Saturday, September 01, 2012

Jon Stewart can barely contain his joy at Clint Eastwood's performance during the GOP convention.

Part One:

Part Two:

That is almost TOO much awesomeness for this early on a Saturday.

I swear NOBODY does this better than Jon Stewart. Nobody!

Now this quote below is not included in the two clips embedded above, but ti was in fact my Favorite part of last night's show.


  1. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Must see

  2. Anonymous6:37 AM

    The crowd loved Clint

    ...and was wanting him to shoot the chair with his 44 magnum...

    Clint missed his chance for a standing ovation.

    1. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Gryphen, thank you for letting through this disgusting, vile comment. Let us not forget that we're up against a crowd of violent knuckle dragging racist who would LOOOOOVE to see a bullet go through the head of the president.

      My fellow Democrats, we're not up against people...we're facing a bunch of PIGS.

    2. Dinty8:03 AM

      Yes, the crowd was incapable of comprehending how stupid it was.

      A bad move on the part of the campaign, one that will cost someone their job - notice when someone senior is fired in the coming weeks.

    3. Anonymous8:28 AM

      Pigs are much smarter than Republicans. They need to be compared to a much lower life form. Can't think of what that would be.

    4. Anonymous11:35 AM

      True! No offense to pigs intended. How smart are sloths?
      How about,
      "We're up against an army of mutant zombie asshole jerkwads.

  3. Cracklin Charlie6:58 AM

    Bless your heart, Gryphen. My power went off right after part one, and didn't come back on until about 4 am. Thanks for making sure I didn't miss all the fun!

  4. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Wait a minute. I though repubs loved pushing through failed policies that have no chance of succeeding! You know, those Time Tested Truths (TM) Sister Sarah's (TM) always droning on and on about?

    TTT's such as 'let's get rid of all contraception, abortion and women's health care so we can all live happily ever after in piety'?

  5. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I love his comment posted on the photo.

    I had mini shocks after lies told which startled me to wtf moments? A major one being Obama is against work, wants you to believe you are stuck in your station in life. That shocked me. It is disturbing to hear people repeating lies intended to deceive gathering to get rid of the character in the empty chair who wants your children to fail, live with their parents dependent on those who actually work!

    Hindsight: jobs are competitive
    I wonder how many parents who in reality have adult children with no internal drive can scapegoat Obama?

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Mitt Romney can't win unless he gets to 60 percent of the white vote. All they're trying to do is play the race card to get as many white Democrats as possible to vote for him -- or against the president. I'm pretty sure it's backfiring though. I hope there's a record turnout of African Americans, sending all the GOPers home!

    2. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Republicans Transcend Birtherism and Embrace Brazen Racism

      What is happening in the Republican Party transcends dog-whistle racism and birtherism; they are brazen racists counting on bigots to help them win an election.

  6. Olivia8:04 AM

    This is the perfect article making the same point.

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Kinda interesting as CLint's current wife is part African American - and thus, so is their child.

    2. Clint Eastwood is Pro-Choice, Pro-Gay Marriage, Ant-War, Believes Gitmo should be closed, and has actively called for the protection of the environment via Government action and regulation. So why exactly is he speaking at the Republican Convention. Was he lost?

    3. angela1:57 PM

      What does it matter that Clint Eastwood's wife has African American blood? Our President is half white and that hasn't stopped the racist insanity and disrespect from the GOP.

    4. Anonymous7:10 AM

      Anonymous11:28 AM

      ''Kinda interesting as Clint's current wife is part African American - and thus, so is their child.''

      That is an out and out lie what you posted.

    5. Anonymous7:12 AM

      angela1:57 PM

      ''What does it matter that Clint Eastwood's wife has African American blood?

      That is not true. So stop spreading it.''

    6. Anonymous7:14 AM

      Hammer and a Feather12:11 PM

      ''Clint Eastwood is Pro-Choice, Pro-Gay Marriage, Ant-War, Believes Gitmo should be closed, and has actively called for the protection of the environment via Government action and regulation. So why exactly is he speaking at the Republican Convention. Was he lost?''

      His bigotry.

    7. Anonymous7:16 AM

      Hammer and a Feather12:11 PM

      He racism towards President Obama is what got him to the Repub convention.

    8. Anonymous7:21 AM

      angela1:57 PM

      OK, I correct my firs comment. Her father is part African American.

    9. Anonymous7:25 AM

      Anonymous11:28 AM

      Please accept my apology. Her father is half African American. I just got confused by her surname Ruiz. But I read that her father was adopted, thus the surname Ruiz.

  7. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Liberal media, my ass!

  8. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Boy this guy is practically turning into a pretzel the way he is twisting and turning to try to justify Robme and RyanLyin's blatant falsehoods, lies and misconceptions. I'm practically DIZZY with the spin.

