Wednesday, September 05, 2012

You know I'm not sure that the National Review thought this cover design through very carefully.

Well that's just awkward.

(And yes the National Review is indeed a Right Wing rag.)


  1. angela2:12 AM

    Awkward, but very interesting. I wonder if the National Review has a secret democrat among them in the art department?

  2. Maybe they did think it through. They're not bothering to hide their racism and their contempt for the 99% (see Cantor's claim that Labor Day is to honor the business owners). Maybe they're not going to bother hiding their view that Stalin had the right idea when it came to keeping the rabble in line.

    1. Cantor is full of shit and probably just needs to be called on it. He's another weasel that lies when telling the truth would be much easier.

  3. Anonymous3:34 AM

    ha ha ha!!

  4. For those wondering my electricity is still out so it will take me some time to get to your comments.

    For some reason my I-Phone and Blogger are not getting along right now.

  5. For all their lame talk about President Obama being a commmie they chose a poster depicting romney and ryan as commies.

    Projection and hypocrisy are the gop.

  6. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Gryph its a perfect cover for the neocons. When you think of actual communism, people were controlled by the government while those at the top benefitted the most. Sounds very similar to today's Republican party and their party platform. So if anyone is commie, its the Republicons.

  7. That is no co-incidence. Surely the graphic artist is having a lend of them. But it is another measure of how the Republicans just can't get anything right. Honestly, you couldn't make this stuff up!

  8. Paul - Minnesota4:46 AM

    Behind the scenes, for years, people at the National Review were secretly addressing each other as comrade.

    Otherwise, duh, they plagarized and hoped no one would notice.

    Can one hope the graphics make some tea brains (them: they cannot compute) fizzle out.

  9. Balzafiar5:04 AM

    Yes, it is indeed awkward, but telling. The original shows two men who appear to be normal hardworking men. The new incarnation shows two poseurs whom we all know don't do any hard work, and notice that the artist managed to include that look of entitlement smugness on their faces.

    Maybe someone at the magazine is a closet liberal? One can only hope...

  10. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:01 AM

    Well, classic design is classic design, right? Ahem. Personally, I think a liberal illustrator was intent on pulling some legs and making a subtle statement, and none of the (possibly very young, no sense of history) editors at the NR picked it up. Just dee-licious!

  11. Anonymous7:04 AM

    i suppose the rolled up "drawings" mitt is carrying are supposed to imply that he is intimately involved in creating buildings and other as an architect rather than as a money man.

    #WhenArtIsPropaganda might be appropriate

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Are those Mitt's 1040 tax returns rolled up? Hurry, grab em and let's see where he's cheating the IRS. Don't stop on a dime there Mittens or you'll have Eddie Munster's pointed little head up your ass, like it or not.

  12. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Looks like Mitt is carrying the blueprint to destroy America, and Ryan has the Heritage Foundation version of the Konstitution and the Bible...none of which he has read.
    Hope your power is back soon!!!

  13. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Soviet art was explicitly propaganda. The very purpose of art in totalitarian societies is to advance the political agenda of the controlling party. This is totally in line with the current "conservative" movement. This sort of thing isn't only Soviet. Diego Rivera, for instance, was an artist turned propagandist, and a huge amount of the art of the WPA era also partakes in the same themes.

  14. fromthediagonal7:39 AM

    Guffaw, choke, guffaw some more!
    Damn, that amount of stupidity can only come from a Wrong Wing Rag.
    I refuse to call them "Right Wing".

    Now, if they had used Mussolini, the fascist dictator of Italy, or Generalissimo Franco, the fascist dictator of Spain who fought a war against the communists or Hitler, the fascist who deceptively named his party NationalSozialistische Partei, they would have been absolutely correct.

    Ya can't invent this stuff, and laughter may be the only remedy I have to deal with the ignorance.

    Oh, and one more thought:
    The editors have the Romney/Ryan picture correct in that they copy the old saying:
    "When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and holding the bible".
    They had the flag, the bible and the plans. What plans, you ask? Try to pry them out of Romney's greedy hold. When unfolded we will all have to reach for the hunger towel.

  15. Love it! Now if only we could get anyone in office as far left as the guys on the other cover...

  16. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Hmm, latently Communist AND homoerotic. Way to go, NR!

  17. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Yikes! I'm sorry, but all I can see here are two posing girly-boys, especially when contrasted with those other two. This is, of course, not meant as an insult (I hope we can all embrace and respect who we are) and would be fine if they weren't trying sooo hard to be something else and to force very one else to be what they want them to be. Fail, really.

  18. GrannyMe9:48 AM

    What makes you think this is an accident. The National Review haven't exactly been RMoney's biggest fans.

  19. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Un-freaking-believable: the rightwingers get caught AGAIN, lifting someone else's ideas, paying no attention to plagiarism, as a crime.

