Thursday, September 27, 2012

Okay, seriously?

Is it just me or does anybody else think that this pastor may not entirely understand the concept of "freedom?"


  1. This sign is accurate except the pastor left out the word love. Christ freed us to obey love, submit to love and serve love. Unfortunately, many Christians forget to include that critical word.

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      Many also seem to forget a lot of other things nowadays as well, humility, tolerance, objectivity, and citizenship to name a few.

  2. Sally in MI3:20 AM

    Actually, Gryph, this is where Palin;s 'servant's heart' comes from. We are to obey God, submit to His teachings, and serve the Lord. Now, the fact that Christian leaders have twisted this to mean obey THEM,submit to THEM, espceially if you are a young Catholic boy, or a fundie wife, and serve man, not God, makes your point. But originally, this was about God, not man. You hear Sarah bastardize this when she pretends that she believes God is in control, that she 'serves' Him, and that she obeys God's will for her, as if His will is that she pimp out her kids and become rich and famous. Or the fundie view that women are to be obedient because St. Paul said that, not Jesus, and the man who oversaw the translation thought keeping women obedient was a fine idea. Now what we have are a bunch of people taking the verses they want 'enfroced' and ignoring the central message of equality and peace and love, and you have the current Protestant mess. Even people in the same denomination don't agree about anything.

  3. WakeUpAmerica3:58 AM

    I would say that he is unclear on the concept.

  4. Anonymous4:13 AM

    Ahhhhh Dominance and submission, two of the finest Christian traits. I can see the whole congregation wearing leather and sporting handcuffs and whips.

    1. Oooooooooooo!

    2. Anonymous5:59 PM

      And trying to hasten the Second Coming! (ooh, that's bad!)


  5. Anonymous5:01 AM

    I wonder if the reverend's wife was a little late with his dinner.

  6. P.J. O’Rourke wisely observed, "making fun of born-again Christians is a little like hunting dairy cows with a high-powered rifle and scope," so I'll only note the irony that the sign captures essential elements.....of Islam.

    I wouldn't, however, deride Einstein's views because they were being promoted by someone who failed high school algebra and geometry. The hand that holds the book is not the book.

  7. Paul - Minnesota6:52 AM

    No wonder so many Christnutters want to police my life and most other people's lives.

    Some Christians are miserable for and because of Jesus and God. Some Christians don't like when everyone else are not as subservient nor as miserable.

    I also am one to respect some authority, yet reject other pretend authority.

    I'm not into a not proven to be real, religious sky fairy, male Daddy Dom Master. Especially one who is an awful role model. Angry, hateful, arrogant, anyway, I think the world would have been better if any Gods didn't exist in people minds. Also if the Abrahamic religions had remained just some minor cults in the Middle East.

    I'd be okay with other people's kink, religion, if they weren't forcing it on me. If they want to worship under a instrument of torture (a cross) that's their business. Yet the idea or reality doesn't appeal to me.

    Also, they weren't such fake victims about themselves. Including altering history to fit into their narrative. The founding fathers were all Christians bull droppings they invent to subjugate other people. Same with justifying putting other people down by what's in a book that isn't literal, yet has been modified for centuries to fit their narrative of oppression or personal gain.

  8. Gryph... What people need to understand is that this kind of message is displayed at least three times PER BLOCK in every minuscule bump in a highway to metropolis across the South in the American landscape. This is part of the central neo-nut indoctrination that consumes MILLIONS of brains a year and will hold some sway in this countries Wal-Mart driven life style for generations...

    This sign is TAME compared to some I've seen just recently..

  9. Leland9:20 AM

    Ever read "God is Not Great"? One of the most salient points made in it is that in two thousand years literally thousands of people (if not hundreds of thousands) - most of whom could neither read nor write - were busy copying the Bible or the letters and such upon which it is based.

    In Roman times, for instance, the "free" people who had households and slaves depended upon at least one slave who was educated as a scribe or its equivalent. Yet as far as we know, it was the slave OWNERS who (honestly for the most part, I'll admit) tried to copy the letters that were sent around from the apostles.

    Since the type of writing that existed in those days could easily screw up a meaning with one tiny extra stroke to a symbol, one couldn't even BEGIN to grasp how many mistranslations and misunderstandings happened.

    So when people tell me that the Bible is perfect and should be taken literally and is impossible to change, I laugh. I laugh so hard I cry. Of course, even with an explanation these fools don't understand the joke and, in fact, usually get extremely upset.

    We need to live by the five words I feel Jesus was attempting to get across to us. Namely: Love. Understanding. Compassion. Forgiveness. Tolerance.

    Even Atheists like me can - and do - live by them.

    Instead we are stuck with having to fight with idiots who interpret things only in ways that make THEM more powerful or in control of those around them.

    Like the above idiot!


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