Sunday, October 07, 2012

The creator of the Daily Show launches "Lady Parts Justice." Start squirming Republicans.

Here is a portion of what Lizz Winstead had to say about her new program courtesy of Boing Boing:  

Look, it’s time to stop being polite and start asking, “What the fuck do you think you are trying to pull here?” 

It is time to ask, “Why the fuck are men and women who are inexcusably incompetent continually being elected into statehouses, governorships and THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS? And how the fuck is it that this asshole serves on THE SCIENCE COMMITTEE of The House of Representatives?! 


Women are not faking rape and they don’t have magical powers to deactivate rape sperm. We are not pregnant before we are pregnant, we can’t have an abortion if we are not pregnant, and I think we can all agree, women shouldn’t be forced to carry stillborn babies. 

Abortions don’t cause mental instability and the HPV vaccine doesn’t make girls mentally retarded. No woman’s boss should be able to demand information from her to decide if her reason for wanting birth control is moral enough to grant permission. 

OH Yeah, and Planned Parenthood isn’t turning Girl Scouts into Commulezzies 

And Double OH YEAH- 

No state should ever have the right to shove a probe in a woman’s vagina against her will because the government has elected shitwits who think women are such irrational idiots that the government knows best about what is right for them, their bodies and their futures.

 So why am I scribbling all these ridonculous implausible scenarios? 

Because these are either actual laws, proposed laws, or reasons used by politicians who have been elected to public office. 

No, I am not fucking with you right now. 

Guess small government means ONLY legislating small spaces. Namely vaginas. 

Oooh, I LIKE her choice of vocabulary! 

And do you know what? She is absolutely right. It IS well past time for women to stand up to these assholes and fight for the rights that they have over their own bodies. 

Remember it was not too long ago that women were considered the property of their husbands. Which apparently is a time that the Republicans now refer to as "the good old days."

If you disagree with that then it is time for you to visit


  1. Anonymous4:28 PM

    I found a site called ActBlue that collects your credit card info once, when you sign up, and you then can give money -- even tiny amonunts -- to some of the hundreds of state, local and national candidates they have. You choose who you want to donate to.
    When you hear a jackass Republican in some state legislature say outrageous things, you can look up his opponent on google, then donate a small amount to the Democrat in the race. It may not be much, but it's a national way to hear our voices heard around the country.

  2. I’ve given this response a lot of thought. I had a daughter and helped raise a stepson. That wasn’t good enough for some people; they attacked me for not having more children, even in front of my husband. I don’t see men of color doing this, only white men.

    1. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Like it's any of their business? My mom always said "reproduce yourself"- two kids, that's enough.

    2. Leland10:16 AM

      Darlene, I have been saying for years that the ultimate goal of all these shit heads who keep writing laws that remove a woman's voice from the reproductive scene is for them to be able to ORDER women to have children. And I would be willing to bet that SOME of them would like to be able to order it with girls when they start to bleed! (Not to mention drooling over being the first one!)

      There are two things (well, there area lot more, but....) I find absolutely WRONG with that idea.

      First, it is none of their damned business as we here keep saying over and over.

      Second, there are enough damned people on this ball of mud! We do NOT need some shit head politician telling women they MUST have children. Hell, we can't feed those who are already HERE!

      It's bad enough we have the so-called "celibate" bastard in the Vatican essentially ordering it. Like HE really knows what's going on, right?

  3. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Liz Winstead and Shanon Moore are good friends.

    Think of ALL the BABYGATE OPPORTUNITIES if Moore had the guts to get in the ring!

  4. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Darlene, if you don't do your part to make this country great again by having 7 or 8 kids, then the little mexicuns and muslim terrorrist anchor babies will rule the next generations to come until 'mericun women git with the program and learn that the only reason that they're here is to pop out little white babies.

    You ain't gotta be able to feed em or clothe em. That's what the military is for. We got wars we gotta fight and we can't trust the blahs and beaners to die for a country that they all hate, just like Oblammer, the organizer-in-chief. It's unpatriotic.

