Thursday, December 13, 2012

Susan Rice withdraws her name for Secretary of State.

Courtesy of NBC:  

Embattled U.N. envoy Susan Rice is dropping out of the running to be the next secretary of state after months of criticism over her Benghazi comments, she told NBC News on Thursday. 

“If nominated, I am now convinced that the confirmation process would be lengthy, disruptive and costly – to you and to our most pressing national and international priorities,” Rice wrote in a letter to President Obama, saying she’s saddened by the partisan politics surrounding her prospects. 

“That trade-off is simply not worth it to our country...Therefore, I respectfully request that you no longer consider my candidacy at this time,” she wrote in the letter obtained by NBC News.

Can I just say that this is total BULLSHIT?

The conservatives blew the fact that Rice was the one that had to go on the Sunday talk shows to deliver the unclassified Benghazi talking points WAY out of proportion simply to damage her chances to be named as Secretary Clinton's replacement. That was clear to everybody!

And they obviously did that to clear the way for Senator John Kerry, open up his Senate seat, and then run Scott Brown in 2014, since HE just had both his lunch money and his Senate seat to the incredible Elizabeth Warren.

There is a lot of talk about whether this was orchestrated between Rice and the White House to avoid a confirmation battle, while also not having the President look like he was backing down. I tend to believe it was since the President had this statement ready only minutes after Rice withdrew her name:

Today, I spoke to Ambassador Susan Rice, and accepted her decision to remove her name from consideration for Secretary of State. For two decades, Susan has proven to be an extraordinarily capable, patriotic, and passionate public servant. As my Ambassador to the United Nations, she plays an indispensable role in advancing America’s interests. Already, she has secured international support for sanctions against Iran and North Korea, worked to protect the people of Libya, helped achieve an independent South Sudan, stood up for Israel’s security and legitimacy, and served as an advocate for UN reform and the human rights of all people. I am grateful that Susan will continue to serve as our Ambassador at the United Nations and a key member of my cabinet and national security team, carrying her work forward on all of these and other issues. I have every confidence that Susan has limitless capability to serve our country now and in the years to come, and know that I will continue to rely on her as an advisor and friend. While I deeply regret the unfair and misleading attacks on Susan Rice in recent weeks, her decision demonstrates the strength of her character, and an admirable commitment to rise above the politics of the moment to put our national interests first. The American people can be proud to have a public servant of her caliber and character representing our country. 

Okay look I understand the politics behind this and recognize that the President has to choose his battles wisely but if it were up to me I would have put Rice and taken this fight to the mat!

The Republicans are testing the President's mettle right now and he needs to represent if he wants them to take him seriously.

However I recognize that I am a hot head and the President is the chess master so maybe he has this thing worked out several moves ahead of he Republicans and will knock their legs out from under them in the coming weeks.

I certainly hope so.

I also hope that. IF John Kerry gets this appointment, the Republicans run pretty boy Scott Brown for his seat so that we can kick his loser ass TWICE!

P.S. Keep an eye out for Susan Rice in the future, I don't believe we have heard the last from her.


  1. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I wholeheartedly agree with the "label".."bullshit"....

  2. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I see National Security Adviser in her future. :-). However, one hothead to another, I have faith in the Chess Master. Nothing is what it seems with the POTUS!

  3. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Be thankful we don't have a hot head in the Oval Office, Gryphen. The President is cool and collected and makes his decisions wisely.

    1. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Dito,dito and dito.
      Also Ms. rice is an honorable person,not wishing to run this country down the road the very Christian rep's want.
      They(repug's) are willing to destroy what ever they can not run or own. scum bags to the last.

  4. Two words.....Colin Powell. Then what can the Republicans say? LOL!!

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Gina I rarely disagree with you, but I think this is the wrong office for ANY lifer from the military, they all have the wrong mindset for the job.

      Little Rabbit

    2. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Snort! Merry Christmas, GinaM! Not so much to your avatar...

    3. Anonymous3:05 AM

      Two words: Mai Lai. The ugliest stain on Powell's record. Google it and read.

    4. Chuck Hagel.

      Both are qualified. Both are Republicans. The Republicans would NOT be able to deny confirmation of either candidate.

      This ain't over. And sorry to say, Kerry is a pawn in it all. He will NOT be selected.

  5. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Perhaps Hillary was persuaded to stay on. They're already trying to crucify her, believing that she may run for POTUS again - maybe continuing as SoS makes for a quieter life than three solid years of harassment by the RWNJ.

  6. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Nikki Haley Releases Oppo On Stephen Colbert

    He's a COMEDIAN for God's sake! What kind of BS is this?

    1. Anonymous1:42 PM

      We have another 'comedian' in our Congress and he is doing a hell of a job. She sounds biased to me. Bitch!

    2. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Colbert is a very, very smart man. SC could certainly do worse (and they usually do) than to elect him.

    3. Anonymous5:01 PM

      He is a comedian who has a lot more intelligence, experience, knowledge, and personality than any of your other candidates.

