Saturday, November 03, 2012

CIA timeline of events at Benghazi debunks Fox News claims of a coverup or conspiracy.

Courtesy of the Washington Post:

A detailed CIA timeline of the assault on U.S. facilities in Benghazi paints an anguishing picture of embattled Americans waiting for Libyan security forces who didn’t come and courageous CIA officers who died on a rooftop without the heavy weapons they needed, trying to protect their colleagues below. 

It’s a story of individual bravery, but also of a CIA misjudgment in relying on Libyan militias and a newly formed Libyan intelligence organization to keep Americans safe in Benghazi. 

While there were multiple errors that led to the final tragedy, there’s no evidence that the White House or CIA leadership deliberately delayed or impeded rescue efforts. 

The CIA is now reviewing its security plans around the world to make sure the agency isn’t relying on shaky local forces. This is a difficult task because the United States has vulnerable arrangements in dozens of places.

Essentially the timeline reveals that while there is blame to go around for not being adequately prepared these attacks there is no evidence of a conspiracy or a cover up.

The timeline also reveals, despite what Fox Noise wants you to believe, that the CIA DID dispatch a team to go to the compound in Benghazi only 24 minutes after being alerted that there was an attack. They met a larger force than they anticipated, and had a very dangerous and difficulty firefight, but they WERE attempting a rescue less than half an hour after they knew of an attack.

The report also states that there was evidence to suggest that extremists used the excuse provided by that anti-Islam video to attack a "variety of our embassies," which explains the initial confusion as to whether this was a planned attack or a more violent offshoot of the protests.

A rather important detail, that never seems to be mentioned on any of the so-called "liberal" media outlets that are supposedly in the tank for Obama, is something that I noticed in the report, where Secretary of State Clinton is quoted as saying.  “I take responsibility. I’m in charge of the State Department’s 60,000 people all over the world (at) 275 posts.”

Now think about that. On September 11, 2012, in the year that America had finally managed to kill Osama Bin Laden, there were 275 posts around the world (Many in Muslim countries), manned by 60,000 people.  Every one of who were potentially vulnerable to a retaliatory attack by some splinter Al-Qaeda group or another.

From that rather large number, while riots raged on many a street in the Middle East, ONLY four men lost their lives. Now the loss of even one life is one life too many, but those are still some impressive odds.

Clearly the Right Wing saw this situation as their last hope of finally going after Obama for being weak on defense, which had proved almost impossible after the death of Bin Laden, so they threw all of their resources at making this a huge scandal.

However in the old light of day, it is really nothing more than a very unfortunate incident, that NOBODY could have adequately predicted.

The real shame is that the opportunists over at Fox and on Right Wing radio politicized these deaths in a desperate attempt to damage this President that they so despise. If there really is a scandal here, THAT would be it.


  1. Anonymous6:31 AM

    O/T front page huffpo:

    1. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Like everything else in the Palin political repertoire, Palin is still trying to peddle her rancid brand of demagogic snake oil to the American people. Her political action committee is little more than a con job--she has donated merely 1.7 percent of the money she has raised to political candidates across the country. It's a scam from beginning to end.

    2. That is good link! She always waits until the last minute to give ever since her "Team" got caught by FEC.
      Benghazi, I still want to know who made that movie.
      I know foxnoise, greta van suckface, SarahpoisonPalin say it doesn't matter but that fact is "someone" decided to rile up the Muslims.
      RMoney met with anti-Muslims in Aug! This happened on Sept 11th!
      If you google you will find tons of stuff. Fox news desperately wants us to forget about the film and blame PBO! But we can't forget about it.
      I'm sure they engineered it but didn't count on American citizens being killed. I've been waiting for this to land on RMoney campaign! Like the house in Wizard of Oz!

    3. Anonymous7:35 PM

      I have read that Pam Geller might have had something to do with the film, she posted some information on a very similar film on her website atlashrugs about 8 months ago. I don't think they realised what would happen once the film was released. Now Americans have been killed over it they are paronoid.

  2. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Fox News, right-wing radio and GOP criminals like Rep. Issa should have to pay a price for their lies. They duped the grieving father of one of the US victims at Benghazi and used his grief to ramp up their lies. I find the right-wing media and all of the Republican Party to be simply despicable.

  3. Anonymous6:51 AM

    You know what the Rethug mantra is.... Never let a crisis go to waste! And (of course, also too) never let facts get in the way of narrative

  4. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Actually surprised that Fox has stayed 24/7 on Benghazi and not reverted back to demonizing Obama for his connection to Rev Wright.

