Friday, September 14, 2012

Really? This happened on Fox News?

Apparently Sarah Palin was not the ONLY loser from the Republican's 2008 ticket to be interviewed by Sean Hannity last night.  He also interviewed crusty old bastard john McCain.

However I don't think things went as Hannity had imagined that they would go. Take a look.

Courtesy of Mediaite:

“How is it that Sean Hannity and a few others of us out here predicted with pinpoint accuracy that the Muslim Brotherhood would be in charge in Egypt?” Hannity asked the senator. “Their first task when they took over the Parliament was to declare Israel, our closest ally, their enemy.” 

“How is it that the administration with all their intelligence and the CIA — how is it that they didn’t see this coming?” he asked McCain of both Egypt and Libya, before disputing the notion that the Libyans had a free election: “They kept telling the American people, this is democracy. I don’t view the Muslim Brotherhood as democracy. They want Sharia law implemented now.” 

“That’s not clear that that’s true,” McCain responded before accusing Fox of repeating a false claim about the Libyan elections: 

"It was you and people on Fox that said in Libya, “We didn’t know who they were and let’s not help these people.” They had an election and they elected moderates. They rejected Islamists. And yes, there are al-Qaeda factors and there are extremists in Libya today, but the Libyan people are friends of ours, and they support us, and they support democracy. So you were wrong about Libya."

“I don’t think I was wrong about Libya at all,” Hannity shot back. 

“I know you were,” McCain responded. “They had a free and fair election, and a democratic non-Islamic government was elected. So you were wrong.” 

“I was not,” Hannity said. “They didn’t think the Muslim Brotherhood would take over? This is a known terror organization. We say we are fighting a war on terror but we are apologizing, our government, to Egypt after they raid our embassy and rip our flag down?” 

“Frankly, Senator, I would think you are with me on this,” the conservative host added. 

“I am not taking the side of the administration,” McCain pushed back. “I am saying that the largest nation in the Arab world is something we have to carefully calibrate our actions with.”

You know what I am so stunned that I literally do not have anything smart ass to say about this.

I don't EVER get the chance to say this anymore, but good for your Senator McCain!

Now while we have you in a combative mood, could you tell us what you REALLY think of that crazy lady you plucked out of the wilds of Wasilla? Come on! We know you want to! 

P.S. By he way, whether he wanted to or not, McCain WAS essentially "taking the side of the administration." Simply because he was telling the truth.


  1. Anonymous1:11 PM

    McCain will take the side of the crazies most of the time but every now and then he just can't ring himself to do that.

    O/T Christians want your money for charity, how many Christians would fund the 'Innocence Of Muslims' video that is sparking violence in the Mideast?

    'Innocence Of Muslims' Shot On Hollywood Set, Film Permit Connected To Christian Charity

    1. Pam Geller is involved in promoting this movie.

      That tells me all I need to know about its commitment to truth and fairness. Geller is a worse shill for anti-Muslim influences than Michele Bachmann. And honestly, that's aboout as bad as it gets.

  2. Kimosabe1:13 PM

    McCain also gave an eloquent statement about the death of Ambassador Stevens on the senate floor. LOD featured it on his show 2 days ago. I give mcCain credit for his actions in this case.

    1. Smirnonn4:35 PM

      Still does not make up for foisting the paylump on the nation.

  3. Anonymous1:15 PM

    sure looked to me like they cut him off mid sentence? because he was not agreeing.

    bill in belize

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      My thoughts, too. Hannity expected to receive the same rah-rah support of his rantings that he gets from Palin, and instead, McCain was actually trying to state facts and was refusing to get on Hannity's Fan the Flames of Hate Wagon so they dumped him.

      It will be a long time before McCain will be asked on Hannity's show again. Not enough ass-kissing to Hannity's liking.

  4. Sweet. Hannity tries to accuse everybody who disagrees with him and Fox a supporter of the administration, like the President is ALWAYS wrong.

