Friday, December 07, 2012

"It's great to be a goverment paid missionary!"

"We pray they will come into God's army."

Exactly WHY does a God need an army? Never understood that.

Here's a description of what this video shows courtesy of the YouTube page:

A collection of clips showing military chaplains and some of the many fundamentalist parachurch ministries that operate freely within the military clearly stating what their real mission is. Video also shows the mission of these chaplains and parachurch ministries being put into practice in Afghanistan. 

So we not only send these young men and women into harm's way, we also expose them to the predatory practices of Bible thumping Evangelicals who are looking for new sheep to sheer.

Apparently that whole separation of church and state thing is just not a concept that some people take very seriously.


  1. Martha Again4:16 AM

    This is a very frightening tape. No one would be allowed to do this in a school. Is there ANYwhere else in the government that people could proselytize like this?

    1. Anonymous5:38 AM

      Wanna bet? Guess who does the abstinence "sex ed" preaching in my pubic school? The local RCC Hospital, which the RCC has argued IS part of its church mission, so they shouldn't have to pay for BC coverage. Taking them at their word, they are allowed to tell kids to strive to be 30 year old virgins on my tax payer dime.

      Oh yeah, we HAVE a health teacher in the school on staff. Who we also pay.

    2. Anonymous6:42 AM

      Anon at 5:38, have you complained at all to the school or school board about this crap? Why not go higher. Only a squeaky wheel gets some grease. Be the wheel!

    3. So it's "GOD's ARMY"?? And how is this different from Islamic terrorists? There are important reasons we keep Church and State separate.

    4. Chella5:56 PM

      I very recently went thru a cardiac arrest (at age 26) and was literally brought back to life in the ER.

      I found I was brought to a roman catholic hospital, and I immediately began to freak out. Not only was a psychiatrist brought over, but whattya know, they sent a priest. And what did the priest ask me? While you were clinically dead for the past five minutes, tell me, did you see a light?

      Unfortunately, they won't kick you out of an emergency room for screaming at a priest.

  2. Anonymous4:39 AM

    It's all about the money isn't it?

    You know, us in the West don't realise how much our Middle Eastern counterparts look back with fear on the Crusades. They truly think it will happen again. Now ask yourself, are they wrong? Isn't this a modern day crusade?

    This perfectly illustrates why religion, ANY type, is so profoundly dangerous and irresponsible. Because the religious are SURE they are right. So it's two or more teams of people (idiots, really) who go in KNOWING they're right, correct, the chosen, and the outcome will be their god's triumph and their gods will.

    So you're sending over brainwashed people who are trying to brainwash already brainwashed people into simply a different SORT of brainwashed, just where that little prophet becomes the son of god and god himself really, ok? Got it?

    It would make me feel so much better if it really were cynical money grubbers laughing at the idiots behind their backs. Maybe right at the top there is - I don't doubt Pat Robertson is in it for the money. But too many actually believe this stuff.

    And I'm sorry, there's no excuses for it. If you're a Christian, you have willingly joined this grouping of people. At the best you're an enabler, allowing the world to see the normal facade which hides the ugly truth. Stop playing the facade and show them up!

    1. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Religions at their very core almost always exist to promote "My god is bigger than your god; and you're evil and should be exterminated because you don't worship my god -- or you don't worship my god in the exact same way that I do. So you must die."

      Jews, Christians, and Muslims all worship the god of Abraham, but boy, do they manage to get their knickers in a twist when a Sunni worships differently than a Shiite, or a Catholic does things differently than a Protestant. There's thousands of years of bloodshed right there.

      We need to fire all our bloody gods. Stop drinking Jesus' blood every weekend in "Communion." You think you're going to connect with the loving, altruistic, humanistic energy of Jesus by pretending to drink his blood and eat his flesh each week? That's called black magic, you know, vampire religion. Nothing to do with what the real guy espoused and practiced. Check out the Gnostic texts for a refresher on what the early friends of Jesus were taught by him.

      Everything other than humanism, empathy, and genuine regard for others as our equals is just evil. And if you can willingly sign on to emotionally or financially support corrupt lines of energy dating back thousands of years, all of whom have massive blood and murder on their hands, then at least lose your pretense of being "Holy" or "good" and just identify as what you are -- someone who supports murder. Pretty simple. Then we'd have everything out in the open. And don't forget pedophilia, either (Catholics in the house.) You support that if you remain a Catholic today. End of story. :)

      Cognitive dissonance will usually prevent people from admitting this stuff or doing anything about it because they've been mind controlled to believe that you can't be spiritual, that you can't have an open heart and a desire to make the world a better place, unless you join an organization and agree to have somebody else give you rules about how to be a good person.

