Friday, October 19, 2012

Can you say "Romnesia?"

This new phrase of the President's is already sweeping the social networks.

Here is what is happening on Twitter.

And of course there is already a Facebook page.

I like how the President's words go viral, when he WANTS them to go viral, and Romney's go viral, when that is the LAST thing he wants them to do.


  1. Hi Jess,
    You've got to post this! Can you imagine how King Romney must feel about this? Bet he's pissed!

    The Salt Lake Tribune Endorsement: Too Many Mitts

    Obama has earned another term
    First Published 4 hours ago • Updated 10 minutes ago

    1. Sally in MI3:00 PM

      I hear this is happening all over the swing states..endorsements for Obama!!! GObama!

  2. Can only imagine how much this one must hurt? I'm shocked- but in a happy way of course!

    The Salt Lake Tribune Endorsement: Too Many Mitts

    Obama has earned another term
    First Published 4 hours ago • Updated 10 minutes ago

    1. My local paper,, has decided for the first time in 90 years to NOT endorse a candidate for president.

      They always endorsed the Republicans.

  3. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Probably one of the writers for the Al Smith dinner came up with this riff for Barack, and Barack said, hmmm, I think I'll save this for a better time and a bigger audience. Then I bet Barack added the flourish at the end about Obamacare. Barry, ROCK THE FECK ON!! YOU ARE FEKKING BRILLIANT!

  4. Anonymous3:15 PM

    ROFLMAO. The Tweets are hilarious!


  5. Believe it or not, Amazon has gone viral with Binder "reviews".

    1. I was reading those yesterday. Hilarious. And so creative.

      And now Romnesia.

      I think Willard is toast now. These may be the final nails but he built the coffin himself.

  6. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Great delivery. Solid arguments. Keep up the amazing spirit.
    Here is my page - john thomas Financial

    1. Anita Winecooler10:30 PM

      Want eggs with that spam, Douchenozzle?

  7. Anonymous3:32 PM

    All the phony fuss that the Tea Party and Rethugs threw up about voter fraud? Check this out:

    Be prepared to hyperventilate...and take the time to read the whole damn thing. REAL JOURNALISM.


    1. But they need to clean it up.

      A bit redundant and disorganized in spots. Needs tightening.

  8. Anonymous3:33 PM

    This is perhaps the most awesome speech clip I have ever seen. Wow. Unbelievable. Genius in every way. President Obama is the best!! I love that he was having so much fun!

    Thanks for sharing this.

  9. I haven't forgotten about Mitt hiding his tax returns from all of the voters. And his other unsavory behavior. Hopefully, that means I'm not afflicted with Romnesia. At least I remember enough about that asshole that I'd never vote for Mitt.

  10. Smirnonn4:14 PM

    Good to see the president having some fun with the campaign!

  11. Best. Campaign. Moment. Ever.

    Made my day. (Oh, and Clint Eastwood? Piss off, you fuckknuckle.)

  12. Anonymous4:32 PM

    The Obama Auto Rescue Saved 154,843 Jobs and Added 17,000 in Ohio

  13. Irishgirl6:16 PM

    Obamacare can help Romnesia - I love it!

  14. Crystal Sage6:35 PM

    I loved the expressions on the faces of the women behind President Obama as he peeled off one zinger after the other. Laughing and really enjoying themselves. This is what this country needs. A good laugh. Not the dour control freak with the death stare.

    Things are looking up in the US. That didn't happen because of the trickle down theory in action. It happened because Obama and his advisers understand how important a thriving middle class is to the economy.

    I want to see a license plate: Romnesia: Cured in 2012

    1. Anita Winecooler10:31 PM

      Love it!

      What a great idea for a bumper sticker!!!

  15. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Loved this one:

    100% for Obama! ‏@upayr

    #Romnesia: forgetting that McCain chose loser/quitter/mediawhore Palin OVER #Draftdodger LDS Bishop .@mittromney. .@paulryanvp .@reppaulryan

  16. Anonymous7:20 PM

    from reddit, brilliant bumper sticker

    1. Anita Winecooler10:33 PM


  17. shughes28537:23 PM

    OMG! That was freaking funny and my god he is a genious!! He really is. Romnesia. Classic. Thank you so much for posting these great moments for all of us....made my day!

    I just love Obama and pray he wins. He HAS to win. For all of us.

  18. Anonymous8:38 PM

    This is hilarious. I love the close about Obamacare.

  19. Yeah, I heard this on NPR today. Or PBS. Whatever was on that station at the time. It was the speech. It made the news.

    I laughed out loud at the entire segment. First at Romnesia. Then at how Obamacare could take care of that even though it's a pre-existing condition.

    They hit it out of the park with this.

    About time the Democrats starting giving the Republicans a taste of their own medicine.

    No co-pay required.

  20. If Willard wasn't peeing his pants in terror over the upcoming debate before, I'll bet he is now.

    BTW things are only going to get worse for him on Letterman. Dave isn't letting the dog thing go and they are recycling Rmoney's reading of a Top Ten periodically. Oh, and until Rmoney appears on Letterman, "don't vote for him."

    Lest we forget, Letterman crucified McCain for being a no-show and look what happened to his campaign.

  21. Anita Winecooler10:39 PM

    That's even better than "Please Proceed, Governor"

    President Obama, Playing Three dimensional chess blindfolded with one hand tied behind his back and the lights off.

    Romney, meh... not so much.

  22. Anonymous4:13 AM

    I'm sure that Romney was absolutely livid when he learned about the Salt Lake City newspaper's endorsement of President Obama and also saw the clip about "romnesia." I bet another symptom of "romnesia" in its most virulent form is a temper tantrum! Because we all know that Mitt Romney has anger issues. Does he throw cans of vegetables at the refrigerator like Sarah Palin!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.