    Fox has zero credibility except for playing partisan politics and lying every time the truth does not favor their political line.

    McCain bitch-slapped Hannity and the producer couldn't have him cut McCain off fast enough.

    Man, that was sweet!

  5. Anonymous1:26 PM

    IMO it takes a sick person to seize an international crisis and use it to terrorize our citizens, inflame hatred with misinformation manipulating thoughts of violence.

    What is most disturbing is wtf is wrong with Romney and his campaign to go lower than Palin did considering McCain Palin lost.

    It appears the Repubs have decided to destroy our government with PBO so everyone loses. This is dangerous.

    At the CNN site I read unbelieveable things people believe. Romney us more unfit than Palin. The Romney team is bent in destruction demonstrated through
    this Middle east crisis.

    1. Anonymous7:44 PM

      I agree! This so sick and twisted, there are evil forces behind all of this.

  6. jcinco1:27 PM

    lol, as I commented at mediaite, I'm surprised sarah didn't pop her head out from under seany's desk and chastise the senator for disagreeing with her studmuffin...

  7. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Republicans may not agree among themselves on everything but they will love the results when the headlines read like this.
    'Obama's Middle East Policy Is in Ruins'

  8. Anonymous1:30 PM

    About time McCain "grew a pair" and spoke the truth.

  9. Anonymous1:31 PM

    W00T, go get 'em McCain! My goodness, since Sept. 2008 when he picked Palin I have hated the guy. I considered his choice treasonous. But, he's got some good in him after all.

    McCain pushed back. “I am saying that the largest nation in the Arab world is something we have to carefully calibrate our actions with.”

    Hannity you are pwned.

  10. Anonymous1:32 PM

    From the text of this "conversation", it appears the Fox Fool was talking about Egypt, while Sen. McCain was talking about Libya.
    "Whuuut we have heah, sonnn, is a failurhh ta com-municate!"

    1. Anonymous2:29 PM

      No they weren't failing to communicate and they understood each other perfectly, which is why McCain was so disgusted with Hannity.

      Hannity had been opposed to the Obama administration's support of the Libyan rebels (because of course, just like Palin, Hannity opposes anything and everything Obama, even when it's the exact same thing Bush did or would do), and so Hannity is loath to admit now that once Libya was rid of Gaddafi, it democratically elected a moderate government - you know the kind that neocons are always using as an excuse to unleash more wars in the Middle East.

      IOW, the Obama administration's actions were right on the money.

      So Hannity must spin double-time on this one and twist himself into a fucking pretzel to somehow make it look like Obama was still wrong.

      And McCain wasn't letting him.

  11. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Bashir just called Lego hair an adult with the mental age of 3 years old. LOL

    1. Martin is generous. I still put her at about an emotional age of 12. Which means that she should know better, but refused to grow up. But the end result is the same.

      She's an idiot.

    2. Anonymous4:37 PM

      Thanks for the information about Bashir. The only regret I have is you didn't provide a link, but I'll find it.

  12. vegaslib1:49 PM

    I love the stunned look on douchebag's face when McCain "dared" to correct him. I laughed out loud at how pissed off he got that a guest actually came on and told the truth rather than sticking their head up his butt. Better go fetch Sarah for a good ass kissing Sean.

  13. Anonymous1:51 PM

    wonder if that fuk_tard coward hannity lets that fetid skank $carah use her strap-on on him ?

  14. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Here's the take of (the author of) Jesus and Mo on current affairs:

  15. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Speaking of PBO, don't miss this treasure trove posting. The videos the Obama Campaign have put together are devastating. Especially the China one. The campaign images are awesome and the cartoons are brutal for Mitt. Obama/Biden 2012!

  16. Anonymous2:32 PM

    It’s disappointing that some politicians won’t listen to reason.

