Saturday, October 13, 2012

Some Alaskan beauty for you courtesy of Dennis Zaki.

It is currently snowing pretty hard right now, but I thought you might like to see some of the colors Dennis captured during our rather short autumn season.

Just yesterday these magnificent beasts showed up in Zaki's back yard. Moose are almost as plentiful up here as cockroaches in the lower forty eight, but this group of animals are still damn impressive looking.

Last night we were dazzled by a rare display of the Aurora Borealis.

While they are quite common in northern Alaska those of us down here in the city usually don't get that many opportunities to see them. Last night sort of made up for that.

Good night my friends. See you in the morning.


  1. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Glorious! Thank you.

  2. Similarly, spring lasts roughly two weeks in Phoenix, Arizona.

    1. Anonymous8:29 PM

      But the hate is 24/7 365. You know the extreme right has ruined your state's image - world wide.

    2. Anonymous2:34 AM

      Seriously? Anonymous 8:29, did you really need to go there? This is a post about rare beauty in the world. Why did you have to bring ugliness into it?

  3. Anonymous6:31 PM

    The colorful fall foliage is here too in the east. The air has that chill and it's time to clean out the garage before the morning frost. That white stuff will be flying soon.

    Thanks for sharing. Something nice about looking up at the crisp night air and seeing the stars and wondering.......

  4. Sharon6:52 PM

    Wonderful pictures as thankful for the additions of your wondrous state in between the horror of our politics. I miss the snow.

    I just read Bruce is doing a live concert thing with Obama in Ohio even though he swore he wouldn't this time. As my home state is NJ, I am giddy just thinking of that tub of lard Christie fuming as his hero shoots him the finger.

    Thank again Gryphen for your great blog.

  5. hasta maƱana.

    and sweet dreams :)

  6. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Living in Washington state now, I don't miss the Alaskan winters but I do miss the Northern Lights.

  7. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Great pics. I too live in Washington state. We just had some wicked fires around Wenatchee in Eastern Washington. I live on the other side of the Cascades. The autumn rain is now here. Personally I love it. My favorite time of year. Melancholy by nature.

  8. Anita Winecooler9:26 PM

    My favorite time of year!

    Love these posts, the photo of the Northern Lights is amazing! And I love the trees ther, they're all the right size!

    Sleep Well

    I leave you with a little sugar for your morning coffee!

  9. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Gryphen, check Buzzfeed they have a scope on Lego Hair ghost writer, Lego nut will be mad reading it.

  11. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Thanks Gryphen. Speaking of Alaska please watch the video there (ff to 25:00 if you just want the relevant part) which is my all time favourite show and Sarah Palin is brought up as a topic. What is telling is that usually predictable answers like the one sandi gives are usually met with a 'forfeit' (a siren and points deduction), the answer Sandi gives is noted by the host as although a predictable joke, also completely true so there's no forfeit. If you understand the game that's saying a lot; pretty much it's just more good news for us. Sarah is an international joke! For reference this is the tenth series and they are working their way through the alphabet and series ten is J of course and this episode 'J places' in which Juneau comes up in discussion, and 'Alaska's biggest joke'.

    Maybe do a post on it and show all the sane Americans that the world is with them, that anyone that does anything BUT laugh at her is an idiot themselves.

  12. Anonymous8:59 AM

    I always love looking at these Alaska pics. Thanks for sharing. So beautiful.


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