    Just what kind of good 'mericun do you think you is, anyway? All of THOSE PEOPLE, The Blahs, terrorist muslims and them thievein' brown people can't stop their breeding.

    What's up with all the Caucasian women not wanting to have babies like they 'spose to? It's them goddam lesbian communists and the ACLU and the Jews behind this conspiracy. The ones from Chicago.

    That's why I'm glad I can vote for a real Repuglican this year, Ms Sarah Palin. She hates all them furriners, and she will fuck them up so bad they will think they can see Russia from their backyard in Kenya.

    Fuck all them commies and socialists and lesbians and queers and northern librul yankees and homework assignin' school teachers. In other words, all of the E-leats. The ones that read real books and shit.

  5. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I will never understand women voting for Republicans. And men who care about women voting for Republicans. Are they not paying attention?

  6. Anonymous6:14 PM

    More Republican talking points.

    1. Anonymous6:59 PM

      I hear Arkansas is a lovely state. But as a typical red state, it has its share of nutters and racists. GOP, of course.

  7. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Sorry to break it to you Lizz, but when you speak of "small places", those aren't the Palin women's vaginas you are speaking of. Them gals' poo nannies have been stretched from here to yonder by every swinging dick in Alaska. Not to mention the fact that they have all popped out multiple logger-headed babies.

  8. "It IS well past time for women to stand up to these assholes and fight for the rights that they have over their own bodies."

    It's also well past time for men to stand up for the agency and autonomy women. I don't mean that critically, just complimentary. My mother's, sisters', girlfriend's freedom are just as important mine.

    1. Anonymous1:54 AM

      I agree. But as a woman I have not had the experience that I can rely on men for help like this. Some lip service. But it's been a struggle waged by women alone, with a few notable exceptions. I'll believe it when I see it. I don't mean to criticise your comment, in fact I welcome it. But I can't really count on it.

  9. Anita Winecooler7:58 PM

    Lizz really lays it out, the entire article on Boing Boing, as well as her book of essays are great reads. There's so much at stake in this election, the war on science, the supreme court, Trickle Down Economics, world affairs, keystone pipeline, etc but the most important is the war on women.

    Obama/ Biden and a House of Representatives with Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

    1. Anonymous1:55 AM

      Yes, a v critical election.

  10. Anonymous10:10 PM

    O/T This is one sick woman -- someone get her some help.

  11. Paul - Minnesota2:57 AM

    Off topic, yet since Lizz is a native Minnesotan, I'll also mention Twin Cities Archbishop John Nienstedt.

    He's similar to Michele Bachmann. Both of them muck things up for Minnesotans (and other people elsewhere).

    They're both people who aren't good people, with integrity nor being proactively positive such as Lizz. They also lie to suit their personal agenda and will do anything for personal gain.

    Neinstedt's push for Minnesota's constitutional amendment will do absolutely nothing to protect nor fix already existing marriage/s.


    Working aggressively behind the scenes, the 65-year-old Nienstedt has emerged as a key financial and political force for passage of the marriage amendment, which will be on the Nov. 6 ballot and is the most contentious issue in the state this election season.

    He has committed more than $650,000 in church money, stitched together a coalition of leaders from other faiths and exerted all his power within the church to press Minnesota's million-plus Catholics to back him.

    "We wouldn't have gotten very far without him," said Frank Schubert, campaign manager for Minnesota for Marriage, the lead group pushing the amendment. "What the archbishop is doing in Minnesota is what the pope asked him to do. It's hard to overstate his importance."


    The Vatican is keeping a close eye on the outcome of the marriage amendment vote. In March, Pope Benedict told Minnesota bishops visiting in Rome that the preservation of traditional marriage must be a top priority. Bishops who fought to uphold the definition of marriage in other states have been rewarded with promotions. For an ambitious archbishop, the marriage amendment offers the potential for advancement in the Catholic hierarchy.


    Before the 2010 election, he led a move to send DVDs opposing same-sex marriage to 400,000 Catholics in Minnesota, in which he gave a six-minute introduction.

