Saturday, September 01, 2012

Is this the typical Fox News viewer?

Courtesy of Business Insider:  

After allegedly driving recklessly with his girlfriend in the car and laughing about killing her, a Florida man told sheriff's deputies his political beliefs made him do it. 

David Kappheim, 60, told Palm Beach County Sheriff's deputies “he was very conservative and (his girlfriend) was a liberal" so he "felt that he was going to have to kill her,” The Palm Beach Post reported Thursday. 

Kappheim's arrest came after his girlfriend told police he had threatened or harmed her on a number of occasions. 

Kappheim admitted to trying to kill the woman three times, police said.

Deputies said they found documents inside the woman's apartment indicating Kappheim is "obsessed with Fox News and the Republican Party, and that he may be a danger to others," the Post reported.

To answer my own headline I would say that NO this is certainly not the  typical Fox News viewer But that is most likely due to the fact that the TYPICAL Fox News viewer is too damn old to pull off something like this without the help of their nurse.

However let me also add that on the few occasions I have watched Fox News, mostly to cover a Sarah Palin interview, I have certainly felt the urge to kill somebody. Fortunately I am too intelligent, and allergic to prison, to ever act upon those urges.

I will also add that if you think the Fox News viewers are crazy and murderous NOW, just wait until President Obama wins his second term. THAT will drive these lunatics right over the edge!

P.S. Can I just ask WHY an intelligent liberal woman would waste her time dating somebody ignorant enough to watch Fox News and BELIEVE what they were hearing? I find that baffling.


  1. Anonymous4:44 AM

    WTH is in Florida's water supply? I would no more live there let alone visit.

  2. I think she was too liberal… too kind. And maybe he had nice moments.

    Some friends recently admitted they wouldn’t bring a longtime buddy of the husband to our house because they were afraid he would cause a scene with me. Not my husband who is also liberal… me.

    1. Anonymous6:01 AM

      I've noticed conservatives like to attack women. And children. Anyone they think is weaker than them.

    2. hedgewytch8:50 AM

      Yeah and some of us uppity woman don't know how to just smile, nod and keep our mouth shut as we pass the A-hole another beer.

      Yes, I'm another one whom my husband's friends often are wary that I will open my mouth and loudly and clearly refute the idiocy spewing out of someone's mouth. I may have to put up with it in a public area, at work, etc., but I WILL NOT put up with it in my own home.

    3. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Last week the family went on vacation and stayed in a hotel. The lobby had Fox on, of course, and the first morning we ate our breakfasts as the tv blared. We began refuting the lies we were hearing, and it must have made the other diners uncomfortable to hear the truth, because the tv got turned off.

  3. Leland5:09 AM

    "too damn old to pull off something...." I don't think so.

    While I am in my early 60's I am not too old to do something like that were I inclined. And neither is my cousin who a.) is female and b.) addicted to Fox. So much so that I am surprised she can even function. Hell, she can't even belch without information from them - which information always makes her fart instead!

    Granted, she isn't 35 or 25, but IS addicted. And MY question is: why does her HUSBAND stay with HER? (BTW, he HATES fox! Has his own TV and won't let her near it!)

    1. Anonymous6:01 AM

      inertia - a divorce takes some initiative. So does packing up and moving your stuff out.

    2. Anonymous7:05 PM

      I think spouses put up with a lot because they did vow to do so even if it was many years (and personality changes?) ago. (Personally I can't imagine how a non-smoker can be married to someone who smokes- yech!) But this woman was described as a "girlfriend"- not a spouse. Are liberal guys that hard to find? Not where I live, but maybe in Florida.

  4. Rover5:10 AM

    I think alot of folks who watch "that" station have anger issues. Case in point, my younger brother, a former marine of very limited intelligence. This yahoo actually threatened to shoot up the neighborhood when the State Dept refused to allow his rent a bride a visa to come to the US. The men in black paid him a visit and the only thing that saved his arse was another brother who does work for the State Dept.

