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"We have probed, examined, and dissected, but as far as we can tell there is NO intelligence within the Republican party." |
One of the great political shifts in the past decade has been the move of scientists toward the Democratic Party, a casualty of the Republican Party’s war on reality. It’s not about politics for scientists, it’s about the fact that only one party accepts scientific findings on everything from global warming to evolutionary theory to what does and doesn’t prevent pregnancy. Only 6 percent of scientists identify as Republican, whereas 55 percent identify as Democratic. In October of 2012, 68 Nobel-winning scientists co-signed a strong endorsement of Obama, saying the President “has delivered on his promise to renew our faith in science-based decision making.”
To me this is one of those facts that I would probably simply assume even WITHOUT the evidence to back it up.
But of course it IS backed up by evidence, which is why the Republicans will never accept it, because, as we know, "facts have a liberal bias."
Now if only women, minorities, and younger Americans will follow the lead of these scientists. (Unless of course they already are.)
I am an engineer who works for a major defense firm. I definitely left the republican party during the 2008 election the moment Sarah Palin was chosen and proudly voted for Barack (twice).
ReplyDeleteThing is....once I left, I wondered why I didn't leave earlier given the Republican's shift to a severe anti-science platform.
Bizarre thing is many of my co-workers are still strongly republican (typical in a defense firm). Ironic considering the republicans care absolutely nothing about them (since they are not part of the 1%).
I, too, work with a lot of Republicans in our Fortune 200 company.
DeleteI think they are intelligent people - but they are in love with a party that DOES NOT exist!
There is no way Michelle Bachmann, Allen West and Sarah Palin represent these people.
But there is a stigma attached to being a "DEMOCRAT" that just won't shake.
I say Fuck It and loudly Guffaw when they tell me that they had GW Bush speak at a conference and "regardless of how you feel politically, it's still pretty cool".
Yeah, right! I would have lost my job for hurling a stilleto at his head!
Murderer! LIar! Thief! Shit-head@!!!!!
I too was a too long member of the Republican party. I too was a member of a party that existed only in my mind. If a party was created that excepted personal responsibility, rule of law (no special deals for criminals even if they are your banker), and fiscal restraint (we do still have poor so we do still need to help the poorest, but do we need the biggest military, bigger than all the others combined?).
DeleteHave you looked into the libertarians. They are what the republicans once claimed to be, but never really were.
DeleteThe REALLY bizarre thing is that you still work for a war contractor.
Deleteafter the last 4 years of having the Democrats in charge you would have to be pretty stupid to still be a Democrat
DeleteAnd gay people...
ReplyDeleteMeet The House GOP’s Anti-Science Committee
ReplyDeleteThe House Science Committee is no sanctuary from scientifically dubious, non-empirical, “truthy” policy positions. Republican committee members have in recent years created an array of controversies over reproduction, climate change, and evolution.
ReplyDeleteSchool Board Will Ask Custodial Staff To Stop School Shootings
Sad but true. 26 years old and dead by suicide. Wrote RSS and helped do lots of other things.
There's a petition at Whitehouse.gov to fire Carmen Ortiz. She is ambitious and wants to be a governor. This prosecution was nothing more than political grandstanding for personal gain.
Scott Garland and Steve Heymann were the Asst. DAs in charge of prosecuting Aaron Swarz. There's also a petition to fire Heymann. Let's get that above 25,000 too.
I've just started a similar petition against lead prosecutor Scott Garland. Please sign it.
I've come up with a great new slogan for the Republican Party: Better Living Through Sophistry.
ReplyDelete"Sophistry" is a pretty fancy word for those people.
DeleteIt was a pretty fancy word for me as well, I had to look it up and I'm not even a republican. I enjoy learning knew words.
DeleteIt's a word to be spit out in disdain. You have put it to good use.
DeleteI noticed I use the wrong word, knew instead of new lol. Minor typo, I should have proof read before posting, my grammar is terrible when writing in haste.
