Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Chris Matthews tries to get surrogate for Koch Brothers to admit he works for them. He won't.

God I loved watching this yesterday!

The guys absolutely REFUSES to admit who bankrolls Americans for Prosperity even though we ALL know that the Koch Brothers pay these guys to work on their behalf in Michigan to help bust up unions.

I am not always a huge Chris Matthews fan, as I have stated before, but damn did I enjoy watching this slimy little worm squirm!

(You can watch the entire interview here.)


  1. Anonymous4:57 AM

    The fast talking gives it away every time! CAUGHT!

  2. Anonymous5:05 AM

    I thought the Matthews was a total idiot in that segment. Chris is extremely late to the party when he learns who is behind various groups. Shows that they pay no attention to their other shows on MSNBC -- he only pays attention to himself and believes he's smart. That they put him out there and Andrea Mitchell saying they're the experts -- BS. They're both old idiots.

    If Chris had stopped and used a brain cell and changed his question instead of over talking the guy -- he should have changed the question to 'Who is behind/financing Americans for Prosperity/' instead of who's paying your pay check.

    Chris has a few moments here and there were some intelligence pops through - the same with Andrea. But on the most part -- they're old, they're stuck in the 'olden days' and are behind everyone else. Experts -- not anywhere near.

    1. Painfully, I have to agree with Anon 5:05 AM. Chris made another mistake: saying that before "Right to Work" workers had to join the union. Wrong. That is an illegal closed shop he was describing. (Although many trade unions still do get away with it because of their apprenticeship programs.) What he should have said was that workers must pay union dues in a "union shop" but they do not have to be members. I like to use the analogy that everyone is supposed to have car insurance; union dues are "membership insurance." Chris also should have refined his questions as to who bankrolls Americans for Prosperity. Too much bluster; not enough finesse. (And I can't stand Andrea: married to that lizard Alan Greenspan.)

  3. What I found aggravating was this guy said - more than twice - that Americans for Prosperity is a non-profit. Yea, right, a non-profit that can afford to pay-off Dick Armey with an 8 million dollar parachute.

    And to add further insult was comparing Americans for Prosperity to the American Red Cross! Again, he said this at least twice.

    These asshats only know how to talk in talking points.

    Too bad Mathews didn't call him out on these two issues, but it flew right over his head. Mathews might have exposed these fascists even a bit further.

    1. Anonymous6:10 AM

      It was FreedomWorks that Armey left and got paid not Americans for Prosperity.

      Yes - I know -- they are no different from each other in that they all spew BS.

    2. D'oh! You're right. Thanks for setting me straight.

      At any rate, if they're truly a non-profit, I'll eat my hat.

      Thanks, again!

  4. Anonymous5:25 AM

    That slimy little worm tried to equate his organization to the Red Cross. How insulting.

  5. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Saw that too. Wow, Chris Matthews was a bulldog who wouldn't let go of the pant leg. The 'pant leg' however, didn't get his point across very well, seeing the public knows who supplies his pay check to buy new pants.

  6. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Chris could have done better. I agree. "Are the Koch Brothers part of the 3000 donors?"

    Wish he had done some of this with Palin back in the day:

    "Why did you have your high risk pregnancy delivered at a hodpital that doesn't do high risk births?" "Why did your family practice physician INDUCE you in such a facility?"
    How did you go from no baby bumo to a huge baby bump in 4 weeks without dying of a ruptured uterus?"

    Oh, my kingdom for a follow up question!

  7. Matthews blew it.

    When he said "Americans for Prosperity", Matthews should have asked who funds it.

  8. Anonymous6:40 AM

    If you don't get an answer to a question after 3 tries, why would you get an answer to the same worded question after 6.

    This was a massive fail by Matthews. If he is so 'professional', why didn't he change the wording of the question to ask who is heading the organization.

    This is when Matthews shows himself as a loudmouth nothing. He habitually overtalks people with what he thinks is his brilliance when it's his stupdity showing.


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