    He thinks President Obama is a threat to the US but Bush was an amazing President.

    This guy has a confederate flag tattooed on his arm and drives around with a gun rack on his pickup. LOL...he lives in an affluent neighborhood where people drive luxury cars but has a hovel that he doesn't take care of. His neighbors constantly complain to the village about him.

    He got behind on his mortgage and guess where he went for Obama program.

    He will tell you his views are not from Fox and that he thinks for himself but if you peruse his facebook page, he "likes" Palin, Limbaugh and Fox. He openly admitted that he likes to jerk off to Palin's pictures. He's a real gem of a guy and I can't believe we were raised by the same people.

  5. Anonymous5:20 AM

    ''P.S. Can I just ask WHY an intelligent liberal woman would waste her time dating somebody ignorant enough to watch Fox News and BELIEVE what they were hearing? I find that baffling. ''

    WEll, I see it this way. If she were intelligent, she would not even keep company with a a-hole like that guy.

  6. Did anyone see Stephen Colbert last night? The clips of various FOX news people wringing their hands in mock anticipation of the "mystery speaker" at the RNC was so unprofessional but typical of the network's news division.

    I have friends who are in their early 60s who are totally devoted to Fox's "fair and balanced" news. They are totally brainwashed. I now avoid Facebook because I cannot stand the racist garbage they spew as a result and I can't unfriend them.

    1. Rover9:19 AM

      But you can block their newsfeed so you aren't exposed to it. I had to do that and I had to finally block a longtime friend who made some disgusting and racist comment on nearly every wall post she deemed even remotely favorable toward President Obama. A friend like that I don't need....

    2. Leland12:17 PM

      Yeah. I had a long time friend who posted a picture of Obama made to look like Hitler. She, too is a fanatic for Fox.

      I told her - on FB - that I thought it was totally insulting to the entire line of Presidents, not just Obama, pulled her from my FB friends AND told her never to darken my real door again!

      Knew her 50 years. Told her to her face hat she was a sick, racist bitch and that I wanted nothing to do with her any more. (Some of our mutual friends tell me she STILL doesn't understand why it ticked me off!)

    3. Anita Winecooler9:01 PM

      I saw all this animosity coming during the last election cycle. The first time I got an off color or prejudicial email, I sent an open letter to all my contacts and blocked anyone who sent anything offensive.

      "Those People" (in my best "lovey Romney" voice) were no longer my friends and no longer invited into my home.

      When someone shows their true character, believe them the first time.

  7. WakeUpAmerica5:57 AM

    There are many young and middle-aged people who watch Fox as well, especially the evangelicals. We could only hope the viewers were all old and would die off.

  8. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Gryphen, you asked, "Can I just ask WHY an intelligent liberal woman would waste her time dating somebody ignorant enough to watch Fox News and BELIEVE what they were hearing? I find that baffling."

    And I wondered the same thing. Part of my criteria in my dating days was that the man I dated be politically liberal. If he voted for Reagan (or Nixon... yeah, I'm old), I knew we weren't going to be simpatico and there was no point pursuing anything.

    Luckily for me I met a man as politically liberal and progressive as I am and we've been married 30 years... on the downside he's a NASCAR fanatic, but that proves they're not ALL Repugs.

  9. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Stereotyping people is what is wrong with the country. Do you like to be called a welfare junky Gryphen, just because your party is more known to support these stupid programs? Didn't think so. By posting crap like this, you're insulting good, suburban people with families who work hard at businesses they create, who try to put away 10% of their earnings for a rainy day or future planning, hoping the Govt won't raise their taxes or waste their money as it's known to do - esp on things that aren't important for the people as a whole.