DeleteWell, I don't know. Even women are totally crazed. Look at the two bimbos who brought up the legislation to stop funding Planned Parenthood. Something in the water that Rethugs are drinking, I guess, that they have to go against their own best interests.
ReplyDeleteYou mean that org. that kills millions of babies a year? That org's founder said it was created to control the black population, look it up. So who is the party that wants to protect women and the blacks? Not the Dems
DeleteYeah, the party who supports black men being gunned down by cops (cause as far as they think the black people are always guilty) and taking away women's rights to have dominion over their own bodies.
DeleteAnd thanks, but as an African American woman I don't give a shit about your fake ass protection of African-Americans and women. Maybe its because you called us "the blacks"----like Trump-- who hates women and minorities.
I think that part of the reason at least is that it would be hard for a christian to be a scientist. But I also think it's true that the Dem party has just as many christians as does the repub party. And so maybe we should ask if it's harder to belong to the dem party if one is a christian?
ReplyDeleteI don't see any conflict between Christianity and science, unless we're talking the right wing fundamentalist conservative brand of Christianity. I ask myself if it isn't harder to be a Christian and a republican? Jesus never said a single word about homosexuality or abortion, but he spoke at great length, over and over again, about helping the poor, the ill, the "least of these."
DeleteI agree that it is not possible for a Christian who adheres to the "inerrant word of God" theory for the Bible to make the scientific stretch. There are Christians who understand that humans have had a large influence on the translation and structure of the Bible. There are actually Christians that find scientific evidence as a testimony of the power of God.
DeleteCare of the earth can be seen as a peace and justice issue since, though we are all touched by the results, living hand to mouth means that the environment is a non-issue for a large part of the earth's population, yet clean water and air is a universal problem.
Many Christians also see the care of the earth and nature as their stewardship as they embrase the evidence of the damage we have done to our environment and the need to be in the forefront of those working at at least minimalizing the damage, if not reversing it.
I found this site a few months ago and have enjoyed some of the posts and have most strongly disagreed with other posts.
ReplyDeleteI used to consider myself a Republican because I wanted my individual liberties protected. I bought the lies that the Republicans told about how they were the party of values and wise allocation of tax dollars.
When Republicans had control of Congress and the Presidency, they spent like there was no tomorrow. They also sold out those that supported them to give out massive corporate welfare and government contracts with no regard for business competition. Not that the Democrats are much better in that arena. Republicans and some Democrats also used 9-11 to crack down on civil liberties.
I'm a Christian and I'm not ashamed of my faith. I have every right to worship just as any other person does. I think knowledge and science are wonderful and have improved mankind beyond measure. I have no conflicts between science and religion. Both are intertwined through the entire history of man with good results and bad.
I don't consider myself a Democrat because I cant in good conscience support keeping people dependent on a system that has little intention of letting them be accountable for choices that they have made. A safety net is a great thing but a net can also trap someone too. I do admire the zeal for equality (of opportunity, not of outcomes) and the counter to right wing abuses of power that the Democrats of years ago were so good at.
Today it seems that this Country is so caught up in a right-left win at all costs contest. Democrats AND Republicans have pushed for spying on Americans while making Government activities less and less transparent. The left pushes against the 2nd Amendment freedoms to bear arms and the right pushes against 1st Amendment protections regarding religion and the right of free association (Labor Unions). Both right and left now seem to have it in for 4th Amendment protections as to warrants and privacy. I think the entire Bill of Rights is so far ahead of it's time that we still don't fully grasp the timeless wonder of it. A lot of outside interests would profit greatly if we did tear ourselves apart. I wish there was a party that was sane and stood behind the entire Constitution and Bill of Rights. Power corrupts all that have it eventually.
I will point out, in the left pushing against the 2nd Amendment, that it was written when the right to "bear arms" meant you had the right to own a musket. Far less accuracy, and you could get off maybe 3 shots a minute...if you were lucky. I can see no reason why any civilian should have access to assault weapons. One weapon with a 20+ kill count only makes sense for "home defense" if you're in a zombie apocalypse.
