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As of late today the Senate was still no closer to coming up with a plan to deal with the looming fiscal cliff. |
Republican senators leaving a GOP conference meeting Sunday afternoon told reporters that they are dropping chained CPI (a measure of inflation that grows more slowly than the way Social Security measures inflation now.)from their fiscal cliff proposal.
"CPI has to be off the table because it's not a winning argument to say benefits for seniors versus tax breaks for rich people," said Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). "We need to take CPI off the table -- that's not part of the negotiations -- because we can't win an argument that has Social Security for seniors versus taxes for the rich."
"There's a realization that in spite of the president's apparent endorsement of a chained CPI, that that proposal deserves more study," said Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine). "My guess, based on what Democrats are saying, is that that reform would not happen during this stage of the negotiations."
"I don't think anybody ever expected Social Security to be part of this," said Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas). "It's all going to be about taxes of some kind or another."
I ma still not sure that we are going to see a deal before the end of the year, but at least we know that the Republicans are not going to get to starve Granny in exchange for raising taxes on the top 1% of the country.
OK. Now I want to see Medicaid off the table, incomes above $400,000 taxed, a change to capital gains so people aren't pulling a Romney and paying virtually NO tax on their millions. THEN I'll be happy. And when we cut the military fat, restore school funding, finally pass the Jobs Bill and get people back to work on our crumbling infrastructure...well, then, I will be ecstatic! Oh, and GOP, fix the tax cide, which you've been promising for decades now...can you actually write something down for once? (And yes, Dave Camp, that means you.)
ReplyDeleteCan't agree with you any more. Need to pass the farm bill as well.
DeleteDon't forget inheritance tax for $2 million or more.
DeleteCapital gains should be taxed as income.
DeleteThe GOP is fucked. Sorry about the language. :)
ReplyDeletePresident Obama has opened a huge can of whoop-ass on these GOP clowns over the "fiscal bluff"! Boehner, McConnell, Miss Lindsey, and Grumpy McCain must be starvin', since the President has been eatin' their lunch every day since November 6, 2012!
DeleteBut what a class act he is...he pretends to support some cuts to entitlement benefits, so that the clowns can pretend to stop him from making those cuts! Nice of him to throw them a bone! They don't deserve it, but he's such a gracious winner.
We got us a President, ya'll!
Cracklin Charlie, I couldn't say it better! So glad to see him stand tall!!!!
Deleteo/t but did you see Big Miracle? great movie (ish) 0 bt the hilarious bit is that they have the Ancient Crone of Toxic Lake in at the end and I'm pretty certain it's Jonathan Richman singing there too. I imagine it's a wild ass joke on her.
ReplyDelete"We can't win an argument that has Social Security for seniors versus taxes for the rich."
ReplyDeleteI can't believe this is even an issue.
Has it occurred to Repubs that maybe there will be some "entitlement reform" when there are some defense cuts? In all seriousness, do we really need a military that is as big as all the other militaries of the world combined?
Everyday Freethought:
DeleteI agree,we spend more in one year then all other Nations put together,sounds like over kill to me.
When Repug's are mentioned,personally, i think they all should be charged with treason. The repug's only want a country that works for them,not for the good of our country and oh, by the way, are they not elected to represent the people? Are these Senators and Congressmen not paid by the people?Sorry I forget, they make more from the Comp's they represent. Republican slime bags, the whole lot of them.
I don't believe this is the end of it.THis is only the first round. Obama is still willing to make that concession. It was HE the Dems in congress held firm against, not the Repugs. It's pretty bad when John McCain is more sensitive on this issue of SS than Obama is!
ReplyDeleteObama doesn't need to get re-elected, John McCain does and there are a lot of retirees in AZ.
DeleteDo you really believe your DRIVEL, 4:14 PM? Are you an UNDERCOVER Palin?
DeleteI do feel for those that will enjoy SS, however, many of us will never see a dime of what we put in.
ReplyDeleteThat is the thought they have been working to implant for a long time.
DeleteThis is ploy to make Republicans look like they "saved" social security. Notice how the article only quotes Republicans?
ReplyDeletedo some homework.
ReplyDelete"Four years ago, the idea of partially privatizing Social Security had majority support in some polls. This was a partly a result of aggressive advocacy on the part of right-wing think tanks and politicians, backed by Wall Street firms that stand to gain tens of billions of dollars from privatization. These people had not only convinced most of the public that they would never see their Social Security benefits, but that they could get more for their money in the stock market."
(this was a reply to 4:20)
DeleteIt began way before four years ago. They have been telling people since the 90s that I know of that they will never see any Social Security. I had a co-worker who worked two jobs so she could save retirement money. She lost $50,000 in the stock market in the early 2000s. Social Security has been a sure thing. People can get sick or go bankrupt and loose everything they have saved. Those who don't save or can't due to a low income at least have SS.
ReplyDeleteAnd we all see how well THAT worked out? As people lost their 401ks!Stocks plunged.
Privatizing anything is not a good idea.
The rethugs want to privatize USPS and give it to FedEx a right wing Co. that pays by the PIECE unless you sue their asses in Labor court.
Those fuckers want to bring us back to "The Jungle"
Hey, Yertle! Nice try! Give Beefy her old chin back and get your house in order! Oh, never mind, The President's on it.
ReplyDeleteI love this gem:
"CPI has to be off the table because it's not a winning argument to say benefits for seniors versus tax breaks for rich people," said Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.)..."
I wonder from which of his eleven manses he wrote that pandering drivel? What a maverick! NOW he's worried about the seniors??
It seems like everyone OTHER than the Republican congresspeople (and of course the sheep who believe what they are instructed to, on the Fox channel) knows that Social Security has NOTHING at all to do with the deficit.
ReplyDeleteThere is no call whatsoever to monkey with it, in the name of reducing the federal debt.
I think the members of congress really DO know this...but they are behind the rumor mongering that SS is "bankrupt" and some sort of ponzi scheme.
Like the drive to get everyone to hate unions, the evil push to ruin the safety net for seniors, has been going on ever since FDR put the plan into effect.
Why does the gop always attract the "hunky" guys? Look at McConnell and Krauthamer!! I think they are as ugly inside as they are outside, and take it out on the rest of us. That being said, so happy our President is taking the reins in this fiasco. Imagine if Mittens had won, where would we be? Les Miserables, with American accents, that's where.
ReplyDelete@2:56 "Les Miserables, with American accents, that's where." <-----So True!!!
DeleteOld Mitch really does look like an aged turtle. He thinks like one too.
DeleteI think so to, but "No offense to read turtles" who would never be so devious as this fucktard...
Cartoon turtle.