Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Just a reminder that Ambassador Stevens was killed by terrorists NOT Muslims.

You can find more here.

This is NOT the time to condemn any one religion or another, but I do think it is appropriate to remember that when religious fervor supersedes logical thinking it can only lead to a bad result.

I have no problem with people who worship their Gods in the privacy of their synagogues, churches, temples, or the privacy of their homes. But when it is so easily used to manipulate a group of people toward violence, or, as is becoming more apparent in this case, provides cover for a more sinister reason for violent actions, it is time for adherents of that religion to take a good hard look at their faith and the impact it is having on their lives.

I doubt seriously that will happen any time soon, but perhaps it is not too late for the NEXT generation of young people to make a healthier and more intellectual choice. It is already happening here in America, so hopefully through the use of social media it will spread throughout the world.

Just imagine.


  1. Thank you so much for posting these pictures. Wow.

  2. Islam had many flavors, just as Christianity has many flavors.

  3. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Thank you Uncle Gryph for putting a face on the people who do not believe in violence.

  4. Shari5:30 PM

    These pictures brought tears to my eyes and a sadness in my heart.

  5. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Thank you very much for posting these. I just watched Secretary Clinton's entire 9+-minute press conference of this morning. What a wonderful reminder, via her words, of the meaning of America, peace, and graciousness at such a sad time. Thank you again.

    1. Anonymous8:36 PM

      Did you just suggest that America had something to do with peace and graciousness? And the hypocrite that runs this forum posted it? Fuck, your hypocrisy knows no bounds does it!

    2. Anonymous9:24 PM

      Sad for you, 8:36, but your attitude is your choice.

    3. Anonymous9:27 AM

      @Anon 8:36,
      WILLOW,why aren't you off doing hair an' stuff?Gettin;yer career goin' ya know?

  6. Anonymous5:36 PM

    That piece of shit pastor Terry Jones thinks he's a big man on campus now, a guy with less than 50 congregants raised as much as $1,000 the last time he caused a stir planning a Koran burning.

    Asked what he knew about the Koran, he said he wasn't familiar, only knew the Bible.

    You want to know what gutteral fundies like Terry, Santorum, Huckabee, Palin, even Romney would do with that 3 a.m. phone call from any country, and situation? World War III.

    1. Anonymous7:43 PM

      Well, Palin would have to first pull the vibrator out between her legs and scream for her makeup and hair people..then the batshit crazy loon from Lake Lucille would have to check her e-mail for her talking points from Ailes and the Koch brothers...then of course, try and text Tawd to come home to put on a united front for the cameras..find Trig..because nobody ever knows where he really is or who's watching him..Scream at the top of her lungs to her servants to find her Star of David necklace and her red 6-inch Louboutins, her bumpit for her wig..Then she'd raise her bony fists to the air and curse John McCain..'why did you have to have a heart attack on day one of your presidency?? I just wanted to be a rock star and go around the country having photo ops and wearing clothes the RNC bought for me and just looking good... I didn't think I'd have to actually do anything or know anything.."

  7. Anonymous5:50 PM

    America has our religious terrorists. They no more represent us as a whole than the low lifes that murdered the ambassador and his staff. Yet it is the innocent who will pay.

    My heart goes out to all affected by this, in both countries.

  8. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Yes there are extremists in every religion. Good reminder.

  9. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Very sad, thanks for posting these pictures. Its so shameful that religion controls the masses and that death has to occur because of it. So very very sad for Steven and his family.

  10. Anonymous6:27 PM

    This sounds really awful but were this incidents the acts of "Hired guns" perhaps? My gawd!

    1. Not What You Want to Hear3:27 AM

      Something isn't adding up with these events. The quick coordinated attack from Romney, the RNC Chair, and Palin raises alarm bells for me.

      But maybe they were just shooting off their mouths as usual. I don't know, and unfortunately, I don't think the American media has the courage to report any findings that would indicate some sort of collusion.

      At the very least, what has happened is the result of rightwing zealots in America deliberately provoking rightwing zealots in the Middle East who itch at any chance for violence.

      And billions of people in the world are stuck in the middle.

  11. Sally in MI6:43 PM

    Wow. When is the last time an American apologized to another nation after we killed civilians? Oh yeah, our President has, and the right, who claim they are the real Christians, call him a coward. These Libyans are awesome.

  12. Anonymous6:51 PM

    But this guy, Sam Bacile the muslim hater deserves in jail, he knew the movie will make muslims go crazy and he did it anyway, and funded by more than hundred of jews.

    1. Anonymous7:44 PM

      Thanks for the link I was looking for information on this.

    2. Anonymous8:32 PM

      He's not using his real name and the fact he's gone into hiding says he's a chickenshit. He doesn't wear 'big boy pants'!!

    3. Lots of reading/research to do on many topics, but I think you will find less orthodox Jewish presence in the anti-Arab, anti-Palestinian club.

