Saturday, December 29, 2012

Final thought for the day.


  1. Anonymous7:08 PM

    When I was a kid in the '60s, I used to read through my older brother's high school yearbooks, and I remember one passage in was describing some fellow students, male, who had lost their lives in Vietnam and it was a tribute to them, these young boys' lives..."Warm summer sun, shine brightly here...soft summer rain, fall gently here...There are other world we all walk toward"
    Although I didn't realize it at the time, a few years later, I would think of those very lines when I stared down at my brother's casket, all bronze and covered with flowers, as it was lowered into the ground...My mother, aged from worry and a life shaped by growing up during the Depression, crying uncontrollably and my father...broken by years of a hardscrabble life in the coal mines of West Virginia and a body broken by WWII ..crying softly..
    None of us know what anyone else's family goes through...we just know that as human beings we all go through it together.
    All of our lives matter, each and every one of

    Blue Girl in a red state...:(

    1. OMG Liz! {{{{HUGS}}}} to your and your family....
      I was a child but I remember my brothers god parents daughter was married to a guy who was shot down and it was devastating to us as children... WAR.
      She was pregnant too. :(
      I hate WAR!
      Thanks for Sharing and your brother will always live in your heart.

    2. Anita Winecooler9:28 PM

      Liz, your post moved me to tears. What a beautiful way to illustrate Dr Farmer's quotation, and what a beautiful tribute to your brother, your family and your story.
      Thank You for your candor, your brother mattered, you matter!

    3. Leland3:10 AM

      Liz, my brother was killed as a result of Vietnam. (He survived 13 months in that hell hole, only to get killed here in the US in a stinking TRAINING flight!) I tell you this so that you can know I completely understand from where you are coming with this.

      Unfortunately, I personally believe we DON'T all know we are going through this together. If everyone KNEW we were in this together, I believe the world would be a much better place in which to live.


  2. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Profound thought for the day indeed...
    Namaste. There is a place where we are all one.

  3. Anita Winecooler9:36 PM

    Dr Farmer's a wise person. I never bought into the meme that "Money is the Root of all Evil". Some people do great things for humankind and leave their mark on the world with money.
    My new mantra is "money is good - indifference is bad"

    1. Leland3:13 AM

      Money is not the root of all evil. The actual quote (with minor variations depending on the version one reads) is "for the love of money is is a root of all kinds of evil...."


    2. Anita Winecooler6:59 PM

      Oh, My! I goofed! Since indifference is bad, allow me to apologize for my perceived transgression!

      Yes,The ACTUAL quote from the Holy Bible is: "for the love of money is, [not "is is (sic)] a root of all kinds of evil..." (with minor variations depending on the version one reads- or doesn't read in my case.)

      1 Timothy 6:10

      Here's an excellent link from Google with many, many variations on the same quote, complete with commentary and cross references to other scripture about money, evil, etc..

  4. Anonymous10:22 PM

    I love this quote - it is so true. For anyone who is not familiar with Paul Farmer - please look him up. He has done wonderful work with providing medical care to the underprivileged, especially in third world countries.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. INCLUDING the lives of real, adult, breathing, living, thinking women, whether or not they might be pregnant.

    women are HUMAN, women are real!

    no matter what "potential" could grow inside of them. to fail to recognize them as full humans ALREADY living out their own "potential" is evil.


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