Delete"I don't consider myself a Democrat because I cant in good conscience support keeping people dependent on a system that has little intention of letting them be accountable for choices that they have made. "
DeleteWhat does this have to do with being a Democrat? Unless your source of news is Fox or a Republic idiot-speak...
Good for you Anonymous., just remember
ReplyDelete"I don't consider myself a Democrat because I cant in good conscience support keeping people dependent on a system that has little intention of letting them be accountable for choices that they have made."
THIS DOESN'T EXIST...it is a straw man built by the Republican party...IT DOESN'T EXIST...the people getting aid are mostly too OLD or too YOUNG to work..neither of which are a choice
I too have grown up believing the stories of how the country dying because money is taken away from hard working people and given to those lazy asses on welfare.
DeleteA couple years ago I realized that its been proven that this JUST IS NOT TRUE. Yes, there are lazy people on welfare, but the amount of money spent on them is such a non issue compared to something like corporate welfare or tax laws.
You are so wrong it actually hurts. I have worked in government aid offices and seen firsthand the type and extent of abuse in the system. You are doing nothing more than spewing the stupid filth of your party of choice by repeating their rhetoric. All of you are mindless sheep following the broken two party system to your graves.
Deleteoh look! A real live Fox News Spewing Republican. In the Wild even!
Deleteohhh... look at real live Fox News Republican! In the wild even!
DeleteHAHA! oh look, two, almost EXACTLY, of the same identical responses.. Can anyone say "staged".. Dumbasses..
DeleteWhat is gong on on this blog ? I was trying to find a Hafiz poem...... Oh, someone linked this on my Facebook.
DeleteAlright, well, i can't understand why those two responses above are so similar..... ? l & what is Andrew Harrison saying about "staged" ?? like.... what, he thinks those 2 people planned for weeks to double-comment ???? orrrrrr...... he thinks both are cyborgs created by the democrats or by the author of this blog ???
Anyway, if this stat is true, it's very intriguing & feels very dramatic to imagine as the reality. Though i'd more likely self-identify as a democrat, i can't say i think the Republicans are entirely insane.
wish very much that we could all discuss this peacefully, dropping our fears of being wrong or losing power, dropping our lack of trust in others.
best, hope you all have a lovely day xx
ReplyDeleteTo remain Republican, people with the slightest shred of Decency, have to spend all of their waking hours, in a fog off self deception!
Democrats willing spend money on and pay for "scientific" results they are looking for to further an agenda. It is getting hard to trust "science" when it can obviously be bought. I would think real scientist that work in the private sector - without the benefit of government funds for their existence - would most likely be republicans.
ReplyDeleteRefuting factually backed statements with opinion and conjecture? Gee, I wonder what bias you're operating under.
DeleteThat's right. Democrats are only willing to further their crazy agendas. I refer you to this link.
He's right. This poll is nowhere near representative. If everyone here is so in love with science, read their faulty sampling and laugh.
DeletePlease take a poll of scientists that do not receive government funding OR engineers that actually have to design solutions which work in the real world at a workable cost/benefit.
ReplyDeleteEhhhh.... bullshit. As an engineer who has worked with hundreds of scientists / engineers throughout my career, I can tell you that most of us (by a large margin) are conservative.
ReplyDeleteLol, Republican scientist who thinks basic statistics is a lie. Hope you're not designing bridges, or anything that people might actually use...
Delete93% of all hard core felons identify strondly with the Democratic party.
ReplyDeleteI guess if you believe in murdering babies, being soft on crime, not defending your country and don't believe in God, then I guess you make a good liberal Democrat. HEIL OBAMA!
Here is the study. They did, with virtually the same results.
