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"No fair that all the black people are getting attention today! Somebody write something for me!" |
Today Americans honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It's been 30 years since President Reagan signed this holiday into law in 1983, followed by its celebration three years later. We continue to look to Dr. King’s teachings which show us that our efforts—though seemingly futile at times—really do matter, that one person’s faith in something greater than self can lift all mankind, and that character alone should be the means whereby a person is measured, rather than the external things on which our society fixates.
This year marks 50 years since Martin Luther King stood before the Lincoln Memorial to proclaim his dream and remind the world that 100 years had passed since President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. Now, 150 years after that historic signing, Americans still stand with both these men, ever committed to the freedoms that they worked to secure. They dedicated their lives for freedom, including freedom from stifling, overbearing governments. We will not squander what their efforts have wrought, we will not take for granted the blood that has been shed, and we will not fail to do our part to help preserve the freedoms that are uniquely American. In Dr. King’s own words, “Let freedom ring!” So, to these freedoms we cling so that future generations may know and love the America that those before us so sacrificially gave.
I encourage you to take time to reflect on Dr. Martin Luther King’s efforts to secure freedom and true equality and what those efforts have added to our lives today.
A couple of things.
First, no mention of President Obama's inauguration?
How predictably classless.
Second, does she not realize that all of America knows that if the civil rights movement were just starting today that Palin and her ilk would be the ones sitting in their living rooms screaming "Ni**er!" at their television screens? (And I'm sure Todd and his pals would fantasize about taking MLK into the woods and beating him up for not knowing his place.)
And thirdly, she didn't write it. Not a bit of it.
In fact there is a good chance that she doesn't even know what it says.
I know this because it sounds fairly reasonable.
No playing the victim.
No unnecessarily irrelevant mentions of family members.
No weird nonsense phrases like "living vibrantly."
Nothing to indicate in ANY way that Palin had any hand in creating this post.
But if THAT doesn't convince you, then just remember how she looked the LAST time we saw her in public.
Does this look like somebody who stayed up all night writing the coherent, even handed, relatively non-partisan Facebook post above?
Not hardly. But hey, nice try RAM/Nancy French.
OH MY....look at how different she looks in those two pictures, and not in a good way.
ReplyDeleteIs the "lady" beside her doing a Maidenform bra commercial?
I agree...Sarah had absolutely nothing to do with the post.
Sea of pee loves her.
Inaugural Day - First order of the day was to order 3 pounds of Coffee from Mocha Moose coffee house in Wasilla, AK. I wish I could give everyone a cup this morning so that they could wake up.
Then I decided to write a check to SarahPAC . WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!
Frank have you had moose coffee before? if so how does it taste?
Good Morning Alaska- A very aromatic and flavorful medium to dark roast. It is a five bean blend of high quality medium to full body beans. It's the taste Alaskans wake up for !
Patnatasha - I have been ordering this coffee for over a year - it has a great taste and smells wonderful while it's
brewing. Plus I get charged up when a package arrives at my house from "Wasilla, Alaska".
LOL! what a scam, coffee doesn't grow in AK.
DeleteWhat a bunch of moose poop.
Exactly. Those ground "moose nuggets" are NOT coffee. But if they're willing to "eat up" Sarah's shit that she always talks. they might as well chase it with a little fresh brewed moose poop blend latte'. Don't worry about them drinking the Kool Aid. They're way past that stage. You betcha.
DeleteXACTLY. How much petroleum does it take to get it to Alaska and then to this pondscum?
DeleteOT: FLOTUS and POTUS at the one of the balls.
cspan is having it on and off, lots of R's calling in giving many compliments to POTUS?
Really nice to hear for a change.
Wow! Is she even aware that Martin Luther King was African American? I fully expected her to trail off into "I understand how persecuted this man was, since MY family has been insulted and ridiculed also, too" I really do see her trying to get a televangelist gig. Hanging around with Franklin Graham, she saw that there is easy money to be made.
ReplyDeleteFranklin and those guys don't seem to be hanging around much lately, do they?
DeleteWonder where they went?
Sarah's not in heat anymore.
DeleteSarah may not be in heat but hopefully there is some hot water in her future.
