Sunday, October 07, 2012

Remember that debate that Mitt Romney "won?" Well apparently he also started another international incident as well.

"Let us sing the Spanish anthem together.Ay, ay, ay, ay! oh, I am dee Frito Bandito"
Courtesy of Fox News Latino:

It has become apparent to some that Mitt Romney is in need of a crash course in Diplomacy 101. 

He irritated Britons and Palestinians during a summer tour abroad and has declared Russia to be America's No. 1 geopolitical foe. Just last week, the Republican candidate, who plans a foreign policy speech Monday, raised eyebrows in Spain by holding it up as a prime example of government spending run amok. 

That left Spaniards confused, and threatened to reinforce Romney's perceived handicap in international affairs, precisely at a time when lingering questions over the Sept. 11 attacks against the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, has President Barack Obama on the defensive. 

"I don't want to go down the path of Spain," Romney said Wednesday night during the first presidential debate. He argued that government spending under Obama has reached 42 percent of the U.S. economy, a figure comparable with America's NATO ally. "I want to go down the path of growth that puts Americans to work." 

The remark was Romney's latest to cause international offense during a campaign that much of the world is closely monitoring. 

No one contests that Spain's situation is dire, its economy in deep recession and unemployment hovering around 25 percent. But Spain's level of government spending is actually low by European standards, and significantly less than Germany and Scandinavian countries with far healthier economic prospects. Spain's woes were chiefly caused by the collapse of a property bubble that had fueled more than a decade of booming economic growth. 

Spanish reaction to Romney was swift. 

"What I see is ignorance of what is reality, but especially of the potential of the Spanish economy," said Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria. 

Maria Dolores Cospedal, leader of Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy's Popular Party, noted that "Spain is not on fire from all sides like some on the outside have suggested." Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia Margallo called it "very unfortunate that other countries should be put up as examples" when the facts are skewed. 

And THIS guy wants to run our country?

By his second day in office America would be in a World War with everybody except possibly the Cayman islands, and only because Mitt would not want to risk blowing up his own money. 

Did anybody else notice that this was reported by the Latin arm of Fox News?

Kind of hard to embrace the old Fox News talking points when this Americano is pissing all over your country, isn't it amigos?


  1. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Romney is such a proven liar and doofus! Why would anyone vote for him? Doesn't make one bit of sense to me.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  2. Anonymous2:38 PM

    During the debate my a~political husband said,
    "where there goes our relationship with Spain".

    How come the Media didn't hop on it before SPAIN DID?!?!

    1. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Well, there goes...

      My bad.

  3. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Nitwit, makes me wanna Vomit Romney suffering yet again with foot in mouth disease. Oh yeah he's republican material.

    He's about as stiff as cardboard and he's able to outright lie in your face while holding a sanctimonious "what's wrong with "you" people" smirk.

  4. Anonymous3:15 PM

    words are important. especially when you want to be the commander in chief of the USA.

    mitten fail.

    obama/biden 2012

  5. eclecticsandra3:22 PM

    Gryphen, aren't you confusing Mexico and Spain? I don't know for sure; I've never been to Spain.

    1. Me either. But I kinda like the music. They say the ladies are insane there. And they sure know how to use it.

    2. Anita Winecooler7:10 PM

      Thanks, Not Bristolz DWTS Baby,

      I'll be humming that song all night!

  6. Anonymous3:49 PM

    What an ass.

  7. Anonymous3:57 PM

    OT--Great picture of the Wasilla hillbilly. WOW she looks rough!!!!

    1. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Holy sheepshit !! She got that stringy hair thing going on. Reminds me of Nick Nolte's mugshot.

      If you can picture her without the wiglets, her gauntness and stringy hair makes her look like an addict !!

    2. Anonymous5:58 PM

      What's that white string hanging out of the Gaunt Granny Gfifter's crotch? Another fashion faux pas?

    3. Anita Winecooler7:16 PM

      "Sarah Palin dropped into TPN today to get lashed by Danielle!"

      I'm no dominatrix, but apparently, Danielle didn't lash hard enough.

    4. Wow. She's so puny and gaunt and her hair is out of control. She's a mess and one is sure that she tried to look good when she stepped out. Something is seriously wrong with her.

  8. Anonymous4:01 PM

    one more pic! enlarge for extra mulletness!!