Lol, define "scientist." If by scientist you mean the rabid atheistic, tree-hugging nut-jobs who refuse to wear deodorant and breast feed their babies in college classrooms...then sure, not surprised that there are few republicans among those "scientists." But how about health professionals? Say medical doctors? Pretty sure more than 6% of medical doctors are repubican. And save for the top PhDs at major universities, your average MD student mopped the floor with the PhDer in school. In fact, it was well known in college that those who couldn't get into med school got PhDs. So color me unimpressed with your 6% of "scientists" crap.
ReplyDeleteAn MD repub.
Your assertion that "And save for the top PhDs at major universities, your average MD student mopped the floor with the PhDer in school. " is laughable. In medical schools most of the professors are PhDs. And the Graduate Students at those schools are taught by PhD professors,not M.D.s MD is equivalent to a Masters degree so in europe thay have to complete research project and thesis in order to be called Doctors. Otherwise they are mearly Physicians.
DeleteScary that someone who is so fail at math is a doctor. Even if the survey included doctors and doctors were 90% Republican, you could still quite easily get that 6% number if other disciplines skewed heavily Democratic. I also seriously doubt that the hard sciences (i.e. physics, mathematics, engineering) have inferior quality graduate students compared with medical schools. I suppose it's possible, but smart money (i.e. the ones from non-repub MDs) says you're wrong.
DeleteYou're probably one of those dumb fails who believed Dick Morris when he predicted a Romney landslide and thought Nate Silver was fixing the numbers. How'd that go for your party?
Statistics: over 9000
Republicans: need to learn statistics
LOL. The bar for admission to medical school is far, far above that of PhD programs. They aren't even close really. And the majority of our professors are MDs, not PhDs.
DeleteAnd I don't doubt at all the the caliber of the average med student is far above that of students graduating in math, physics, engineering, biology, etc. At my own college graduation, the majority of Summa and magna cum laude graduates in the college of sciences were pre-med. I suspect that's true at most places.
Unfortunately, Straw Man arguments end up diluting many Democrat arguments too.
ReplyDeleteFor instance, take the few references to "facts" stated in this article and in the comments.
First, a survey is not a fact. It is a survey which has probabilistic assertions about the wider demographic that it intends to measure.
Most everything written here on this link is NOT a fact, but an opinion stated. Good luck in your search for truth--remember that the backbone of science is not a gathered set of 'facts', but skepticism, mingled with 'faith' in the good scientists whose hopefully impartial scientific findings are left to us to accept--questioningly.
6%? That's not good.
ReplyDeleteFacts (just a few): There never were any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The earth is a heck of a lot older than 5,000 years old. A woman's body will not prevent a pregnancy from happening just because it was a "legitimate" rape (whatever that is??). There is no need to enact any laws to prevent Sharia law from becoming the law of the land. Climate change is real (and supported by real science)!
DeleteDoctor Mary's Monkey, yeah SCIENCE!
ReplyDeleteWhy are there so many anonymous comments. If you are passionate and sincere it seems you should not need to hide you identity when commenting.
ReplyDeleteWhy is this a surprise? To be a scientist you must be educated. Education is the cure for ignorance. If you think you're educated and you still believe that abstinence education is a more effective form of birth control than condoms then you are ignorant by choice. The republican party welcomes you.
ReplyDeleteSo... 39% are independent or "other." Now THAT I like!
ReplyDelete"...only one party accepts scientific findings on everything..."
Only one MAJOR party... and saying "everything" is a hell of a stretch. What about a scientific approach to budgeting? How about a better look at our Keynesian economic policies? The long-term effects of war? Bringing true science to the idea of gun control, instead of making emotional appeals.
Pfff... yeah, sorry, but the Holy Democratic Party-theory is riddled with holes.
Do you have a source for that number? Otherwise it seems arbitrary.
ReplyDeleteThe 'Salon' article links to a Huffington Post article which then links to the source. :)
ReplyDeleteThe source is a Pew Research Center study.
Stephen Hawking's a republican