Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Levi Johnston's life might look Sunny right now, but storm clouds are just over the horizon: “Bristol has nothing going on right now – she’s single and has no jobs lined up – so she’s harassing Levi and Sunny.”

"Oh this is not over. It will NEVER be over!"
Courtesy of Radar Online:

Bristol, 22, and her baby daddy were forced to work out their differences on their own after an Alaskan court closed their custody case involving their 3-year-old son, Tripp, because of a “lack of activity.” 

However, the daughter of the former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin has no intention of working out their differences according to the Enquirer, especially since Levi still owes her tens of thousands of dollars in unpaid child support. 

“Levi doesn’t have a real job, so at first Bristol thought it might be best to just let him pay when he could,” a family member told the Enquirer. “She was hoping he would man up and pay, but so far that hasn’t happened.” 

In the meantime, Levi has found love with 20-year-old Sunny Oglesby and the pair welcomed baby daughter Breeze Beretta on September 13. 

They married in an intimate ceremony on Oct.28 at Settlers Bay Lodge in Wasilla, Alaska. 

“Bristol has nothing going on right now – she’s single and has no jobs lined up – so she’s harassing Levi and Sunny,” the source said. 

“Their wedding has really gotten under her skin. Bristol may say she’s over Levi, but she always held out hope that they would end up together.”

This is exactly what I have been anticipating ever since I learned that the court case had closed and that Levi and Bristol had worked out "their own" visitation deal. (And who didn't realize that any temporary agreement would fall apart the minute Bristol was booted from DWTS?)

Without the protection of the courts Levi is left vulnerable to the nastiness of perhaps the MOST vindictive family in Alaska. 

And don't think this is JUST between Levi and Bristol either. The Grizzled Mama has insinuated herself into her children's lives in every imaginable way, and in THIS particular case may hate Levi even more than her daughter hates him.

For those who are asking why Levi has not simply taken this to court to finally get it over with, don't forget that virtually ALL of his money was stolen from him, and that he was left with virtually nothing by Rex and Tank. Which is WHY he got so far behind in his child support payments in the first place.

Essentially Levi needs a lawyer to help him take on his old management team to get his money back. And another lawyer to help him fight for custody of his son, all while attempting to work and care for his new wife and newborn daughter. And this while still owing over $40,000 in back child support payments, an amount which increases monthly.

(By the way, in Alaska at least, child support and visitation rights are two separate issues. Just because Levi is in arrears it does not mean that his visitation rights or custody case are impacted.)

You know I have to say that I have a great deal of sympathy for Levi in this situation. My ex-wife made my life hell for many years and used my daughter as a bludgeon to punish me at every turn. Even after she was remarried and had two other children, she continued to do everything in her power to sabotage my relationship with my daughter and to cause strife in my second marriage.

I don't want to scare Levi, but my ex NEVER got over it. Never!

And that was in a relationship that was NOT with a Palin, and after I won joint custody in family court. I cannot begin to imagine how ugly Levi's situation could become.


  1. Anonymous6:37 AM

    I love it, Bristol boo boo really does have nothing going, and Sandy has pushed Scarah out of the news. Will Screech be helping piper get ready for halloween tonight or has she outsourced that job to her sister?

  2. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Can you begin to imagine what it would be like to have to be involved w/the Palin clan for another 14 years? Until the 'brat' reaches majority?

    Levi and Sunny, sincerely wish you both (and daughter) peace and happiness. You so deserve it! Levi, you are known by many to be a real sweetie!

    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      It's kinda hilarious to think that 4 years ago, Sarah thought talking Levi into playing the part of Bristol's fiancee "for appearances" would make HER and her knocked up daughter Paragons Of Virtue in front of the world as she and McCain chased the GOP win.

      Fast-forward 4 years, and its now Bristol whose a dreaded "single mom" (we KNOW how the GOP feels about THOSE...) and Levi is now married with a family.

      Both Bristol and Sarah have been chased out of Hollyweird and politics, respectively; Roger Ailes contract at Fox News has been renewed, and its assured that she'll lose her contract in 2013 (he can't STAND HER).

      All she can do now is "write a diet book." Or tell the story of how Trig really came into her life...

      One day, we'll read about Sarah being found unresponsive; the toxicology report will read "fatal levels of d-methamphetamine." That's how meth-heads go...

      What. Goes. Around. Comes. Around.

    2. Anonymous9:53 AM

      OUCHIE OUCH! So delicious reading that...favorite paragraph....

      "One day, we'll read about Sarah being found unresponsive;"

      BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...that's your future better recognize! LOL!!

    3. Anonymous12:48 PM

      I thought it was a wee bit bitchy, but then I thought, "what the hell," so I pushed Publish - and THEN realized I hadn't signed in to Google. Oh well.

      Most people say bitch as if it's a bad thing...

      - KAO

    4. Anonymous4:20 PM

      KAO - You've always been a favorite of mine around the interwebs!

  3. *GinaM rubbing her hands in glee*

    Happy Halloween Beefy! LMAO!!!

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      She sure is pretty! Maybe that's why levi has a hardon for her still?

    2. Anonymous8:18 AM
      She sure is pretty! Maybe that's why levi has a hardon for her still?


      Oh Todd....Just shut up. It's kind of gross that you are thinking about Levi's "hardon"

    3. Cracklin Charlie8:54 AM

      Yeah, Bristol's chin is her best feature, as shown in the photo included by Gryphen.

      Personally, I think Sunny is much prettier; and she looks strong, vivacious, and self-confident.

      Not at all like Bristol.

    4. Anonymous9:08 AM


      Yeah, guys don't really care if the chin is made of silly putty - as long as Bdull lets them rest their b@lls on it.


    5. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Anonymous8:18 AM

      Her chin implant is crooked, and those glasses are ill-fitted for her face, and gaudy.

    6. Anonymous9:59 AM

      I GET IT! We all have different concepts of beauty

      It doesn't get much more repulsive for me than a dimpled cottage cheese proceeding chin. why anyone would fake that is beyond belief.

      She is a sick body dysmorphic example and a liar. The latter only makes her uglier.

  4. This may sound cold, but if I were Levi, I would get a vasectomy and then start cultivating work relationships and general friendships with other men. He has at least two kids already and needs to support them.