    Today is the first day of the Values Voter Summit, an annual Religious Right gathering hosted by the Family Research Council, American Family Association Action and others in Washington, D.C.

    Scheduled to speak are a number of high-ranking politicians, including U.S. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.), Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and the Republican vice presidential nominee U.S. Rep Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.).

    These powerful leaders are expected to speak at the conference despite stern warnings from an array of human rights groups.

    A coalition including the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, the National Black Justice Coalition and the National Council of La Raza have asked public officials not to attend the Values Voter Summit. The reason: because “the Family Research Council has spread demonizing lies about the LGBT community, and because one of its co-sponsors, the American Family Association, has linked homosexuality to the Holocaust.”

    In fact, the SPLC has designated the Family Research Council as a hate group. If you take a look at the “workshops” offered during the summit, it’s not hard to see why. …

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM

      The Rev. Al Sharpton just covered this event on his Politics Nation program on MSNBC. Besides the people listed above, he mentioned Michele Bachmann, Steve King, and Tony Perkins as participating.

    2. Anonymous3:10 PM

      As much as I respect the SPLC, the HRC, GLAAD, etc.,... what on earth made them think for an instant that these racist, homophobic, misogynistic, rightwing politicians don't fully approve of and totally agree with the FRC's position, and would join in the festivities do come hell or high water?! Of course, they do, and so do the idiots who vote them into office... that's why the were there. It was a waste of effort to protest it.

    3. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Anon 3:10, if you go to their web site you'll learn much more about the group, and from reading their statements in the past they rightfully deserve the designation. They are a very homophobic group that also feeds their supporters outrageously false statements about gays. If you also go to the SPLC web site you'll also learn why they gave them the designation.

    4. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Jesus Fucking Christ - OF COURSE I KNOW WHAT FRC IS AND DOES!

      You apparently totally misread my post, 4:28. Geez.

      What I am SAYING is that IT WAS A TOTALLY WASTED EFFORT for GLAAD, HRC, SPLC, etc., to ask hatemongers like Rand Paul and Eric Cantor not to attend the FRC bash. The FRC is their natural environment. Do you really think a bunch of homophobic, racist politicians is going to pay the slightest attention to a request from GLAAD or the SPLC?

      Of course they are not.

      I'm presuming that, since they really are not stupid, HRC, GLAAD, SPLC, etc., knew their request would fall on totally deaf ears. I'm guessing they went ahead with it just to shame the politicians involved, but these politicians have NO SHAME.

      They also got publicity, but IMO it wasn't good publicity, because the MSM is NEVER going to really challenge the powerful, and having a group of U.S. Senators at your function, as FRC did, indicates that you do wield power.

      The "good" groups? Not so much, and as I said, IMO they made themselves look weak by being so easily blown off.


    5. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Ooops. I left off the link for the parent comment. Here it is:

      Politicos Attend Values Voter Summit Despite Pleas From Human Rights Groups

  17. I am so disgusted by the GOP I wouldn't put it past them to help promote a terrorist attack just to try and make Obama look bad. However; when we were attacked under Bush, (who completely ignored warnings), it helped to get him re-elected. I don't trust the GOP one bit, they have proven that they will do anything to win.

    1. Anonymous4:15 PM

      What you wrote is exactly what worries me. The GOP has used and I believe will use every means available to them, lie, cheat, steal, to
      "win" the election. If they do win, it will be by devious means, and we all will be royally f'ed.

    2. Anonymous4:18 PM

      I'm convinced this whole entire event was staged..the film that came out was meant to discredit and disrupt the Obama administration. Bingo. It's happening!

    3. Anonymous8:03 PM

      I agree with all of you. I have said many times; are the republicans more dangerous in office or out? I think they should be labeled as terrorists.

  18. Anonymous2:48 PM

    A roundup of commentary from the 'heartland' and beyond. Ouch. Robme is toast.