      The moment humanity stops needing or wanting an outside agency to remind them that being loving and kind is a good idea, all religions will (rightfully) die.

      It would be nice to see that happen.

      Media Insider aka Jennifer (also a longtime cult reprogrammer, with a lot of my work involving helping mainstream religionists see the bloody crap at the core of their religions so they can find their own unique, loving, and creative way of reconnecting with spiritual energies --- no intermediary required.)

  3. A. J. Billings5:30 AM

    Talking about Cadence International, the announcer says, "shaken people are more willing to hear about God".

    and Campus Crusade for Christ is preaching to 200,000 troops, by having offices ON SITE at US Bases?

    That should be stopped immediately!!!

    1. Anonymous11:46 AM

      I attended college on the East Coast and we had "Campus Crusade for Christ" on our campus. They would travel to dorms and proselytize until someone escorted them out. They were a very annoying bunch of little dweebs, to say the least. I was a little sister at a frat and they came by our residence on a Saturday afternoon. Well, as was standard at the house, a party was in full force and one of the brothers "kidnapped" one of the little church dweebs and locked him in a bathroom and "preached" to him for about 1/2 hour until the police showed up and made us let him go. It was hilarious, and they were such doofuses and I'm sure they still are. Something about those little brainwashed xtian kids that makes you want to either beat them up or just laugh at them.

  4. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Or, per Carin - "why does he need money?"

  5. Anonymous6:35 AM

    The Army has been issuring Rifles for quite a while with Bible verses printed on them.

  6. They'd take the Constitutional Separation of Church and State a lot more seriously if the religion being pushed was anything other than their good ole "Uh-Mur-ah-Kun Christianity."

    - KAO

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Anonymous8:25 AM

    To say that this if frightening is an understatement.

    Since we agree that it must end: how to we ended it?

  9. Randall8:31 AM


    I wish there were a way to stop this religious madness.

  10. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I donate to the Military Religious Freedom Foundation to try to counteract this nonsense:

  11. Anonymous10:20 AM

    "You know, us in the West don't realise how much our Middle Eastern counterparts look back with fear on the Crusades"

    You do realize that the Crusades were a response to the way Islam very nearly overran Europe.

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Ohh, one flying-sketti monster almost overtook another. There fixed it for you. Big fucking deal, since when are fairytales worth killing or dying for?

    2. Anonymous12:14 AM

      Actually, the Crusades were a response to the Muslim takeover of Christian sites in the Middle East, not in Europe, as Islam spread through that region and across northern Africa until arriving in Spain, where the Reconquista eventually re-established Christianity. The overrunning of Europe began much later (mid-14th century) and was part of the Ottoman Empire's plan to expand into Europe. With the conquest of the Byzantine Empire, Istanbul could be used as the base from which to push into Europe.

  12. Leland1:29 PM

    When I first got to boot camp, they asked me what my religion was so they could stamp it into my dog tags. I told them NONE. They stamped Christian. I refused to accept them. I had to go to Captain's Mast because I refused. When he found out the truth he slammed THEM and made them make new ones, which I accepted.

    Two weeks later I was escorted to the Chaplain's office where he wanted to "talk" with me. When I asked what about he started this speechifying about Christianity and all the crap involved. I literally laughed in his face when he wanted me to get on my knees and pray with him. I said, "With all due respect to your rank, take your religion and shove it. My grandfather is a bishop in the Episcopal Church. There is NOTHING you can tell me." He got angry and started to berate me and yell at me. I walked out.

    Back to Captain's Mast. I was fortunate enough that another of the recruits (from my company) was in the cubicle next to where I was and he testified in my behalf. The chaplain's punishment? Had to say he was sorry.

    That's it. No punishment at all. What they didn't realize is that I continued to complain through my Congressman - who was from my home town. Needless to say, I got my satisfaction. Had I not known that Congressman personally, I doubt anything would have come of my complaints.

    This was in 1968. This kind of crap has been going on for a LOOOOOONNNNGGGGG time.

  13. Anonymous12:29 AM

    In addition, there appears to be a strong Dominionist current in the military, including among senior officers like General Petraeus. For further information, see OR


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