    It seems to me that he’s let women (Sherry, Mercede, Sarah, Bristol, God know who, and Sunny run interference for him). He has to man up; if he can. If he can’t, he’s going to be hurled around like a ball all his life; now, granted, that’s the path of least resistance, but it could get him sent to jail. He wouldn’t like jail.

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Hey, that's the truth of the matter but that doesn't seem to get through very often on this blog.

    2. Anonymous8:54 AM

      The Heath gals are taught getting pregnant will make a man marry you. Think of it as a family tradition. It worked for Sally and Sarah but not for Bristol.

      How dare Levi break the family tradition?

      And how dare Levi love his mother? It took a lot of guts for Levi, still a teenager, to call Sarah a liar on national TV. The message was clear: Stop fucking with my Mom, bitch.

    3. Anonymous8:58 AM

      I'm still wondering over $40,000 of child support - when any one with eyeballs could see that Bdull was on a national television show.


      It is called "support" for a reason. The mother makes plenty to "support" their child.

      Even so, Levi could pay an amount, just for fairness, but get the fuck over yourself if you think $40,000 is fair.

    4. True enough. It'd be fairer if Bristol paid baby-daddy alimony to Levi, now that he's out of her life legally, permanently.

    5. Anonymous10:14 AM

      It wasn't "fair" it was what the court had to do based on the evidence or earnings in 2009 and 2010 and Levi's refusal to submit a child support affidavit as required. The court had to award that amount because Levi refused to submit proof of his actual earnings to the court. Levi never filed anything contesting that 1750/month number in more than 2 1/2 years. You could blame the initial refusal or screw up on his legal team but the never contesting or fixing it (or paying it) is all on Levi at this point.

      BTW - 1750/month x 28 months = $49,000

    6. A. J. Billings11:03 AM

      RE: Child support. The income of the mother matters little in some states. Doesn't matter if she even gets remarried and her new hubbie makes $500,000 a year, you still owe. I have no problem with paying, provided circumstances make sense.

      Some states are still stuck on stupid about child support, like New Hampshire.

      A friend of mine had a difficult divorce, lost his $100,000 a year engineering job.

      A year later, and I had to rent him one of my apartments for free til he could get back on his feet. His new job paid $35K,
      and he was literally giving it all to the ex, and living on oatmeal and soup kitchen handouts.

      Here in New Hampshire, the county sherrif pounded on his door, and threatened jail if he didn't keep up his $2800 a month payments to the ex.

      You do the math.

      Didn't matter to the Judge that he had joint custody, a spotless record, and she cheated on him.

      Pay up, or rot in jail

    7. Anonymous2:22 PM

      You want to hear an even MORE fucked up scenario? I am a WOMAN who was awarded custody of my 2 daughters in my divorce from a control-freak. I remarried 3yrs later to a great guy. 6mos after our wedding, I was hit while walking by a drunk driver suffering major injuries that put me in a wheelchair for 2yrs. My ex sued me for custody saying I couldn't care for them since I was in a wheelchair and he won custody. Then he sued me for child support based on my new husband's income. He won that too.

      Long story short? Life sucks sometimes and people fuck you over. Don't rely on the legal system because they don't care about people...only money. And when it comes to your fight until you have no breath left in your body. They are your reason for living.

    8. Let's make no mistake here- LEVI did not "refuse to submit an earnings affidavit".

      His scumbag Palin-teat-sucking LAWYER assured him he was filing "all necessary" documents.

      As for Levi owing $49,000 for 28 months- once AGAIN- Bristol stole $50,000 from Levi after the "engagement" photo cover for US Weekly. They got $100,000 to split evenly. Bristol said since they were going to be married shortly and share assets anyway- she'd put all the money in a "new joint account".

      She put the money in HER account after John Tiemessen got the check from US Weekly. Within 48 hours, she changed the locks on her condo and her cell number- and then issued a statement to People magazine saying the days-long "engagement" was off because Levi "made fun of her family".

      I continue to ask WHY virtually none of the Palin bloggers mention this purloined $50k. The details have been verified by Joe McGinnis AND US Weekly independently as well as admitted by the Palin's lawyer concerning the entire $100k being put in an account ONLY Bristol had access to.

      Even before Bristol screwed Levi over after getting him to take her back ONLY with the intention of getting Levi to issue that bogus "apology". . .she was still being a greedy bitch. AFTER she and Levi had signed a contract with US weekly which stipulated they were to get $50,000 EACH and offer USW the first option on wedding photos, Bristol had John Tiemessen call Levi and say the magazine changed the "structure of payment" to give Bristol 75k and Levi only 25k because "she was the more famous entity".

      But the contract with USW was never changed- they paid Levi FIFTY THOUSABD DOLLARS which Bristol outright STOLE.

      That makes him caught up with "child support" in my opinion.

  5. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Hey Screech now would be a good time to start pissing and moaning about how climate change isn't real, really piss off everyone on the east coast

  6. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Levi .. just call TMZ and tell them how many children Bristol has given birth to ... and how Sarah faked Trig's birth.

    This is a guaranteed method to get them off your back.

    1. Anonymous7:32 AM

      Agree..Levi needs to spill what he knows and get them off his back and get rich!!I think he's quiet because he's protecting Trig.

    2. hedgewytch7:54 AM

      My feeling is not only is he thinking about the kids, but he's probably been made to sign legal documents gagging him for life.

    3. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Yeah, just as simple as that eh. Riiigghhhhtttttt! But your true and loyal concern for 'Levi's' wellbeing is showing through! Heh.

    4. Anonymous8:42 AM

      He is lying to himself if he thinks he is protecting Tripp. He needs to watch that horrible failed flop she was in for reality TV.

    5. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Levi is not bright.

      However, I feel that he may be reluctant to reveal the truth about Sarah n Trig b/c he doesn't want to divorce his life.

      He loves Alaska, his family and friends are there - he doesn't want to leave. He wants to raise his babies where he was raised.

      ...But he (and Sunny and Breezy) can. not. stay in Alaska because of the Palins. The palins have sick friends in high places and Levi will always live with a boot on his neck while he lives in Alaska.

      (Maybe after someone else reveals the Palin truth it will be better, but who's to say if/when that happens?)

      I think we forget how REALLY young these kids are! Even Bdull!

      Which just makes the fact that Sarah Palin has been using these Kids since they were children!! FOUR YEARS AGO-- and they're still kids! She put her hooks into them as babies.

