Saturday, October 06, 2012

"Why Obama Now." You are going to love this.

An animated short about the big choice in 2012's presidential election - by Simpsons / Family Guy animator Lucas Gray.

If that does not put a smile on your face then I don't know what will.


  1. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Dudes -- tell me not to worry about Romney's bounce in the polls! I'm trying to rationalize this by remembering that bounces don't last and that the polls out now don't reflect the coverage of the jobs report and the post-debate coverage about what a big, fat liar Romney is, and I'm also trying to remind myself that Obama's approval rating is 54% and that his poll numbers, pre-debate were probably higher than they should have been -- but ME WORRIED!

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM
      "Dudes" said this same shit last night! This thread is about this hilarious ass video...why don't you watch it and RELAX!

    2. Anonymous10:55 AM

      What's with you negative nellies? STOP watching the polls.

      Gryphen posts something positive for us to see and absorb, and pass along to others, and you come in here with negativity.

    3. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Bounces are just that, bounces. It won't last. Now electoral college votes is the determining factor and Obama is way over 270 and has been for a long time now. Romney is stuck at 191.

      Obama has lost one point on Gallup and Mitt has gained on point since the debate. Hardly a bounce. Rasmussen is trumpeting the bounce, but so far it's not by much. Obama is still leading in nearly all the swing states, and Ohio early voting has been restored.

      Romney Campaign's Debate Euphoria Grinds To A Halt After Jobs Report

      Obama's September Campaign Take: $181 Million

      Latest Presidential Polls: Even Rasmussen Says Obama Retains National Lead Despite Debate

      Trust your prez, he's got this.

    4. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Grassroots power. A million people across the country are too busy pounding pavement, canvassing, etc. that they aren't part of those polls.. That's why PO won by an unexpected landslide in 2008. - Everyone has to do their part, if you can't phonebank or canvass, just donate $5/week until the election to help pay for campaign costs and ads.

    5. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Thanks 10:59! I feel better.

      For the record, I posted this comment because I needed someone to make me feel better. I come HERE for this instead of other websites because Gryphen runs an open forum and I don't have to sign in and then read comments from retarded trolls -- usually. This is one of the only places in the internet that I know of, where I, as a supporter of the president can go and communicate with others without being inundated with Koch's nickel army. And I'm posting this, because my real life fellow Obama-ites have also started to get nervous. Which makes me MORE nervous! Please don't attack me. I'm here because I love you guys.

    6. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Mittens is going to get sucker-punched in the next debate. It will be a "Mittersweet" lesson in humility for him.

      Obama/Biden 2012
      Hillary 2016

    7. Anonymous12:16 PM

      Fivethirtyeight shows Obama has the electoral votes and with a couple of swing states as the trend. Unemployment down, huge crowds and what can I say cult of personality. He's in. Just get out and vote. Make sure your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors get out and vote. Use the information you learn here to spread the word. I just shared this to FB. I have friends who give me flack and others who like. I try to reason with the other side. Right now I'm working on my ex-brother-in-law who is a veteran and gay. On one post it's thinkprogress and the next is ijreview. I guess he's what you would call an independent and the type of person you need to sway. I live in a totally BLUE state so it's not that critical but if you live in a red or especially a swing state get the facts out. Some people are so apolitical they just follow along. Those people need to realize that there is a lot of our American freedoms and values at stake in this election. Welcome to IM and spread the word!!!

    8. Anonymous12:26 PM

      I'm pretty sure that Obama is going to kick some A in the town hall-style forum, when actual humans ask the questions! Mittens will probably throw a tantrum though and try to cheat by filling the audience with his supporters...

    9. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Do you really believe President Obama didn´t know what was in the latest jobs report before he walked into that debate? Romney won, yet there was very little damage control from the Obama camp. The spin (if you want to call it that) was perfunctory. The Obama friendly media was quick, eager to throw in the towel and overreact. And the GOP bought it.

      Seriously, think about it.

