Friday, October 05, 2012

Mitt Romney: What a guy!

Just in case there were a few of you who did not despise the very ground that Mitt Romney walks on.

Remember folks, early voting is happening now!


  1. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Rules, manners, courtesy..... pish posh, those are for the little people! King Mittens and Queen Ann don't play by no stinkin' rules, they MAKE the rules

    1. Anonymous6:03 AM

      He cheated. Go to a full replay of the debate and watch when Romney circles around his podium. He pulls a packet of nortes out of his coat jacket and places them on the podium. Cheat sheets. He didn't KNOW anything..he had it all written down. So he's playing with a marked deck against the President.

    2. Anonymous6:23 AM

      Yes, you are right, Romney does pull paper from his pocket and places it on the podium. This cheater needs to be exposed.

    3. Anonymous7:03 AM

      Romney's Amazing Sleight of Hand Performance!

  2. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Lawrence O'Donnell. This is great.

    1. Anonymous6:38 AM

      Excellent! Thanks for providing the link.

    2. Anonymous8:31 AM

      You are welcome. It is the most intelligent assessment of the debate I have heard. Excellent.

    3. Anita Winecooler5:48 PM

      Larry's entire show was solid gold, but this was the sweet spot.

  3. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:26 AM

    OT, but a reminder, please...a moment of silence for the nimrods wallowing in the trenches of Botberg. October 5th is the sad anniversary of "Hey You Losers--Sarah Palin is Only Running for President in Your Dreams Day." Let's all celebrate by writing another $100 check to her PAC, shall we? ;)

    They're already trying to spin the good unemployment news as "rigged" and are chattering about a brand new bombshell video to be released today, "guaranteed" to bring Obama down. Probably another reliable Breitbart production.

  4. That good Mormon was juiced on something; hits of pure oxygen?

    Al Gore is saying the altitude affected President Obama; that’s possible. My one teenage grandson lives at near sea-level. I live at 6400 ft. When he comes to visit, he has a hard time keeping up with me.

    1. Anonymous6:29 AM

      President Obama has the most important job in the world - he is always on the job. He doesn't have quite as much time as Mitt to prepare for a debate. Mitt, on the other hand, has been campaigning full-time for the past 6 years.

  5. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Bulldozing us poor and middle class, as well as our elders, is what Mitt Romney is used to doing. This is a sign of what Romney presidency would look like.

  6. Such a awesome video Dude..

  7. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Slam your head on your desk.

    Palin: Obama plays 'chameleon,' doesn't have any core convictions, can't defend his record

    1. Anonymous6:06 AM

      You know, when Mittens made his plea at the debate for states to take over healthcare after he repeals Obamacare (pfft, as if), my mind went immediately to an advertisement I know will never air -- something along the lines of:

      'Mitt Romney wants to get rid of Obamacare and let the states handle healthcare individually. Would you want someone like FORMER state governor Sarah Palin handling healthcare for you and your family?'

      Fade out...

  8. Anonymous5:36 AM

    It makes me disrespect President Obama. - Sarah Palin

    Truer words were never spoken, Miss Malaprop and Miss Malaprop, Jr. - idiots.

  9. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Mitt cheated. He had notes! Check out the screen grabs at

  10. Anonymous6:19 AM

    His real,legal name is Willard Mitt Romney.

    This video explains his real game:

    Your Money's No Good (updated PG lyrics)

  11. Anonymous6:35 AM

    video showing Romeny's cheat notes during debate

    1. Sharon7:12 AM

      Thank you for this link....I hope it makes it's way onto MSNBC as we all know the used car salesman cheated. I hope Big Bird really sinks his stinkin ship...what pathetic candidate, you wonder why Obama can't even look at him.

    2. Anonymous10:45 AM

      No, I don't wonder why President Obama can't look at him. Neither could I, unless I wanted him (MYTH) to see the utter contempt that I have for him, in my eyes. For me, it would have told him how much I despise him and all his lies and bullying. Wouldn't really want him to see that during a debate.

  12. Reminds me of the audio pack that Dubya had on him in the 2004 debates, clearly visible in certain photos. People complained but nothing was done. Same here. That video makes me want to hurl. Romney was so smug and entitled. "Notes? These are not notes; they're tissues. Nothing to see here." (heh-heh-heh)

  13. Anonymous7:06 AM

    The video highlights another personality trait: Romney will not take no for an answer disregarding limits.

    Today the talking point memo is the jobs report number is a lie. The more lies Romney and his staffers tell the POTUS is the scapegoat.

    Instead of reexamining the Republican positions, Mitt's lack of or undisclosed plans, ceasing his inept campaign they chose to run an assination campaign.
    Mitt made a fortune running companies into the ground. Our country does not need a sociopath for president.