DeleteI was pretty certain about a year ago that we would see the grifter move into Graham's organization once her Fox gig was up but I think even they are keeping their distance at this point.
Wow. What a difference in the pictures of this nasty old woman and the pictures of the inauguration.
ReplyDeleteThe President and First Lady are such a class act.
I just love them!
Damn straight she didn't write that FB and she did this because today is the Inauguration Day...she is so damn predictable, it ain't even funny.
ReplyDeleteMessage to Sarah Palin: Go take more of your drugs...meds and STFU!
Sarah is a traitor to our country. Don't worry Sarah Palin, we hate you back twice as much as you hate us Americans. You're not one of us so we don't care what you think or say. But it has been enjoyable watching you fall square on your face as you've been on a race to the bottom. Almost there... You'll make it!
DeleteHow right you are, Gryphen, no one in the Palin/ Heath KKKLAN could have written that piece. But whoever(Nancy/Ram) wrote it knew not to mention President Obama's Inauguration. The Grifter Granny would have Sobered up just to complain and become a Victim again.
ReplyDeletePoor, pathetic, pitiful Scarah, needs her some attention. The final descent into complete self-destruction should be interesting to witness.
ReplyDeleteI've too have noticed her self-destruction, and she seems to have all of the symptoms of anorexia and depression. It also wouldn't be surprise me to hear her depression and anorexia to become worse because of Fox cutting her loose, and because she wasn't invited to the Republican conventions, all of which is all causing her anorexia to rapidly become worse. Right now she's probably very moody, and quickly develop into angry outbursts. She decided early on to cut out all interviews from the media except for friendly interviews with FOX, so that she could completely control her message by it only being one way, and to not have to answer any questions from the media. Now that she has lost FOX as her only soapbox, and she only has Facebook to get her message out.
DeleteIf she is admitted soon into a treatment center for her anorexia and depression, it's very common for someone to stay months to get the care they need. She will then have to attend weekly meetings very similar to AA meetings for the rest of her life.
She's in very serious trouble by the looks of everything, and will probably be the last person to admit she has a problem because this has probably gone on for years.
Can't be too thin or too rich, right ;-)
Deletedepression, no. A personality disorder yes.
DeleteWho cares about Sarah Palin especially on this day?!!? Besides, Michelle Obama's bangs look much better than Sarah's fake ones.
Beaglemom, they sure do, and Queen Esther could have NEVER navigated the stairs they walked down unattended!
DeleteI didn't First Lady could our is First Lady could be more beautiful.... wham!...those bangs, and yes she is :)
DeleteTake a look at the Biden children, Chelsea and the Obama girls. All examples of what is great in parenting. They are all smiles, gentlemen and ladies. I liked the part where Michelle said her daughters have chores and wash their own clothes.
ReplyDeleteSarah is no example of parenting. Her family is a disgrace. Yes, she did not mention the real reason for today. Even those on Fox are saying he gave a good speech today.
Even the Bush girls, who acted out somewhat as teens in the WH, have settled down in adulthood and so far as I know have families, educations, and are gainfully employed. I must admit I am not sure, as I never see any news about them. They certainly are not appearing on reality shows or turning up as scandals in the tabloids.
DeleteOne of the Bush twins was on tv today talking to the morning news crew about her days in the White House and the letter she and her sister wrote to the Obama girls to welcome them to the White House. She spoke in complete, grammatical sentences and had a friendly, calm demeanor--which is more than the Shrilla from Wasilla was ever able to manage on air.
DeleteThose Bush girls had a few wild times, who didn't. But they certainly grew up to be polite educated democrats :)
DeleteBoth of the Bush girls, also got college degrees. No one in the Palin family can even spell degree. But they sure as hell can spell PREGNANT.
DeleteG. --- It's just more of $arah's Shuckin' and Jivin' ...
Deletewhile her panties are in a wad.
DeleteShe needs to change hers once a week whether she bathes or not. Normally, you dont have flies in the wintertime in Alaska. But when Sarah is back up here from Arizona, they swarm all over the valley.
DeleteSarah will probably say that now Michelle took the bangs idea from her. Yeah, right...
ReplyDeleteIs the bangs part of Sarah's hair her own hair?
DeleteSarah can't claim that. The First Lady's bangs actually move. We haven't seen Sarah's real hair since late 2010.
