Friday, November 09, 2012

David Frum on Morning Joe: "Republicans have been fleeced, exploited, and lied to by a conservative entertainment complex." Gee, ya think?

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You know maybe I am just infinitely more intelligent than the average Republican, but how is this news to them?  I, and many, many others, have been pointing out for years that Fox News and other Right Wing media outlets are simply allergic to facts and seem to treat their audiences like mushrooms. by keeping them in the dark and feeding them shit.

But personally I have to say I simply do not care anymore.

If after this election these paint eating dipshits continue looking only to the Sean Hannitys, Sarah Palins, and Rush Limbaughs of the world for their information, then they deserve to go through life in a constant state of fear over terrorism, while embracing superstition and mistrusting science, and  believing that Ronald Reagan was the second coming of Christ. I mean just so long as their numbers are dwindling, and they are, why bother trying to educate or illuminate them.


  1. Anonymous3:35 PM

    they liked what they heard and failed to factcheck. fancy that, when they are upset about it, they look for some shoulder to cry on. they wail to the gods who denied them some sort of perverse apocalypse.

    i have zero sympathy and just wish they would grow the hell up and start contributing to the adult conversations.

  2. Earmark Ulu3:41 PM


  3. Smirnonn3:49 PM

    Their own damn fault for listening to the drivel from the right wing "entertainment." They've encapsulated themselves in their echo chamber bubble and wrapped themselves up in the warm fuzzies of everything that they WANTED to hear. In the mean time, the rest of the nation moved on.

    1. Anonymous4:44 PM

      Like ten thousand times! That's exactly what I've been telling people, even the political "strategists" on the right were lunching on their own bullshit, day in, day out. They never left that echo chamber to see what others might think. If anyone can watch Fox News with a straight face after this debunking they are seriously sick in the head. This was not only a defining moment for America, it was a referendum on the lies that Fox News spouts daily and their right wing agenda. Watch and listen at you own peril folks because these people ain't go a clue!!

  4. 2 quotes from George Orwell that frame our times:

    In a time of universal deceit -
    telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


    Political language... is designed
    to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.

  5. Anonymous3:51 PM

    All of us readers here know FOX peddles lies. I am willing to bet that most here have family members who watch FOX and believe every word they say. No matter how many times I very tactfully (and not so tactfully!) suggested my sister check her "facts" or read/watch another news source, she refused. She often became belligerent while spewing her FOX talking points. Hannity was her favorite. I finally avoided all mention of politics and refused to engage on the subject with her any more. I really doubt she believes FOX lied to her. She is too far gone.

  6. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I think it was more than the right-wing news outlets at play here.

    With the Citizens United decision all advertising outlets had a stake in keeping this race "competitive" in order to sell more ad space. The news programs were entirely complicit in bolstering the bottom line of their respective parent companies.

    1. Anonymous5:07 PM

      This election happened to be referendum on Citizen's United as well. Even though the Supreme Court said you could spend unlimited dollars, those dollars did not win you a President. 'Nuff said.

  7. Anonymous3:56 PM

    I was very happy when the idiotic Republican Christian Fundamentalist politicians kept talking about their twisted take on rape, pregnancy and abortion - I knew it'd come back to bite them in the ass. The more they talk, the more they are exposed for what they really are. Now they keep talking about how they have to run a better campaign, and be more inclusive, but that would be all lies. They're NOT inclusive; they want the world to be what they want it to be, not what it is. So if they start sounding more compassionate and worldly, it'll only be because they'll try to get more votes. Only if they actually have people running for office (any kind of office) that have a proven track record of being fiscally conservative (I can respect that) and socially progressive, will I start to believe that they can change.

    Postergirl (couldn't log into my google account).

    1. Anonymous4:03 AM

      The American Taliban lost the election. Thank God.

  8. I particularly like that this is coming from David Frum. I have friends in Tonto Basin, Arizona who are absolutely convinced (or they were last time I saw them) that Obama is a Muslim from Kenya and absolutely refuses to release his "real" birth certificate. I remember my friend, Dick (an educated, retired chiropractor who settled with his wife in rural, redneck Arizona) arrogantly telling me I needed to follow Frum's Forum and Rush Limbaugh. I sure hope he's paying attention now.

    1. Anonymous5:08 PM

      It's only appropriate that the Palins now split their time between AK and AZ. Pretty soon they'll find that they are the only two states stupid enough to allow them off the plane.

  9. There are thinkers and followers. I painfully butted against that in my own family. My father and I were thinkers; my mother was a follower of embarrassing proportions. My brother fell somewhere in-between as it benefited him; he was an opportunist, but I don’t recall him having novel ideas.

    I don’t think this can be changed any more than dwarfism.