    1. Your entire paragraph is one whole ball of stereotyping. Nothing but talking points. Those good, decent people you describe are without exception using and relying on government help, especially those with small businesses. You also didn't address why on earth someone who was concerned about taxes going up would vote republican as directed by fox. The republican plan in their own words and writing is to raise taxes on the middle class, and destroy the medicare and social security that the middle class relies on, in order to fund their tax breaks.

      You proved the truth of what Gryphen wrote.

    2. Rover9:18 AM

      Did you get that on Fox? For the FACTUALLY challenged, most welfare recipients reside in RED states and are white.

      Also for those among you who can't comprehend facts....the taxes in this country are the lowest they have been in 50 years and that is THANKS to President Obama. He's looking out for those good, suburban people you speak of whereas, Mitt...well he could give a shit about you and your business...

      What's "good for people as a whole" is not to be tripping over homeless and hungry is wrong with YOU? This isn't some third world country...we take care of our own in the good old USA. If that bothers your sensitivities, then move to Somalia where they let people starve.

    3. Anita Winecooler8:53 PM

      Blocking out the sun with one finger. Don't let facts get in your way! Businesses aren't the only job creators, The consumers fuel the economy, their taxes built the roads, bridges that move goods AND consumers to business, traffic signals, fund the schools that educated future workers, fund the police, fire men and law enforcement that protect businesses AND consumers.

      A country is defined not by how it treats it's most wealthy, it's how a country treats the poor, sick, elderly, disabled and weakest citizens.

  10. "Kappheim admitted to trying to kill the woman three times, police said."

    Maybe it's just the hopeless romantic in me, but I'm wondering if maybe she oughta give the big lug another chance. Sure, we all dream about a beautiful relationship with someone who doesn't actually try to kill us. But I have to ask, with all due apologies to Scott Peterson, Drew Peterson (allegedly) and any other bride-o-cidal Petersons out there, how many attempted murders are too many when they're perpetrated by someone you love?

  11. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I feel disheartened as I hear people who believe lies without questioning or ever first determining if a person is trustworthy. I have witnessed people who believe something often what is a thought they had who then dismiss what is communicated that does not prove their thought is right. They make things up unwilling to check out facts or even look at evidence provided as simple as a receipt.

    When would be leaders tell blatant lies they lead others to lie. Problems can not be identified, solutions found, resolutions implemented by liars.

    Humans are drawn to remove the evil one, the designated bad guy fictionalized as being the polar opposite of YOU. This convention was to call people to a cause to remove the baby killer, America hating, destroyer of USA, anti education, anti family, antiwork, lyin' to you character who is anti success. I observe people are driven deceived they are good to stop the enemy of the people created.

    It is sickening.

    1. Anonymous7:10 PM

      " I observe people are driven deceived they are good to stop the enemy of the people created."

      Maybe sickening, but surely confusing. What are you saying?

    2. Anita Winecooler7:47 PM

      I agree, Anonymous 7:10.

      The comment is hard to understand as written. I was confused with the statement

      "Humans are drawn to remove the evil one, the designated bad guy fictionalized as being the polar opposite of YOU."

      I consider myself human but no one can draw me to "remove" a perceived evil one.

  12. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Stuck in a Room with Mitt Romney

    What It’s Like to Be Trapped with 50,000 Republicans at the RNC

    ...The central argument at the 2012 Republican National Convention is “We Built It,” which is a refutation of a comment that President Obama didn’t really make. You’ve already heard this, but it’s important to point it out every time a Republican runs with it: When Obama said, “You didn’t build that,” he wasn’t telling business owners that they didn’t create the business they created. He was saying, in inelegant language, that they profit from the roads and bridges that government builds. But the biggest applause line in most of the dozens of speeches I’ve heard comes when the speaker is talking about a small business and then they pause, point at the camera, and say, “And yes, Mr. President, they DID build that.” The audience eats it up every time. Every fucking time, they cheer and swoon and bellow, like Pavlov’s dog, only dumber.