DeleteRAM needs to put down the turkey drumstick. She thinks after the shucking and jiving post she can now troll with a post on MLK. Apparently she doesn't realize that no one cares anymore. Tapeworm Spice is not even a national joke anymore. She's become a non-entity (figuratively and literally!).
ReplyDeleteIf RAM shares some of that drumstick with Sarah, they both might make it til their next birthday.
Deletelol Tapeworm Spice.
DeleteI love this blog!
hehehe....tapeworm spice
DeleteDo you guys remember when GLEN BECK!! tried to USURP MLK day by giving his own shit speech on the SAME steps as MLK delivered "I Have A Dream"?
I remember Jon Stewart incredulous as to Beck's decision, because, you see, to Glenn Beck, there was no disrespect or poor taste involved because Glenn Beck, you see, was delivering *his* speech...a *few steps down* from where MLK delivered *his* speech.
Amazing, really...
I'm sure she reviewed the post after she mandated her writers not to mention anything about the president..
ReplyDeleteSkinflimt vindictive mean girl wirh a grudge mentality.
She can't read!
DeleteI just happened to check in when I sat down to watch our President and First Lady walk the parade route from the Capitol to the White House. I gotta tell ya, Gryphen, reading your post about the Wasilla Wendigo, made tears absolutely stream down my face. Seriously, ya'll, what is wrong with her?
Is she bent on her own destruction? There's something rill creepy, like "Baby Jane" creepy, about this whole deal.
stupid bitch is still pineing for the blk guy in the w.h.
DeleteShe doesn't know how to "reflect" because if she did she would have mentioned how Martin Luther King's dedicated hard work for civil rights has come to fruition of our country electing an African-American President for a second term...idiot.
ReplyDeleteIf there was ANYTHING that screams "ghostwritten," it's THIS!
ReplyDeleteHey, dumb@ss Sarah, You HATE black people and so does your husband-in-name-only "beating up a black kid in high school just for the fun of it" pimp husband. AND your family. I won't verbatim call examples one by one, we know what they are.
Did you WANT to be at that inauguration, hun, to have your name called mentioned so you could do your fancy pageant waving? Awwww....SAD the "rill" America figured you out a long time ago.
Enjoy obscurity! It's STILL a democracy and YOU are done. Keep milking the uninformed urinators out of their allowance!
Here's to BLACK not "blue" Monday!
Gosh, McCain was even there. Sarah not invited to the Republican National Convention and now she not attending the inaugural like all the other Republicans says something. Sarah is like the quote, always a bridesmaid and never a bride.
ReplyDeleteWell, McCain is still an elected official. Palin, on the other hand, couldn't wait to break her oath to the Alaskan people and chase after dollar bills and sparkly toys.
DeleteShe could have returned to Alaska after the election and with her new connections and opportunities, done her best to be the best governor Alaska could have and run for re-election... oh, wait, then she would not have been Sarah Palin. Never mind.
Anyway, why should she be there? She holds no public office and contributes nothing to this country.
Sarah is much too busy whoring herself out at car shows.
DeleteFunny, Sarah said she didn't Need a title, but it looks like she replaced "Governor" with trying for "Best in Show"... cars, dogs, whatever...
DeleteI'm sorry, but having Palin, even though she didn't write this comment, praising MLK Jr. is so out of what I consider decent. If she is such a believer in equal rights, where were the minorities during her half term as Gov.?
ReplyDeleteBut really, did anyone think this clueless bitch was going to let this day go by without trying to garner some attention? Not I.
Our President and beautiful First Lady make me proud to be an American today.
Piss of Sarah. At least McCain had the decency to congratulate Obama and his family.
Although it wasn't sincere on McCain's part, vegaslib. She once again shows just how darn petty she is.
Delete"You didn't ADORE ME!" Snort! NO, America did NOT.
Hahaha, she has only FB as a platform to be heard but the media isn't paying much attention to her.
DeleteToday Americans do honor the legacy of MLK, because we would never have had a black President without his sacrifices. How come no mention of the violent way he died? No support for those guns she is so fond of being pictured with (her ugly see-through tee has the symbol for girls with guns after all.) And just how does Sarah Palin 'stand with' MLK? She doesn't fight for even equal pay for women, let alone equal treatment of minorities. She is against gay marriage, which he would have understood and supported. Another telling omission? No homage to her BFF St. Ronnie. Sarah never gives a 'freedom' speech without mentioning him. Yeah, someone else wrote it...hope they were well paid.