      Look at the big picture. Before the debate conservative pundits were scrambling to distance themselves from Mitt. GOP leaders had thrown Mitt under the bus, pointed fingers of blame at one another, and were desperately trying to salvage what was left of their professional reputations. They were jostling for ¨I told you so¨ positions.

      Not anymore. Now they have publicly committed to Romney, rallied behind his ¨solid conservative message.¨ Their support is loud, unequivocal, and clear. Bombastic even. And they are right where President Obama wants them. (Mitt has already started walking back some of the things he claimed in the debate.)

      This is not just about Romney. This is an opportunity to knock out the part of the GOP that places their personal best interests above their children.

      Next Thursday VPOTUS will debate the ¨future of the Republican Party,¨ Ryan. He is the ¨intellectual giant¨ of the GOP, the ¨one¨ who can convey true conservative values, the ¨answer¨ who will deliver. After last Wednesday the expectations are clear: Ryan will ¨massacre¨ Biden.

      President Obama seized the high ground, the best position on the field of battle, and handed it to VP Biden.

      You are about to find out why President Obama chose Joe Biden.

      And you are about to find out that President Obama did not rope one dope last Wednesday - he roped all the dopes.

    10. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Polls will change a dozen more times before November. The only numbers that really count are the electoral college numbers and those have been looking unbeatable for weeks. Swing states have been slowly but steadily swinging right into the Obama camp.

      This is not a sprint, it's a marathon, and we've got by far the best runner...and more and more people are recognizing that fact.

  2. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this. We all have to pass this video on. It has to go viral.

  3. Anonymous11:04 AM

    - also available at

  4. WakeUpAmerica11:05 AM

    Actually, it makes me fricking angry. What is wrong with middle class voters who are Rethuglican? I just don't get it.

    1. Anonymous3:44 PM

      I have a good friend who is very religious. She belongs to a very conservative church which will, no doubt, be preaching support for the GOP because of tradition and because of abortion.

      On most other issues we agree so, for the sake of our friendship which we both value, we never discuss politics except to acknowledge that our votes always cancel each other out.

      I, too, am flummoxed at how anyone who isn't white, male, Christian (of the correct denomination, of course), and wealthy can possibly support the current Republican party.

  5. Anonymous11:07 AM

    That Mitt Romney is one lying sack of caca!! But, millions watched the debate and some of them are pretty damned stupid and don't really pay attention. That is what worries me!!!

    And, now the unemployment rate has dropped - all the Repubs (including their leaders in the House of Congress) said it would never get below 8% under President Obama. When it was 8% and above, they believed the numbers, but now that it dropped slightly below 8%, they think the numbers are bogus. The assholes cannot have it both ways!!

    Pay attention Americans - get out and vote for President Obama and VP Joe Biden! They have done a hell of a job in spite of all the Republican obstruction in Congress.

    I detest that Republican party and think the Romneys would be horrible in the White House.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  6. Kimosabe11:22 AM

    That's brilliant! Anybody know the context of BO's speech?

    The only problem was that he had the Palin bobblehead talking coherently ... artistic license, I suppose.

    1. Anonymous11:55 AM

      In noticed that too, though then again, anything can happen in cartoons (yes, even turning a babbling, selfish idiot into a knowledgeable and compassionate human being).

    2. Anonymous12:41 PM

      The video was made by animator, Lucas Gray, animator for The Simpsons and Family Guy.

  7. Love, love, love it! Hey Universe, four more years of this great POTUS pretty please with a cherry on top!

  8. Sharon12:27 PM

    This is great, great, great!!!! On another note, just saying.....I am originally from NJ, and I loathe that arrogant bully Chis Christie, who is totally in love with Bruce, and because Bruce's entire life is devoted against assholes like him..rebuffs his adoration constantly. My point is, everytime I listen to one of Obama's stump speeches, Bruce's song "We take care of our Own" is playing before he comes out.....I just love it. I am sure it grates on that blubbering bastard to no end, 2016 indeed...he needs to start Weight Watchers now, can you imagine him running for prez????

  9. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Great video! What we need now is a video of Mittens spewing out lies like baseballs and the Prez hitting home runs knocking the stuffing's out of the park.

