Monday, September 24, 2012

Mitt Romney, he'll "Trip a Bitch" to win a foot race, even if it is his own daughter-in-law. Just imagine what he might do to win the Presidency!

That's Craig Romney's wife Mary on the far left.
This story comes courtesy of the Atlantic Wire from way back in January of this year. Still quite relevant however: 

It's been clear for a while that Romney is not the kind of guy you want to play touch football with. In two debates, Romney bragged about forcing Ted Kennedy to take out a second mortgage when he ran against him for Senate in 1994. Romney lost, but hey, at least he caused Kennedy a little pain. His killer instinct extends beyond politics. Before the Iowa caucuses, he called his son Craig on stage to tell the delightful story about the time at the Romney family triathlon (yes!) Romney and his daughter-in-law -- who had given birth to his grandchild a couple months before -- were the last two left in the race. Romney couldn't let his son's wife be only the second-worst athlete. 

CRAIG ROMNEY: ...And it was down to my wife and my dad over here. 

ROMNEY: I tripped her. 

CRAIG ROMNEY: And it was kind of in the home stretch in the run there. And she had a slight lead on him. And he said that in that moment, he decided he was going to win that race or he was going to die trying. And you see this fight to the finish, and he went for this -- he gave it everything he had. He gave it a good kick and he beat her in the end. And he did almost die trying, by the way. 

He passed out in a lawn chair and we didn't see him the rest of the day. He barely made lot of life. But it's that type of hard work, it's that type of determination, I think, that we need in the White House.

Just to be clear, Romney's son says that what the American people need in the White House is a man who would trip a new mother in order to not be the loser of a family footrace.

Okay apparently there is no bottom to how much you can dislike this man.

(H/T to the Daily Kos.)


  1. angela2:37 AM

    Those are some twisted family dynamics the Romney's have going on there.
    Didn't his sons also tell the story about the dog on the roof? The sad part is they don't even realize that their father is a sick puppy. They are so used to him being twisted that they think all the the aberrant behavior makes Mittens fierce instead of supremely flawed.

    I wonder what their own households are like?

    1. Hmmmmm. Is sociopathy generational?

  2. I'm confused. How could he trip her and run at the same time? I think he said he tripped her for a cheap laugh.

    1. Not What You Want to Hear4:18 AM

      I thought it was likely he was just making a joking quip, too.

      That said, it's still a dumb story to use as an example of how hard he'll work in the White House.

    2. Anonymous4:52 AM

      No one's laughing, if this is his idea of humor.

    3. Anonymous5:23 AM

      That confused me too. When I have more time, I will see if I can find another reference to the triathlon episode. However, just saying he tripped her is mean spirited.

    4. Anonymous6:07 AM

      She was most likely ahead of him and he pushed her in the back, tripping her up. I don't think he put his own foot out and literally tripped her, it was just a result of his stupidity. She could have been seriously hurt of she had fallen the wrong way.
      What a fucking asshole. He's more of a narcissistic sociopath than George W Bush is.

    5. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Nope, I believe he did it and he and his horrible son think its not only funny, but somehow makes Mitt a better candidate for president.

    6. Anonymous8:18 AM

      No, it can be done if she was just slightly ahead. He could have easily done a little hop while he extended the leg closest to her and caught it on her air borne 'back' leg as she drew it back. I'm not sure why you think it's impossible when tripping happens everyday in amateur foot races. I'm confused as to where you and everyone that agrees are even coming from? I suppose foot races don't happen much in the states? In Aus, we had them several times per week in primary school.
      What I want to know is what sort of surface this was on. That makes a huge difference, but presumably the softest landing possible would be grass, but such a fall onto grass would absolutely be painful, likely cause some grazes on the hands and arms, and if she had any previous injuries such a fall could trigger a new wave of symptoms. As someone with pain issues, such a thoughtless move makes me livid with anger towards him.
      If the surface was rougher, the woman could have broken a tooth, would've been covered in painful grazes and any injury would be worsened. To do this is to lack conscience, it's only for bratty kids at school with no athletic talent! It is so un-gentlemanly and un-chivalrous to the point of disgust. Just when you think you cannot like him less!

  3. Anonymous3:30 AM

    Not only is there something really wrong with Mitt Romney but his sons seem to be quite strange as well. And, then of course, there is his wife.