  10. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I'd feel a bit better about ignoring them, if their distrust of science led to some consistency in not using it-sort of like the Amish. No cars, no phones or InterNet, no accepting medicare/aid when their insistence on smoking and Krispy Kremes and Chik FilA leads to lung cancer and diabetes and heart disease. And no changing school curriculums for their stupid beliefs.

    1. Sorry to burst your bubble, but the Amish do many things they say they don't, including drinking, listening to sports on the radio. Hopefully they don't listen to Rush Limbaugh. They are driven in cars by non-Amish people. Their children are very undereducated. They are human beings with faults, just like the rest of us.

    2. Anonymous6:39 AM

      3:26 obviously, like me, lives near the Amish. I live in the middle of the world's largest Amish community and can tell you that many people haven't got a clue what they are really like.
      Drinking is a huge problem with them, as is smoking. Seems every family has at least one or two sons with cars and a good many of them have cell phones. One of our neighbor boys (19) just got sent to prison for dealing drugs and breaking into homes.
      There are many different "sects" and some are a lot more progressive than others. Our neighbors to the west are "Swartzentruber Amish"..the lowest of the low, and they still use outhouses etc. Last week when it was 37 degrees, I saw their children walking to school barefooted!

      The neighbors to the East are at the other end of the spectrum. They recently built a new home and it has all the modern amenities..including heated floors and 3 bathrooms. They are subscribers to the Wall Street Journal!

      Sorry this is OT, but just want you to realize that this is what the Republicans did...based their ideas on preconceptions, not actual facts.

  11. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Rachel Maddow just did a segment wherein some elected dick called Johnson R-WI - claimed that those that voted for Obama are basicalled the uneducated idiots.

    Rachel showed a chart on which the top ten educated states all voted for Obama. The bottom ten included 9 that voted for Romney and the 10th was Nevada which voted for Obama.

    She smacked that dipstick down!!

  12. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Screw you, David Frum. You were one of the few GOP worthy of respect after calling out Bible Spice for the fraud that she was after she was picked by McCain. You took lots of flak and soldiered on.

    Then you endorsed Romney this time around. WTF? Any credibility that you may have had you threw away. Instead of being a standard-bearer for the GOP, leading them in new directions you sold out! Romney???? Based on what?

    I used to really like David Frum, read his blog and had some hope for the GOP. Then he began to go along with a bit too much of the wingnuttery and he was off my island. It was sad to hear that someone who should have known better -- and had the balls to say so AGAIN -- endorsed Romney.

    Pathetic. Who's going to take you seriously now? If you hadn't endorsed Romney for no reason whatsoever besides perhaps wanting some of those wingnut dollars in your coffers you could now be saying "see, I told you, let's come up with new solutions." Suck it Frum.

    1. Anonymous6:22 AM

      So, was this Frum's "explanation" - That he, too, was sold a cheap bill of goods?

      He seemed to try and act as if he was one who was "above" being victim to the lies and the fleecing,

      but you indicated that he was one of the GOP "talking heads" that promoted Romney, all the while knowing he was an absolute disaster for this country.

      (Or, is Frum's point that they were mislead about Romney's "Chances" b/c of the media...of which he is a I'm quite confused as to what point Frum is actually making...)

    2. Not Waht You Want to Hear9:43 AM

      He also conveniently forgets that he actively participated in this exploitation and lies by speechwriting for George Bush. Still, I give him credit for saying things out loud about his party that no one else in it will.

      Why he stays in it is a mystery.

  13. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Wow. Wow. There is so much crap going on here, I am not sure where to start. Simple version: Rachael is right which is why the GOTP is against education, because only stupid and/or undereducated people buy there line.

  14. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney was so confident of victory against President Barack Obama that he spent $25,000 for victory fireworks, had already drawn up a list of White House appointments and took it easy on election day when his opponents were still working hard to get out the vote.

    Political insiders tell Capitol Hill Blue that Romney didn’t think he could lose and was genuinely “shell shocked” when he lost the Presidential race in an electoral vote landslide to Obama.

    “He was supremely confident and delayed conceding the race as long as possible because he just didn’t believe he would lose,” says one senior aide. “It was overconfidence based on inaccurate assumptions and flawed data.”

    In conversations with campaign insiders, a portrait of a clueless campaign emerges, driven by a candidate so sure of himself that he ignored all the obvious warning signs.

    Romney told his advisers that he was sure minorities and young people would stay home and turn out for Obama as they had in 2008. That turned out to be a politically fatal assumption. Obama drew 90 percent of a large black vote and more than three quarters of Latinos. Asian-Americans also turned out in droves for the incumbent President.

    The GOP nominee’s campaign advisers convinced themselves that the polls showing a close race were flawed and that the “true electorate” would give give Romney at least 330 electoral votes.