    This is as ironic as Nixon, always claiming to be the "law and order" President--only to disgrace the nation by his own actions.

  20. Earmark Ulu10:45 AM

    So let me get this straight...
    Obama is the socialist.
    and Romney is the collector of and re-enactor of communist propaganda posters?

  21. Mitt only WISHES he was THAT handsome!

    Heh heh.

    Someone on Reddit said he looks like the dad on 7th Heaven lol!

  22. Anonymous11:32 AM

    The likeness is amazing - surely cannot be an accident!

  23. AKinPA12:23 PM

    What are rolled up documents under Romney's arm supposed to symbolize? His floor plans for that garage with the elevator?

    Wrapped in flag: check
    Carrying a cross: Not quite yet but I can bet it's coming
    Nevertheless, definitely a fascist pose.

    Bill Buckley must be rolling over in his grave.

  24. hedgewytch12:24 PM

    For a group of people that are constantly screaming about history and wanting to go back to the good old days, they really have no sense of history do they?

  25. Ferry Fey12:24 PM

    That's no accident. I wonder if someone's head will roll if it goes viral? Can't find any sourcing or description of the original image, at least not in English via Tineye.

  26. Jesse, do you remember when Breitbart said IM was defunct? Reckon he was prophetic? Cuz your blog seems to be in da funk all day. Just sayin'.

  27. Anonymous1:32 PM

    How will I know what Krusty thinks is immature today if you're off-line all day long, Mr G? This is a fact. Seriously, you'll pop the power back on immediately if Krusty were to try to go down the hall and take a shower, wouldn't you? She knows that, and that's exactly why she doesn't leave her room under any circumstances. She'd never get caught up.

    You can't beat Krusty at her game. For you, this might be just a blog. But this is her life, and don't you ever forget it!

  28. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Holy shit!!!!

  29. Interesting read

  30. vegaslib2:04 PM

    This just can't be a coincidence. These two drawings are nearly identical. What a bunch of idiots.

  31. I just tried to get on to see if they've displayed "The Case for Romney" cover, and it seems like the site has crashed.

    1. It's up now,and so is the cover. You know, I had never gone there before but I've always heard that it is what passes for an actual intellectual sort of magazine. What a pile of Fox news level tripe and idiocy. And anyone that links to a moronic site like Newsmax has no credibility in my view.

  32. Anonymous3:36 PM

    beyond epic. Also, the Romney campaign sent out an email telling people to watch him tonight give his speech at the RNC.

    Free interns or freaking total idjits.


  33. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Oopsie! I swear, if they're doing this consciously, they're mad. Otherwise, I can't explain it...unless this is part of their plan to submarine Romney.
    M from MD

  34. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Has anyone told Glen Beck?

  35. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I'd rather be dead than RED.

    No, I'd rather be dead on the head like a knot on a log than red on the head like a dick on a dog.

    Oh the things I learned at cheerleader camp years ago...

  36. Anita Winecooler6:49 PM

    Life imitating Art, just a little bit of history repeating itself. Ain't gonna happen.


    Here is one "American"'s (who doesn't follow current political events too well) ahem "opinion" of the First Lady's speech in comparison to Ann Romney's speech.

    Disgusting bastard, eh?

    Obama Binden 2012!

    Send Thurston, Lovey and Eddie Muster back on the island.

  37. Anonymous7:43 PM

    I think there's a reference to the architect in Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead.

  38. Well despite promises to the contrary it appears that my Internet is still down. I can only hope it will be up again by morning.

    I am also still catching up with the news since my cable is also out.

    I understand that Bill Clinton killed at the convention tonight. Not that I ever had any doubt.

    Well think some positive thoughts and hopefully IM will be fully functional tomorrow.

  39. Hmm could they be admitting they like the Soviets version of communism ? You know where the 1% have everything and the rest of the 99% owe their allegiance and gratitude to the elite while sharing crumbs from the elites table. Which ironically comes from the blood , sweat , and taxes of the proletariat ?

  40. Anonymous4:24 AM

    I just looked up the artist for this cover- Roberto Parada.

    He is a very talented, highly sought-after and smart illustrator who has created many "image messages" in his previous works.

    I couldn't find anything on his political affiliations, but thought it was interesting that he had created an image of W as Nero (fiddling while Rome was burning) and an iconic portrait of Jon Stewart.

    This is a smart and educated man who chose the Communist poster to emulate (not infringe) because it sent a message he wanted to send.

    I think it was an intentional commentary on his part and has made the National Review look like the imbeciles that they are.

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      I like that idea. He played them.

    2. I agree, it is intentional commentary. I don't know the artist, but no one would make a "mistake" like this. Except the editorial staff at National Review who prove that fascists see only the world they conjure in their limited imaginations.

  41. Anonymous10:39 AM

    This is an interesting article on a "left wing rag", Firedoglake.

    Worth reading.


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