      Elizabeth 44

    4. Anita Winecooler8:04 PM

      John NcCain is the Don Rickels of the GOP. Where's his Oppo?

    5. He is an extremely intelligent political pundit that is more savvy than a lot of the current senators. S.C. could do a LOT worse (and probably will) than Stephen Colbert.

      Remember, he'll be taking an extreme salary CUT to serve his country in Congress. That's sacrifice (according to the GOP's family values.)

  7. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Oops: Michigan Republicans Have Passed a Right to Work Law that may be Impossible to Implement

  8. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Perhaps she's just the price the Republicans needed to agree to a 'fiscal cliff' resolution...scratch my back etc.

    Who's to say that tomorrow we won't see a deal struck?

    1. Anonymous2:29 PM

      Bingo. I thought the same thing.

      A bargain was struck.

      Other commentators at HuffPo said Jon Huntsman was seen at the White House recently, but I think he is not to be trusted and should not be SOS. But what about Bill Clinton? Then Dems don't have to give up Kerry's Senate seat!

    2. Anonymous5:05 PM

      I would take Huntsman over Mr. Clinton. Bill has far to big an ego to bend to someone else's agenda. Bill would run his own show which isn't helpful. If Mr. Obama is serious about his Asia policy, Huntsman would be an excellent choice.

      Elizabeth 44

  9. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Over at Juanita Jean's blog she is predicting that Chuck Hagel will end up as Sec. Of State, but I agree with Sandra Mitchell that he would be better as Sec. Of Defense because he has budget experience as well.

    I hope Senator Kerry becomes Sec. Of State.

    I think the Rethugs would not allow Colin Powell because he has twice endorsed President Obama. McCain holds grudges and would block him.

  10. Anonymous1:51 PM

    John McCain led this thing against Ms. Rice and all goes back to the 2008 election against President Obama because she called him on his 'Iran' bomb, bomb, issue.

    McCain is an asshole and should be put on public display in D.C. - tarred and feathered! The guy is a jerk from the word go! Plus, he has one foul mouth!

    I so hope our President is going to nail their/his asses in some manner on this issue. He is far brighter than McCain ever thought of being.

  11. Crystal Sage1:53 PM

    I think that if there's an election for Kerry's seat, Deval Patrick will run and trounce whomever the GOP puts up. If there is merely an appointment (don't know what the policy is in Mass, then it could get interesting as Patrick will have to do an end run to "name" himself.) I do, however believe that Patrick is ready to take on the senate.

  12. Sharon2:04 PM

    Here we go again....thankyou Arizona for re electing that cranky old bastard that gave us Palin. Talk about bitter, McCain is the poster boy for sore loser and its so obvious what a media whore he is spouting his hate for someone that spoke against him (with good reason) so many times. I agree with most here that Obama looks long term and Rice is not gone, trying to get Scott re elected is not gonna work either...the smart people in MA have already seen his true colors. This game of politics has gotten so damn wonder decent people don't want to run.

  13. Anonymous2:12 PM

    It may not have been the Presidents decision, she could just not have wanted to go through all that.
    he isn't the most qualified for the job and now I am wondering if this was done on purpose?

  14. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Old McCain sure showed his ugly - He is a bitter angry loser. He is a terribly sore loser. Period.

  15. Anonymous2:23 PM

    If you remember what mcconnell said - if they figure out that taking hostages gets them what they want then they will do it again and again. You know what I say? The United States DOES NOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS! There, I said it. You may be right, PBO may be playing long game chess.

  16. Anonymous2:36 PM

    "There's something rotten in Dodge."

  17. Anonymous3:57 PM

    If Kerry gets the job I hope Hillary runs for his seat. She told Babawah that she still wants to serve...

  18. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Rachel Maddow Shows Republican Stealing Democracy In 90 Seconds (VIDEO)

    ...Americans, even with their vote have shown an inclination to vote Liberal. After all, Democrats won the popular vote 5 out of the last six elections by substantial margins.

    What is sad is that over the years, Republicans have been undemocratically using the demographic maps to cluster Democratic voters in such a manner that Republicans are vastly overrepresented in both State Houses and Congress. This is political theft.

    For all those that believe in the infallibility of the US Constitution, this should be a wake-up call. Republicans are not doing anything illegal. They are simply using yet another defect in the constitution to ensure its original intent, that only a select few are entitled to have their vote counted.

    You can see the Rachel Maddow show video — where she proves disproportionate representation for Republicans in the US due to excessive gerrymandering — here:

  19. Anonymous4:10 PM

    I would not underestimate our president and how he will turn this into a huge win. I suspect he will appoint her to a position that will be even more powerful than SOS, and do it in a way that it does not have to go through the 'approval' of McCain or Graham or any other nasty white guys in Congress. They'll be WISHING that Rice had been nominated for SOS, when it all comes down to the grand plan that is in the works. Remember, Barack Obama plays the long game. You'll see.