  4. Apparently, it never occurred to him that he might actually have injured her. Or if it occurred to him, she didn't matter. The sheer breathtaking callousness of this floors me.

    1. Anonymous8:30 AM

      As someone with chronic pain as a result of injury caused by another person (not intentionally) this makes me SICK with anger! He could have sent her on a track for lifelong issues from such a big fall. At that stage she was probably a bit out of shape and over her usual weight which compounds the danger of the fall. It is so EASY to trigger lifelong pain from small things, so to actually go out of his WAY to put her in danger is disgraceful! He should be ashamed, but he never will be. He will never look back at this campaign and see, with remorse, how poor his behaviour was and how it is understandable he lost. He will always look back and boast that we were jealous, that only lazy idiots disliked him, that he would have won in a landslide had he only been a minority member, had the people been as wonderful and amazing and 'self made' as good old Mitt. After all, thean should have just been pleased that they were so lucky to have him as leader! Answers to questions, or the lack of them rather, shouldn't matter because we should all be grateful he is 'lowering himself' to lead them. And that makes me so angry. What an ego. What a poor excuse for a man. And what a wife! Such a couple...they must be so despised!

  5. Sally in MI3:41 AM

    Yeah, that kind of competitiveness is JUST what the world needs in the WH. Iran MIGHT be building a NUKE? Why, don; fond out for sure, just start dropping bombs becaue Bibi is scared. Russia MIGHT not want us to build a nuke shield? Spend three more billion and build it higher. Democrats against one of your brilliant ideas? Spread rumors and start investigations into their 'patriotism.' Heck, make them all sign loyalty pledges, and het some Koch money to make sure they can't win their next race for Senate.
    And then, when he's done wiping out perceived enemies at home and avroad, he can go hide out in the Caymans for a month and leave Lyin' Ryan in charge. The other determined one. Determined to bring down America. To ensure the rich are never taxed, but the rest of us pay for the GOP wars, THEIR heathcare and salaries, and THEIR cushy retirements. Ann may have never had a job (and thus, no SS credits, so who is paying for HER retirement???) but RYan has never had a job OFF the public dole except for Osacar Mayer one summer. Nice. His wife is a former lobbyist and he has never lived off a government salary and benefits. And we all know Romney's poor me story. I'd saw neither of these SOBs is qualified to lead us anywhere but to the poor house, which I'm sure will be reinstated as soon as they get the orphanages built.

  6. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Theres's another interview in which one of the Romney sons describes big family dinners- they're buffet style and Mittens HAS to be 1st in line because he doesn't want to be stuck behind all of the grandkids, so that by the time the rest of the family has their food and is settled down to eat Mittens is already done and gone. Selfish dick. No, there really is no bottom to how much you can dislike this man.

    1. Anonymous4:14 AM

      Did his mother never tell him to wait until everyone was served and seated before starting to eat his own meal?

    2. Anonymous4:19 AM

      First, he did it to a woman. He couldn't stand to be last, especially because a woman would have beaten him. Imagine what he really thinks about that woman, or any woman.

      Second, "he wasn't seen for the rest of the day"? What kind of happy family occasion ends up with Grandpa disappearing? Wouldn't it have been more fun for less competition and more sitting around, talking and sharing?

      Finally, the physician's report, just released, about his superb health would belie this story. A sixty-something man who can't keep up in a foot race?

      Or who couldn't laugh and congratulate his daughter-in-law for coming out ahead of him?

      Just beyond belief.

    3. Anonymous6:09 AM

      No one in his family likes him very much. Seriously he is like the rich, old codger that everyone in the family kisses up to so they can continue to live off his money. See how he keeps his kids' trust in HIS name? He pays the taxes on it, which means he is the one who still owns it. They all have to kiss his ass to get the cash to support their various and sundry rich lifestyles.

    4. Anonymous10:04 AM

      This is in keeping with his Mormon upbringing. The eldest man ALWAYS goes first..followed by other men, then male children, then last of all the women and female children.

  7. Beldar J. Conehead4:08 AM

    Let me see if I have this right: Teachers hate him. Dog owners hate him. Progressives hate him. Daughters-in-law don't hate him, but really just can't stand him. Workers who have been bained hate him. People with one or more vaginii hate him. People without any of their own vaginii but who love people who have them hate him. People who dislike hypocrisy, political pandering, birtherism and extreme conservatism hate him. Forty-seven percent of America hates him. And I hate him. Ok, hate's a strong word. Yes. It is.

