Tuesday, October 09, 2012

New Obama ad: "America needs a President with character, not a politician who just plays one."

Another excellent ad from the Obama campaign.

I expect we will see more, especially since they raised whopping 181 million in September.

Oh, but I forgot there is no enthusiasm for our President this election cycle.  At least according to the ever reliable Right Wing news outlets.


  1. Anonymous4:12 AM

    The mendacity of Mitt is unbelievable but even more disheartening is American voters who fall for the garbage cranked out by this guy.

  2. dancingthroughlife4:51 AM

    No enthusiasm, my ass! Tell that to me and the other (estimated) 9,000 people I stood with for three hours in the cold and rain waiting to hear our President speak on Friday. Our venue was packed, and people started waiting in line at 7:30 for the President's speech at 2:30!

  3. Anonymous4:53 AM

    We are not Alone Gryphen:

  4. I’m delighted with all the money President Obama has raised. Those little donors will vote.

  5. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Let's get the vote out for Pres. Obama. Romney would be a disaster for this country.

  6. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Well, I'm getting scared. New polling shows Romney received a huge post debate bump.

    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Read Nate Silver. It was not huge.

  7. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Working the Refs, Not Debate, is Responsible for Romney's "Bounce"

    Last week, we talked a little bit about the Right's attempt to play the refs by complaining that pollsters were polling too many Democrats - where in fact, the numbers were justified by both the Democrats' registration advantage and last presidential election's voting patterns. So what did our national media and pollsters do? They quickly groveled at the feet of the loud screeching noise-makers, of course.

    Today, for example, there is a Pew poll out showing Mitt Romney has taken a lead in national polling of likely voters, 49-45, a full 11-point swing since the same poll from two weeks ago. Did the debate make all the difference? Don't be silly. Here's what really happened: Pew polled fewer voters altogether, and, they acquiesced to the wingnut browbeating and entirely took away the Democratic registration advantage documented in actual voting in 2008, registration data, and well, their own previous polling. Here, in a nutshell, is what really happened:


  8. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Most voters do not follow politics closely. They would not know that Romney showed up at the debate pretending to be a different candidate.

    I had an in law who would morph into a different persona as if acting a character in a play. She would act she was a grandiose reflection of the person she sought to con or win over. She would act out she was the grand version and spew crap acting out no one else had any interest or a drop in common with the person. She was a predator seeking to capture all the attention.

    Just saying such people knock people off balance. Also unless someone has experienced such a person they suspect you are making this up, the liar.
    Calling them out is a double whammy to be objectified as the liar. Worse, in psychodrama theater the one acting a different character will project their real self and cast others into a fictional characters too.

    In contrast I, my offspring have looked stunned (stupid?) unenthusiastic In contrast due to shock, almost speechless trapped in a wtf situation, and slow to respond due to disarming pathalogical acting out.

    Sadly, I can not think of anything PBO can do, say or not to succeed with Mitt the Myth showing up. Mitt oozed with charm, engaged with a smile stating he never said what he said controlling Obama appeared the liar. Mitt lacks a conscience. A person who does not care if he is a known liar has psych issues.

    Mitt started reflecting Obama before the debate.

  9. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Oh, this is GOOD!


  10. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Barking for Barack


  11. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Jon Stewart Tears Into Conservative Outrage Over Funding Sesame Street’s ‘Propaganda,’ ‘Brainwashing’

    "Fox News is upset that empty headed puppets are trying to brainwash and indoctrinate Americans. Perhaps they could sue them for copyright infringement."


  12. NIce ad! Romney basically gave the Dems all the material for this ad. I hope they keep shoving his "pivoting" in his face incessantly. I'd love to see an ad where they actually use the words liar and flip flop.

    It's disconcerting that Romney is polling as close as he is. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty sure Obama will win - Nate Silver's 538 has him waaaay up in the electoral college. But, for the life of me, I can't see what anybody would see in Romney unless they're a peabrain and have race issues. If, God forbid, Romney were to win it would be the biggest case of national self hate in history. And all of those in the 99% who voted for him will deserve every bit of the nightmare they will live.

  13. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Surprise Military Family Welcome Home at South Carolina Football Game


  14. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Details on the video:


  15. Anonymous8:17 AM

    There is one extremely accurate poll (it's never been wrong in it's 12 year history) that no one is talking about. It is a poll that surveys millions of people every election, not just 1000 like all of the polls that are quoted by every news organization.


