Friday, November 09, 2012

Will this be the face of the man who represents our country in four more years?

This image is from the cover of Bloomberg Business this week.

For me it is an interesting picture because it is at once heartbreaking to think that sacrificing for his country could age this man so quickly, but then again the proud defiant look on his face is also inspiring in that he appears so willing to give his all to do what is right, regardless of the cost.

But that's just me. What do you think?

P.S. By the way this cover was designed before the election, so there were two choices.

To see the Mitt Romney cover just go below the fold.

Of course I am prejudiced but I find much less to find admirable about this picture.

Number one Mitt is much to vain to EVER allow his hair to go that gray, but even if it did it would be in response to the hard work he did for his corporate buddies, NOT for the American people.


  1. President Obama will never look that old because he will continue to use that killer smile.

    1. Anonymous8:31 PM

      my thoughts exactly

    2. Anonymous8:47 PM

      Exactly my first thought. An older person with grey hair and wrinkles and a wonderful personality shining through is VERY attractive. To me.

    3. Anonymous2:52 AM

      YES!! Even babies and young children are attracted to our President. He has personal magnetism, even Rmoney's grandson was mesmerized by him. Myth Rmoney will be the same souless, empty suit he is today in 4, 8, 12 years. Queen Ann cried because she was denied what SHE felt was her right to be First Lady.

  2. President Obama will look years younger than he is portrayed because he will never forget how to smile!

  3. Anonymous6:07 PM

    For me it's way too extreme...he would age, yes, but not like he would look 80, instead of 54/55. The eyes are collapsed too much, the crevices are too deep. Nope, I'm not impressed with the artist's work at all.

    1. Anonymous6:16 AM

      I agree with you. I don't agree with the artist.
      Pres. Obama will not look like that, period!

    2. Anonymous6:40 AM

      Total. Fail. on both accounts

      (only b/c, as you said, G, RMoney ain't going Full Gray, no way, no how)

  4. Anonymous6:11 PM

    It should be "prejudiced" not predjudice. In your next to last paragraph.

  5. I think it was grossly exaggerated...both of them actually.

  6. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Being President is a tough job; however, if you compared close up photos of yourself or anyone else from 4 years ago to current photos, especially for anyone over 40, aging would be very noticeable.

    1. Anonymous3:45 AM

      Romney would not age, he doesn't have the candle power to think or care enough to get wrinkles or gray hair.

  7. I don't think the President will look that old, but will always look that dignified. However, Romney?....ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!....looks like the guy in coach class who didn't have time to shave.

    1. Anonymous2:53 AM

      Coach? Rmoney? NEVER.

  8. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Obama may have more gray hair in 4 more years but her won't look like a 90 year old in that picture. On the other hand Palin's hatred of our President has aged her about 20 years.

    Speaking of the grifter Granny Palin, she can now add Coultergeist to her hit list:

    Ann Coulter Criticizes Sarah Palin, Says GOP Has A Problem With 'Con Men And Charlatans'

    Coulter, having observed that Palin has been one of the loudest voices to promote both a "brokered convention" and herself as the solution to that deadlock, jumped to what she saw as a problem in the GOP:

    Coulter said that might be a weakness in the Republican Party as a whole — that certain individuals become celebrities and are allowed to profit off that status and yet still interfere in GOP politics, which Democrats have been able to avoid.
    "And just a more corporate problem is I think our party and particularly our movement, the conservative movement, does have more of a problem with con men and charlatans than the Democratic Party," she said. "I mean, the incentives seem to be set up to allow people — as long as you have a band of a few million fanatical followers, you can make money. The Democrats have managed to figure out how not to do that."


    1. carrieoki18:18 PM

      An interesting read from Salon: "Fordham head blasts Ann Coulter: Father McShane calls the College GOP speaker "hateful and needlessly provocative." Update: Coulter cancelled"

    2. Pot (Coulter) calling the kettle (Palin, et al) black.

      Does she really consider herself outside and above the "con men and charlatans" description?