    1. Anonymous4:18 PM

      she looks like seinfeld"s uncle leo!!
      maybe she is going to perform on DWTS!!

    2. Anonymous4:23 PM

      That nail studio has a reality show.

    3. WTF is with that HAIRLINE??? I don't call her BALDY for nothing y'all! Seriously...she should NOT be leaving the house looking like that?

      She ain't nothing but skin and bones!

      As the late great Rick James said....

      "METH is one hellavu drug"


    4. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Not only that, but the creepies' book jumped from 7K to bestseller in a matter of days? I smell "postage."

    5. Anonymous5:08 PM

      WTF? Palin either Sarah has a female genital landing strip above her nose or its a uni-brow?

    6. Anonymous5:09 PM

      Is Sarah wearing Todd's jeans?

    7. Anonymous5:15 PM

      Sarah has false titties
      Sarah wears hair extensions and wigs
      Sarah gets her neck tightened up
      Sarah is pictured here after getting false eye lashes.

      I ask you, is there anything original left on Sarah that God gave her?

      Is Sarah afraid of aging and looking like her father Creepy Chuckie?

      Is Sarah insecure?

      Is there any wonder why Bristol is so insecure that she went out and got a chin implant and lipo?

    8. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Damn, Sarah Palin can't even get false eye lashes without her berries, Blackberries in her hand.

    9. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Big Piper must hate standing next to Sarah.

    10. Anonymous5:22 PM

      I have noticed how bad her posture has been word - BONIVA!!

    11. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Will Sarah Palin appear with this new jelled hairstyle on DWTS tomorrow night?

    12. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Hey Sarah if you are proud of your shape why don'tcha wear a bikini or Bristol's grey shorts?

    13. Anonymous5:55 PM

      How come this woman wasn't on DWTS All Stars instead of Bristol Palin?

    14. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Fake lashes to go with the fake face, fake glasses, fake tits. Is there anything REAL left on this puny lady's body?

    15. Anonymous6:04 PM

      5:42PM You're gonna make me puke thinking about the bony-assed wonky-eyed bitch. Ugh!

    16. Anonymous7:54 PM

      she is horribly anorexic.

  9. Anonymous4:16 PM

  10. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Gryphen, you might enjoy the Romney's reaction to Mitt trying to hide his cheat sheet.

    1. That was interesting.

    2. DetroitSam9:06 PM

      Everyone, please go to this site. The screen shots are very, very clear. Look at all of them, especially those at the end showing the looks at the faces of the Romney family as they realize what happened.

      They all stopped smiling. The son is stone faced. Daughter-in-law’s eyes are bugged. Mitt is licking his lips.

      Ann grabs Mitt and says something like…”We need to get off this stage now. “ Daughter-in-law still looking bug-eyed. She knows what has happened.

  11. Anonymous4:23 PM

    “America needs a President with character, not a politician that just plays one”

  12. Anonymous5:47 PM

    'Dancing With The Stars All Stars' face double elimination, Kyle Massey returns

  13. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Anonymous5:06 PM

    No doubt a bulk buy through SarahPAC. The info I have seen about the book signings have looked pretty sparse...

    1. Anonymous4:59 AM

      Load up that warehouse with all of those unsalable books . Whenever it's full, Creepy Chucky, the family firebug can take care of the "insurance work".

  14. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Haha - Love the Frito Bandito.

    Well, Mitt's name does him justice - he really is like a rough woolen mitt instead of a smooth glove. I can't imagine him in diplomatic talks during a crisis. Yikes!

  15. Anita Winecooler7:32 PM

    Does speaking fluent "Croissant" count as "foreign policy experience"?

    What a string of epic gaffes. Pissing off the Brits, the palestinians, the isrealis, injecting himself in the attack on the libyan embassy, and now the Spanish. Does he know anything about world affairs or diplomacy?

    1. Anonymous5:11 AM

      but, but, but...

      that's *our* major ammo against Biden!!

      If Mittens proves to be a serial blunderer, well, then, what's left for us to criticize Biden about?

      boo fucking hoo

  16. Melanmoney2:34 AM

    Mitt the Sh*t also made a "brutta figura" of himself here in Italy.

    I truly fear for the worst if this creep gets into the White House.

  17. Anonymous7:46 AM


    Your pic represents Mexico. Not Spain.

    Reminds me of the kids who used to ask me if my Spaniard mother made good tacos.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.