    1. Cracklin Charlie9:45 PM

      I am glad to see your response. I also think that the President's long game may be being played out in this situation. Here's my thoughts on the matter.

      The President never formally nominated Ambassador Rice for this position. What if the President really wanted to nominate someone else, but once the GOP started in with their obvious obstructionism, the President just let them run with it?

      Had the President formally nominated Ms. Rice, she and the President would have been facing weeks, if not months, of wall-to-wall coverage about what a terrible choice the President had made. FOX would have 24 hour a day coverage of the evils of Susan Rice as Secretary of State, and, by extension, the evils of Barack Obama. This would have lasted throughout the confirmation process.

      Senator Kerry's confirmation, after all the GOP brouhaha over Rice, should be like a walk in the park. Susan Rice can, and will, remain one of the President's closest advisers, and will be appointed to some other high level position. Supreme Court, perhaps?

      I have a feeling the GOP were trying to set a trap, to GET the President to nominate Rice instead of John Kerry. Once again, the President deftly sidestepped the Acme president trap that the GOP (Grouchy Obstructionist Party) laid in his path.

      Sometimes it's a good idea to fight a bully, but other times, it's better to outsmart them.

  20. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Cable News: The Fiscal Cliff Is 142 Times More Important Than the Violence Against Women Act

  21. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Unfortunately the Democrats don't have a great candidate to run against Brown right now. Deval Patrick has some minor but recent shadows on his administration. Not Coakley.

    Some in MA are lobbying Kerry to stay in the Senate.

  22. Anonymous5:05 PM

    The man that picked idiot Sarah Palin for VEEP is too stupid to realize whining about someone's qualifications for office just reminds everyone that McCain is the most unqualified of all.

    John McCain doesn't have a legacy, just a spot in the moron hall of fame.

  23. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Susan Rice has more INTELLIGENCE than the entire Palin/Heath KKKLAN combined. The GRIFTER PIMPS don't know anything other than BEGGING for Money.

  24. Anonymous5:52 PM

    McCain and the Republican party are a bunch of racist assholes. We need to work hard to vote them out of office.

  25. Anita Winecooler8:27 PM

    I was a bit miffed (fellow hot head) when this happened, I felt that she shouldn't have been left so vulnerable to defend herself against it without the Whitehouse supporting her in a more vocal and visceral way other than making one statement.
    Dan Rather is on Rachel, he says Obama should have nominated her from the get go and put it up for a vote, and I can't agree more.
    The optics of this makes POTUS look weak, but I'm hoping he DOES have a big picture plan to smack down the bastards who waged this whole thing.

    Especially the one who has Sarah Palin's knee dents in the shoes he wore when he vetted her.

  26. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Obama caves in again. Probably will do the same with the fiscal cliff. Huffington reports former GOP Senator Chuck Hagel may take the job. So much for his mandate

  27. Anonymous11:16 PM

    How can McCain claim that Susan Rice is not too bright, he selected the DINGBAT FROM WASILLA as his VP running mate? How stupid can he be? Sarah Palin had absolutely no Qualifications to run for VP. She couldn't even stop her GIRLY MAN HUSBAND from RUNNING HIS SEX Trafficking ring long enough to help her campaign. David Chaney, Todd's client, gave up his
    job because of Prostitutes. And Todd knew that his 'BUSINESS' would have an effect on the Campaign.

  28. Randall2:28 AM

    MY problem with Susan Rice is her and her husband's massive amount of stock in the parent company of the Keystone Pipeline. IMHO that in itself disqualifies her for any cabinet position since the Pipeline is such a controversial issue and she stands to profit from it.

    1. Anonymous9:45 PM

      Isn't John Boehner heavily invested in the Keystone Pipeline? What Hypocrites they are.

  29. Anonymous3:54 AM

    Sec. Rice is heavily invested personally in the XL Pipeline. That is NOT popular in a lot of the West, as the pipeline being built, crosses our aquifers ( we cannot drink water polluted by oil ), seizes private property for a FOREIGN oil co. AND Tar Sand fuel will possibly be the vast planet polluter that will send the climate over the edge for all the Earth. She's not worth the fight.. I oppose her appointment, no matter how qualified, based on that info alone.

  30. Anonymous4:57 AM

    It's also possible that Rice removed herself from the Secretary of State running because of some serious conflict of interest regarding her and her husband ownership of Keystone oil shares.

  31. While Rice was certainly a contender and qualified, I doubt this is going to be a setback. There is no way Obama had a list of only two or three candidates.

    And I doubt he'll pick John Kerry. Simply because the GOP is maneuvering him to do so. It is the only reason they refused Rice. They've as much as said they want Kerry because they want that seat open for Scott Brown to fill.

    It's possible both of these candidates are a misdirection so that the GOP doesn't notice the vetting of Chuck Hagel.

    There is no way the GOP will refuse the confirmation of Hagel. He's certainly qualified. And he's a Republican. They'd have to outright say "We're not going to confirm anyone but Kerry because we want his senate seat."

    And they're not going to do that (again). Are they?


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