    Schubert, a longtime political strategist who has won marriage-related campaigns in California and other states, said he first met Nienstedt in 2010. Same-sex marriage opponents were worried at the time that the DFL-controlled Legislature was going to take a run at the state's marriage laws. Activists contacted the National Organization for Marriage, a group Schubert was working with. The group reached out to Nienstedt and found an ally.

    Nienstedt worked with Schubert to produce the DVDs and to put his views in writing. In a December letter to clergy, Nienstedt wrote that "the institution of marriage and family life are unraveling before our very eyes due to no-fault divorce, widespread cohabitation and promiscuous sexual activity." Amendment opponents, he said, seek "to eliminate the need for marriage altogether."


    Undeterred by the criticism, Nienstedt has raised the stakes. To a mother who pleaded for acceptance for her gay child, he wrote: "I urge you to reconsider the position that you expressed. ... Your eternal salvation may well depend upon a conversation of heart on this topic."


    To clergy, he issued orders that no "open dissension" would be allowed. ...

    Nienstedt is not the first or only U.S. bishop to combat same-sex marriage. But in many ways, "Nienstedt's done more than anybody," said Jamie Manson, who writes about gender and sexual orientation issues for the National Catholic Reporter. "No one has been more public ... and has used quite as many strategies as Nienstedt has."

    Manson noted that U.S. bishops who have recently fought against same-sex marriage -- including Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone in San Francisco, Archbishop William Lori in Baltimore and Archbishop Charles Chaput in Philadelphia -- won promotions afterward. Nienstedt would be well-positioned for promotion to a larger diocese, she said.

    "Clearly, there's a precedence here. There's a reward system at work," Manson said.

    1. Anonymous5:34 AM

      Hmmm. What about the separation of church and state in this country? Maybe the Catholic Church in Minnesota should begin to pay taxes?

  12. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Yeah. This is really going to keep republicans awake while the left sleeps like babies as the subpoenas drag intelligence and diplomatic figures before congress to give testimony on why security forces were pilled form Bengazi.

    And the "femalepartsgate" is a real hair-raiser compared to the recent finding that more than $200,000,000 of Obama's campaign funds were funnelled from overseas--a viloation of law.

    Nothing new there. After all Barrie O did advise companies to violate the law by not informing workers of layoffs.

    Oh, did anybody see this: (This is from the Weekly Standard not some rag of a blog):

    "Last night, the Obama campaign blasted out another email claiming that Mitt Romney's tax plan would either require raising taxes on the middle class or blowing a hole in the deficit. "Even the studies that Romney has cited to claim his plan adds up still show he would need to raise middle-class taxes," said the Obama campaign press release. "In fact, Harvard economist Martin Feldstein and Princeton economist Harvey Rosen both concede that paying for Romney’s tax cuts would require large tax increases on families making between $100,000 and $200,000."

    But that's not true. Princeton professor Harvey Rosen tells THE WEEKLY STANDARD in an email that the Obama campaign is misrepresenting his paper on Romney's tax plan:

    I can’t tell exactly how the Obama campaign reached that characterization of my work. It might be that they assume that Governor Romney wants to keep the taxes from the Affordable Care Act in place, despite the fact that the Governor has called for its complete repeal. The main conclusion of my study is that under plausible assumptions, a proposal along the lines suggested by Governor Romney can both be revenue neutral and keep the net tax burden on taxpayers with incomes above $200,000 about the same. That is, an increase in the tax burden on lower and middle income individuals is not required in order to make the overall plan revenue neutral."

    1. Paul - Minnesota9:54 AM

      Not some rag of a blog? Are you implying Gryphen's blog you posted on is some rag of a blog ... Anonymous one?

      If so, it's not great to denigrate Gryphen.

      I've never met him yet he strikes me as a very fair man as he'll publish rather than censor or limit comments. Which many GOP/tea and USA Taliban sites will do so. Limit and censor people and then say these other websites will say they're fair and balanced, have integrity, are honest, truthful, factual, etc.


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