    3. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Said the con-woman and charlatan. Takes one to know one.

      As a side note, what is it with the conservative women on TV/Radio and the sound of their voices? Why is it that Coulter, Palin, Liz Cheney, Ingram, etc., all their voices are so unpleasant to listen to? Or is it just me?

    4. Anonymous9:21 PM

      Thanks for the link, great article. I really hope this is a trend and we can flush out these hate mongers and get back to civil discourse and finding solutions to America's problems.

    5. Anonymous9:51 PM

      Yes, thanks for the link.
      I read the comments and I loved this one:

      FRIDAY, NOV 9, 2012 06:55 PM PST
      This matters. People didn't used to stand up to these crackpot bullies. Now they do. Adding this to the electoral repudiation of hate - even Indiana rejected a Tea Partier - the momentum has shifted away from hate mongerers (not mongers).

      If our Attorney General sees fit to do an investigation of News Corp to the level that was done in Great Britain, the Fox network will be up for sale. It may take a new Attorney General, but Obama must realize that now is the time to strike.

    6. Leland2:36 AM

      Hhhmmm. Regardless of WHO said it, it is true. It makes me wonder if perhaps the secret we Democrats have is having enough brains to recognize when something seems too good to be true!

      You know, being able to recognize crap when we see it?

    7. Anonymous10:18 AM

      HA! THIS from the harpy who's been running around trying to convince people that the Southern Strategy was a myth, it was the right wing who gave blacks their rights, and you can tell THEY'RE the true lovers of black people because they never show them a moment of kindness or respect, whereas Democrats are the true racists because we actually voted for a black President! Because no one would ever vote for a black person because they think they are capable, intelligent,honest people who can find solutions to our problems, NO, it's all because we feel guilty about that slavery thing. So voting for Obama is automatically racist. Stupid bitch!

  9. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Well, I guess it really depends on what sort of a*8o*s* the Republican/TPs decide to be. A recent study showed that presidents age 2 x faster then ordinary people (the study failed to take into consideration singel parents of teenagers, but whatever...) So I would postulate that presidents that actually CARE about the USA job age even more rapidly.

    1. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Yep! Look at the difference between Bush and Clinton.

    2. Anonymous3:01 AM

      Bush was helped by the fact that he was not really "involved" in the job as President, he left that to souless Cheney. The numerous vacations W took must have been very relaxing, stress free. We had a sock puppet in the WH for 8 years. Hopefully his enabler, Rove, will also be on the unemployment line once the wealthy donors are through with him. His hate tactics did not work this time. Even Rove can not believe it.

  10. Anonymous6:42 PM

    OMG---I MUCH prefer an aged President Obama!

    I appreciate what the President and First Lady sacrifice for our best interests...and I know that their reward will be greatly bestowed upon them.

    1. Leland2:38 AM

      6:42? Don't forget their kids in that 'thank you'. Can you imagine the difference in growing up in a home in Chicago (or wherever) compared to the spotlight of the White House?

  11. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Well I really don't understand why everyone is saying that he has aged so much...He is definitely more grey then he was 4 years ago, but shit....don't we all get grey in our later 40's and 50's?

    Do people want this man to look the same as he was 4 years ago? There is no secret potion for natural aging. With us woman we have the magic potion of hair die. It's just not a cool thing to do for men...except for Mitt Romney, who seems to be suffering of vanity, or at least his handlers told him to carry on dying his hair. He looked so scruffy in the last days prior to the election, and on election day. YOu would have thought some one would have cleaned up those grey hairs hanging around his neck. The un-dyed ones.

    This picture of Obama isn't what he will look like in 4 years, sure he will be a little more grey than he is now, but that face is totally off in my opinion.

    Romney's picture is for sure on with the hair colour and that is probably what it actually is right now.

    I think whoever did this is off on how old these men will look facially in 4 years. Maybe in 10 years this is how they both will look.

  12. Anonymous6:51 PM

    All I can say is...Creepy!

