremacy. They hide the Klan sheets until the call. I suspect Paul is waiting in the wings to be called up as the grande pupa.

  8. And do Steelman's views differ in any way from Akin's? And if they do, does this have anything to do with why Palin "went with her gut" and supported Steelman? Her "gut" told her that Steelman was more supportive of abortion rights than Akin? Where then, are her alleged pro-life creds?

    Does this gloating, imbecilic buffoon ever let anything get between her and a chance to sneer at someone else? Has she ever even once, stopped and thought something through before shooting off her stupid mouth?

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      skank fuk_tard fraud truly and unequivocally needs to be dropkicked

    2. Anonymous3:39 PM

      i really wish $carah would show her cowardly face in public here in AK, WTF is $he afraid of ?


    3. Anonymous7:17 PM

      She doesn't show her face in Ak? How much time does she spend there? I think she has moved on.

    4. Anonymous1:02 AM

      No, of course not. The moron is incapable of "thinking" something through because she has no brain to speak of (that would imply some semblance of intelligence), so she just uses her "gut."

      When one's entire world view revolves around oneself as Sarah's does, it makes that whole "thinking" thing a whole lot easier.

  9. Anonymous2:04 PM

    What is Sarah Steelman'sposition on "legitimate" rape?

  10. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Annnnd with that, the political version of herpes is back in another news cycle.


  11. “I am pro-life. With the exception of a doctor’s determination that the mother’s life would end if the pregnancy continued. I believe that no matter what mistakes we make as a society, we cannot condone ending another life.”
    ~Sarah Palin

    No need for Sarah to chime in on the subject of rape--rape doesn't matter. She 'walked the walk,' dontcha know, to show how God could change the heart of a strong woman who didn't want to carry her pregnancy to term. (sarcastic tone is intended for the last sentence)

    1. Anonymous4:03 PM

      Yes, and this is the same woman that during the time BEFORE she became the 'quitter' gov of Alaska required that victims of rape be charged for the Rape Kit used by the medical people when examined...this was done throughout Alaska.

      And, for those of you that might not be aware, Alaska has the highest rate of rape when compared to all the other states in the union. We've held that record for awhile too!

      She is the coldest human being in Alaska and it comes from within that mean, nasty heart and brain of hers!

      Satan awaits her and she's going to have a long, long roasting time in the depths of Hell.

  12. Anonymous2:13 PM

    SO what are the odds of Screech crashing the GOP convention?

    1. Anonymous2:29 PM

      Well, if they make leopard-print platform gladiator tap shoes, then I'd say the odds were very good. Very good indeed.

      She can get sparklers at any decent party-supply store.

    2. Balzafiar4:39 PM

      I think the odds are very good that she will try.

      However, I would caution her to be careful and stay inside as much as possible. The vice squad has let it be known they will be arresting all street hookers and monitoring the strip clubs closely.

  13. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Since Sarah thinks forcible rapes isn't so bad, since a girl can't get pregnant from it, why was she all worked up about men trying to rape her daughters?

    Boys will be boys....

  14. Anonymous2:17 PM

    LIke when you were right when Toad would marry you even though you had grice? hahaha When is GRice book coming out.

  15. Just as I suspected. By Sarah's own words, Bristol Palin wasn't the "wine coolered", unwilling participant; that she claimed to be, on that camping trip. She was in fact, the tramp that I knew she was. Afterall, she DID get pregnant.

    1. Olivia3:50 PM

      You got it!!! We need to get that one thrown back at Sarah and Bristol over and over.

    2. Anonymous7:20 PM

      Where can a person read what Bristol wrote in her book. I will never buy it. I don't think there were any copies where I live. Or no one would put them out in public.

    3. Cracklin Charlie6:26 AM

      Try your local library. You will be amazed at what is in there.

  16. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Oh yeah, good old Wayne Anthony:


    Question: What do others have to say about marital rape?
    Answer: “If a guy can’t rape his wife … who’s he gonna rape?” and “There wouldn’t be an issue with domestic violence if women would learn to keep their mouths shut.” ~ Wayne Anthony Ross, Wonkette.com

    "Marital rape is so destructive because it betrays the fundamental basis of the marital relationship, because it questions every understanding you have not only of your partner and the marriage, but of yourself." ~ Hidden Hurt

    "A marriage license does not require someone to submit to sexual contact on demand. Everyone has the right to say "no" to any kind of sexual contact. Forced sexual contact within a marriage or relationship is no different than if forced by a stranger."
    Source: Lake County Crisis Center

    "More than 1 in every 7 women who have ever been married, have been raped in marriage." ~ Diana Russell, "Rape in Marriage", Indiana University Press, 1990

    "Any woman who claims she has been raped by her spouse has not been properly bedded." ~ Maine Legislator

    "When a woman is raped by a stranger, she has to live with a frightening memory. When she is raped by her husband, she has to live with the rapist." ~ ACTA

    "The husband cannot be guilty of a rape committed by himself upon his lawful wife, for by their mutual matrimonial consent and contract,the wife hath given up herself in this kind unto her husband, which she cannot retract." ~ Sir Matthew Hale, Chief Justice, mid-17th century, England

    "But if you can't rape your wife, who can you rape?" ~ Senator Bob Wilson, Democrat, California, 1979

    "Damn it, when you get married, you kind of expect you're going to get a little sex." ~ Senator Jeremiah Denton, Republican, Alabama, 1981

    "It’s a waste of the court’s time to get into that area…a woman who is in marriage is presumably consenting to sex. Maybe this is the risk of being married, you know." ~ Charles Burt, President, Oregon State Bar (1979)

  17. Baldy is about Baldy! Everybody else can kiss her bald head!

    Personally I think she's up their at the Hillbilly compound plotting and planning some kind of revenge for the Republicans for the snubbing she got and this half ass Tweet was something she threw out there as a warning to the RNC!