    Romney's Foreign Policy Fumble Getting Notice in Battleground States

    “Blunder," “Reeks of Political Opportunism," “Amateur Comments," “Unpresidential”

  19. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Longish article, but full of amazing information and insight. As usual PBO knows what he's doing!

    Obama Plays Hardball and Egypt’s Morsi Folds

    The attack on the US consulate in Benghazi happened because the Libyan government is still weak, rebuilding after its revolution against Muammar Qaddafi. But there was no doubt that the new government was a friend of the US ambassador who was killed, Chris Stevens, or that it would mobilize to deal with the cells of the Ansar al-Shariah extremists that launched the attack. Pro-America demonstrations regretting the attack on the consulate have been held all over Libya.

    ...Morsi was no doubt himself offended by the trailer on Youtube of a movie villifying the Prophet Muhammad, and he was probably concerned to not be outflanked by Muslim forces to his right, the Salafi Nour Party or the Gama’ah Islamiya (formerly a terrorist organization that has given up violence). But his declining to make a firm statement in defense of the sanctity of foreign embassies annoyed the Obama administration mightily.

    In an interview with Telemundo, President Barack Obama showed his annoyance with Morsi:

    “I don’t think that we would consider them an ally, but we don’t consider them an enemy,” the president said.

    “I think that we are going to have to see how they respond to this incident,” Obama said.

    “Certainly in this situation, what we’re going to expect is that they are responsive to our insistence that our embassy is protected, our personnel is protected,” Obama said.

    ...So Obama was technically correct that Egypt is not an ally in the sense that Britain or even Turkey is. But unlike what some media outlets wrote, this statement was no gaffe. Rather, Obama was playing hardball with Morsi, trying to impress upon him that the status of ‘major non-NATO ally’ is not automatic now that the Muslim Brotherhood is in control. It will have to be re-earned, at least from Obama’s point of view. And the lack of response on the embassy attack is not consistent with ally status. Non-NATO ally status is bestowed by a stroke of the presidential pen, so Obama could take it away.

    ...Under Obama’s pressure, Morsi, in Brussels seeking European aid, finally explicitly condemned Tuesday’s attack on the US embassy in Egypt:

    “we don’t accept, condone, or approve at all for there to be attacks on embassies, consulates or people, or killing in any way.”

    “We want to cooperate with the entire world and we are cooperating now with the E.U. and the European people and with the American people and others and the U.S. administration to prevent such practices in the future. Also, we insist on the protection of persons, properties and embassies. The Egyptian people are very civilized and could not ever express their rejection of such practices with an attack on an embassy or person or consulate.”

    Some of Morsi’s sudden willingness to say all this was fueled by Obama’s pressure. In addition, Morsi revealed some of his other motives:

    ...Still, Obama has enough assets in his contest with Morsi to influence the Egypt situation– loan reduction, civilian and military aid, and the danger that a US State Department travel warning could devastate Egypt’s tourist industry, which is worth billions a year. Even Obama’s willingness to play a politics of reputation with Morsi’s Egypt seems to have had some effect. It wasn’t a ‘gaffe.’

  20. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Let’s talk about values

  21. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Chris Wallace, Gretchen Carlson Spar Over Mitt Romney's Response To Libya Attack (VIDEO)

  22. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Bashir: Show some respect, Sarah Palin

    Martin Bashir tears into Sarah Palin for saying President Obama shouldn’t push for democracy in areas of the Middle East “that do not have any civilized values.”

  23. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Romney’s Worst Gaffe Yet: $250,000 a Year is Middle Income

    ...When pressed during the interview Romney managed to disavow the study that he had just cited, and then he completely lie about his tax plan.

    His tax plan doesn’t keep rates the same for the people at the top. Romney would lower the top tax rate and immediately give the wealthiest Americans a $264,000 yearly tax cut. Under Romney’s plan, the richer you are the more you reap. Billionaires like Sheldon Adelson could get billions of dollars in tax breaks through Romney’s elimination of the estate tax and his plan to make overseas profits tax exempt.