    But, Gryphen, to suggest there is no limit to how much we dislike Mittens is absolutely untrue and you know it! Of course, there's a limit. We're just nowhere near reaching it...

    1. Beldar, this person with one or more vaginii hates Mitt the Shitt- but I loves me some Beldar J.

      True story: the autocorrect on my iPad tries to change "Beldar" to "Belfast". Obviously Apple has a Conehead bias.

  8. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Carolyn Jessop, one of the 11 wives of a Mormon big-shot, has written two books about her life. I recommend them (they're on Amazon or check your public library) for an eye-opening look at the psychology behind Mormonism; the men do indeed believe they are the absolute, positive rulers of their families. Her husband would routinely starve the family while he and his favorite wife went out to steak dinners. Mittens tripping a post-partum woman is absolutely believable, as is his stuffing his face first.

    1. Anonymous6:10 AM

      Some more:
      Secret Ceremonies
      No Man Knows My History
      One Nation Under Gods (this one will scare the hair off your head).

  9. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Hmm, makes you wonder if he'd the "anything" like cause a crisis in order to politicize it. We still don't know who financed the film that started a fire in the ME.

  10. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Sociopath. Period.

  11. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Who would Jesus trip to not come in last place in a triathlon?

  12. Anonymous4:51 AM

    What would have happened to one of the Olympic athletes if he tripped a competitor?
    No more blowing his horn about is Olympics, since he doesn't play by Olympic rules, and seems not to care about fair competition.

  13. This is pretty much like the Palin family's fondness for face-in-cake birthday parties. What is wrong with those people?

  14. It's impossible for me to think less of the Romneys at this point. He's going to lose this election. It's just a matter of how many people will truly detest the entire family after November 6th.

    Sarah Palin will hate him because she didn't get to speak at the convention. The GOP establishment will hate him because he was such a bad candidate and pulled them down. The Billionaires will hate him because he pissed away $1.8 Billion of their loose change. The TeaBaggers will hate him because they hate everybody. The Dominionist Fundie crowd will hate him because he's a Mormon. 47% will hate him because he's an asshole.

    But Mitt will be content with his money and his car elevator. And Ann will have her two Cadillacs.

    I can't say that I hate them, but I do find both of them both very easy to dislike. I'm looking forward to not having to see them on the news every day.

    1. Not Bristolz...
      Nicely put! They are definitely "easy to dislike". But remember, as Queen Ann says "stop it! It's hard."

      What would she do if she had to face what Mrs. Obama has faced?...with dignity and poise.

    2. If it was a joke, fine, Mitt and sons need to stop talking and telling these jokes. They're not funny! Didn't the 5 boys go on one of the late night shows and talk about how Dad used to push their faces in things (like butter). They probably don't realize it, but this nasty streak is not normal or endearing.

      Romney family, here's a tip for all of you-Shush!

  15. Anonymous5:05 AM

    So, the Romney family has a triathlon and Mittens is a finalist? What about his five big, strapping manly sons? They couldn't beat the old man, or maybe were just afraid to?

    1. Anonymous5:43 AM

      I don't think they are allowed to.

    2. Anonymous6:12 AM

      Bingo beagelmom. They have to kiss his ass to keep getting the cash.

  16. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Romney does not play nor win fair by the rules. I get the impession Mitt is cunning to bring down a more competent or stronger opponent.

    On Morning Joe today it was repeated that an insider of campaign Romney said the Libya press conference hurt him more than the 47% remarks. I thought Romney is so focused on slamming PBO that they did not and do not think how stupid and incompetent Mitt sounds. Does the candidate have no self awareness?

    Conclusion: Mitt's presidential election campaign is conducted on the same level as beating his dil in a race. When his lips move he lies. He is embarassing his party.

  17. Anonymous5:45 AM

    It's callous and outrageous that a grandfather would 'trip' his daughter-in-law and risk causing her to hurt her just for a stupid family race, and she(with a newborn at home). But, remember the Romneys have no worries; no matter what happens, they have servants, nannies. Tripping and falling for a Romney DIL is like a gem; it's a great story she can tell (with her foot in a cast) to her elite best friends at the country club.

