Monday, September 24, 2012

New Rules from last Friday.

Episode 260 by BillMaher1956 Maher covers everything from the idea that Jesus might have been married, to Kate Middleton's breasts, to the ridiculous idea that any of us should care what the undecideds finally decide in this next election.

Remember this IS HBO so if you are easily offended....well if you are easily offended how in the hell did you end up here?


  1. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Palin is in the audience with Tripp. When the camera shot was on him, he was whincing and holding his ears.

    Clearly not old enough to be in the audience. But then, both Palins will like that in that Brisket will get the 'oh he's cute' and Scarah get the audience attention.

    Typical -- Media Whores

  2. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Brisket's parenting, I mean lack thereof is showing.

    Tripp in the audience is fidgety, holding his ears and I wouldn't be surprised to see him try to run up to her when she comes out and dances.

  3. Anita Winecooler7:19 PM

    He's so right about the undecided voters, And Kim Kardashian's "Trickle Down" definition - funny stuff! I haven't seen Chris Matthews laugh so hard in a long time!

  4. Anonymous11:26 PM

    I keep my television as Palin-free as possible. She only appears as an odd reference on The Daily Show or one of the MSNBC evening shows.

    Her voice is grating, her cadence is bizarre and her "ideas"... did she dig them out of the ground along with accompanying seer stones?

    Still, I enjoy the occasional laugh about her and other RWNJs, so I check out this blog from time to time.

    You either have to laugh at them, or cry... I'd rather laugh.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.