    According to the Tax Policy Center, the math on Romney’s plan doesn’t work. In order to make the numbers add up, Romney would have to raise taxes on everyone else. At best, Romney would shift billions of dollars in yearly tax burden to the 95%, and raise taxes by eliminating deductions that benefit the middle class. It is impossible to make his plan work, unless taxes are raised on people making less than $200,000.

    Mitt Romney has no idea who the middle class really are, and he is completely lying about his tax plan. The fact that he thinks that $200,000-$250,000 a year is middle income proves that Romney lives in his own universe of wealth, and has absolutely no clue about how the vast majority of Americans really live.

    Mitt Romney isn’t just out of touch. He’s out of orbit.

  24. Anonymous4:07 PM

    A Close Listen Reveals Mitt Romney’s Religious Bigotry

    Now, when Romney opened his mouth to reporters, he knew the embassies defended the “universal right of free speech,” and that the only American offense they criticized was the movie’s “efforts to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims” and it begs the question; does he consider condemning religious bigotry an ”apology for American values?” Seriously, does Willard Romney regard religious bigotry an American value, or does he think it is un-American to condemn sleights against Muslims? It is unfortunate, but that is precisely the point Romney made, and it was either a subconscious nod to his church, or deliberate signal to neo-conservatives from the Bush administration.

    It is well-known the Mormons believed African-Americans were cursed by god until 1978, but it is not common knowledge that the Book of Mormon teaches there are only two churches; of god or of the devil. Obviously, only the Mormon cult is of god, and every other faith is “of the devil” and “whores of the Earth.” The founder of the Mormon cult, Joseph Smith wrote in his First Vision that when he asked the Lord “which of all the sects was right (for at this time it had never entered into my heart that all were wrong)and which I should join. I was answered that I must join none of them, for they were all wrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt.”

  25. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Republicans are finished,0,7920623.story

    Proof the Republicans are finished - The Wave Effect

  26. Anonymous5:05 PM

    U.S. Senators Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) and Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) on Tuesday introduced the Military Religious Freedom Act. The Wicker-Inhofe legislation explicitly outlines how the Defense of Marriage Act should be applied to the Department of Defense.

    Specifically, the bill would (1) prevent military chaplains from being forced to perform a marriage ceremony if the chaplain objects for reasons of conscience and (2) prohibit marriage or marriage-like ceremonies at military facilities that are not a union between one man and one woman.

  27. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Jon Huntsman lays it out quite well.

    There's not a single truly negative thing said about Obama in the whole interview and a boatload of negative implications about Romney.

    1. Anonymous8:23 PM

      I saw him today on some show and he said negative things about Romney and that he never talks to him BUT he is still voting for him. What the hell is wrong with him? Does he have to because he is Mormom? It was a weird interview and he made no sense to me why he would still vote for him.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:42 PM

      He can't run as a Democrat in the next election cycle, so he says he's "for" Romney, Huntsman is a very intelligent man, it's a shame the conservatives couldn't back him because a) He worked WITH Obama and b) he speaks Chinese fluently, and c) he's a :::::gasp!::::::: Mormon!

      And look who they're stuck with!

  28. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Poor Hannratty.... Since McGrampy cut off his access to his as*, and Hannratty REALLY wanted to bone McGrampy in the as* again, Hannratty got all puffy and huffy....

    What whinny, fish-bait, Alaskan Monkey Queen slobbering on, Cluster-Fox garbage piles.... Hopefully they all get thrown off a building in some middle-eastern city, left alone to wallow in oblivion...

  29. Anita Winecooler6:57 PM

    Every once in awhile, McCain actually comes across as a statesman. Yeah, it was nice to see him make sense on Sean's Show, but he's just an older flavor of Mitt, an entitled clueless one percenter.

    Anything he does can't erase the connection of his name to Sarah Palin.


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