DeleteMartin Luther King Jr. was shot to death.
Bobby Kennedy was shot to death.
Even Reagan was shot, Sarah...
Bristol accused someone of copying her mother just because they wore a red jacket. Looks to me like Sarah is now copying our First Lady's new hairdo with bangs.
ReplyDeleteAt this moment I'm watching the public outdoor walk/motorcade and parade of the President and VP. I won't be able to rest until our First families get back home safely today even though I know there are tons and tons of security more than ever before because of the growing number of death threats against their lives. Knowing that there are so many gun nut right wing "patriots" out there (the kind that Sarah encourages with her crosshairs and hate speech) I will be nervous, very nervous until this is over!! Nevertheless it's a wonderful day!
DeleteI felt the same way! I was holding my breath and giddy at the same time. Glad to know they don't allow the "nut jobs" to dictate their actions.
Was Joe Biden the coolest man in the world today, running around, shaking hands, hugging kids and making the SS run after him! I love these guys. My vote did count.
Yes, Reagan signed recognition of MLK Day into law, and then Arizona's governor Evan Meecham, rescinded the law for the state of Arizona, nullifying the State of AZ's recognition of the MLK holiday. In fact, he did this on the 1st day of his term in office, as he had pledged to do while campaigning. Then, defying a boycott against the states tourism industry, AZ held fast to its ideal, even as the great majority of the states recognize this great man, Dr King, and his work, by recognizing it as a paid state holiday. AZ even lost the rights to hosting the Superbowl in 1993 in Phoenix as part of the boycott. It was only after the threat by the NFL to move the 1996 Superbowl away from Tempe that Arizona officials put it to the citizens of AZ to vote to approve recognition of MLK Day, which they finally did in 1993.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone really believe that it is a coincidence that Sarah and Todd Palin have adopted Arizona as their home-away-from-home? Remember, according to Sarah Palin, there are no coincidences. In this case, I believe her words.
Funny how she/Nancy/RAM didn't mention that her running mate, John McCain, strongly opposed establishing a national holiday for Martin Luther King. And strongly supported Meecham's actions.
DeleteHow pathetic do you have to be to do a post today and not say a word about President Obama. Her hatred for him is eating her to death.
Good riddance you sick, twisted, fraud. Enough.
A Fan From Chicago
She didn't rememer what Mccain thought.
DeleteUm- "So, to these freedoms we cling.." is a dig on Obama's 'cling to guns and religion' bit from 08, I think. Cheap shot then, still is. Weak.
ReplyDeleteNot a cheap shot the truth. Duh! go back to the cave.
DeleteShut up, Krusty.
Give it up, Sarah.
ReplyDeleteNo one wants to fuck you anymore.
Russian sailors landing in New York have said no thank you.
DeleteEven the Italians, who will fuck anything that walks, said "no thanks".
DeleteI have a feeling that Italian remark is not going to go over too well with some visitors. Couldn't you have just substituted inbred Bulgarian goat farmers?
DeleteLordily, she must stink to high heaven.
ReplyDeleteSarah's freakishly huge, ashy camel toe misses Glen Rice. All else proceeds from this fact.
ReplyDeleteThe Great Grift Valley is one of the most arid places on Earth.
DeleteReally? How old are you?
DeletePerhaps she ought to walk in the footsteps of Catherine the Great, hmm?
DeleteThere was something flaking through her "zipper crotch" jeans that she's already worn half a dozen times since she got them a few weeks ago. People were checking the direction of the wind to avoid the "fallout" from her toxic, um, lady parts that seemed to be rotting. I assume that was what smelled so bad, also, too.
DeleteStay in Arizona. And send for the rest of the Heaths. We've had a black eye ever since the republican party didn't vet this idiot.
Do you suppose Sarah knows that her buddy John McCain voted AGAINST the creation of the MLK holiday? And that he later defended the AZ governor for refusing to let the state observe it? Yeah me neither.