    How you say it when you think the monster is still around...

    "It's quiet...almost TOO quiet".

    What is the MONSTER planning for the RNC Convention? Like they say at the movie theaters...please silence your cell phones and pay a visit to the refreshment stand for your snacks...

    The show is about to start y'all!

    Get em Juicy! LOL!!

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      "It's quiet...almost TOO quiet."

      I get the same feeling. I wonder if she's shaved her head and doing pushups all day.

    2. vegaslib3:21 PM

      Funny you say that, I thought that same thing yesterday. Whatever she has planned, should be a belly slapper I'm sure.

      More antics from the hillbilly klan.

    3. comeonpeople4:43 PM

      Oh how I wish she is planning on going rogue and telling how they covered up her fake pregnancy for her or better yet encouraged her to fake it so she could win the election for Johnny boy.

    4. Anonymous6:09 PM

      4:43 You're dreaming, but I like it. Two thumbs up!

  18. A. J. Billings2:20 PM

    I think we all know how Paylin feels about sexual situations and/or violence regarding men from her well known statement of " Boys will be boys".

    You'll never hear likely $arah standing up against violence against women, or supporting raped women with compassion and understanding.

    $arah will pander to whatever christian supremacists come up with to ban all abortions., in spite of her own apostasy, and obvious disdain for anyone who's not a "Conservative American"

    I learned something about the mindset of these Christian supremacists after this outburst of his: Women who get pregnant after rape were not legitimately raped.

    THe junk science exposed so blatantly by Todd Akin's stunningly ignorance statements is breathtakingly stupid, and unscientific.

    The very notion that a raped woman's body will "shut down" and prevent pregnancy is nothing short of medieval superstition, and even Rush Limbaugh came out against Akin's statment publicly on his show.

    Of course the insanely idiotic Bryan Fischer of the American Family hate group is supporting Akin.


    I'd expect nothing less from Fischer's group who insist that a fertilized egg is a human,
    and are willing to let raped 11 year old girls die rather than have an abortion

    1. Cracklin Charlie4:50 PM

      Willing? Hell, they shot a good man, Dr. George Tiller, for helping vulnerable women make very difficult, sometimes life-threatening, decisions.

      I often wonder about the home lives of the women who live with people like Bryan Fischer. What of their wives, mothers, and daughters? I really do get a strong sense that hatred of women is behind their whole rationale. They think that women are dirty, or impure, and are the cause of all their problems. Women who get pregnant should have to pay for their mistakes. I don't think it's about the babies at all, they are probably not much involved in raising their own children. I just can't imagine living with someone who thought that way (hate) about me.

    2. Anonymous7:22 PM

      If women want rights they need to return to being an egg! Pray.

  19. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I wouldn't expect anything else from the sociopath Sarah.

  20. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Now, now, now... you guys are being too critical of Palin. She couldn't condemn Akin - he has an R next to him name. So she did the next best thing. She tweeted a big ol' "neener, neener, I told ya so!" instead.

    She did forget to end her tweet with "LOL", but I think we all know it was implied.

    Sarah has to keep herself in check, after all, should Romney & Ryan win the election, she's first in line for a cabinet position. Specifically: "Dingbat Czar"

  21. Anonymous2:27 PM

    OT...Sandra Fluke was just asked to speak at the Democratic Convention. That has to be a slap in Sarah's face.....

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      That's great news. Fluke is a role model for all young girls. The Grifty gals. Not so much.

    2. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Per Politico...

      Fluke: Romney in 'lockstep' with Akin
      On behalf of Obama, activist Sandra Fluke accuses Romney of echoing the Senate candidate.

      Watch Sarah go after Sandra now.....

    3. Anonymous3:04 PM

      I heard on NPR today that Romney asked Akin to step down? Is this true?? Romneys a hypocritically asshole. He will say whatever he thinks will get him more votes.

    4. Anonymous3:45 PM

      Mittens is just worried he can't get this GOP stink off him before November.

    5. Cracklin Charlie4:35 PM

      Mittens better be worried about way more than that.

  22. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Sarah can't say she was raped by her black athletic one night stand because she lured him to her sisters apartment.

    1. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Why do you and others keep pointing out that Sarah slept with someone black?? You make it sound as if it was a bad thing. It's really pretty racist. I slept with several black men. Who cares! If you want to comment on this at least make her sound like the hypocrite closet racist she is. Otherwise you come across as one in your comments and your point is meaningless and not clever or funny.

    2. Anonymous3:18 PM

      I believe people bring it up because of SP's lack of "color" in her sect. I don't think it's a big deal either, but she sure has a problem with our half black pres.

    3. Anonymous3:50 PM

      I know - it bothers me, too. They just can't let the Glenn Rice thing go. A lot of people have sex with different partners, especially when they are young and unmarried. I wouldn't be surprised if, like a lot of other young women, Sarah slept with other men too but Glenn Rice is the one they keep bringing up. Not only is it racist, it is extremely unfair to Glenn Rice and shows a complete disregard for him and his privacy. He has been such a gentleman about this entire thing. I never see it mentioned as an issue anywhere else - only here. What a classless thing to keep doing.