  13. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Black don't crack like that.
    This is Obama when he's 85.

    1. emrysa7:52 PM

      yep agreed!

    2. Anonymous6:19 AM

      '''Black don't crack like that.
      This is Obama when he's 85. '''


  14. I don't like it. He didn't age that much since 2008..his hair is a bit grayer is all (so is mine!) This picture looks like a man entering his 70's, not a man who won't even be 60 when he leaves his office to Liz or Hillary.

  15. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Look at Mandela when he was 90 (first pic on the wikipedia page)
    The Obama pic is a joke. No way he's going to look like that.

  16. emrysa7:53 PM

    dag that pic is a worse case scenario. obama will never look that bad.

  17. emrysa7:55 PM

    now I see the below the fold pic... romney would never look that bad. artist fail, both romney and obama.

  18. MariaT7:55 PM

    Anon @ 6:58pm, thanks for the link to Madiba's pic. He too has a killer smile! And I agree that President Obama will age far more gracefully.

  19. No doubt that POTUS is one of the most stressful jobs in the world, but I do think that picture is exaggerated. That being said, I think that there is a correlation in the commitment a President has to keeping the country safe and prosperous and the toll that stress takes on his appearance. President Obama, however, has an inner light that will always shine through and soften his features. It's very similar to the reverse effect of how the evil inside of Sarah Palin is bringing out the ugly as she ages.

  20. Anita Winecooler8:22 PM

    Romney's more believable to me. He's already got a head start age wise. And we all know he already buys cases of Just for Men at Costco. White men, generally, don't age as well as African American men.

    I think President Obama will look much better than that photo, He won't have the jowls and pronounced wrinkles
    We'll have to see in four years how close those creepy photos got to reality.

    Men are lucky, they go gray and they look "distinguished", women go gray and they look "old".

    We have to fix that.

    1. Anonymous8:59 PM

      "We have to fix that." Funny & perfect!

      When women are the majority in government we will fix that. It's coming and I can't wait.

    2. Anonymous3:05 AM

      Our President will ALWAYS look boyish. He is long and lean and has joy in his heart.

  21. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Mitt Romney's Greatest Hits (2012 Edition)

    Damn, did we dodge a frickin' bullet!

    1. Anonymous9:06 PM

      Thanks for the link. Now that we can laugh about it, I think the one that made me laugh the most was McCain's saying Obama rather than Romney. Him and Palin both can't let anything go, it eats them alive.

  22. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Our President looks a bit like Morgan Freeman in the aged pic. I think this might be what he looks like at age 70, but I know he will still be smiling.

  23. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Grey is SEXY in President Obama's case and he wears it JUST fine, thank you!


  24. I think they aged both of them way too much.

    Are there any comparisons between Obama today and four years ago? Yes, he's more gray but I don't think he's aged that much. And I certainly don't think he'll age 20 years in four.

  25. That's ridiculous. No one who is fit, healthy and active ages that much in four years. The age progression makes him look twenty-so years older, not four.

    I take it back...some people could age that much, meth users, etc., and we've all noticed Sarah Palin ageing dramatically in the last four years...we don't know the cause but a lot of hatred and stress might do it.

    But I do believe a happy, healthy person would look a lot better than that picture of Obama (or Romney) age-progressed four years.

  26. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Jesus, I know it's a stressful job, but President Obama still be in his early-mid 50's when he leaves the White House, he looks 80 in this picture. He's an active, healthy, happy man and there is no way he will ever look that old and broken down! Not well done at ALL.

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      WILL still be, oops.

  27. hauksdottir6:52 PM

    Romney is ALREADY dying his hair black...

    ...Grecian Formula or whatever that men can rub into their hair. A couple of his sons are showing almost as much grey in the temples as does this incredibly narcissistic faker.

  28. Lucas M6:44 PM

    Both pictures have the men aged beyond 4 years. Well beyond. That said there is one thing I will never forgive Obama for. He's the first President who's actually younger than me. (By about 1 month, but still.)


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