Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Where is the Democratic party going? That-a-way, won't you join us?

I think right now we Democrats are in the best position possible to not only hang onto the Senate but also to pick up a number of new seats in the Congress.

All around us the Republicans are self destructing, jamming their foots in their mouths, and appearing loonier than ever before.

In order for us to win, all we have to do is stay focused on our goals, keep the infighting to a minimum, and fight back against misinformation and attempts at voter suppression.

Sounds easy right? Okay, well maybe not EASY, but doable.

What do you say? Are you "Fired up" and "Ready to go?"


  1. Sally in MI4:12 AM

    After that Palin rant last night, I am fired up. Sent in another donation,a nd sent a small one to McCaskill and Sherrod Brown in Ohio, who is getting clobbered by Koch money...and who wants Josh Mandel in Congress? Yuck!
    And now I bet Sarah's ignoramuses are sure she was speaking some kond of code last night and telling them that she is starting a third Sarah ever did anything more in her life than ride coattails. And why is she so mad at AKin? He beleives just what Steelman and the rest of them do: women who ar eraped deserved it, and the child is a bonus, not a birden, even if you;re 12 and it was Uncle Timmy. Those stories here yesterday about the women who did birth the child, and tried to adopt it, and were stopped by the rapist, were chilling. Or worse, kept the child,a nd then had to deal with the rapist for the rest of their lives? How is that even sane to support that? I figure that when 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage (which the GOP calls spontaneous ABORTION, God knows what He's doing. And abortion is not a crime.

  2. Cracklin Charlie5:59 AM

    Why, yes, as a matter of fact, I am

    Fired Up!
    Ready to Go!

    Obama/Biden 2012!

  3. Sharon7:02 AM

    I think we might have the reverse of 2010, the GOP that HATES Obama will stay home cuz they can't vote for that asshole, kinda like Nicole Wallace in Game Change. When Morning Joe (another asshole) finally rails against the GOP as the party of STUPID,I think things are looking up. Obama is here in Las Vegas today but I couldn't get a ticket...I can drive over to see Air Force One, oh my.

  4. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Nitpicky: Add another hyphen to your title: That-a-way otherwise it means we're not going to be here; we're going away. Sorry about that, but I do agree heartily with the post!

  5. Anonymous4:02 PM

    At the very least all democrats are hypocrites. And it is a fact the all democrats are immoral.
    There isn't any democrat that i would vote for.
    The corruption in the democrat party is absolutely beyond belief. The things that democrats are willing to condone just because a democrat did it so its ok.


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