      Please be careful with the labels. The Zionist Jews and Neocon "Christian/Jews" are not the religious extremists, but the security issues with Israel are exploited by the Zionists to cast a wider tent with the religius right here in the US. The neocons (think Bush, Cheney, Rummie, Pearle, Wolfie) coalition with the religious right is more of a mixed marriage of convenience, because neocons mainly talk a good game on religion more for the electoral strategy to hold onto the South. Neocons are much more concerned with concentration of power in Military, so they are always banging the war drums. They couldnt care less about abortion, womens issues, stem cell research, invitro fertilization, or gays in military or same sex marriage. Neos want to control the purse strings of congress for their money masters, and power to tax and declare war gives the edge to the oligarchy to transfer wealth to the few as done since 1980. That's what the underlying struggle is--- for power bc with power comes control and future guarantees of power/wealth. So neos are much more interested in controlling the affairs of state.

      In US, fundamental religionists are more extreme ideology and that doesn't represent even close to the majority of self-declared Christians.

      Sorry to preach, but I know a lot more secular Jews than religious Jews because of geography, and it sure ain't very popular with them the fact that Bibi exploits the security issues there with the people there the same way (or similar) to all of the power grabs that were done here after 9/11.

      Billions spend to militarize out local police forces. Just think 30 yrs ago versus now, if you're old enough. If the police cracked heads in those days, it was clubs and headgear. Now it's a swat team, tear and pepper gas, tasers, star wars dark shield in mask. Less community policing strategy and more military tactics.

      Just as Israel citizens are fighting against, but their getting some risk of those rockets that BIbi uses as the excuse for crushing the West Bank and Gaza. It's asymmetric warfare where the guy in the body armor draws the opposition into a firefight so he can justify killing him.

      I've got to stop. Bottom line, don't throw some of our strongest and most loyal allies to the wolves. Not just because they will mostly vote Dem, but for the right reasons to support those who want the same equal rights for all Americans. We want to help Israel bc they're our ally. But we have other allies and strategic partnerships in the region.

      Ultimately, if there's no peace for one nation, there will be peace for nobody. That's what I remember 9/11 for. Not an unprovoked attack by Fundie Muslims. But as blowback from our years of occupation in the middle east going back as far as installing the shah of Iran who ruled them with an iron fist from 1954 til 1979. 24 years under our guy there. No peace. No civil rights no education for women. Stealing all of the wealth from the state. Rant over.

      Sorry if bunch of typos here. Using iPhone due to tech probs. Too many Sarah photos corrupted my hard drive, I'll bet. I'd shit if tech tells me that tomorrow---sir, you have a Sarah problem... Yeah? Not nearly as bad as her husband. Nite.

    4. Anonymous10:41 PM

      Well said and so true!

    5. Anonymous10:49 PM

      ShesToast9:15 PM,
      No one put a "label" on anybody. All I wrote was based on all news I read said the same thing the film was funded by 100 Jews.

      "A person calling himself Sam Bacile told reporters over the phone from an undisclosed location today that he made the film for $5 million, which he raised from 100 Jewish donors."

  13. Started crying.

    Mixing religion and politics--any religion--always leads to suffering?

  14. Anonymous7:29 PM

    But this something that the radical right, the Ted Nugents, the Hank Williams Jr's., the Sarah Palins cannot distinguish. They cannot separate these factions. This is red meat to these meatheads..and they will try in the upcoming days to make political hay out of it, but today's performance by their candidate, Mittens Rmoney, should quiet most of it. What a pathetic bunch of losers..

    1. I'm trying to convince myself of this, so let me know if this makes sense. The election will be win in the middle. The attacks from the far right will push moderates to the middle toward the swing voters who are not partisan. I have never been this partisan but it's a direct response to the nonsense from the baggers. They're killing the GOP which I don't consider a good thing. But all of those "RINOS" that the far rt aware saying have to go, that's prob what I was close to in some ways liberal on social issues, moderate-conservative on fiscal, a dove on Foreign policy. Anyway, they cross over enough to make it attractive. Hillary would've drawn a few more whites and some establishment R's who were war hawksbut not RWfundies. Remember Rimney needs 61% and some luck. I'd be absolutely tickled pink for POB to come in with 45% of white male vote. 50% and I'm talking backflips. Even eh it's a done deal, we gotta get folks out to the polls. High turnout helps everything.

    2. Anonymous9:47 PM

      You, Griff, know so little of Islam that you say this. Of course they were Muslim. Would you just read a few books? The Koran would be a start. I expect you ban me from commenting now but seriously... some of the cliches have got to go. Muslims are not smufs. they do shit like yell "Allah some shit" while they shoot a rape victim in the head for not marrying her attacker. Could you quit smurfing those assholes?

  15. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Holy Crap!!

    I happened to come into a room where someone is watching CNN (gag).

    Romney's Foreign Policy Advisor is speaking on Erin Burnett's show.

    You would never guess in a thousand guesses who this Foreign Policy Advisor is----------make sure you're sitting down-------put all drinks down before your scroll-----------

    NORM COLEMAN!!! Holy Crappola!!! What a fucking joke.

    Coleman -- the buffoon who lost to Al Franken.
    The buffoon who tied up his lost election in court for months.
    The buffoon who had to borrow money to buy clothing, etc.
    Guess Romney's 'padding' him some!!!