ReplyDeleteI remembered this and did some research. You're right on the money. That was one nasty and prolonged racist exercise.
DeleteMcLame later changed his mind. (Political expediency?)
MLK Day didn't become a holiday in all 50 states until the late nineties.
It was ratified by 44 states all at once. There were stragglers. McCain and Arizona tried to be LAST, but would've had to lose ANOTHER Super Bowl. So the financial cost to the business community was too great. They love money more than they hate non-caucasian persons, but it was close. Money first, then principles. South Carolina never had a pot to piss in so they had nothing to lose, waiting until they could be last.
DeleteDo you notice that the media including Fox is not writing anything about her anymore. Sarah only showing up in shabby clothes to events that will take her. No one in politics or people of stature want anything to do with her.
ReplyDeleteThe last was at a car show for crying out loud and she was dressed horribly - see through blouse/shirt w/black bra. She looks horrible! Can hardly wait for the time she gets absolutely zero coverage. It's waaaay more than time. Americans think she is an idiot!
DeleteJohn McCain anti the MLK holiday! Shoulda figured!!! What an asshole....these needs to be put out there to embarrass him. No wonder her picked Sarah Palin - she is a proven racist too!
DeleteThank God they lost that election!
Powell: Republican leaders should stop ‘idiot presentations’ from Palin and birthers
ReplyDeleteFormer Secretary of State Colin Powell is calling on fellow Republicans to and speak against “idiot presentations” by people like former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and the so-called birthers who insist that President Barack Obama is not a U.S. citizen.
As Monday’s inaugural ceremonies got underway, Powell told ABC’s Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos that Republicans needed to “look in the mirror” instead of attacking him after he recently called out Palin and former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu for using “slave terms” like “shucking and jiving” to describe President Barack Obama.
“The Republicans have to stop buying into things that demonize the president,” he explained. “I mean, why aren’t Republican leaders shouting out about all this birther nonsense and all these other things? They’re silent. We should speak out.”
“This is the kind of intolerance that I’ve been talking about, where these idiot presentations continue to be made and you don’t see the senior leadership of the party saying, ‘No, that’s wrong,’” Powell continued. “In fact, they sometimes by not speaking out, they’re encouraging it. And the base keeps buying the stuff. And it’s killing the base of the party. I mean, 26 percent favorability rating for the party right now. It ought to be telling them something, you know?”
“So, instead of attacking me or whoever speaks like I do, look in the mirror and realize, how are we going to win the next election?”
Watch this video from ABC News, broadcast Jan. 21, 2013.
Raw Story (http://s.tt/1yJZE)
hey Granny Palin, do you always go out in public with a sheer blouse to show off your underwear?
ReplyDeleteMaybe @ 20 years old, but at 50?
And that young woman next to you has a pint of beer in her hand. DOntcha know that evangelicals can't drink alcohol?
You are setting a bad example for all of us apostate lapsed Catholics and assorted pagans, atheists, and muslim extremists.
Also too, the Wig and Belmont parade is getting so old, just give it up
Inauguration 'glow'.
Obama Takes Aim At Paul Ryan In Inaugural Address
ReplyDeletePresident Obama took direct aim in his inaugural address at the Randian rhetoric that animates the politics of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and his conservative followers in the House and around the country, arguing that the United States is "not a nation of takers."
For Ryan, the country is divided between "takers" and "makers." He generally puts the number of the former at around a third, with the remainder in the producing category. The dichotomy has been a regular part of his rhetorical repertoire for years, and was elevated during the presidential campaign as Ryan sought the vice presidency.
Ryan argues that social insurance programs that are central to Western welfare states sap the citizenry of ambition. Obama took direct aim at that contention on Monday. "The commitments we make to each other -- through Medicare, and Medicaid, and Social Security -- these things do not sap our initiative; they strengthen us. They do not make us a nation of takers; they free us to take the risks that make this country great," he said.
Ryan has said the takers are 50/5, then he said 60%, and then he went to 70%. He of course totally throws children, retired folks, disabled, and military under the bus. Only the elite 30% are worthy of his attention or respect.
DeleteRyan has lived on the public purse since the death of his father - a taker - in his own words.