    6. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Electricians work is not without danger.

      The Palin's had a friend that piloted his own plane. He had a problem with the way Palins raised a child. He had an "accident".

    7. "hedgewytch7:54 AM My feeling is not only is he thinking about the kids, but he's probably been made to sign legal documents gagging him for life."

      1) signed under duress? Unenforceable.

      2) signed under age, or without guardian/parent co-signing? Unenforceable.

    8. Anonymous11:10 AM


      And he was even Track's dad and they still had no issues offiing him...

  7. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Priority's....hunting, hunting gear and gas or paying for a lawyer so you can see your son regularly? Bristol is never going to change and Levi should be the one to know that, he sat back for 4 years hoping things would turn out...guess what THEY WON"T!!!

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Also, I thought at least one (if not more than one) lawyers have volunteered free services to help Levi. Why doesn't he accept that help?

  8. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I'm surprised Bristol hasn't gone to court to garnish his wages for back child support..Levi better watch out because she can do that. I agree Gryphen, his and Sunny's life is going to be hell until Tripp is 18, I know because I had the Daughter-in-law from hell (you would not believe the things she's done) and Levi has Psycho Sarah added to the mix!

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      WAs your sone a deadbeat dad too?

    2. Anonymous8:16 AM

      December is coming soon... Sherry will be off of Probation... and THEN Levi can go back to court, get a support modification, and pay for the attorney by spilling his guts about the parentage of Tripp and Trig to the media!!

    3. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Interesting isn't it, that Bristol didn't go after him in Court? The Palins don't want to be in Court, put under oath and have to testify.

      Levi, we know you have so much on them - go after them. You'll be rich for life!

    4. Cracklin Charlie8:47 AM

      Good point, 8:16,

      The Palin Crime Family does have an MO of trying to discredit those involved, just before a big story comes down the pike!

    5. Anonymous8:54 AM

      8:08..not a deadbeat Dad..just a Bitch of a X wife! But for your information..paying child support has NOTHING to do with visitation! In fact he had to move to another state to get a higher paying job to pay child support..she wouldn't even let the kids go to see him on his summer visitations even though he would pay for there flights. They are over 18 now and see him whenever they want!! In fact the older one is spending Thanksgiving with him this year. They know their mother is a control freak, always has been always will be!!

    6. Anonymous9:07 AM

      We have our 8:00 troll.

      Hey Krusty.

      Sandy didn't get you?


    7. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Anonymous8:19 AM, the Palins lie under oath. Look at the whoppers they told in the case of the guy who hacked the email account.

      Bristol lied and lied telling whoppers about being scared for her safety (when actually surrounded by Secret Service) and about being in the wilderness (when actually in a normal town).

      I do agree with you that Levi must go after them and that he will be rich if he contacts the right news organization.

  9. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Levi just tell the World Tripp's true birthdate, and Trigg's true Mother and Birthdate, and the Tabloids will solve all of your money problems. Sarah is afraid of Court Depositions, because the TRUTH will come out. Beefalo is too stupid to testify in court, and will not want her other Pregnancies exposed.

    1. Anonymous8:07 AM

      He's not telling. And so is it because he can't or he just doesn't want to? Let's all pretend that he can't for a while!

    2. Anonymous8:47 AM

      Levi, tell the truth about that hospital photo of you in the green shirt and a baby. Names, dates, facts.

      Sad to say but the "I want, love Tripp" songs are mostly crap without truth. Anyone who is lying is the evil in his life. If you are lying due to blackmail, that only gives you a temporary pass.

    3. Anonymous9:07 AM

      8:07 - Troll

  10. Anonymous7:38 AM

    In case Levi thinks that Bristol will want to work things out, I would like to remind him of how long Sarah and Todd can carry a grudge, and how nasty they can get.

    The first time that I heard about Sarah Palin was during the summer of 2008, before she was nominated to be VP. The word then was "Troopergate," as she tried to get her former brother-in-law, Trooper Wooten fired. In the course of those divorce hearings, the judge admonished both Sarah and Todd that speaking badly about the children's father, in front of them, was a form of abuse. They just couldn't let it go.

    Conclusion: Watch out, Levi! You might consider talking to a good lawyer about any confidentiality agreements you may have been forced to sign. If you were under age, under duress, not represented by a lawyer, maybe a good lawyer can help you. If you can tell the Truth About Trig (there's a good title for a book) then you and Sunny will have a nice nest egg to start your life together.

    1. Anonymous8:06 AM

      Does levi have any friends who are concerned about him more than they are concerned about him telling on Sarah? Not around here for sure!

    2. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Levi has such an opening as to the Palins. He can disclose ALL the information he knows about them and be one rich man for life!!! Wonder what is keeping him from doing so? Custody of the 'brat' child that many think is NOT his kid.

      I'd turn things on the Palins if I were him!

    3. Anonymous9:24 AM

      (@8:06 -

      You know what, I just realized that we are harassing (maybe a bit strong, but whatever) Levi into telling the "truth" about Sarah Palin.

      Now, Levi is still a very young man. He is no longer only concerned with himself.

      Sarah Palin has proven to be the Teflon Don of the GOP. We are still unclear as to how far her poisonous tentacles reach - in Alaskan politics, American politics and the seedy underworld of human trafficking.

      There is a lot.of. Shit. to. this. bitch.

      Now, we're asking a young man, with a brand new life, to sacrifice everything he knows in the HOPE that he will get a huge payout.

      It didn't happen for Shailey Tripp.

      So, let's get to the meat -

      What about Mike Wooten?

      If there was so much gold to be had in revealing the Palin secrets - where is Wooten?

      Yeah, he's tied to the Palins by kids - so is Levi.

      Wooten is a trained officer, a helluva lot more prepared to deal with the fallout from the palins.

      but he hasn't stepped forward, why?

      I think, maybe, we should just let Levi live his life. He'll screw stuff up - um, we all do. That's life, it's messy.

      I don't think the Palin bombshell will come from him.

      People have mentioned Willow for years. I think they may be right. I think they will discount her for the last time, and she will be D.O.N.E.

      She could survive without them, too.

    4. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Wooten is still alive. Levi would benefit from and survive the truth.