  13. hedgewytch8:47 AM

    It's unfortunate but I see this so many times in my own personal observations of life. These woman have the need to "fix", "save", or otherwise "change" the guy they are with. And/or you've got an inferiority complex that is willing to negate all the character traits in that other person that are opposite of one's own individual beliefs in order to be able to be with that person who is paying attention to them. Very sick. I know, I've watched this behavior play out over 40 years with my own mother. Repeatedly.

  14. Anonymous9:13 AM

    That nurturing thing can be harmful to ones health. She may have had some need to care for and protect the idiot. He may have been less crazy when they met but this last 4 years and the increasing level of delusional reporting by FOX pushed him over the edge. Women are caught in this expectation of dependency, especially in the south.

    I have an ex in Florida, a guy I almost married twice in my 20s. I'm from the Midwest where having a boyfriend, any boyfriend, is better than being alone. It was literally a 20 year struggle for me to figure out why I was having such awful relationships. I have backwoods upbringing with a progressive heart. I finally broke free by running away to Alaska. My ex contacted me via Facebook recently and he is a total FOX fanatic. None of this was apparent to me in my 20s, but it makes total sense now. Funny, he was very good looking back then and did have some redeeming qualities; I thought he just needed to grow up. Now, I can't even see that younger man in his bloated and creased image. He looks old, hard, and in poor health as do the group of friends we ran with back then. We're not even 50 yet. His postings are anti-Obama and of the Christian Right. There is no substance; no solid arguments. We have relatives in the Carolinas and Florida that some in my family refer to as intellectually lazy. Maybe it's a lack of self esteem that hinders critical thinking. But these are not docile sheep, these are unhappy people looking for somewhere to direct their anger.

    My lesson in all this is that even though my heart still does most of the directing, I keep my eyes open and am am always vigilant to incongruency and energy suckers. If something doesn't feel right, I'm gone.

  15. Anonymous10:27 AM

    I had a conversation with an old high school pal, last night. He admits to "religiously" watching Fox channel's propaganda fest, every day.

    He then (only half jokingly) said he often turns the channel to CNN, so he can hear what is REALLY going on in the world, as none of the actual news gets reported on Fox.

    He went on to correct me in my assumption about the hatefulness the right displays, to the poor, the darkskinned, the elderly, the sick, and basically every OTHER category of people, than "white."

    As he hangs out with people of his own temperament, he explained that it isn't THOSE people who the rightwingnuts really despise. No, its people like ME.

    (Uppity white, affluent liberals, who look their noses down on dentally challenged, low intelligence types, mocking them for how they have strayed from any semblance of "Christianity" and have been conditioned by Fox and other propaganda outlets, to be racists, bigots, misogynists, and petulant crybabies about the government.)

    It is to rid the country of people like THAT, which has them spending their limited incomes on guns and ammunition.

    I keep thinking that with the recklessness shown by Romney and others, lying about every single thing they speak about, getting caught, but knowing the fools will not hear about that--that sooner or later they'll stupidly piss off the giant army of well armed rednecks, and they'll revolt.

    In the MEANTIME, it is any thinking person, who sits in the crosshairs of their Walmart-purchased assault weapons.

  16. Anita Winecooler8:36 PM

    "P.S. Can I just ask WHY an intelligent liberal woman would waste her time dating somebody ignorant enough to watch Fox News and BELIEVE what they were hearing? I find that baffling."

    Baffling, yes, it's beyond me. But, to be honest with you, assuming all liberal women are intelligent may be a stretch. I've met a few in toxic relationships, not too smart. He watches FOX, so what he calls "liberal" may be "moderate"? What got me is he tried to kill her three times!

    We've got to teach our kids the difference between being single and lonely, and being single and alone. Feeding kids, especially girls, fairy tales isn't teaching them coping skills, self esteem, and being comfortable enough to realize they don't need a man (or woman) to "complete" them.

    The line from U2 is so true. "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle"


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