    4. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Sarah was the one who made a big deal about it afterwards according to her close friends. "I can't believe I slept with a Blah!".

      If Twitter or Facebook had existed back in the day, we'd have had to hear about it for a couple of news cycles at least. Yes, her family are all a bunch of racist pigs---Sarah gets it honestly.

      But she is the worst hypocrite because, while its no big deal that she was curious about sleeping with an athletic All-American college basketball STUD like Glen Rice when he was at U of Michigan, she had to pretend afterwards that it was all icky because she had (in her own words) "fucked a nigger.".

      So Bristool got it honest from her mother about taking responsibility by blaming her own getting knocked up on Levi, whom she accused of raping her in a tent in the woods.

      Hypocrisy, thy name is Palin. Any of em. All of em.

    5. comeonpeople4:47 PM

      It is important because Sarah is racist, was raised a racist, had to leave Hawaii because there were too many people of color there. Also, her husband took pleasure in beating up a black man. Not to mention that Sarah was a sports reporter thingy person and it is highly unethical of her to have sex with someone she was reporting on.
      That's why it is germane to the Palin topics.

    6. Thank you 3:08 and 3:50 for saying so well what always pops in my mind when the Glen Rice affair is mentioned. It's right up there with people who jump on some RWNJ's crazy behavior by presuming they must be a 'closet case'. Aren't they insinuating that one must be gay to be despicable??

    7. Yeah...what's the big deal about Baldy having Jungle Fever?? It's not like she was working as a journalist and crossed an ethical line and slept with a VERY young black baller while being in a relationship with a guy she later marries after she finds herself in the family way...Oh....wait...Um....nevermind! LOL!!!

  23. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Tranny skank jusr keeps wee weeing herself up at every turn. She is the quintessential republiturd 'zombie'...no heart, absolutely no soul, and in baldy's case NO MIND!! This tranny has become a total laughingstock.

    Says a lot when their last veep candidate is persona non grata at their convention.

    The total breakdown and hospitalization of scarah will take place before this uear is up.

    She now qualifies as a washed up 'has been' who has no relevance today.

    1. Anonymous3:10 PM

      I think transexuals would be really offended by your comment. Gender identity disorder is no joke and people have killed themselves because they felt uncomfortable in their bodies.

    2. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Not all transexuals are skanks.But those who are have a lot in common with Granny skank.And no,as a grandmother,I am not offended a bit.

  24. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Scarah has been totally barren since willow was born as we all now know.

    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Barren? How do you know this as fact?

    2. Anonymous4:08 PM

      Well,at least since Piper,due to her "TooBull".

    3. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Actually, she had her tubes tied after Piper, which is why she wouldn't release her medical records in 2008 and instead went with the sham letter from her doctor.

    4. Cracklin Charlie4:32 PM

      Piper is her child.

    5. Anonymous4:58 PM

      She had her tubes tied after piper. Try and keep up 311.

    6. Anonymous6:24 PM

      So is little Trig. Don't know how much she paid for him though. Track is a Menard.

    7. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Do you have proof she had her tubes tied? Or is this part of the Wasilla telephone game. There is so much spread on this blog that is rumor backed up by nothing. And no I'm not Kristy.

    8. Anonymous11:56 PM

      A woman said that Palin said she could not drive her turn in the car pool because she had her tubes tied. My take is Palin would tell any lie to get what she wanted. There has been no proof.

  25. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Oh, please, like there is ANY daylight between what Sarah Palin and Todd Akin believe? Or what Sarah Steelman and Todd Akin believe, despite Steelman coming out and criticizing her former opponent? And like both Sarahs, if they had the chance, wouldn't vote exactly the same way Todd Akin would?

    Sarah Palin has already demonstrated the utter contempt she has for rape victims.

    But Palin is the contemptible one - she is beyond foul, beyond hypocritical, beyond opportunistic, jumping on the anti-Todd Akin bandwagon. It's the absolute safest political bandwagon it's possible to jump on right now. But if Palin had supported HIM instead of Steelman? She'd be defending him.

    Sarah Palin = rank opportunist, hypocrite, the lowest of the low.

    What is she going to do when, as seems certain, the rest of the hypocritical Repugs now loudly condemning Akin silently begin throwing campaign money his way again? Because you KNOW they will.

    What will you say then, Sarah?

    1. Anonymous4:00 PM

      Sarah's ONGOING RAGE is a result of either being raped as an adult but, most likely, being a victim of childhood sexual abuse.

    2. Anonymous4:29 PM

      She's just like all conservatives: she won't have an ounce of compassion until she faces the issue on a first hand basis. Then she'll have an "epiphany". Just like the way Cheney had a change of heart (irony not intended) when his daughter came out of the closet...

      It's all just a philosophical game to them, until they see the impact on someone they actually care about. THEN the logic of the left suddenly becomes so obvious...

    3. Anonymous5:30 PM

      I think you do Sarah and Cheney each too much credit, 4:29. Cheney may support his own daughter but he has used his position to do exactly ZIP to buck the Repug anti-gay position in any meaningful way.

      As for Palin, I don't believe she is capable of having an epiphany nor is she capable of empathy. If a woman close to Palin became pregnant due to rape, Palin of course would assume that abortion would be an option available to her, because Palin lives in a privileged world with options most other people don't have, options she would expect her loved ones to also have because of their close association with her. But anyone else? Pffft. That's their problem, not hers.

