Sunday, November 11, 2012

It is time that the Right Wing was forced to take their medicinal dose of reality.

I think this is something worth sharing with every crazy Fox News watching uncle, Right Wing radio listening co-worker, and conspiracy minded cousin.

Personally I think it is our duty as reality based information devotees to spread the truth as far as wide as possible. In fact the future of our country may depend on it.

By the way somebody on Reddit posted this rather helpful guide to help translate Right Wing rhetoric into English:

Freedom = Tax Cuts for the rich; viewing the planet as a profit opportunity; having the unrestricted right to own guns; not having to contemplate other people's offensive lifestyles 

Oppression = no Tax Cuts for the rich; failure of government to enforce the Laws of Jesus 

Laws of Jesus = ask Glenn Beck 

Rights = Tax Cuts for the rich; federal benefits for Real Americans 

Socialism = no Tax Cuts for the rich; other people's federal benefits 

Communism = having to buy health insurance from for-profit businesses 

Tyranny = no Tax Cuts for the rich with a black President 

Freedom of Speech = The right to make offensive comments without consequences 

Life = a short period of exalted human value beginning at conception, ending at birth, and returning when someone wants to die 

Liberty = Tax Cuts for the rich; enforced conformity to 1950s social norms 
Pursuit of Happiness = crusading for Tax Cuts for the rich; accumulating stuff; firing guns; feeling superior to someone 

Big Spending = money spent on things they don't profit from 

Legitimate Government = money spent on things they profit from 

Deficit = really big number used to scare voters; irrelevant when Republican is President; existential threat when Democrat is President 

Tax Cuts = magic engine of prosperity and growth; signal to job producers to make more jobs; certainly not about the rich getting richer; reduction in federal revenue irrelevant to National Debt 

National Debt = bad; a black hole destined to destroy everything good in the world that mysteriously loses its power and significance when Republicans are in control of the budget; result of Democrat Big Spending. 

Private Debt = good; a mechanism by which the rich get richer and the poor get poorer 

Class Warfare = a discussion of wealth that might be heard by members of the middle class; mentioning growing wealth gap 

National Defense = see Legitimate Government. 

National Security = secret activities that would otherwise be illegal 

Homeland Security = secret Legitimate Government 

Nation Building = Democrat foreign wars 

Defense of Freedom = Republican foreign wars 

Government Waste = see Big 

Spending Jobs = something voters want that becomes significant around elections 

Job Creators = future aristocrats 

Small Business = Koch Industries 

Growth = increasing corporate profits and capital gains 

Privatization = turning public functions into profit opportunities 

Voter Fraud = Democrat victory 

Fair Election = long lines only in cities; working class people losing a day’s pay in order to vote 

Racism = historical social problem that ended in 1968 

Reverse Racism = belief that Racism still exists 

Justice = to be defined 

Judicial Activism = court decisions they don't like 

Judicial Restraint = court decisions they like 

Constitution = piece of paper sometimes useful for Judicial Restraint; source of 2nd Amendment and a bunch of words 

States’ Rights = justification for returning programs, regulations and the enforcement of civil rights to states 

Return to States = eliminate 

Illegal Alien = brown people who have recently come to America 

Immigrant = white people whose grandparents came to America 

Real American = white people who don't know how they got here; Republican 

Those People = descendants of slaves who don’t vote Republican 

Morality = Laws of Jesus as applied to other people 

Abstinence = the practice of every sexual act except one in order to remain a virgin (women); a cover story for closet cases (men) 

Jesus = someone really powerful who loves them no matter what they do and who will someday punish people they don't like 

Lip Service = all Jesus asks of us; see also Abstinence

You know the truly frightening part of this list is that most of it is NOT tongue in cheek but rather a completely accurate description.


  1. Anonymous10:10 AM

    That list needs a few more entries. For example,

    Rape and pregnant = gift from God

  2. I like it. And those Palins have been awfully quiet lately.

    1. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Sarah, and her nasty mini-me, Bristol, are exhausted from 4 years of smear campaigning against our President, to try and keep him from being reelected. THAT FAILED!