  9. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Bill Maher’s New Rule For GOP

    As for former VP nominee Sarah Palin… Maher asked whether — even if conceiving her was a mistake — the party isn’t morally obliged to bring her to term. Badda-bah badda-bum. BUM!

  10. Anonymous10:03 AM

    o/t great review of RNC from Paul Constant in the and posted on The Obama Diary (Gryphen has it linked down the right column)

  11. Anonymous10:16 AM


    Paul Ryan's Ex-GF Served Prison Time For Wire Fraud

  12. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Sarah Palin, the Vengeful Bigot, Celebrates the Firing of David Chalian

  13. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Mitt Romney was born on March 12, 1947, in Ohio, Florida, Michigan, Virginia and several other swing states. He emerged, hair first, believing in America, and especially its national parks. He was given the name Mitt, after the Roman god of mutual funds, and launched into the world with the lofty expectation that he would someday become the Arrow shirt man.

    Romney was a precocious and gifted child. He uttered his first words (“I like to fire people”) at age 14 months, made his first gaffe at 15 months and purchased his first nursery school at 24 months. The school, highly leveraged, went under, but Romney made 24 million Jujubes on the deal.

    Mitt grew up in a modest family. His father had an auto body shop called the American Motors Corporation, and his mother owned a small piece of land, Brazil. He had several boyhood friends, many of whom owned Nascar franchises, and excelled at school, where his fourth-grade project, “Inspiring Actuaries I Have Known,” was widely admired.

    The Romneys had a special family tradition. The most cherished member got to spend road trips on the roof of the car. Mitt spent many happy hours up there, applying face lotion to combat windburn.

    The teenage years were more turbulent. He was sent to a private school, where he was saddened to find there are people in America who summer where they winter. He developed a lifelong concern for the second homeless, and organized bake sales with proceeds going to the moderately rich.

    Some people say he retreated into himself during these years. He had a pet rock, which ran away from home because it was starved of affection. He bought a mood ring, but it remained permanently transparent. His ability to turn wine into water detracted from his popularity at parties.

    There was, frankly, a period of wandering. After hearing Lou Reed’s “Walk on the Wild Side,” Romney decided to leave Mormonism and become Amish. He left the Amish faith because of its ban on hair product, and bounced around before settling back in college. There, he majored in music, rendering Mozart’s entire oeuvre in PowerPoint.

    His love affair with Ann Davies, the most impressive part of his life, restored his equilibrium. Always respectful, Mitt and Ann decided to elope with their parents. They went on a trip to Israel, where they tried and failed to introduce the concept of reticence. Romney also went on a mission to France. He spent two years knocking on doors, failing to win a single convert. This was a feat he would replicate during his 2008 presidential bid.

    After his mission, he attended Harvard, studying business, law, classics and philosophy, though intellectually his first love was always tax avoidance. After Harvard, he took his jawline to Bain Consulting, a firm with very smart people with excessive personal hygiene. While at Bain, he helped rescue many outstanding companies, like Pan Am, Eastern Airlines, Atari and DeLorean.

    Romney was extremely detail oriented in his business life. He once canceled a corporate retreat at which Abba had been hired to play, saying he found the band’s music “too angry.”

  14. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Romney is also a passionately devoted family man. After streamlining his wife’s pregnancies down to six months each, Mitt helped Ann raise five perfect sons — Bip, Chip, Rip, Skip and Dip — who married identically tanned wives. Some have said that Romney’s lifestyle is overly privileged, pointing to the fact that he has an elevator for his cars in the garage of his San Diego home. This is not entirely fair. Romney owns many homes without garage elevators and the cars have to take the stairs.

    After a successful stint at Bain, Romney was lured away to run the Winter Olympics, the second most Caucasian institution on earth, after the G.O.P. He then decided to run for governor of Massachusetts. His campaign slogan, “Vote Romney: More Impressive Than You’ll Ever Be,” was not a hit, but Romney won the race anyway on an environmental platform, promising to make the state safe for steeplechase.

    After his governorship, Romney suffered through a midlife crisis, during which he became a social conservative. This prepared the way for his presidential run. He barely won the 2012 Republican primaries after a grueling nine-month campaign, running unopposed. At the convention, where his Secret Service nickname is Mannequin, Romney will talk about his real-life record: successful business leader, superb family man, effective governor, devoted community leader and prudent decision-maker. If elected, he promises to bring all Americans together and make them feel inferior.

  15. Too bizarre. Maybe I'm in denial here, but I'm thinking that the only ones that don't realize it was a parody are the Baggers that would actually vote for Stephen Colbert, thinking he is REALLY a far RW pundit, unless the their more moderate GOP establishment peers clued them in that they were being punked by an actor (Colbert) pretending to be Bill O'Reilly on steroids. For the rest of the GOPers, they realize it's just propaganda for and are merely "going along" with the ruse because it creates noise and distracts the base of the other party--- us.