  14. Anonymous7:16 AM

    The winner of the debate in a Presidential election is what the people are talking about the next day. People aren't talking about Romney's zingers. People are not talking about the new and exciting revelations Romney gave about his tax plan. People are not talking about the new insights Romney provided about how badly our President is running the country. People are talking about 2 things - Big Bird and Romney Lies. Just those two things. Nothing Romney said stuck. As the debate fades into memory, people are not going to remember the debate skill, or even the subdued President. All they are remembering is that Romney lied and that Romney is going to fire Big Bird. And both of those are wins for Barack Obama.

  15. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Post Debate Focus Group: Obama Wins on Likeabiity, Economy, Healthcare

    Six in 10 respondents gave President Obama favorable ratings for his overall performance in the debate, compared with just one in seven who did so for Romney.

    President Obama still wins on likeability. Seems voters are perhaps not so impressed with someone who is a bully and can steamroll a 78 year old moderator into monopolizing the debate.

    The starkest difference between the two candidates was in their likeability. Eight in 10 respondents gave President Obama high marks for coming across as likeable and down to earth, while very few felt that way about Governor Romney. The President came out with a distinct advantage over Romney on the important trait, “caring about people,” and respondents were much more likely to give Obama credit for being honest and truthful in discussing the issues.
    President Obama won on the economy.

    Compared with the beginning of the session, there was a doubling in the number of respondents who said that Obama has good ideas for improving the economy. While Romney also improved on this dimension, 63% of respondents said at the end that Obama expressed good ideas for improving the economy, compared with 27% who said the same about Romney in the debate.
    Romney did himself no favors by saying he would repeal Obamacare and replace it with Obamacare.

    The discussion of health care also played distinctly to Obama’s advantage. Many respondents came into the room equivocal about which candidate would be better on health care, but those voters split significantly in Obama’s favor after hearing both candidates on the issues. Romney lost ground when he talked about repealing ObamaCare.

  16. Anonymous7:18 AM

    CNN's David Gergen: Romney Flat-out Lied

  17. Anonymous7:20 AM

    CO News9 had a 12 person focus group watch the debate WATCH: Did debate sway undecided voters?

    Clark: Who thinks President Obama decisively won tonight's debate?
    [A third of the group raised their hands]

    Clark: Who thinks Mitt Romney decisively won tonight's debate?

    [One man raised his hand]

    Clark: Was any person in this room convinced to cast their vote for one man or another based on what you saw here tonight?

    [No one raised a hand]

    Clark: Not a single person in the room was convinced.

  18. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Independents loved Obama debate!

  19. Anonymous7:24 AM

    There is a tactic in debating called “spreading” that involves throwing as many unproven assertions as possible at an opponent in hopes they waste time refuting lies instead of expounding their message. If the President had spent his limited time refuting every lie Romney told in Wednesday’s debate, he could not have shared his vision for America’s future or how he intended to fight for Americans who are not in Willard’s wealthy elite class...

    1. Anita Winecooler5:59 PM

      It makes sense. President Obama gave him all the rope, and he's already putting out fires, taking back the 47 percent comment on Seanny Pretty Hair's show. Mitt's forced to go more to the center, but it's too little, too late.

      And nobody puts Big Bird in the corner!

  20. Anonymous7:26 AM

    But let's face it: the traditional broadcast media has turned strictly into entertainment, and it needs a competitive horse race. So it was nearly impossible for Romney to lose this debate in their eyes, given how badly they needed him to win it.

    What is interesting to me is that the sense I am getting of the emerging gestalt of the debate—the narrative understanding by the mainstream public—is a merging of these two story lines.

    In other words: "Mitt Romney won by lying."

    So while Romney's team feels momentarily invigorated, and the likes of CNN and ABC News happily chatter about a "game changer", what is percolating into voters' consciousness is a validation of Obama's core messages: Romney is untrustworthy. He'll say anything. He's Machiavellian, just as he was in business. You'll never really know what he stands for. You can't trust him can't trust him can't trust him can't trust him.

    It takes awhile for fact-checking to catch up to felt sense. In some ways it never does. But what Romney gave Team Obama last night was a bonanza of tailor-made "after" clips for devastating "before, he said this, but now he says this" spots. Instead of having to reach back to dusty campaign footage no one cares about, now they have Mitt Romney lying his ass off in front of 67 million people...yesterday.

    Meanwhile, his "win" doesn't appear to have moved the needle at all...except among those who were supposed to be his base. And he still has nearly no possible roadmap to 270 electoral votes.

    Take a breath, friends.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:02 PM

      True! Diane Sawyer, at the end of her coverage, gushed at how sweet it was that all the Romney and Obama family members got to go on stage.
      Bless her heart!