    4. Anonymous6:30 PM

      4:29 ". . .she won't have an ounce of compassion until she faces the issue on a first hand basis." It'll never happen. She's not capable of having an epiphany or any kind of empathy. Proven!

  26. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Just when I thought I couldn't care less about (nor further despise) "Little Miss Dumbfuck"...what I wouldn't give to be Satan right now (he's gotta be licking his lips in anticipation of Palin's inevitable arrival).

  27. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Come on guys...give her a break. She is still researching the word legitimate! Rape she knows.....

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      She is the walking billboard for childhood sexual abuse, isn't she? It's been clear to many of us for a long time that her rage is all about the abuse she's received. I know that her pappy had a close ally (teacher) whom he defended ardently when allegations of sexual abuse were lodged against this Palin family friend. Maybe it was him?

  28. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Don't care for SP at all, but I wonder if this isn't about Ted Yoho, who won the Florida primary last week?

    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Who?? Why do think it's about that?

    2. angela3:22 PM

      No it is not. This is Palin---remember? She's been licking her wounds and waiting for a chance to slime back into some attention.

    3. Anonymous3:53 PM

      I think she's crowing about supporting another candidate who won against large odds. Also, Akin is and has been leading in his race against McCaskill. This is a link to the HuffPo story about SP endorsing Yoho.


      Here's the lede:
      "Sarah Palin on Tuesday endorsed Florida congressional candidate Ted Yoho, the large animal veterinarian who upset 12-term incumbent Rep. Cliff Stearns in the state's Republican primary last week."

      Like I said--can't stand SP, but I don't think this tweet refers to Akin--just my $0.02.

    4. Cracklin Charlie4:30 PM

      Sarah Palin endorsed and campaigned for Sarah Steelman, Akin's primary opponent. The Republican primary in Missouri was on August 7.

      Akin didn't make it two weeks out from the primary before he shot his mouth off.

      The Palin probably is referring to Akin. A little told-ya-so to Ham Rove.

    5. Anonymous6:05 PM

      @Cracklin Charlie--agree with your first two grafs, but Akin has not been the underdog in this race and SP has not come out to support him by name--in fact, look at this bit from the PeePond, posted above the thread they've started for her appearance on Faux tonight:

      "In light of the very weird political drama unfolding right now in Missouri, Governor Sarah Palin’s endorsement of Sarah Steelman sure seems politically wiser than the endorsement of Rep Todd Akin!"

      Doesn't sound like they've gone all Akin-friendly over there and they would have if she's supported him.

    6. Cracklin Charlie8:06 PM


      I guess that I am not understanding what you're saying. I live in Missouri. I will not be voting for Todd Akin.

      Akin unexpectedly won the Republican primary to face Claire McCaskill in the general election in November. He was NOT picked to win the primary. John (elfin magic) Bruner was the front runner in the primary. Akin polled second of third throughout the primary election season. Sarah Steelman, Palin's chosen candidate, polled third throughout the primaries. Steelman is the underdog to whom Palin is referring.

      Sarah and the p-bots are gloating that Missouri Republican primary voters should have listened to her, and chosen Steelman, the underdog, to face McCaskill in the general.

    7. Anonymous11:31 PM

      @CC: I'm wrong and you're right. I thought she was gloating about Yoho being an underdog. Your interpretation of the situation makes more sense to me now that I've thought about it.

      Is Akin leading in MO over McCaskill even after this? I've seen reports of 2 or 3 point leads for Akin.

    8. Anonymous11:34 PM

      @CC: though she did just tell Akin to drop out--"take one for the team." She said on the GVS show: " "I won't gloat about it, but I was right," Palin said of her earlier endorsement of Steelman."

    9. Cracklin Charlie6:23 AM

      No big deal, anon. I am sure Grifticia will have something ridiculous to say about the Yoho(?) situation soon.

      The earliest polls after Akin's 'legitimate' rape comment indicated a dead heat, with Akin a point or two in the lead, but Claire within the margin of error. Akin is taking an absolute beating from local and state wide media, even the ones who lean right.

      The good news? That's a HUGE 10 point swing for McCaskill after the weekend! Claire was trailing badly throughout, even when her opponent was not yet known. (R primary Aug 7) Ham Rove has probably spent the equivalent of the GNP of Bolivia trying to defeat her. I am anxiously awaiting the polls that come out after Toddie's decision to 'stand strong', and stay in the race.

      McCaskill 2012!

  29. linda2:51 PM

    i don't tweet but i hope to god someone responded by saying something like "yep - just what we thought - bristol was not "legitimately" raped by levi." she is so completely out of touch that she cannot even put her daughter's situation into this context and realize what she just said. what next? - a bristol blog post agreeing with this guy too? i would NOT be surprised as she, too, is not "tuned in." ugh!

  30. angela2:58 PM

    What a narcissistic sociopathic nightmare Palin is. Anyway--knowing Palin,
    Steelman probably has the same belief system as Akin and the rest of the GOP--they just can't admit. And didn't Steelman come in third anyway? Anyway--its all about her--as always.

  31. WakeUpAmerica2:59 PM

    "Palin does not have an empathic bone in her body. All she cares abut is winning, and lives for the opportunity to rub people's faces in it when they dare to defy her and it turns out badly for them.
    That's because there is no "human" in her being. She is an anomaly to the species.