    5. Anonymous10:52 AM

      Simpler explanation - Levi knows about as much about his high school girlfriend's parent's secrets as any of us knew about our high school girlfriend's parent's secrets. Not very much. Levi was willing to show his bare ass for money. If he thought he could make money by selling secrets, he would have long ago. It's been almost 4 years since he was even close to "inside". I don't think he has any bombshell that he could sell - meaning with proof, backup or corroboration other than "Bristol told me once".

    6. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Levi could just release a certified copy of Tripp's birth certificate. He could put on gloves to prevent finger prints and mail it to Gryphen.

      That way the truth gets out and Levi is not involved. Let everyone "do the math" to show that there was SOMETHING WRONG with the whole Palin / Trig / Tripp birth story.

      Then he can lay low, let the dust settle, and decide how to approach things i.e. "benefit from things" at a later date.

      Getting the truth out about Tripp will free Levi up immensely since that seems to be one of the "secrets" he's holding back to protect himself from.

    7. Anonymous2:04 PM


      He could start with a few facts about this.

      I am sure he has further documentation or knows where a few bodies are buried.

    8. Cracklin Charlie4:29 PM

      Was that when he and Bristol were still married? He's still wearing his ring. Tripp was a cute little baby.

  11. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Sure 40 grand is a lot. He has to figure out how to pay it and get it off his back. If there was some way they could earn 70 grand in one year, he would have plenty to live on. Two jobs, whatever it takes. There is reward in hard work. When my husband and I lost a business due to an unexpected fisheries closure, we were sitting with 20K debt. We made 1,000 month payments for two years, and had to live like paupers, but then we were morally and mentally free.

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      He could DEFINItELY get 50-100 grand for an advance for a book deal if he is prepared to spill...maybe more.

    2. Anonymous9:27 AM

      There are decent people who would help him and yes, he could pay all he owes and send two children to college after a good upbringing of necessities and some comforts.

      What is the problem?

    3. Anonymous11:07 AM

      70,000 a year with no education or job prospects? really, he isn't qualifiedy for a high paying job.
      The better question is why is his support so damn high, 40,000 for a 4 year old. I know people who have paid little more than amount for the childs whole life. Levi you got screwed, and yes you should support your son with reasonable support amounts.

      It is obvious all she wants is money and to make him miserable. If you care about your child you keep support and visiting/loving the other parent separate. No kid should be treated like that......

  12. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Screech Jr. looks just like Granny Grifter with the Fake Eyeglasses. Trying to look intelligent only works if you have some intelligence. Briscow is fattening up again. Tripp's 5th Birthday is coming up soon, and his little brother Trig can celebrate with him. Briscow, get some COUNSELING for your Borderline Retarded self.

    1. Anonymous8:49 AM

      Glasses don't prove you are smart they only prove you've been to Lenscrafters.....

    2. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Fat, lazy and stupid is no way to go through life, Bdull.

      (T/Y to 'Animal House'. It's been cited before but Damn, the stupid bitch will.not.learn!!)

  13. Anonymous7:43 AM

    The Palins never get over anything, especially Sarah, and it looks as if her daughter is following in her footsteps. Why doesn't Bristol do something worthwhile, like getting an education??? Even if she doesn't want to go to college, she could go to a technical school and at least learn a skill.

    1. "Even if she doesn't want to go to college, she could go to a technical school and at least learn a skill."
      What, work? Why?

    2. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Yeah, duh!!

      Getting an education is HARD!

      ...And, then you're expected to get a job.

      Ewww, Gross!

      My mom made Millions by quitting her job!

      Gosh, she's *such* an inspiration to women everywhere!

    3. Anonymous1:01 PM

      Bristol. Is. Sooooooo. Not. College. Material!!!!!

      - KAO

  14. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Figured she'd be making waves since she found out they were getting married. How come his child support has never been lowered? How come his visitation has never been enforced? I still don't think Tripp is his. I don't know why anyone would want to get 10 feet near her or her family they are just trouble.

    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Levi is a deadbeat father who is skipping out on paying for his child.(children) Holding his feet to the fire is a part of his growing up he needs to do now.

    2. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Maybe the child support includes Trig and that is more costly due to the special needs help required.

    3. Anonymous8:54 AM

      In some places he could go to court and make his appeals to a court without much money. Best interest of the child means putting the child's needs front and center whether you are rich or poor. Some states respect children and help.

      Levi would need to have Tripp as a priority. I don't know if the state of Alaska is making that hard on him or if it is him.

    4. Anonymous9:29 AM

      @8:02 - Troll

  15. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Time for Levi and family to come together and meet with an attorney to tell the truth about the family....levi can't be that naive about the kids bristol has given birth too and the lies they have told the public to get money.....levi needs to accept that they are simply looking out for themselves and to discredit him in any and every does not get better with the go for it....yes there will be critics but what does he have now.....tell the truth and it will see you free and maybe if you do it right this may have a payoff that you can afford and move on with your life...levi.

    1. Anonymous8:01 AM

      Won't happen. Levi is never going to tell Sarah's secret.

    2. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Why do you think Levi will never tell the truth?

    3. Anonymous9:29 AM

      @8:01 - Crazy Bitch!! You admit Sarah *HAS* a *SECRET*!!!


    4. Anonymous9:51 AM

      He made a deal with Sarah and Todd silly. And do you suppose he doesn't know the secret? Hahahahahahaha, that would be a good one.

  16. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Bristol's chin looks like an image you might see that was beamed back from the Mars Rover. Forget a child custody lawyer girl, get yourself a personal injury lawyer STAT.

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous8:54 AM

      She looks beautiful in that picture and your credibility is?

    2. Anonymous9:11 AM

      My credibility is rock solid Kristy, thanks for asking. You need to borrow Bristol's glasses if you think that's beautiful.

      A Fan From Chicago

    3. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Looks beautiful?

      Sure, if you like your woman looking like she look her dentures out and has a pinch of Skoal between her cheek and gum.

      She WAS cute. Now, she looks odd. Not unattractive, just ill-proportioned.

      BTW, shut up Krusty. We know that YOU have a crush on Beefy. What exactly did you have to live for during the other 45 years of your life prior to learning of the Palins' existence?

    4. Anonymous10:13 AM

      Anonymous8:54 AM

      She doesn't look beautiful at all. Her newly bought chin is crooked.

    5. Anonymous10:32 AM

      I don't understand what was put into her chin. It is not a normal shape, was she trying to save money? What does it make her chin look pimply and weird. She must be in surgery by now since she earned more on the last embarrassment fake dancing display.