    2. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Sarah and her nasty mini-me have more on their mind
      Veterans Day Sunday, November 11, 2012
      More military, security detail, Christianity, political potentials revealing scandals and their dark side. Congress wants answers.

      Another 'idyllic family' bites the dust.

    3. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Ms Kelley, who feared for her safety, contacted the FBI.
      A government official told the New York Post that the emails contained such language as: 'I know what you did,' 'back off' and 'stay away from my guy.'

      Another pic of Jill Kelley:

    4. Anonymous2:21 PM

      Jill Kelley has a wonderful family. She is also very involved with her husband's business affairs. There is no way she had time for an affair with the General and also her involvement in several other companies. She is a victim.

    5. Anita Winecooler6:31 PM

      LOL @ 2:21

      I have a wonderful family and very involved in my husband's business affairs, does that make ME a victim too?

      Yeah, she's a victim, you're a victim, I'm a victim, We're all victims! IT's a frickin' pandemic!

      You heard it here first, folks!!

  3. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Rarely will see ideology colliding with reality like we did election night. Rove flopping around like a stunned halibut, the blonde hostess throwing Rove under the bus....

    The entire world watched the bubble pop.

    The Far Right is angry. They should be angry. Angry at the people who lied to them. It will take time for it to sink in and grasp the reality of having been duped.

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      "Is this just math that you do as a Republican to make yourself feel better, or is this real?"

      Megyn Kelly

    2. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Megyn Kelly's statement: Priceless! I'm getting me a bumper sticker with that on it..
      Can you believe this woman, this Fox News mouthpiece actually let that slip??
      Too funny!

    3. Anonymous12:59 PM


      Math or Meth?

  4. honeybabe10:45 AM

    please tell me that this list means romney will never fracture our politics again.

  5. Anonymous10:47 AM

    It's awfully hard to talk to these people. They are so entrenched with their hatred, and conspiracy theories. Even the leader of the National Rifle Association, Wayne LaPierre said that Obama hadn't messed with guns laws in his first term, but if he was re-elected to a second term, that's when he'd take away everyone's guns. Unbelievable.

    1. Anonymous11:15 AM

      I gorged on right wing media yesterday, listening to Rush, checking out every right wing site I could think of (Daily Caller, American Spectator, National Review Online, Drudge etc. - couldn't even bring myself to go to Hot Air though).

      The emerging talking points seem to be:

      -The Takers are now in the majority, that's why we lost (sort of changing the "47%" to 51% instead)

      -"It's not your Mom and Dad's traditional (WHITE) America anymore (Dick Morris, Bill O'Reilly and others). They outnumber us now."

      -Romney lost because he wasn't a True Conservative and didn't get True Conservatives to turn out for him as much as needed.

      -Romney ran a virtually flawless campaign and did everything he needed to, you goddam True Conservatives fucked us by not turning out for him because My Ideological Purity

      -Romney had all the mojo and momentum but lost it when he didn't attack Obama on Benghazi, WHY DIDN'T HE DO THAT (this is like a ubiquitous talking point now, I heard it first from Krauthammer on Fox's election coverage but it's everywhere now)

      Its been said before, but it still amuses me. The right wing, for so long, has been saying how great minorities have it, with their Obamaphones, and their welfare queens. But suddenly, when whites are about to become a minority, its the apocalypse.

      It's like, "oh, are minorities treated badly in the US?" :ironycat:

    2. Anonymous11:19 AM

      When you give these people facts and figures, and they respond by saying they believe Rush Limbaugh's anonymous callers over you...

      I'd say it's probably time to just stop discussing politics with them unless you enjoy exercises in frustration.

    3. I remember people wailing that Clinton would take their guns away; never happened.

    4. Anonymous12:20 PM

      "-Romney had all the mojo and momentum but lost it when he didn't attack Obama on Benghazi, WHY DIDN'T HE DO THAT"

      Believe me, this will be their rallying cry in the next several weeks.The Benghazi timeline, and so-called 'coverup.'
      This will be what the right-wing nut jobs will try and unseat Obama over. They will scream Obama needs to be impeached over it. I guarantee it. And now with this Petraeus mess, it will intensify.