  32. Anonymous3:04 PM

    So is she saying this proves bristol was not raped by Levi?

  33. Anonymous3:07 PM

    She won't go to the convention but she will have an "event" while Ryan gives his speech.

  34. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Didn't Bristol Palin come thisclose to saying that Levi 'raped' her? And then of course, here comes Tripp? This statement by Sarah is disgusting, the whole famdamily is disgusting.

    1. Anonymous3:58 PM

      I believe psychiatrists would agree that both Sarah Palin and Paul Ryan suffer from unresolved and unequivocal "RAGE" issues. These probably both come from being sexually abused as children or teens. Generally, the child/teen raped perpetuates the cycle and is forever fixated on the fact that they were raped...ergo....Ryan's altar boy (pedo priest?) obsession and rage concerning rape.
      It's textbook as far as I can tell and indicates that they've both suffered from sexual abuse in their childhood at the hands of people whom they idolized. I'd bet dollars to donuts that Ryan and Palin were both victims of abuse and, as such, have become totally focused on the issue of "rage and rape". Rape and Rage go hand in hand...along with the probability of not breaking the cycle and victimizing others.

  35. vegaslib3:23 PM

    Speaking of your gut dipshit, how's your liposuction healing? Whatever batshit crazy candidate you would pick would be a fucking mess anyway, so shut your piehole.

    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      Sarah listens to her gut telling her she's starving herself, and she answers with a Red Bull with Vodka and a line of coke. Breakfast with the Stars at the Palin Compound.

      Yet she still has that little paunch of over-stretched skin on her belly and her ass, also, too. That spanx doesn't hide those trouble spots for Sarah. It just "moves the pile".

    2. Anonymous7:37 PM

      The remaining Aip/repubs that haven't figured out that Sarah spills her guts in a toilet after she purges don't count. They are all in their death throes.

  36. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Here is a source article for Akin's beliefs. Note the faux 'science talk' as false premises are state:


  37. Sarah Palin interjects herself into every national discussion by tweeting her unsolicited opinion about subjects for which she knows almost nothing.

    Further, Sarah tweets about nonexistent issues like death panels and making s'mores and cookies in her best efforts to be spiteful and rebellious against our nation's First Lady's Initiative on Nutrition and Exercise for Kids.

    And yet, what does Sarah have to say about these important topics currently being discussed about Women's Rights to :
    1. Make their own Healthcare choices with their doctor?
    2. Earn Equal pay for equivalent work?
    3. Protection under the law from Violence?


    Sarah's indifference towards issues and legislation that affects EVERY AMERICAN WOMAN, regardless of political party, age, ethnicity, or religion tells everyone that the only thing that Sarah is concerned about -----> Sarah herself. Unless Sarah is getting paid to offer her opinion, she has nothing to say.

    Why goes Sarah hate other women?

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      This aging matron hates other women because of her own self-loathing and massive insecurity which, as all pathological insecurities do,manifests itself as a (faux) superiority complex based on zip, nada, nothing she's accomplished. She's plasticizing her body now with her cosmetic surgery addiction and looks like the 'scarecrow from hell' at this point - Howdy Doody face all the way with the body of Twiggy's Great Grandmother...oy! It's no damn wonder she continues to hate other women for being vital, young, and beautiful....3 things she definitely lacks.

    2. Anonymous4:46 PM


      Kudos for a substantive response. I intended to hit on the insecurity/ bullying and inferiority complex/ body issues, but you covered everything and more. Thanks.

  38. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I don't even believe she even cares about politics one bit. Palin is just a petty creature.

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Low intelligence Scarah is THE most petty, egocentric individual in this country. She still can't get over the fact that it should have been SHE who realized that she was woefully unqualified for what she was being tapped (or used?) to do. Since her ego would not permit any form of real self-reflection or analysis, she jumped in like a total ignoramus and now will suffer the consequences of her actions for the remainder of her life. Hell, she couldn't even hack being a half-term Governor and had to quit. Additionally, they tried to rip her sorry derriere out of the Mayorship of Wasilla and almost recalled her for her gross ineptitude and lack of critical thought processes. I truly believe that she suffers from serious psychiatric illness coupled with a learning disability to boot - 6 colleges in 5 years and some bogus degree?

    2. Irishgirl3:55 PM

      It is a means to an end for her. It gets her attention.

  39. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Skanky will be on with her one of her 2 friends at FOX tonight - Greta.

  40. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Her coldness matches the icebergs in Alaska! Sarah Palin is a heartless bitch! And, she in no way represents the majority of women throughout the USA.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  41. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I think it's time to send the Palin's boxes of metal coat hangers as well as to send truckloads of them to the National Convention because they've all become the party of the "Coat Hanger Rebellion". They've awakened a sleeping giant when dirty, senile old men try to make laws regarding women's vaginas and a woman's right to choose. I think this is the GOP's "Worst Nightmare" for which all Dems can salute and say "Thank you Aiken!". They're cooked now.

  42. $P is reprehensible & vile...bottom line! This is the platform for the entire Republican part...you can watch the entire platform meetings on C-Span.

  43. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Todd Akin: The man who said too much

    The Republican Party turned on Todd Akin because he made plain their creeping extremism and political strategy

    When Missouri’s Republican candidate for the Senate said that “legitimate rape” rarely causes pregnancy, not only was Todd Akin echoing the extreme antiabortion positions held by many in his party, he was exemplifying the creeping extremism within the Republican Party on women’s issues and far more. In the new, extremist Republican Party, Akin is not an aberration. He is merely the latest canary in a coal mine of crazy.