DeleteDisgusting but completely so like her how Sarah hasn't EVER said one single good word about President Obama but only refers to him when making sexual slurs. She makes it a point to show ZERO respect for the Presidential office which we've also seen in the way she has raised Bristol. Palin is one sick jealous chick.
ReplyDeleteNeither she nor her dullard daughter have ever moved on from being the middle school mean girl.
DeleteAlso, too, both have "written" more books then they've ever read.
The Eight Current Members of Congress Who Voted Against Martin Luther King Jr. Day
ReplyDeleteToday, the nation celebrates not just the inauguration of President Obama's second term, but the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a man who helped to make Obama's ascendancy to the presidency possible. King's birthday was enshrined as a national holiday in 1983, fifteen years after his untimely death. But Congress was hardly unanimous in its support for giving King such recognition. The House of Representatives approved of the holiday by a vote of 338 to 90, and the Senate by 78 to 22. Of those 112 dissenters, the vast majority have died or retired by now, but eight of them still remain in Congress today. Let's take a moment to embarrass them.
But MLK was a community organizer and Sarah Palin sneers at community organizers.
ReplyDeleteTrue, but such trivia can be overlooked in the interest of grabbing a tacky opportunity to proclaim love of freedumbz and give a cheap shout-out to Reagan to boot! ;)
DeleteThe transparency of "applauding" MLK while ignoring the most high-profile example of his civil rights victory (our current president) while simultaneously raising Reagan to some sort of historical/ethical equivilency for simply recognizing the man in a long-overdue national day of remembrance is just stunning.
Paylin and the stupid beyotch ghostwriting for her are beneath contempt.
UPDATE #7 More shocking details: Kid shot mother in head, then emailed photo of her dead to girlfriend (no account of what girl did). Brother, 9, cried so he shot him in head. Then brothers age 2 and 5, so they were shot, too, all with a .22, which he got from dad's unlocked closet. Then got out the assault rifle to shoot dad when he came home. As reported earlier (see below), he started to drive to WalMart to kill "random" folks and then, he hoped, get shot by cops.
They don’t want to go to school because they’re socially awkward/heavy/short/take your pick.
DeleteBut, if they’re allowed to stay home, they become even more awkward and outcast.
It’s gut-wrenching to force a sad child onto the school bus, but if that doesn’t happen, the child won’t be socialized.
Hmmm, pastor, lots of kids (for God and country no doubt), kids homeschooled, guns in the home of a "good guy", no violent video games, church going...kind of screws up the right wing/NRA scenario, doesn't it?
DeleteI feel sorry for the remaining family members...actually for the screwed up teenager too. I wouldn't call his upbringing a healthy one. Rebellion taken to tragic ends.
Watching Biden in this parade is SO fun....or is that O'Biden, $arah? "Mind if I call you Joe?" No, that's VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN to you.
ReplyDeleteHave another line, honey......
Does the picture of Sarah with her bra showing and loud belt and standing next to a girl with a beer look like someone who writes bible verses on her facebook?
ReplyDeleteActually yeah, it does. Fucking phoney Christian!
DeleteReal Christians keep their faith to themselves like the Bible tells them to.
Sarah's has her hooker clothes on..maybe one of tawdies prostitutes dressed her so she could get all her panty sniffing old white men to send her $$$.that's all she's good for anymore..
ReplyDeleteThis Facebook post is not at all even-handed. She does not have the grace to acknowledge that today, because of Martin Luther King, a black man has been inaugurated for a second term as President. The idea that MLK wanted government out of people 's lives is idiotic: the federal government desegregated this country. And the notion that MLK suggested that people be judged on their character, not some "externals" makes me puke. The "external" as this idiot puts it, was the color of one's skin. She twists the I Have A Dream speech to send a dog whistle to her deranged followers, who think yeah she's a martyr too . Them liberals hate her cuz she's purty.
ReplyDeleteLook Gryphen don't go soft now just because she's skinny. Palin is a vicious, ignorant, liar. Thank God Obama was inaugurated today, not this wretched excuse for a human.
She did not acknowledge the inauguration of The President of the United States, who took his oath of office on two Bibles, one belonging to Lincoln and the other belonging to Martin Luther King. Sarah could not name all three of the important people being honored today.