    5. Anonymous12:24 PM

      Darlene: Oh, yes! I worked in a newsroom in 2000 and the day of the election, I took a call from a lady from, wait for it...North Carolina, who said to me emphatically, that if Al Gore was elected, he would take away everyone's guns. Serious. Yes, she said that to me. And she was serious.

      It's unbelievable the crap these people are fed and the crap that they believe.

      God, guns and gays have been the right-wing's rallying cry for years now. They drag all three out every election cycle. Like clockwork.
      Oh, and abortion. Something they have no intention of ever stopping because it brings out the cretins to vote against Democrats every election cycle.

    6. Anonymous1:09 PM

      Anonymous12:20 PM

      They DO NOT have a case to impeach a president. They will certainly piss off the voters if they try.

      SO EFF!

  6. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Bush Tax Cut definition:

    Discount in tax rates!

    Discount Rate period has now expired.

    Return to original rates!! The sale is over!!

    Bush Tax Cuts are NOT NEW TAXES.

    It's like the grocery store sale slyers: A product is on sale at a discount rate for that week and returns to it's regular price when the sale date expires. The 'rich' were lucky that they benefited from the tax cut discount time period was for over a decade but the time has now expired and should be returned to the regular rate (like the regular prices do!)

  7. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I enjoyed the list of translations.

    I am worn out from the lies and fact checking.

  8. Anonymous12:29 PM

    O/T: But where has GinaM been this week? Is she still celebrating somewhere out in the stratosphere? Come back to us, GinaM!
    Maybe I've missed some of her posts, but I always look forward to them.
    Romney losing is a rebuff of Palin also and her politics of hate, vitriol, nastiness, and I'd love to hear from GinaM on it!

    1. LOL! I am here! I posted last night...been enjoying reading all the screaming and hollering of the many little time! LOL!!

      Also...I'm making plans for my family to go to the Inauguration in January...hotel is booked...plane tickets too! Waiting to hear from my Congressperson to see if I can get tickets to the ceremony...fingers crossed folks! LOL!

    2. Anonymous2:56 PM

      GinaM12:56 PM

      You will have a wonderful time.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:40 PM

      Hasn't the asylum been fun lately? The takers used their free Obama phones to get out the vote, a conflict of interest and act of tyranny! That was his plan from the beginning! We have to buy our own phones, pay for plans - no wonder he won the election!

      Good Luck with the tickets, Gina!

  9. Anonymous12:56 PM

    You know, I've been voting and interested in politics and what happens to this country for over 35 years now. I remember in the 80s, Jerry Falwell and the "Moral Majority" came into prominence during the Reagan years and its main message was that if you were a Democrat, liberal, you had NO morals or values. Only conservative Republicans had morals and values and that the GOP was God's party. This was forced down the country's throat at the time and of course, Reagan himself jumped on the bandwagon. Which is strange because Reagan never went to church.
    But this is the mindset of so many people still: You cannot be a true, real American with values and morals if you are a Democrat. They're 'Godless,' and I think that is one of mAnn Coulter's book titles.
    Absolutely, simply untrue. But bought into by millions of God-fearing mericans...

    1. Anonymous4:42 AM

      And, before that, there was the John Birch Society, brought to us from Papa Koch, no less. So Kochs have been causing political mayhem from the right since the 1950's.

  10. Anonymous1:02 PM

    c4peee has a survey about Silly Sarah's political future. There is a block to write in comments. Go have some fun.

  11. Anita Winecooler6:51 PM

    I got to the third line of the graphic and realized I'd heard it on Rachel, it's more powerful when you read it - passing it on to everyone!

    Thanks for the translation, as convoluted as the thought pattern is, it does exemplify the rabid right's ideology.

    It's veteran's day, and Christian Sister Bristol Hollywood doesn't do a gratuitous "God Bless the Troops, especially my big brother, Trackk who's a true patriot God Bless the Troops and Obama's a community organizer commie. Read what my mom wrote! Oh and buy my book!

  12. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Except for the use of "Democrat" as an adjective in the list provided, it's great. I also agree 100% with Rachel Maddow's summary of the election.

  13. Taht would be the best avatar ever! I wonder if it will fit?


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