    Along with Republican vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan, Akin was an original co-sponsor of the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act” — which, originally, narrowed the federal definition of rape to restrict the ability of women and girls to use Medicaid dollars and tax-exempt health spending accounts to terminate pregnancies resulting from rape. Akin has since said he “misspoke” in his “legitimate rape” remarks, but the legislation he and Paul Ryan sponsored similarly relabeled rape as “forcible rape” — creepily suggesting there are other, more acceptable versions. What’s more creepy? These are not fringe opinions expressed by powerless lunatics at teeny right-wing organizations. These are the opinions of over 200 Republican members of Congress, one of whom is the party’s candidate for the United States Senate in Missouri and one of whom is the party’s candidate for vice president.

    Yes, the Republican establishment is condemning Akin’s remarks and distancing itself from his candidacy. But let’s be clear: Akin is only guilty of saying out loud what many Republican leaders think and legislate on the basis of. Talking Points Memo has detailed other Republican leaders throughout the years who have questioned that rape can lead to pregnancy and prominent Republican leaders like Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal oppose abortions under all circumstances, including rape. Both will be speaking at the Republican National Convention next week. Moreover, the many Republicans pushing back against Akin seem more concerned with preserving the dignity of the Republican Party than protecting the dignity and rights of women who have been raped.

    And yet while Republicans continue to bash Bill Maher as though the outlandish comedian were some talisman for the Democratic mainstream, Republicans are rushing to paint a Republican candidate for the United States Senate as a fringe outsider from the party mainstream. If only we could be so lucky. While Akin and others were making increasingly extremist statements about rape and proposing crackdowns on women’s reproductive freedoms, Republican leaders were wading into whack-a-doodle territory with other far-right, extreme positions.

    Paul Ryan has advocated ...


  44. Olivia4:01 PM


  45. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Tweet away, Queen Esther, you hiding coward with your pimp "husband," knocked-up uneducated kids, plastic body, brainless head, and vengeful soul.

    No one gives a SHIT what you think. You're history.

  46. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Hey Gryphen, maybe there's a God after all?

    Tropical Depression 9 has formed and is currently tracking towards Florida and is predicted to hit during the Republican National Convention.

    I have had this in mind for awhile now, and isn't it fascinating how this is unfolding. It sure would be Karma on the nth scale to have it hit then...Would they blame their God idea on it?

    1. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Would be bad for business. Maybe it can hang around for North Carolina, too.

    2. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Oh Mother Gaia, please oh please.... a target of opportunity.

    3. fromthediagonal3:28 AM

      I know, Schadenfreude can be a pleasant distraction, and I had that thought of "divine retribution" for a second.
      But then I remembered:

      Those assembled regressives and their followers will not suffer. Evacuations for the Grand GOPoobahs have been planned to the greatest detail.

      If a hurricane hits Tampa Bay, it will be the locals who will have to deal with the mandatory evacuations and flooding without the preferential treatment the "august body" of delegates will receive.

      I would not wish a disaster upon anyone.

      We'll see...

    4. comeonpeople6:01 AM

      That would be funny. Why plan a big event there during hurricane season anyway?

  47. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Me thinks Chuckie had a hand in Sarah's behavior, so to speak.

    1. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Did Creepy Chucky have his hand in Sarah's pants while she was tweeting and maybe distracted her? While I don't know that for certain, some people say...

  48. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Sarah's world revolves around Sarah, always has, always will.

    If you hold that premise in mind you can pretty accurately predict how she will respond and what in particular she will land on.

    She was PISSED that her candidate lost so badly, even when she went out of her way to regale them with her presence. 'I mean, what is WRONG with these ingrates that don't cowtow to me like they used to?' She didn't even consider that her candidate was inferior, even by right wing, conservative, Missouri standards and that says a lot.

    Sarah was robbed of any sort of development of empathy in a natural way very early on. Not only with the slaughter of animals for slaughter's sake with an adult (creepy Chuck) encouraging it at every turn, but when she was forced to surrender her innocence that fateful night and for many nights after. She simply turned off any kind of feeling, numbed herself to anything, so as not to re-live that abuse.

    I don't feel sorry for the Sarah of today. Not one bit. Millions of females have experienced incestuous abuse and have gone on to live healthy and productive lives. Sarah, not so much. She has taken that pain and rage and honed a monster of sorts to rage against the world. Mix that with the narcissistic personality disorder, the rollercoaster of drugs and alcohol, the massively low self esteem (most likely all of these characteristics coming out of the abuse).

    She is very, very, very sick mentally and it grows more severe by the day. She never should have had children. She is incapable of nurturing. She is incapable of empathy, sympathy or tenderness. She is incapable of compassion. Yet her keepers let her run wild because her 'side show' brings in the money.

    1. comeonpeople5:58 AM

      Do you think she has dissociative personality disorder as well from the mental trauma? I do.

  49. Palin has never supported women, never supported disabled children and never supported anything other than Palin. I will continue to blame her for the anger and hatred that now rules political life in the USA. She is poison.

    1. Anonymous6:48 PM

      She along with Karl "Turdblossom" Rove are responsible for the anger and hatred ruling political life today.

  50. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Hey Gryphen, Are you watching the Stars and Stripes Show? How about a snarky review?? We have to keep up with the Palin Family, now that they are reduced to appearing in reality shows. Just remember four years ago when they stood on the stage at the Republican Convention, with stars in their eyes.