      Yeah for Mark Ballas, I hear he is to dance with Shawn.

  17. Anonymous7:51 AM

    What an UGLY family. Satan must be proud.

  18. Let me grab my megaphone-



    LEVI. HAS. A. JOB.

    This story is 100% a plant by the Palins.

    Gryphen, why don't you or anyone else EVER mention the $50,00 Bristol STOLE from Levi after the "reconciliation" engagement photo shoot with US Weekly? She convinced him it should go in a "new joint account" but of course the moment the check cleared and Levi issued the "apology" Sarah made him release- Bristol took her 50k AND Levi's share- and cut off contact with him.

    That money should have been counted toward his child support payments. No question.

    1. Anonymous9:31 AM

      Why is Levi a softy pushover about everything?

    2. Yep, an obvious plant. The timing of the article is no coincidence either. It's just a typical example of Palin-style cowardice to seek revenge because Levi dared to tell the truth about Bristol's hatefulness in keeping Tripp away from Levi and Sunny's wedding.

      According to the Sarah Palin mantra, there will be no joy in your life if you dare cross Sarah. That bitchiness is contagious, and it looks like Bristol has turned into Baldy II.

      How's your personal life, Beefy? Are you better off than you were 4 years ago? You might want to look at your grifting Mom to complain about next time BEFORE you have Brancy fire up the blog to gripe about President Obama not calling YOU to apologize.

      You're a fucking fool, Bristol. Just like Mommie Dearest.

    3. You're right, Nyah.

      Scroll down to where the blog entry reads, "Levi and Bristol made $300,000 for that US Weekly cover story announcing that they were back together. Sarah Palin’s lawyer brokered the deal and made Levi’s take just 25% while Bristol got 75%."

      Then, LEVI'S lawyer and bodyguard stole not only that 25% but the money Levi's made from the Playgirl gig, too.

      Gypsies, tramps and thieves - the Palin Mafia.

  19. Beefy has nothing going on in her life so what else is she suppose to do but get all up in Sunny's and Levi's business! She's just like that bald headed tranny man mother of her's...only difference...we all know how many babies came out of Baldy's rusty coochie...4! Beefy's baby count is up to 3 and Wallow...well she needs to catch up! LOL!!

    1. Cracklin Charlie8:39 AM

      I'd like to see Sunny pull a REAL Mama Grizzly, and open up a grizzly strength can of whoopass on these a-holes!!!

      Sunny, these people are threatening YOUR family, now!

    2. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Wide stanch Scarah.

    3. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Trouble is honey, you can alsmost see the longing for Bristol on Levi's face already. You betcha gina!

    4. That ain't rust that's flaking out of Sarah's Hoo Hoo. Her GYN better wear the full HazMat suit while doing her annual exam.

      Sounds like a worst episode of Dirty Jobs on Discovery Channel.

    5. Anonymous10:10 AM

      Gina, For God's sake, I hope we never see Sarah try to pull off the see-through skirt, a la Kim Kardashian.

    6. Boney Boo Boo aka Sarah Palin9:50 AM

      ROFLMAO! You are a fool! A funny ass fool! Hey maybe that could be Baldy's next job on Reality TV...Baldy on Dirty Jobs going to see Dr CBJ her GYNO! LOL!!!

    7. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Sunny is not going to be grizzly now. She will be a little woman in the kitchen. Nice but not good in this situation or for Tripp.

    8. GinaM10:31 AM

      Don't be encouraging me... you know that giving a fool an audience is like pouring gasoline on a fire.

      But I don't think ratings for 2nd episode will be very high if Baldy is actually shown sitting up there with her feet in the stirrups. Oh the humanity!

    9. Anonymous10:10 AM

      OMFugeeG!! Imagine Baldy in that "outfit" walking away from you! LOL!!!

      Boney...I HAVE to encourage you...your comments crack me the fuck up!

      And I don't want to imagine the smell of Baldy "in the stirrups"...those METH chemicals ain't no joke...that "thing" could KILL ya'! LOL!!!

  20. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Bristol and Levi love each other and anybody else for either of them just won't do. They won't be happy until they are back together. I'm predicting that they will be before long.

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Bristol, honey. You need to move on.

    2. Anonymous9:32 AM




      BITCH HAS LOST. IT!!!!

    3. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Sarah Palin has too much control. She would never allow that.

    4. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Uh that what you've been scribbling in your journal every night?

      Mrs Beefy Johnston

      Mrs Beefalo Sherran Marie Johnston

      NOPE...ain't happening tramp! You're going to be alone...and you have that bald headed insane METH face mother to thank! LOL!!!

    5. Anonymous1:29 PM

      ROFLMAO!!!Gina rules!

  21. Speaking of Baldy...check out this photo of her from that New Orleans whatever she was burbling at...

    Ummm...Baldy...what is up with you and your fucked up spray tans? The feet Baldy...why did you forget to spray the talons?

    Hillbillies...just so damn stupid! LOL!!

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      I thought she had socks on. Are you sure she is not wearing white socks? Surely, she would not be so stupid as to end her "tan" at her ankles..... And that black biker chick jacket is just getting old.

    2. Anonymous9:15 AM

      OMG, Gina, did you see the comments? The blogger compared his write-up to composing a Beatles song! The CRAAAAZY burns!


    3. Anonymous9:27 AM

      that skirt she is wearing is hideous!!! what a joke!

    4. Thanks, Gina! Here was my contribution. Wonder if it will stay...


      Palin is a con artist.

      Who has she campaigned for recently? She asked her SARAHPAC members for donations so that she could campaign.

      How has she helped ALASKA since she QUIT on the people who ELECTED her and BELIEVED in Her? You think you're the only people who have believed in her? An entire State bought into her lies - and she QUIT on them to show her gratitude.

      She is a huckster and I'm sorry you believe her tripe.

    5. Anonymous9:57 AM

      lol I'll bet her feet glow in the dark.

    6.'s still there...YIPPEE! I'm sure it'll be gone by nightfall though!

      "Section 8 housing" will for sure alert the poor dumb blind deaf blogger who wrote that shit to your wonderful comment! Bravo to you and Kajo...she left a great comment too!