  10. $181 million in donations for Obama in September. THAT'S what I call a bounce!

  11. Oh, and thanks for this video, Jesse. It's great!

  12. Why didn't Obama say anything even remotely like this in the debate?

    When did he make this speech? I ask because it makes more sense than anything his administration has done to date.

  13. Anonymous2:28 PM

    OT - I just read on Shes No Hockey Mom latest post that Blade is in need of some angels. I know how tight money is for everyone, but if their are any IM readers that can spare a few $'s for helping this couple in need please go to:

    I know the feeling of being sick & broke - it really is sucks.


    1. Anonymous4:38 PM

      I was trying to multi-task when I wrote the above post. She's and there (instead of their). Sorry


  14. AJ Billings3:19 PM

    Here are some non partisan FACTS taken from the CBO and the Congressional Record:

    Fact: Ronald Reagan cut cap gain taxes by a huge amount in 1980's. By doing that he increased the deficits a gigantic amount. It did bring interest rates down, but at what cost considering the interest that we then owed to Japan and England, who were buying our bonds back then? What were the long term consequences going to be?

    My opinion is that Congress and Reagan started the downward spiral of America by using a credit card approach in the 1980's.

    Fact: Cheney once said "deficits don't matter", as though that statement could offset the tsunami of debt that would engulf us 30 years later.

    Reagans's policies ended up gutting the economy long term, because you can't keep putting debt on the credit card forever.

    FACT: George HW Bush, (Dubya's father ) called Reagan's plan VOODOO economics, and he was exactly right; More prophetic words have seldom been spoken by an American President

    FACT: Clinton started us down the road of NAFTA, outsourcing, and repealed a lot of the tarrifs that protected our markets in former days

    That caused 50,000 US factories and businesses to ship operations to China, Mexico, and India.

    FACT: That gutted our industrial base, and has forced us to become a slave to the titanic interest payments over the last 20 years.

    FACT: Congress repealed Glass Steagall act, allowing the big banks to play Casino games with the public's accounts, setting the stage for the biggest theft of public funds in history

    George W Bush started two unnecessary wars after his dismal failure to keep the country safe after 9/11. Worst of all, he not only put those expenses on the credit card, he also CUT taxes at the worst possible time.

    Under his watch, he ran up more huge debt from stupid policies, and the walls came crashing down in October of 2008 partially due to the casino games on Wall Street.

    There in just a few paragraphs you have the reason why both Repubs and Democrats are ALL GUILTY as charged for running our country into the financial ditch.

    Along comes Mr Obama, the veritable Janitor in Chief trying to salvage whatever he could after 30 years of graft, corruption, incompetence, and blind allegiance to the titanic failure of fiscal policy of all those years of our Congress making horrifically bad decisions

    None of this is simple, and the details are far beyond the scope of this blog. But the facts are irrefutable.

    It's a 30 year legacy of failure, bad decisions, and living beyond our means, and Repubs and Dems are all guilty as charged.

    A 30 year problem may take a 30 year solution, but with the Teaparty religious crowd standing in front of every moderate or compromise bill before Congress, we have little hope, even if Mr Obama gets re-elected

  15. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:31 PM

    Short story from rural PA--acquaintances of ours, committed Republicans who have been sending us "those" emails with the usual misinformation and Obama jokes for the past three years, looked us straight in the eye this morning and told us THEY ARE VOTING FOR OBAMA. Why? After Mitten's hyped-up and bogus debate performance, they simply CANNOT TRUST HIM. They admitted that Obama's "actually" doing OK, and is better for the country. Don't believe the media's positive Mitt spin--it ain't working. Their 18-year-old daughter has registered to vote and is excited to toss her first ballot in for Barack as well! YEAH!!!

  16. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:33 PM

    BTW, the video is great--am sending it to them!

  17. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Love the short, but, as a Canadian (and Obama supporter), I'm rather annoyed to see the name of my country in the map at the end given only as "North America."

  18. Anita Winecooler8:36 PM

    Thanks for the video, passing it along to everyone I know!


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