  51. emrysa4:53 PM

    "sometimes we're actually right when we go with our gut and stand on principle in supporting underdog candidates."

    lol you're right about that, quitter, as proven by the results of the 2008 presidential election - the sane underdog won, and the brain-rotted entitled "hero" and his psycho sidekick lost! do ya remember that?

  52. comeonpeople4:53 PM

    I don't understand her comment to be honest with y'all.
    Doesn't she believe in what Akin is selling? Why would she tweet that?

    1. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Because mixing Red Bull with your vodka might keep you awake, but you'll just be a wide awake drunk tweeting away like Baldy.

  53. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Palin's endorsement is losing tonight. The last 2 she has chosen has lost.

  54. Anonymous5:02 PM

    It is always good when Sarah is being Sarah.

  55. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Where's Tri-G?

    1. Anonymous9:37 PM

      There is no Trig.....only Zuul.

    2. comeonpeople5:50 AM

      Is Zuul a Tri-G (DS)?

  56. onething5:16 PM

    Wow, I'm really disappointed in the press and in people in general. I read what Akin said, and he most certainly did not say that there was any legitimate rape. If you actually read what he was saying, he said that the female body can resist becoming pregnant in the circumstances of a real rape. The words he used were "If it's a legitimate rape..."

    But it is really obvious from the context that he meant to say a genuine, real rape. In other words, "If it is legitimately a case of rape."

    I'm so ashamed of us all. Jesse, you are too intelligent to make this mistake. What the hell is going on??? I mean, what the hell is going on!

    Is this the level of our national discourse? Have we sunk this low that there is no reading comprehension?

    This has nothing to do with my political or social views. I loathe Romney and in fact loathe almost all of them, demican or republocrat. How can this nation make such a fool of itself and behave so unjustly when his meaning is obvious?

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      You seem to have a problem with comprehension.

      He said "legitimate rape". He claims he meant "forcible rape". Either way he claims a woman cannot get pregnant during a "real" rape. He is wrong. An ovulating woman has no physical or stress induced mechanism to prevent fertilization.

      In addition, he is trying to create laws that differentiate different kinds of rape, according to his uninformed opinion, to limit rights of women. Is there any other kind of rape besides "forcible"? He claims that if there is a pregnancy, then it is not rape, and therefore no rape exception to abortion is necessary.

      He is a man legislating against women about things he can never experience, or obviously even comprehend.

      So why don't you clearly explain what you think is being missed here that has made us sink so low.

    2. Anonymous6:16 PM

      I think you're very confused. You actually think everyone but you got it wrong? Oh bless your heart!

    3. Anonymous12:29 AM

      So what you are sayingis that YOU believe their is some magic ability to prevent pregnancy when "forcibly" raped?What is it?Is their a threshhold where it magically happens?Like ,a punch in the head followed by choking until almost blackout?Are broken bones required?Bloodletting?Or is it forcible if a 240 lbs man tells a 120 pound girl to "be quiet or I will kill you?Is a weapon required?
      Speaking of that magical response,I asked DH what in the hell Akin could have in mind and he thinks he knows.The old "there are no juices flowing" thing.But DH says that if he means dryness will cause a pregnancy failure,maybe thats why God decided to make women bleed when they are forcibly raped?Or why God gave rapists spit.

      But why does God want His vocally devout wants to be stupid?I don't think He does.I think He wants them to shut up and get a real education.

    4. comeonpeople5:48 AM

      I agree that Akin is being soley vilified.
      there is medical information about the role of stress in infertility. The uneducated fundies kinda of role with this medical fact and use it to fit their needs..that if a woman experiences a stressful rape, she can't get pregnant. Of course this is wrong, absolutely wrong distorted cherry picked biology. Doesn't matter to these cretins though. Good enough cherry picking for them. Akin is just strong enough in his cherry picked convictions to verbalize them, but alot of people think like him.

    5. Cracklin Charlie6:07 AM

      Nice 12:29!

      I agree...if there is a God, he gave us a highly developed brain, because he wanted us to USE IT!

  57. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:23 PM

    Here's tonight's "infinite wisdom" moment from the Pee Puddle (verbatim):

    "Now folks in MO...make sure you get out and vote for Aikin...he is better than McCaskill and the Republican party will have to get behind him to make sure she is defeated..."

    And, BTW, the chatter in the Day Room indicates that Moronica will be staying in AK during the GOP convention. Huh? I thought she was opening an ear piercing--uh--SarahPAC kiosk in a mall near the venue during the festivities? Pissed that she wasn't begged to yap, or afraid of a hurricane? (Yup, and the toddlers are saying how this storm is Gawd's revenge for not inviting the Queen to speak! AND SP's latest "handpicked" candidate lost the GA primary today--the hits just keep on comin'!)

    1. Sarah is oh for August, huh? Zero of her last three candidates she's endorsed have pulled out a primary win. Reminds me of the '69 Cubs who were up 8.5 games on the Cards and 9.5 ahead of the Mets with 25 games to go. Cubs choke down the stretch and finish 2nd and Miracle Mets surged to win it all.

      Sarah's endorsement record is beginning to look like her reality show ratings chart--- a total cluster-fuck.

    2. Anonymous12:19 AM

      I saw a post on there a week or so back saying that the mall had tried to get in touch with her because she only made a deposit,but she would not reply.