    What I'm saying is that only a certain percentage of Repugs really believe all the shit that they're listening to and repeating of all of this anti-Obama rhetoric. They're just trying to win an election by playing dirty because they know they can't even have a prayer unless they create this racist undercurrent to drive up voter turnout from the extreme low-info voter edge while simultaneously limiting turnout by Voter ID laws within traditional Dem party segments--- inner city blacks, poor and working class urban whites, older citizens of all ethnicities who are less mobile who don’t drive a vehicle, Hispanic-American citizens who are often intimidated in the Southwest states that fear becoming “too brown”.

    It’s much more subtle, but there’s always been an ongoing effort by the GOP to turn Jewish-Americans away from the Dem Party where they have been allied for many years, for all of the right reasons, I might add. Until the GOP actually undergoes a physical split within itself with the "Establishment/RINO's" being left as the Republican Party and the Fundies actually creating a true 3rd party for, it will only get worse.

    Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that “all of the Republicans think this way or that way” because of the propaganda that we find repulsive that many of the GOP establishment pretend not to notice. They’re the ones having to “go along” with the extreme coalitions like the real anti-women agenda being propagated by the Catholic Church.

    1 of 2

  16. Continued 2 of 2

    Yes, I agree it’s repulsive to exploit people’s sensitivities in this manner, but the GOP has a losing hand right now and have always been willing to compromise integrity before they relinquish power. Politics is rough-and-tumble always and often ugly and dirty. It’s okay to be angry at the tactics used, but don’t let yourself be manipulated by those willing to play dirty. And mainly, just don’t let it get you down. A lot of this nonsense is designed to turn off reasonable individuals from participating in the electoral process at all or even care who’s in power by making it look like there are only two sides in the fight and both are extreme. I consider myself to be one of those reasonable people who is myself often shocked at the level of the rhetoric. It’s only when I take a step back and analyze what the drivers are of all of the different messages and “dog whistles” that I gain some perspective, and that’s what fuels my motivation to change the names of those in power to those who are more forthright.

    I was particularly incensed that they used Clint Eastwood in the manner that they did, because not only is he an icon in popular culture, he is also a pretty intelligent and reasonable guy regardless of some of his politics that I don’t agree with entirely. I think he was duped into playing a bad role that he thought would not be so polarizing, and I wouldn’t be surprised to hear him offer a heartfelt apology later, and I’ll readily accept it. Until then, I am not willing to shoot the messenger because of the message because it wasn’t his message. He was acting in a role in a play called the RNC, and allowed his good name and body of work to be exploited because he has always espoused to a more traditional republican-leaning philosophy.

    I apologize about the frequency of my not being able to say what I feel I need to say in a sound byte or two unless it’s an off-color, smart-ass, weak attempt at being snarky or incredibly witty, and I don’t mean to hog the board with boring essays extoling the importance of my opinion.

    But when I witness several of my contemporaries whom I consider to be quite intelligent, politically-astute, and generally upbeat about life getting as upset as I was due to the “skit” that Clint did at the RNC, I feel like I need to say something.

    Whenever things seem to be going shitty between now November 6th, click on Nate Silver’s 538 blog at NY Times, and see where we are in the races that really matter to you. At this moment, President Obama has about a 72 percent chance of being re-elected, and he has been holding steady about 68% and higher for 5 or 6 months now.

    I’m a numbers guy with a graduate degree in finance and several years experience in statistical-based financial modeling, and I understand the statistical methodology he’s using and it’s a very complicated but balanced algorithm that is blind politically. It’s also the most accurate measure of where we are at a snapshot and direction of the trend on the race for POTUS and every other race being tracked across the country. That’s my opinion based on the documented facts of my own research and that of others I respect for their record of historical accuracy. Here’s the link to Nate. I hope it's useful.

    1. Irishgirl2:56 PM

      Love you.

    2. Bravo ShesToast...Bravo!

    3. Anita Winecooler9:53 PM

      Thank You!

  17. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I found it difficult to watch Clint Eastwood ramble on in nearly incoherent at times and clearly displaying some level of dementia. It was sad and pathetic and embarrassing. I turned it off saddened and angry at the GOP for a humiliating performance.


    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      That was the metaphorical element that struck me: your big surprise star is a clearly addled geezer, very sadly diminished from glory days.
      Way to craft your image, guys.

  18. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Jon Stewart was absolutely superb on Friday night! Thanks, Gryphen, for showing it here.

  19. Anonymous4:18 PM

    All that I have seen of Romney's speech were the snippets provided by Jon Stewart but they were enough to bore me to sleep. I wonder if this is what Mitt Romney sounds like when he is sernomizing fellow Mormons. The soft light on his face and the odd ways that he held his head; he must practice that for his religious mode. What a nutcase he is!

  20. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Now I know why Clint's wife has a reality tv show, he is losing his mind....

  21. Anita Winecooler9:56 PM

    Jon's an absolute treasure! His facial gestures just slay me!


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