  22. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Thanks for sharing, G. about your situation with ex-wife. That must have been a stressful time for you. The pros in having that experience is that we become very discerning of fakes and our sixth senses flare up when we see a manipulator honing in on our radar from miles away.

    I can't imagine who this "family member" is, who is squealing to the Enquirer. There are two scenarios here. Either the family member is a mole who is working for both Bristol and Levi, where they gain by selling this fake story. OR, this 'family member' is an acquaintance of the Palin family, and they are selling any dirt they can hear of.

    I tend to question any Enquirer's story. And, isn't Radar Online that site that the Palins are on speed-dial to?

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      People who continue to bash on their ex are really only telling us that they didn't get over it.

    2. Anonymous8:56 AM

      Knowing how Sarah operated in Alaska during her term of being quitter governor - they are feeding this information themselves to someone (the 'friend') for publication.

      Sarah would write 'pro' letters about herself and have them published in the Anchorage Daily News under names of friends. It's a fact folks and proven!

    3. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Unnamed sources are usually a plant. Who benefits the most from this story?

  23. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Bristol is destined to be alone for a very, very long time. Who in God's name would want a committed relationship with her? When you get Bristol, you also get her controlling mama.

    Who needs that?

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      ABout half the men in the US would be very happy to have Bristol. I mean, look at the picture, she's beautiful and probably pretty smart too!

    2. Anonymous8:51 AM

      Bristol doesn't want anybody but Levi and if the truth was known, Levi doesn't want anybody but Bristol. But that's not allowed around here is it.

    3. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Bristol will never be alone she has mommy dearest and a cute cuddly little guy to sleep with while mommy is off to earn cash.

    4. Bdull is no prize all on her own.

    5. Anonymous9:59 AM

      To Anonymous at 8:50 AM -

      Beauty is skin deep; an ugly personality goes to the bone.

    6. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Anonymous8:50 AM

      Beautiful, my ass. Look at that ugly chin work.

    7. Funny how topics concerning Bristol Palin or her witch mother seem to attract the clearly-unmedicated delusional, like 8:50 and 8:51 above.

    8. Anonymous10:37 AM

      What the Levi/Bdull relationship has morphed to is not love. Some kind of sick and twisted obsession, a weird bond but nothing to do with love.

    9. Anonymous11:16 AM

      She is cute now that she got her fat face and body fixed, but smart, she is not. One of her high school teachers remarked that she was basically functionally illiterate; the girl never learned how to read! So, no, I don't think she's smart, but she's cute and easy, I guess a girl can't have everything!

  24. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Time to pay up Levi. Time to stop being a deadbeat.

    1. Anonymous8:49 AM

      Yup, second that one!

    2. Anonymous9:06 AM

      He has a job. He's working. It's time for him to get a new child support amount, via the state, due to the disparity between his and Bristol's incomes.

      You can't label a guy a deadbeat dad when 1) he sees his child, or tries to; and 2) the amount of child support is based on what he made one year, when he was in the limelight.

    3. Anonymous10:39 AM

      He is already labeled "deadbeat".

      The ball is in his court to correct the record. He will never change others, most of all the Palin cult, but he can be a man one day. He can get rid of his title as a deadbeat with anyone that matters.

  25. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Bristol better get busy with something and make her own way, or she's going to become a bitter pill/couch potato sitting home watching reality shows all day. She's shown how she loves drama and loves to be a victim. She's in for a miserable life if she doesn't steer her own ship onward and away from the old life as Levi's ex.

    Why hasn't Bristol settled down and found a community of christian friends and like-minded acquaintances? If she really had found a supportive community, her name wouldn't keep popping up in gossip rags stirring the pot.

    Sounds like someone in Bristol's life is keeping her on those apron strings and won't allow her to start over. As long as the Palins keep her as a 'victim' of Levi, she'll never be able to be free.

    1. Anonymous8:36 AM

      Because good 'Christians' don't hang out in Tents with Wine Coolers and Sex.

    2. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Because she and her mother are NOT christian in any way, shape or form. Look at how hateful, evil and judgemental they are! Plus, Sarah is a huge racist...blacks and Eskimos (Alaska's first people!)...all proven and documented starting in the State of Alaska.

    3. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Only a good Christian nonpartisan girl who will one day run for an office would write this:

      "Don’t Just Vote, Vote Biblically"

    4. Anonymous1:13 PM

      "Vote Biblically". OK then.

      Didn't those who lost their virginity get stoned to death back then?

      - KAO

    5. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Brancy writes that crap for her. there is not a snowballs chance in hell she reads the Bible or knows what voting Biblically means.

      if you're a bastard, the child of a bastard... or even have a great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandchild of a bastard, you can't come to church or synagogue either.

      Deuteronomy 23:2 "No one of illegitimate birth shall enter the assembly of the Lord; none of his descendants, even to the tenth generation, shall enter the assembly of the Lord."

      Exodus 22:28 "Do not blaspheme God or curse the ruler of your people.

  26. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Sigh... four years on and the Palin soap opera continues.

    Thank God Mr. Obama is president and will remain so after next week!

  27. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Wait: go back to court, Levi. See if you can get a good lawyer who'll work pro bono.

    Bristol must have made a small bundle with her very own reality show. Probably lost money on that ugly Arizona house, but she can write that off....and three weeks on DWTS paid her dearly, too. The scales are off-balance -- she has way more money than you do; you can pay off your child support over time, but you also must adjust the amount you're due to pay. She has so much more money and assets than you do, and a court will take that into consideration. A court will also take into consideration your current obligations.
    Levi -- you're sweet but something tells me you're not that bright. Find a bright and tough lawyer who will work for you, and pay him or her off over time. It's done all the time.

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Bristol's success has nothing to do with Levi's obligation to pay up the child support. No decent person would want it any way.

    2. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Anonymous9:44 AM, every state in the nation looks at the income of both parents, not just the father. Besides that, Levi's amount was set back when he was making decent money doing magazine articles with Bristol. Now that his 15 minutes are almost over, he's not making that much. He's entitled to pay a reasonable amount of his normal income today, not the huge fee that he faces each month.

    3. Anonymous10:59 AM

      9:44 Bristol has NOT been a success in anything she's done to date. Book - failure; DWTS two times - both failures; being a mother to that 'brat' - failure; being a virgin, not a virgin and a virgin AGAIN - failure and current job - failure as nobody wants her or the drama of her family!