    “They were living in a fantasy land,” says one long-time GOP strategist who asked not to be identified. “They remained in a fog generated by their candidate’s massive ego.”

    When the numbers came in election night, Romney was stunned. So was his running mate, who couldn’t even carry his home state of Wisconsin.

    The wives of both the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates broke into tears. Romney appeared dazed and it took a while for him to regain enough composure to deliver a long, rambling concession speech.

    “Mitt is not accustomed to losing,” says one friend. “It was a bitter pill for him.”

    Even more bitter is the fractured, dysfunctional Republican Party that Romney leaves behind as he turned to his millions, his multiple homes and his comfortable lifestyle.

    “Romney can go on,” says GOP strategist Arnold Block. “He’s not dependent on politics or elections but the Republican Party must start again at Ground Zero and it’s a long road back to relevance.”

    1. Anonymous7:45 PM

      If you look at Cable News on tvbythenumbers,
      Nov 8 Thursday night, Msnbc beat Fox in the 25 to 54 demo all evening--except Oreilly-but then he got beat by the Ed Show rerun in the demo. People don't like to be lied to.

      Palin puppies, Great and Hannity, got beat. I love it.

    2. Anonymous4:00 AM

      I think Mitt Romney had a temper tantrum (remember his wife was concerned about his "mental well-being" enough to bring it up twice in public during the campaign( and had to be handed the concession speech written by someone else and told that he had to go out on stage, that John McCain was not going to do it for him. What a schmuck! If he had relied on the media only, and especially on Fox News, then he's is really stupid as well as being a schmuck!

    3. Anonymous6:44 AM

      Romney felt that his presidency was a matter of Mormon prophesy-- that he had already been chosen by God. It's called the "white horse prophesy," and JS most likely wrote it about himself. It foretells a great Mormon church leader who will come when the constitution is in peril and ride to the rescue as if on a white horse. Mitt literally felt he was foretold in scripture. Oh, and get this-- the prophesy predicts the establishment of a Mormon theocracy. It is highly likely that JS actually was writing about himself when he penned this bit, as he ran for president later.

  15. emrysa7:59 PM

    "I mean just so long as their numbers are dwindling, and they are, why bother trying to educate or illuminate them. "

    that's it gryphen! with 300 million people, one cannot expect to persuade everyone.

  16. Anita Winecooler8:02 PM

    Love joe - "And he never stood up to the extremeists in the party"

    Really, Joe??? A few weeks back you read Mika the riot act over what a good man Romney is, what a brilliant leader he would be, and how strong he is under pressure. And now that he lost, you parrot exactly what she said, he never stood up to the tea party (extremists)

    Bite me, Joe!

  17. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Did Mourning Joe pull a ROMNEY in that segment? First he sounds like he's going to give Frum a buttkicking for having stated something so terrible as to be comparable to the French lying to Churchill...

    ,,,then, after Frum repeats himself, suddenly Joe appears to AGREE with him, fully.


  18. Anonymous10:38 PM

    We don't want a thing to change. The GOP will never win another presidential election unless they change

  19. Anonymous4:10 AM

    As usual it's not the fault of the GOP. Except that it is the fault of the GOP. It was GOP politicians who decided that obstruction and misogyny and racism was the way to go after losing in 2008. They were urged on by Fox News and its ilk, but the Republican Party leadership decided to turn its back on the American people and decided that everyone in any kind of elected office would sit on their hands for four years. It was the GOP that misread the population. If no one watches Fox News anymore, that's a good thing but no one should let the GOP get away with their breath-holding tantrums again. The country cannot afford it. Either the GOP has to do its part in governing or they should all resign and let the grown-ups run the country.

  20. Anonymous4:53 AM

    The "Second Coming" in Reagan's case refers to his Elizabeth Taylor "tryst"........

  21. Anonymous6:39 AM

    One important thing about the Republican moron base: they skew OLD. A third of them could be dead four years from now, and certainly will be in ten.

  22. Not Waht You Want to Hear9:38 AM

    I think Frum referenced a conservative entertainment *media* complex. I only bring this up because it really emphasizes what we've all known for years now: the vast majority of conservative "analysts" and "news sites" are charlatans.

    Frum is right they are exploiting and fleecing their listeners, too. Case in point: Sarah Palin's SarahPAC letter where she states "I predict America will never recover if Barack Obama is re-elected."

    She only said that to scare the hell out of her supporters so they'd send her money. Look how fast she's pivoted in her most recent post where she tells everyone to "take heart!"

    The woman spent less than 2% of her PAC money on actual candidate races. There is no record in of her making any sort of personal contribution to any political candidate since 1996.

    She's about as concerned for America as a China factory owner. Which rightfully makes her the very face of the Conservative Entertainment Media Complex.


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