  16. Anonymous8:28 AM

    While obami has his little helpers making t.v. ads about Big Bird and other reallly funny stuff, the country gets even closer to going bankrupt. Show a little respect for Romney, the man who is most likely going to be your next pres. He's now leading in many of the polls because the people are taking this all a little more seriously than Big Bird jokes. And say hello to Gina for me too!

    1. Anonymous9:07 AM

      well hello tawd, getting nervous? about something. I saw the FBI about hookers and nuts... get crackin! you cracker.

    2. Anonymous9:29 AM

      National debt was never an issue for you until a black man got elected President.

    3. Anonymous9:33 AM

      You need to put down the Tea Party crack pipe. Nate Silver gives Romney a 25% chance of winning. Even Frank Luntz admitted Romney is going to lose. After Biden wipes his ass with Lyin Ryan, you're going to asking your doctor for some Prozac.

    4. Anonymous10:01 AM

      Why do you call him Obami? Is it because he's plural or because you think it sounds like a racial slur?

    5. I don't know where you got the idea that referring to President Obama as "obami" is clever or funny but it is not. Seriously, you keep using it as if you think it is witty. Of course, you probably spend all your time with people just as simple-minded as yourself.

      Oh, and you are also a racist. And a coward.

  17. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Now all we need is a person WITH character, morals and human compassion without the corporate sellout, to vote into office.

  18. Anonymous8:28 AM

    HOT DAMN Y'all! I got my very own troll!!! LOL!

    Right backatcha' "Baldy and Beefy dirty panty sniffer troll!


  19. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Oh, and Sesame street has told the Dems to take the Big Bird ad down. Even they don't think it's funny dear.

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Yeah, that's why they asked for it to be taken down.

  20. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Hey Gryphon, Frontline is airing a good documentary tonight on PBS. It is pretty hard to call Frontline biased either - and this had to be finished long before Mythical Mitt declared open season on Big Bird. Seems like good, substantive viewing for people struggling to cut threw all the mud slingling. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/choice-2012/

  21. Anonymous9:28 AM

    "America needs a President with character, not a politician who just plays one."

    Damn, that's a good line. I wish O could've uncorked something like that on Willard during the debate.

  22. We ex-pats in Canada are getting nervous about the possible invasion of Americans to Canada if Obama loses. I think that all the panic over Obama's "loss" in the first debate is overstated. Come on, folks. Get it together.

    Canada has even beefed up border security according to Andy Borowitz. LOL.

    Seriously folks, you can avoid the border hassle (it took me five years to go through the process to become a Landed Immigrant) by just getting out the vote for Obama. I've already voted for Obama/Biden by absentee ballot and there are a whole bunch of us ex-pats who are doing the same.

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Crystal Sage, thanks for you and all the other ex-pats in Canada who will vote for Obama/Biden. Kudos to all!

  23. Anonymous12:20 PM

    i am listening to rachel maddow and she is going on about how romney won the debate.

    please. the man lied nearly 30 times according to fact checkers.

    on what planet is the liar the winner?

    i am sick of media calling it a win while also saying he lied.

    if you lie - you lose. period.

    otherwise you are an actor and should change professions.

  24. Anita Winecooler6:34 PM

    Speaking of acting- Check out the "new" heartstring tugging, gut wrenching personal encounter Romney had in his house in San Diego, a few years back.


    President Obama may have a Nobel Peace Prize, but Romney's getting an Academy Award!

  25. Smirnon, unfortunately I know a lot of "peabrains with race issues." They have been schooled well by Fox News to repeat talking points, and not to have to think for themselves.

    Recently I put a Facebook post up about Factchecking, but it was not well received by the peabrains I know. They squawked that there is not such thing as non biased fact checking. I'm finished posting political stuff on FB. It's just weird to see your cousins, who grew up on welfare, but are now doing well for themselves, belittle the same people Mitt looks down on - the working poor. I want to pull my hair out, but it's not really worth it. I don't want to have to wear a wig like SP does.

    I will try not to gloat too much when Barach Obama is voted in for a second term, or when he wins the next debate. *ahhh* I have a lot to look forward to, don't I?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.