  28. Anonymous8:27 AM

    With the two Palin women, it seems they have manic-depressive personalities, and when they aren't in the news, they crash. Neither of them seem to be able to stay out of the public eye for more than a week. If nothing significant is going on, they create some drama, like writing a provocative comment for maximum effect.

    Bristol is probably going through a withdrawal of attention-deficit and needs her fix. After her DWTS release, she is probably now depressed and moody.

    She just can't live life without an audience, can she?

    1. Would that be more like two 'maniacs' who depress everyone they come in contact with????

      Saying that either of them has a personality gives them more credit than they are due.

  29. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Bristol F'd up your chin! HAAAAA!

    1. Anonymous9:42 AM

      Actually she looks great. And that makes me so jealous doesn't it!

    2. Anonymous10:13 AM

      The large cellulite chin is what makes that face so appealing to some.

    3. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Actually this is the picture discussed here.

      What is beautiful about that face with a ruined chin?

    4. Anonymous9:42 AM


  30. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Bristol is such a bitch. After the way she has treated Levi - and Gino too to a lesser extent - what man would want to tangle with that alley cat?

    I guess there were no suitors who came forward during her DWTS thing. I think we have another 40-year-old virgin on the horizon. Sucks to be you Bristol, but you could always change.

    1. WakeUpAmerica9:34 AM

      Is there any limit to the number of times she can be re-virginated? Just sayin'

    2. Anonymous9:40 AM

      born-again virgin you mean?

  31. Levi could make millions with the real story, or even just enough from People to pay off Bristol.

    Tripp will want to be with his father and step-sister, Bristol will not be able to stop him when he is older.

    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Levi could be a National Hero and make a significant mark in the world. He could demonstrate incredible strength and be an honor to know. Not that it would all be easy but the truth is the only way to go. He could also be a very well to do and a set for life man. He needs to grow up and connect to the right people.

      He may settle for a cesspool that looks nice on the outside only.

  32. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Why haven't the courts lowered his child support payments. He is paying what a doctor or lawyer would pay. Bristol is a millionaire. Something is fishy here.

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Courts are not on automatic pilot. He would have to initiate something. He probably wanted that last court thing to run out.

      Now either one of them can start over in the courts.

    2. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Yes, courts are not on automatic pilot. And, that's why it makes no sense that he didn't go ahead and present his situation to the judge when it was right there in the docket. Why let the time run out instead of handling it immediately?

  33. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Bristol can celebrate Halloween by dressing up as a 'RILL MOTHER'.

    1. Anonymous2:19 PM

      That picture at top is the scariest Halloween dress up I have seen so far.

  34. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Well, well, well, if it isn't SE Palin! Where ya been you media bore?

  35. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Levi seems like a sweet guy. He did try to protect Bristol and not speak bad of her.

    Now he may be trying to protect her from prison. If the true story is filled of proof of misdemeanors and felonies on Bristol's part. Or he may just want to protect her from her parents going to prison. In that case to hell with Tripp, he is already doomed may be how Levi looks at it.

    I wonder how much Sunny actually knows and what she would feel about Levi if she knew it all. Or is she also evil?

    They have access to help if they do care for Tripp. If this is about them and the way they want to relate to the Palins and Bristol they will go on like they are doing. Tripp is an abused and neglected child until things change. That could be never.

  36. Hi, Gryph --

    What a hoot! Krusty has already crapped on the comments section of that Radar Online article.

    OT, but when do you think Princess will take to Twitter and fart out a platitude about Sandy? Guess we evil libs along the Eastern seaboard are not "rill Americans".

    1. WakeUpAmerica9:40 AM

      Krazy Kristy has OCD and a special form of Tourettes found in trolls. That combination of disabilities sucks the life out of trolls, converts intelligence to lethal amounts of hypocrisy, and leads to unexplainable hero worshipping. The obsessive/compulsive sanctimonious posting leads to early death.

    2. Anonymous10:44 AM

      Have they blamed Jersey Shore show for the mess in Jersey yet?

  37. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Levi Johnston And Sunny Oglesby Share Their Wedding With ‘Inside Edition’

  38. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Man I got my hopes up, I thought she was in a jail suit.

  39. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Bristol: go to court and compare your assets to Levi's.
    The judge will determine who should pay more child support. YOU.
    And, as for past child support, that will be judged, and can be paid out over time, if it's still considered to be fair.
    Look, Levi, you're dealing with Princess Bristol who has a house, a large bank account, and plenty of job prospects, if she got up off her sofa and went to work.
    You're a young married man with an infant and -- I don't know what you do. But you haven't been starring in your own reality series or dancing on national tv.
    A judge can tell Bristol to get over it -- her teenage crush has gone and married someone else, they have a child, and Bristol has nothing to do with his life any longer. She's trying to punish Levi because he dosn't love her any more -- and using his son as a weapon. The farther you can get away from her the better you'll be, with weekly visitations from Tripp, to the boy isn't completely twisted by the Palins before it's too late.

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      If support and visitation are separate don't they need to know if Levi will get visitation? As it is now it is up to Sarah's whims and she will never release Bristol to make her own way or decisions. If Levi is okay with no visitation or whatever Sarah/Bristol visitation then the Palins have full responsibility of Tripp and would be entitled to more support payments from absent parent.

      If Levi can show he is going to share custody that changes distribution I would think.

      The way it is now it is perfect for the Palins. They have full control and don't want any money. Better story line for them to say Levi is a dead beat. If Tripp is a teen and little or nothing but talk from Levi that is all they need to prove to Tripp his father was just not all hat and no cattle. May be he did show love to the girl child. Some fathers have favorites.

    2. Anonymous11:40 AM

      If Levi doesn't pay that is a way the Palins can 'pay him off' without exchange of money. They are just forgiving a debt and can say he is the rate. Poor Bristol and all. It is WIN, WIN for Palins.

  40. Anonymous9:54 AM

    If I recall Bristol sent the engaged couple flowers from Tripp when they announced they would marry. A few weeks, months later and what does she send for Tripp? Is she ever consistent?

    Bristol Palin Harassing Deadbeat Dad Levi Johnson to “Show Her the Money”

    1. Anonymous1:29 PM

      The flowers were for the birth of Breeze

    2. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Right. Tripp send flowers when Breeze was birthed. Why would a 5 year old send anything to his father's wedding.