    2008 was non stop Rev Wright .. now it is Benghazi.

  5. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Let's give credit to Ryan for not dragging his kids to all the campaign stops.

    I am so glad I do not even know the names of his kids.

    1. Anonymous7:37 AM

      Just imagine what kind of scam that Sarah Palin would be running if she had three daughters that were as beautiful as the Huntsman girls.

      On second thought, don't think about Sarah Palin at all. She's not worth the time or attention.

      She's just a grifter, and she uses whatever angle she can find to separate people, govt or other orgs from their money.

    2. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Except for Palin, I can't think of any politicians that have purposely pushed their children into the spotlight...and then griped about said spotlight to get even more spotlights.

    3. Anonymous8:14 AM

      We haven't heard much at all from or about Ryan since is embarrassing debate performance. I get the feeling the GOP is hiding Ryan from the public (except for very carefully planned campaign stops).

    4. Anonymous8:48 AM

      Lets stop talking about the Palins. They are all 'has beens' and their time in the spotlight is over.

  6. sorry, o/t.

    Here Mitt is projecting again:

    Mitt Romney Robocall Warns Christians Obama A 'Threat To Our Religious Freedom'

    Just when I think he's sunk to the lowest depths of human depravity, he manages to lower the bar again.

  7. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Palin and the posse will forget about Benghazi as soon as the election is over.

  8. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Fox called the relief concert to help the recovery of victims of hurricane Sandy a "pro Obama rally" too.They said it should have been held after the election.Never mind the people that are homeless and hungry with no end in sight.There should be some push back on this.Sandy was not a political event and the people need help now.I think it is time for Fox to be relegated to the trash bin of history.The whole of that organization seems to be a bunch of heartless cynical bastards.

  9. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I've been following this "Faux Noise" Benghazi story for the last couple weeks. I knew it was a load of codswallop and found some documents (of press conferences and such) on government websites to prove it. I'm very glad this CIA Timeline was released, and I hope it gets a lot of publicity.

  10. Anonymous8:44 AM

    FOX is going to be so pissed off when President Obama and VP Biden win this election and determine that their bullshit for the past four years didn't work!

    The Republican party is a friggin mess and I sincerely hope all Republicans up for election on the national, state and local levels are losers in November. We do not need any of them running our country on ANY level!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  11. Issa must be pissed that Bushco was not indicted by Obama admin for various war crimes. Heck Cheney cannot go outside US for fear of reprisals. A stop has to be put to these lies....I don't watch Fox.
    My friend seems to enjoy the comedy....kinda sad.

  12. Anonymous9:09 AM 'I made a new song that's a reminder of what this election is all about...'

  13. Anonymous9:10 AM

    There was not a political word uttered during the concert. Even the stars who introduced the musicians were not identified. The only criticism I have is that it was pretty short on the participation of women.

  14. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Cher & Kathy Griffin: 'Don't Let Mitt Turn Back Time On Women' For (VIDEO)

  15. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Off topic. Check out the low information voters interviewed at a Romney campaign event in Ohio.

    The woman about 1 minute in is Scarah's future in ten years!

    "Bush was, I thought, a very good president and Obama isn't" and this was one of the more articulate people interviewed(!)

  16. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Many of the Tea Party Organizations are under investigation for allegedly serving as fronts for an institutional money-laundering operation.

    If you have any information regarding any financial misconduct on behalf of any Tea Party entity or Tea Party-endorsed candidate or representative, please contact the nearest U.S. Attorneys' Office in your home state.

    Contact Information:

  17. Anonymous10:14 PM

    So we are supposed to believe that with a drone in the air for guidance, and the ability to guide missiles in, that troops were deployed???? Sounds like a coverup to me...the military ONLY deploys troops as a last resort....military people KNOW this!!! Read it and laughed!!!

    1. A guided missile?

      For a rescue attempt?

      Military people know this?

      Gee now we're both laughing.

  18. These RWNJ's conveniently overlook the 11 attacks on foreign embassies during Bush's administration. Two of the embassies were attacked twice in a six month period, guess it's OK if the RWers' don't learn from their mistakes.

    Where was the uproar over Bush's being warned about bin Laden striking in the U.S. yet he was vacationing in Texas for over a month and couldn't be bothered worrying about it.


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