    3. comeonpeople5:42 AM

      Cool, maybe she's working on her presser to reveal babygate. Come on Sarah! You can do it!!!

  58. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Hey, at least the government didn't force Bristol to bear the bastard child of her rapist. Oh, those wine coolers and that tent. I guess Rush Limbaugh was busy focusing on Hillary Clinton and didn't have time to call Bristol the slut that she was back there in 2008.

  59. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Haven't read the other comments, so don't know if this was mentioned, but Palin forgot to add that Akin defeated Sarah Steelman - the candidate Palin endorsed and campaigned for.

    Pretty pathetic when THIS is who beats the candidates Palin endorses.

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      I doubt "Stillman's" position is any different than Akins on this issue.

  60. Anonymous6:20 PM

    How many throat punches can Sarah take before she realizes no one likes her? I mean literally nobody. Not even her own family.

  61. Palin didn't know or care about any of the 3 Missouri candidates. She merely picked the one that offered the fatter quid pro quo as with all her other picks.

    It was so easy to predict how she would react to the Akin news and I posted my guess elsewhere on day one. She didn't let me down. For one more fleeting moment her delusional brain flashed on the possibility she might be able to resurrect those flimsy phony 'kingmaking' skills she thinks she has if she could only find a way to get rid of candidate #2. Poor ol' Brunner was probably looking for a food taster and bodyguards just in case Palin decided to fire up the bus and head east again. The whole concept of the RNC choosing a replacement, if needed, would have been more than her pea brain could comprehend.

  62. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Just saw Palin on Greta. She was in a manic state alright! And Greta is so clearly losing patience with Palin. Greta wanted to address Akin's statements and position. That was clearly something Palin did NOT want to get into and she kept trying to turn the story back into being about her, how she quit for the good of her state and how she was right when she picked Steelman. Quite funny really. Looked liked Greta ended the piece earlier than expected. Palin looked ready to throw a fit.

  63. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Hey, Bristol! Were you "legitimately" raped in that tent? Of course you weren't.

  64. Anonymous8:30 PM


    1. Holy fuck, that video was something. I usually don't watch the Screechy Wretch (credit to Beldar) but this was such a train wreck I couldn't tear my eyes away. Greta actually ended the interview early!

      Thank you for the link.

    2. This video is hilarious: from quoting Biden (putting people in chains and shackles), to ranting about not being invited to the GOP convention, to sheer incoherence. Greta's "OK BYE" was the perfect punchline.

    3. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Good grief!From the filthy straw like hair,the mean mouth,the frenetic storm of words,the inability to stay on topic,this must be her "manic" stage.

  65. I've decided to ignore the sludge.

    There is an article posted tonight over at thinkprogress.org by Zach Beahchamp. He describes a Romney/Ryan adviser, Elliott Abbrams, that has asked Congress to AUTHORIZE WAR ON IRAN BY THE US - TODAY.


    1. conga110:52 PM

      Had trouble finding post on thinkprogress. Did a web search to find it: "Ryan Adviser Calls On Congress To Authorize War With Iran" http://thinkprogress.org/security/2012/08/21/719611/ryan-adviser-abrams-iran-war/

  66. Anonymous11:11 PM

    This 'rill' Alaskan just donated $100 to Claire McCaskill. Felt so good.

    1. Cracklin Charlie6:02 AM

      This 'rill' Missourian thanks you for your support for our Senator!

  67. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Speaking of Sarah making rape victims pay for their own rape kits...makes me wonder if a woman (or two, three, four) has ever accused Todd of rape. Since the Palins never admit or take responsibility for anything, I'm sure Sarah would immediately put all the blame on the women or just assume they were making "false" claims.

    Also, has anyone ever researched why Chuckie uprooted the family and moved to Alaska? I mean, Jesus, if he couldn't hack it in all white, right-wing, anti-government, pro-hunting Idaho, what was the problem? Did he get caught diddling some kid? Or, as a school teacher, was there some problem with him, some scandal?

    Remember when dumb ass Sarah got caught writing "tax cuts" on her palm and she claimed that her father had taught her to write the answers to tests on the palm of her hand? I mean, for the love of God, what idiot would admit that their parent - let alone a parent who is also a school teacher - is such an unethical and immoral loser? She also went to Canada and bragged that Chuckie used to take them across the border into Canada to take advantage of their free health care system (you know, that evil "socialism"). It was just another sign that this guy has absolutely zero scruples, so it makes me wonder if he got fired from his teaching job, or for some other scandalous reason was told, in no uncertain terms, to get the hell out of Idaho.

    No mystery, or surprise, that Sarah Palin also has zero scruples, and doesn't even comprehend that she has none.

    1. Anonymous5:38 AM

      Well, doesn't seem anyone from Idaho is helping us out on this one. Maybe no one remembers him?So can't be a scandal? Or too long ago to put two and two together for them?

    2. Anonymous10:22 AM

      Wasn't he just a substitute teacher?

  68. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I for one am sick of this. Is this true? What is said? Is it really true? Well, I don't want any of this to happen. But if they feel this way, please let their (GOP, heck any repub.) wives, daughter, sister, mother, granddaughter be the first to get legitimately r@p3d! You sickos! Sicko Scarah too! This is really sick!!! Haven't you even once read about Africa?? What idiots in the US!!! This truly disgusts me.

  69. Anonymous8:49 AM

    This is no my NATIVE America. No it is not. I now believe that the repubs. think like neanderthals. There is no more Republican, republicans cease to exist.


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