Thursday, September 06, 2012

President Clinton's full speech at the Democratic Convention.

I LITERALLY just heard this for the first time this morning, after reading pundit raving about it. They were certainly NOT exaggerating! This is MUST SEE speech!!


  1. You didn't see it live?! It was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

    I had to be somewhere and couldn't pull myself away!

  2. The Big Dog conducted a Master Class in stating the case for Obama. Always loved the guy, even when he screwed up his personal life. Brilliant!

  3. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I have watched this video 100 times and will again, it was just awesome! Clinton BOWED to President Obama.

    1. MUCH RESPECT to Big O from the Big Dog. Glad to see that display of classiness. O deserves it.

      These two guys definitely ain't the "fold my tent and quit" type when the trail gets a little rocky. Only Bill would know personally the kind of shit that PBO has caught for the past 4 years. Maybe Hillary would too, but she was on Bill's ass a good bit, too, even when he only jogged to McDonalds from the White House for breakfast.

  4. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Check this out! Great infographic!

  5. Anonymous12:44 PM

    I like this video of the speech also, some really good audience reactions are included too.

  6. At watched at my lunch hour......I love this man, always have!

  7. WakeUpAmerica12:47 PM

    I saw it last night. He was beyond awesome. The DNC is absolutely fabulous this year. The RNC people must be insanely jealous. Even Republican pundits are saying how great it has been.

  8. Anonymous12:57 PM

    My take on the speech is this. Michelle Obama knocked it out of the ballpark. Bill caught the ball way over the center field fence, and threw it all the way home in one throw!
    It was amazing. A headline I saw proclaimed, "The Big Dog Barks!" Yes he did. And yes we can!

  9. Anonymous1:02 PM

    A massive downpour right now here in Charlotte. And the forecast is taking turn for the worst. Looks like the right weather call was made.

  10. OT, slightly:

    Former ADN editorial writer Matthew Zencey has a book coming out called, "Unlikely Liberal: Sarah Palin's Curious Record as Alaska's Governor," , as well as an article at HuffPo entitled "Sarah Palin and the Eastwood/Obama 'Empty Chair' ".

    The article is about her typical mean-girl comments from the safety of her Twitter account, and her own "empty chair leadership" as Alaska's Gov.

    Funny: The article at HuffPo was published yesterday at 12:27 PM, but there are only 27 comments with only 5 pending.

    How the mighty have fallen... ;-)

  11. There aren't enough good things to say about Bill Clinton. And I feel the same way about Barack Obama. Good presidents, good government, all the good things you want to like about politics. [oh yes, there are some very good things about politics].

  12. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Holy mother of god, Clinton hit this one out of the park.

  13. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Republican weather conspiracy theory disproven ... by the weather

    1. I honestly believe Michelle Malkin is Baldy's twin, separated at birth. Seriously, prove me wrong, anyone please.

      Malkin and Palin are two of the most vengeful, miserable, spiteful, "don't you dare tell me I'm wrong" mean girls that have ever shown their pout-y, ugly mugs on TV. I swear, those two queen-bee-wanna-be's are guaranteed to pitch such a prissy fit and embarrass themselves every time they're proven to be full of shit and then some.

      Between Palin’s runneth-of-the-mouth-a-thon word salad, and Missy Prissy Malkin’s pissy attitude and pithy style of popping off her hateful, smart-ass-mouth, neither of those two idiots communicates their ideas succinctly, other than the fact that their widdle feelings have been hurt because they’ve been dissed again by one of the grown-ups correcting their ever-flowing bullshit rhetoric.

      Sarah and MMalkin are both just a couple of haters. Of the truth. Facts matter.

  14. Anonymous1:45 PM

    good to see you back. it was a great speech. Clinton seems to always tell it like it is. Clinton 2016!! ;)

  15. Yep!
    Full of reason, heart, passion and FACTS that blow the lid the "factual shortcuts" the Repubs are getting away with -- till now.

    That Obama may still lose this election baffles the hell out of me. On You Tube this morning only a few had watched it and of the 3000 or so, there were mostly likes, but 62 (!) dislikes. What was there to dislike? Can you see me shaking my head in puzzlement?

    1. Some people like Sarah Palin actually hate puppies and kitties.

      Why? Damn if I know, other than they want all of the attention there is to go around. Or because the puppy or kitty's fur is black.

  16. Anonymous2:06 PM

    President Bill is pretty fantastic. I'll be calling him charm boy from now own. He knows how to turn it on and speak truth at the same time.

  17. vegaslib2:30 PM

    Between MO and BC, the GOP got FUBAR. Both speeches were brilliant and all the repubs got to respond with are school yard taunts that even a third grader would be ashamed of. How's that taste to you GOP liars?

    1. Cracklin Charlie5:44 AM

      The really bad thing here, vegaslib, is that those liars are gonna stick with the school yard taunts right up until the bitter end, even when they know it's not working.
      I know that I am asking a lot here, but Romney/Ryan have been working in the public sector a long, long time. Do they really not have ANY accomplishments that they can run a campaign on? None? There's some government waste for ya!

  18. fromthediagonal2:33 PM

    What a takedown of the lying liars and the policies they rode in on and refuse to talk about.
    Thank you, President Clinton!

  19. He's added a few years and a couple of pounds, but this guy's still got it. Let the Big Dog eat!

    1. Cracklin Charlie5:38 AM

      Big Dog was hungry Wednesday night.

      Little Dog (Elizabeth Warren) was great, too! that's my new name for her. Good speaker!

  20. Anonymous2:36 PM


  21. Anonymous2:59 PM

    This is for you, Slick Willie.

  22. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Bill Clinton at his best. I did not realize how long he spoke until he was done. :) No wonder the GOP hated him so much.

  23. Anonymous3:51 PM

    BUBBA was awesome!

  24. Anonymous4:18 PM

    I was spell-bound for the entire speech. I felt like I had a unique opportunity to learn something from a very smart man. And I did!

  25. I think everyone who watched that speech was grateful that someone finally called out the GOP for the liars and haters that they have become.
    Great speech, fantastic delivery!!

  26. Anita Winecooler7:11 PM

    I hate to say this, knowing you don't have access and are dealing with the storm, but this speech, as amazing as it is, pales in comparison to the last night of the convention.

    I don't want to spoil anything , but lets just say, this is epic!

    Obama, Biden 2012!

    The Best Is Yet To Be!
    Yes, we can!
    Yes, we will, again!

    1. Cracklin Charlie5:36 AM

      I don't know about paling in comparison, Anita. I think that's more of matter of just highlighting different styles of speaking. And when watching Clinton and Obama, we are watching two absolute masters of the art of public speaking.

      Clinton, feet on the ground, explaining policy in a clear, concise manner; and Obama, all soaring rhetoric, and optimism in our country's future, and what it will take to get there. That was a tag team match made in heaven.

  27. lostinmn7:56 PM

    Say what you want about him. Bubba is smart and he can deliver the goods. That was one of the most brilliant take downs I've ever seen of any half ass politicians - Mitt and Lyin Ryan - losers to the max

  28. Cracklin Charlie5:27 AM

    Did you see the speech given by my Congressman Emanuel Cleaver on Wednesday night? It was a fantastic 11 minute call to Democratic action that brought the house down!

    Glad to see you're back up, and swingin' the hammer. We missed you.


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