    The Romneys seem like people who love to tell stories about their high-jinks and thoughtless pranks, thinking it endears us people to them. "We" people wouldn't dare take any chance to injure ourselves knowing it would turn our home life and finances upside down. Nothing to laugh about. I knew of a middle aged man who cleared his roof from snow, fell off, broke both arms, and has only his wife (suffering from debilitating lupus) to care for
    him. She herself lived with a lot of pain and family members and friends who also worked would come and do what they could to help. But it wasn't a happy time for them.

    I find Romney maladjusted and has a cruel streak.

    It's always a win-win for this family.

  18. Anonymous7:40 AM

    And THIS is the man Queen Anne believes we should cherish as America's savior? She's nothing but an opportunistic and entitled BUZZARD and Mitt is a putz. It cannot be true that he actually tripped this young woman, can it? Or that he cuts the line so that he doesn't get held up behind his annoying grandkids? Or that he believes that if Anne the Buzzard is a VERY good wife, she will get to occupy Mormon Paradise with Mitt a/k/a Prince Charming until the end of time. Or that he would tie a supposedly beloved Irish Setter to the roof of his station wagon- in a crate- in sweltering hot weather. Or that he would bully a classmate and then say he doesn't remember the incident. Or that the only thing is is really, really good at is making his net worth grow and lying about it ecvery step of the way. WHAT A GUY!

  19. Anonymous9:06 AM

    He is a despicable shit, and a moron for asking his son to tell the story, but he didn't trip the woman.

    There is enough to hate Romney for without making up silly stuff.

    1. Paul - Minnesota12:10 PM

      Sigh. Only Mitt and his sons would think something like this is funny enough to tell as a joke.

      I think it's true. Mitt brags a lot. I'm thinking it did happen. That it wasn't a joke.

    2. AKinPA1:29 PM

      I agree he was probably joking. If any one else said it, I'd still cringe. It's not funny. But that Romney and his son think that it's not only funny but a great example of his competitiveness just boggles my mind. The rich really are different from you and me.

      Now if the President's brother-in-law repeated a similar story about the President, the GOP would have him impeached for assault and battery.

      I never thought I could ever dislike a politician more than I do Palin, but Romney is a very close second. By November 6, he might make it to first place in my book.

  20. Anonymous9:52 AM

    So Romney not only abuses DOGS, but women as well. I wonder when he stopped beating Ann. He's a true scumbag and so is anyone who supports or votes for him.

  21. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Mitt is good at hiding his MENTAL illness. He is not mentally fit to be our President. Anyone who thinks so is also brain damaged.

  22. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Tagg Romney: All you lazy people leave my father alone!

    From Vanity Fair February 2012 "The Meaning of Mitt."

    "Lacking an easy rapport with voters, he would come across as aloof, even off-putting. “A lot of it is he is patrician. He just is. He has lived a charmed life,” said one former aide. “It is a big challenge that he has, connecting to folks who haven’t swum in the same rarefied waters that he has.” His growing wealth, the deeper he got into his career, only widened the disconnect. Even as he began shouldering more responsibility at work, Romney would assume several leadership positions in the Mormon Church. But he could handle it. “Mitt,” said Kem Gardner, a fellow church official from this period, “just had the capacity to keep all the balls up in the air.” Or, as Tagg put it, “Compared to my dad, everyone’s lazy.”"

  23. Paul - Minnesota12:06 PM

    What a Maroon. Thanks Mitt. The more I know about you, I wouldn't trust anyone who's Mormon. Such great values. Baptizing the dead. Cheating. Lying. Doing anything to get ahead.

    Yuck. He's evil. And as Mormons haven't said anything bad about him, they're evil too.

    Oops, I take that back. This man tried to say something, yet the Mormon hierarchy and establishment don't like anyone saying anything bad about Mitt. So most Mormons approve of Mitt's evil nature and character:

    After writing negative articles about Mitt Romney, one Mormon blogger says he faces discipline and possible excommunication by church officials.


    David Twede, the managing editor of, says church leaders chastised him at Florida Mormon church offices and interrogated him for nearly an hour about his writings, telling him, "Cease and desist, Brother Twede." During the interrogation, Twede felt "attacked, cornered, and very anxious."

  24. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Why would they think this is a good story to tell? If it were said tongue-in-cheek, or if he playfully tripped his daughter-in-law it might be a cute story. But to claim strength of character because he refused to loose a foot race to a family member is really reaching. What's wrong with these people?


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