  41. Anonymous10:06 AM

    That's one mean nasty face. So mad, her chin turned to granite.... see all the pebbles and cracked rock in there?

  42. Anonymous10:30 AM


    Why can't anyone in that family show some class? If they didn't see Levi as an equal, they'd not treat him like this. "OK, we have more. Settle the child support for $1,000, let bygones be bygones."

  43. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Somehow, at this time of catastrophic natural disaster, deaths and the catastrophic disaster that could play out Nov. 6, (if people cannot get to their voting precincts, no electricity at precincts, etc., etc.) the never-ending saga that is the Palin grifters is a non-issue and not important. Tripp Palin is NOT suffering hardship at the moment due to Levi's financial situation. He needs to pay his fair share, AGREED, but right now, after Hurricane Sandy, the Palins are the least important people in this country.

  44. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Why is she bothering him for child support when she has a lot of money from her reality TV "performances"?

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      It is all a game. Either one if serious would be in court.

  45. Anonymous11:00 AM

    it's a plant; notice the prominent mention of back child support. ANYTHING to keep the Palin name in print. Attention whoring is the family business.

  46. Anonymous11:13 AM

    You aint seen nothing yet. Money Poo Poo Bristol will be a bitch to live with when she sees Mark Ballas with Shawn Johnson next week smiling and dancing up a storm on DWTS All Stars. Bristol will experience Levi going to Sunny deja vu all over again.

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      Money Poo Poo! LMAO!

  47. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Lot of advice here for Levi today, but I believe that Levi stopped reading here after people bashed his wedding post and wedding invitation...just sayin'.

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      I doubt Levi read here long before that.

  48. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Who will be the lucky guy to fuck Bristol while she is having this fit against Levi? That's got to be some good revenge sex but the problem is that you would have to chew your arm off trying to get away from Bristol while she is taking a 2 hour nap /break from her fuck fest.

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Oh wow..what an awful vicious comment to post..and no I am not Kristy nor a Palinbot,just a fan of IM saddened by some of the comments here it diminishes the blog,but hey its Gryphen's home guess he don't mind the stench.

    2. Anonymous3:58 PM

      You're beyond crass. Grow up.

    3. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Gotta admit the Palin girl is a sex expert for her age. The Palins may not be experts in the oil field, education or working but those Palins and Heaths sure can breed with the best of them starting with Grandma Sally to Sarah's delinquents.

    4. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Gino is that you?

  49. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Well, the Palins are officially finished. No more books, reality shows, DWTS and Sarah's contract is said to be up around January with Fox. You can bet when she leaves, Hannity, Greta and O'Reilly will be laughing their asses off for seeing her as the biggest loser and dummy in America. Thanks Sarah for the ratings tho... Hope they saved their money. If Obama wins, the Palins might as well move to Europe. No will will want anything to do with them because Sarah, in my opinion, wreaked the Republican Party or led the way. Levi and Sunny will do just fine. They had a rough start, but Levi is growing up, thanks to Sunny. Tripp will be the one to suffer, but one day he can choose to live with Levi if he wants and Bristol cannot do anything about it. They hate the Palins in the lower 48 and they hate her in Alaska. I can see soon that their Arizona home will be up for sale. No where to hide. Bristol will live a lonely life and I wonder if Willow will ever finish her hair school.....

  50. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Wait...what happened to Brissie's job at the dermatology office? You mean she doesn't even have that flexible, secure, always-ready-to-have-her back job???

    1. Anonymous12:09 PM

      That job went by the way side; she dumped Levi, sold her house in Arizona, moved out of her condo in Alaska, dumped Gino. Bristol has nothing left. Is she living in mama's house in Arizona now? What happened to the house her and Gino were building in Alaska across the lake from the Palins. The Palins never finish anything.

    2. Anonymous12:37 PM

      I don't think she's coming back to AK, thus it might be difficult to keep that job. Perhaps the Dr. can find her a flexible office job in AZ ;-)

    3. Anonymous2:30 PM

      She doesn't need to be in Ak for them to say she is working that job. She gets up at 5am and bathes Tripp and drives and drives, remember? She could be in Europe and they would say the same rubbish.

  51. Anonymous12:46 PM

    That round bulb looking thing below Bristol's mouth looks like one of those radar domes you see on Air Force airplanes.

    1. Anonymous1:13 PM

      It has its own gravitational pull.

  52. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I hear you, Gryphen. Over the years I have witnessed a few people that could not let go of their pain and wanted to inflict pain on their exes. It's horrible for the children as well as the other parent that has moved on. I feel very bad for Levi and Sunny to have to deal with this vengeful family. I hope Levi looks into parental alienation and documents every instance. So important to document everything.


  53. Anonymous1:20 PM

    3-2-1 counting down to the Palin weight loss / fitness empire. How big will it be?

    Because, folks, that's all the Palins have left rattling around in the bottom of the grift bucket these days.

    1. Anonymous4:45 PM

      There's always pimpin'

    2. Anonymous6:16 PM

      That chick over at the We The People blog said that the Palins were writing a cookbook....that'd be the day huh?

  54. Anonymous2:58 PM

    regarding barstool's pic - that cold vacant stare, tight lipped, crooked fake designer glasses, fake chin look, looks totally fukin' psycho

  55. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Look, if Levi isn't working or is barely working, he can get his support amount dropped. It's based on what you make. His original payments were based off a temporary windfall which is ridiculous. If his income has dropped, his payments need to drop too. Plus he has a wife and child to support. That is all figured into the formula. He needs to get off his ass and take care of it.

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM

      I'm not sure where you get your information. If his income has changed, he can get it modified in the future. But income is based on earning potential, not necessarily what you actually made. If there is a differential between what he could make and what he is making the court declares him voluntarily underemployed and it gets calculated based on the higher number. The past support doesn't get modified - it's just owed.

      Additional kids with other women and a new wife to support are not part of the formula when calculating child support. Only other kids with the same woman affect support.

      He might be able to get it changed prospectively but the 50K he owes is a judgment that can be collected for 10 years.

    2. WakeUpAmerica5:13 PM

      I'm not sure where YOU get your information as you don't say what state has those rules. It certainly isn't true in CA or NV.

  56. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Did you notice none of the Palins have responded to Hurricane Sandy and the suffering the people are going through. Just like when Sarah was running, she said she would be a speaking advocate for DS. Never done.


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