    This buffoon couldn't get himself out of a wet paper bag and to be advising of 'Foreign Policy'.

    Have to post and run. I'm gonna pee my pants I'm laughing so hard!!!

  16. Anonymous7:47 PM

    I hope this means the end of Romney. When a Faux News poll shows PBO ahead, I think he is done. And it couldn't happen to a nicer incompetent, entitled asshole.

    1. Anonymous10:33 PM

      What was really funny is that LOD showed a clip of Rush saying these polls were a liberal conspiracy and a form of voter suppression. And LOD said how was he going to explain the FOX polls where Obama is leading...hahaha!

  17. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Ari Fliescher, who appears on CNN all the time, was on again tonight defending Mitty.

    Remember too -- Ari is the one that interviewed Karen Handel for the job at Komen.

    He's a BushTurd to put it nicely.

  18. Thank you for posting these...I am amazed that they are trying so hard to communicate with us. That is so incredibly we ever do the same?

    There are tears here that speak of friendship to Libya as well. I wish they could know how much those letters mean.

  19. Anonymous8:53 PM

    O/T It just occured to me that after today's very sad news and Romney's clusterfuck of a response, the Republicans are not going to want Romney seen or heard from at their 2016 convention. When will Hannity, Palin, Coulter, Bill O and the rest realize they have killed the Republican Party?

  20. Anonymous9:12 PM

    I so feel for the people in these photos. I am always apologizing for the American Taliban when abroad. If the typical American travelled more the world would be a hell of a lot less frightening. For all of us.

  21. Anonymous10:20 PM

    You know what's cool? Every sign I saw was spelled correctly and written clearly. Take that, Tea Thugs of America.

    1. Leland1:40 AM

      10:20? This is not to - in any way - denigrate the intent of the messages, but the very first picture is a message that doesn't even come close to being properly spelled.

      Yes, all the others are apparently very well done, but to me it is the first one which seems more heartfelt because it is obviously done by someone quite unfamiliar with all the intricacies of the English language and was trying anyway to express his pain.

  22. Anita Winecooler10:21 PM

    It seems there's no end to the kindness and evil in all peoples. The good far outnumber the bad, they just don't get the same press coverage.

  23. Sharon10:23 PM

    After listening to the many reports coming in today...esp Richard Engel on Rachel's show, this really seems to be a calculated terrorist attack rather than the random violence in Egypt. Thank you for posting these pictures, you can only imagine how heart wrenching it is for the Libyan people that actually knew how much Chris Stevens meant to their strive for freedom. The world is watching knowing how ridiculous our election season is progressing with Robme constantly putting his foot in his mouth. The world needs Obama as much as we do, such a terrible burden on one man's shoulders.

  24. Anonymous10:50 PM

    My first thought on this incident, was how great it would be if someone could come up with a new form of energy that made oil obsolete. That would mean these Muslim countries would dry up and blow away.

    Aren't you glad I'm not running for President?

    I lack any diplomatic skills whatsoever, and jump to conclusions like a total fool...ready to spout off my hairbrained ideas, at the drop of a hat, oblivious to the dire circumstances that could come from it.

    Sort of like Mitt Romney, right?

  25. Anonymous10:54 PM

    wow..thank you!!

  26. Anonymous11:18 PM

    This is a great segment with Lawrence. Give particular interest to Joy Reed, she really capsulizes Mitt vs Barack in a crystal clear way.

  27. Anonymous12:37 AM

    'Most Craven And Ill-Advised Move'... 'Not Worthy Of A President'... 'Bungle... Utter Disaster... Not Presidential... Lehman Moment'... 'Over The Top... Desperate'... 'Awesomely Awful'... 'Glaring Foolishness... Disgraceful'

  28. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Republicans always bitch and moan that there are no moderate Muslims after these attacks......there they are you fools!

  29. Anonymous7:40 AM

    There would be no religious fervor if it didn't supersede rational thinking. That is the very definition of religious fervor. I'm against the big three in general, but one thing that should be recognized if we want to be reasonable at all is that violence is written into Islam. Jesus never called for the killing of people who didn't believe in his proclamations. Mohammed very literally did. He himself led military excursions to "convert" people. Republicans are a bunch of idiots who condone violence by Christians to be sure, but at least the violence was not directly sanctioned by Jesus. I'll agree with Republicans on one count: Islam is a nasty disease, but I'd have to add their brand of Christianity to the nasty list as well.

  30. Anonymous8:35 AM

    I watched the news in Anchorage last night (I'm writing this on Thursday) - Channel 2 - 6 PM and Maria Downing said the 'Muslims' were the ones that killed our Ambassador. Huge error!!! You cannot trust anything about the news!

    1. Anonymous9:36 PM

      Yeah, it's probably an error. But defending Islam is a moral error. Since I am a real liberal I will defend the world from the creeps of Islam. Try it. Sarah Palin and her like are a Christian cancer because the Bible (as they see it gives them license) but the Koran is a very violent tome. Islam calls for the slaughter of all unbelievers. It's in Mohamed's word and we have the history in writing. Read a damned book. I hate Sarah, but if you think this pro-Islam thing is intelligent, you're an ass.


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