  21. Anonymous7:29 AM

    NEVER underestimate your president Gryphen. Clearly his team saw this and made sure that he did not get the chance:

    You can bet that Mitt Romney had planned at Wednesday’s debate to say he was wrong for getting caught on tape saying:

    “My job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives….. There are 47% who are with him, who are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them. Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing.”

    But President Obama never gave him the chance to tell the 67 million viewers that he was wrong, so Mitt Romney had to tell the relatively smaller audience at Fox News last night. Romney said, “Clearly in a campaign with hundreds if not thousands of speeches and question-and-answer sessions, now and then you’re going to say something that doesn’t come out right. In this case, I said something that’s just completely wrong.”

    So, Romney was stuck telling the only people who agreed with him about half of America being victims that he was wrong. And, he was not given the chance to reinvent himself on this matter to the American people Wednesday night.

    After the debate, many pundits wondered why Obama hadn’t hit Romney with the 47% comments. Apparently Romney couldn’t wait until the next debate to show off the rehearsed grand apology, so he spilled the beans on Fox.

    1. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Frankly Mitt Romney's admission of his "mistake" about the 47% is too little and way too late. And it's also not true. When he was talking to his big money friends he was very clear and very specific about that "47%." You can't all of a sudden say "oh what I said and elaborated on at some length was 'just completely wrong.'" The person who made that egregious statement does not have the right to dismiss it by saying it way wrong. He said it. He has to own it. And we have to remember it on election day.
      Obama/Biden/Democratic Congress 2012

    2. And, Beaglemom, he repeated his 47% claptrap several times over the next few days. It wasn't a momentary whoopsy, didn't mean it like that.

      The Obama campaign has a great ad.

  22. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Look at him cheat! The rules are NO NOTES.

  23. Anonymous7:47 AM

    This You tube video proves Romney cheated no notes allowed during this debate. Watch Romney throw note cards on his podium from his pocket:

  24. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Oh this is sweeeeet! And the movie looks awesome! Just in time for the election voters will be reminded of the success of this mission.

    A movie depicting the manhunt for Osama bin Laden is set to be released on the National Geographic Channel two days before the general election, Yahoo! TV reports.

    The film is being distributed by the Weinstein Company, whose co-founder, Harvey Weinstein, is a major Obama fundraiser. In August, he held a fundraising event for the president at his home in Connecticut.

    The timing would suggest that the company is attempting to highlight a major moment in the Obama presidency just days before the election, though the company has not said as much.

    “The events portrayed in the film were vetted by a team of experts, including a recently retired Navy SEAL, a top CIA operative and one of the most renowned bin Laden historians,” reads a press release for the film, called “Seal Team Six,” according to USA Today.

    A trailer for the movie shows the training of Seal Team Six members, intelligence officers discussing strategy and shows a clip of President Obama briefly.

  25. Anonymous8:50 AM

    That is what I saw in the debate. Romney was pushy and rude, and at times seemed like a petulant child. "It's my turn; he went first the last time." Romeny says everything in this nervous, rushed, breathless manner that makes him seem like a con man. I think it makes a lot of people very uncomfortable.

    The President was presidential. He was the only adult on that stage. I can't believe how the pundits were so quick to condemn him and I think eventually he will be considered the winner.

  26. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Yeah, sure, President Obama could have been tougher, but didn’t the pundits notice that Mitt Romney was behaving like he forgot to take his Ritalin? There was a frenetic weirdness, something approaching instability, to his performance. Not to mention the repeated lying and misrepresentations.

    After the debate – and before I heard the instant analysis – my primary thought had been: Do the American people really want to turn over the nuclear codes to that guy? And, as popular as the “Leave It to Beaver” show was, do they want to invite Eddie Haskell into their homes the next four or eight years?

  27. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Really, Democrats, have you learned so little about Barack Obama in five years?

    You're going to have to pardon a bit of a rant but, after watching the reaction to the first presidential debate yesterday and reading/listening to countless pundits and commenters talking about absolutely blown away President Obama was by Mitt Romney, I have a few things to get off my chest.

    1. Anonymous9:50 AM

      Great post from the Daily Kos. It's my take on the situation precisely. Obama knows exactly what he is doing and Romney? just ain't that bright. Just wait. By the time Obama is done with him, Romney will be mincemeat.

  28. Chenagrrl1:30 PM

    Mitt displays classic snake-oil sales technique. I am sure it worked for him in the boardrooms. He should not quit his day job.

  29. Anonymous4:06 PM

    What a douche.

  30. Anita Winecooler6:09 PM

    I absolutely love the video, it shows how anal retentive and thin skinned Romney truly is.

    Seeing President Obama campaigning with the new job numbers and Big Bird on his side shows how little this first debate actually phased him.

    Heads are exploding on Fox News, the new job number was fixed!

  31. Excellent publish from the Everyday Kos. It's my take on the scenario accurately. Obama knows exactly what he is doing and Romney? just ain't that shiny.


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