DeleteSarah Palin is such a petty person. She's so jealous of both the President and Michelle. She doesn't hold a candle to either of these two wonderful, intelligent and graceful Americans. We are lucky to have both of them representing our country. We'd be the laughing stock of the world if we actually elected Sarah to ANYTHING nationally. And I'll bet you $10,000 that the folks in Alaska feel the same way. Once you get to know Sarah beyond the fake first impression, there is absolutely no substance to her at all. Just an empty shell, covered by tacky clothes and cheap wigs.
DeleteAnyone want to take that bet on Sarah ever being elected again to anything more than where her family might be able to intimidate voters with her militia friends there locally? Mitt? I hear crickets.
With Sarah it's not so much what she says, but what she doesn't say that describes her "character". She refused to even give any compliment to President Obama. He, as an African-American man that knows about how trying the fight for equality was. He in fact, like all the African-American community, are the ones who made many sacrifices in times past so they could see so many progresses made today. What did she ever do to help as Governor?
ReplyDeleteThat post of hers has those Sarah-dog whistles. I sense some between the lines resentment. She mentions, that "it's been 30 years since President Reagan signed this holiday into law in 1983". There she goes again, with her idol Reagan. Yet, it's those who were segregated and persecuted that paid the price. But she only idolizes her hero Reagan.
Then, she talks about "character alone should be the means whereby a person is measured, rather than the external things on which our society fixates". So why does she have cosmetic surgery and wear so much make-up? She knows people fixate on Hollywood, so why does she encourage her family to partake in Hollywood activities? If good character is what measures a person, why didn't she exercise good character and do good, rather than sit on camera berating her President?
And of course her "freedom from stifling overbearing governments" is her way of calling the present administration stifling and overbearing. And, she "encourages to take time to reflect on Dr. Martin Luther-King's efforts to secure freedom and true equality". Has MLK's efforts brought true equality for the oppressed 100%? No. They're been lots of progress, but there's still an element of racism and it must be insulting for those to hear her make it sound like those efforts have been completely secured.
I think the person who wrote that lives in a bubble. Reminds me of a high schooler writing an essay, picking out swelling words from previous articles.
The person who wrote that post, has also referred to her adopted African child as trying on several colors on her child to show up against her dark skin, etc. and referred to Track's baby as being a "native baby" This woman is the type of racist that says, I am not a racist but look at my dark or chocolate child etc.
DeleteOur anorexic Sarah needs a Hollywood movie 'continuity' assistant to insure that her fake boobs always appear to be the same size.
OT but about today's festivities at the Inaugural Parade: I just saw the float/truck with the Utuqqagmiut dancers from Wainwright go by before the break while watching on MSNBC.
ReplyDeleteI wish we could see more. Switching to C-SPAN, less talking and more background band music...
The float should have shown "Alaska" more in their heading - wasn't easy to see and MSNBC didn't have specifics to the float as it went by them. Chris Matthews indicated that.
DeleteWhat is her point her followers do not care about black people or their civil rights.
ReplyDeleteWhat followers. Only 16 people signed the petition to draft her for Earthquake 2012. It was more like a small mudslide at the swimmin' hole.
DeleteAnon @ 1:20 P.M. - Correction - more like the mudslide out of her ASSHOLE! What an uneducated stupid bitch!
DeleteShe is the most classless fool and is and always has been a racist!! Ask Alaskan, they know her stand well!
ReplyDeleteI was clued to my TV all morning watching the wonderful ceremonies taking place in Washington D.C. His address was outstanding! I so love and respect both President Obama and VP Biden and thank God, they are leading our nation. Loved it when he and Michelle got out of the car and walked. The crowd loved them!
There is no way Sarah Palin and her klan could or would EVER measure up to or fit in w/any of the Washington D.C. government crowd. They'd be laughed off any stage she and they would try to garner.
Sarah is a sorry excuse for a woman and does not represent the majority of us. I know I'd have fired her if she had ever worked for me. What an idiot!
Goofs I typed in the above message - so sorry! "Ask Alaskans" and I was 'glued' to my TV -
DeleteCan't even mention the President? Sarah, we don't give a flying fuck what you think anyway. Just go away.
ReplyDelete"Just go away."
DeleteBe patient. She's going away one pound at time.
Sarah Heath has never had any class or grace. Always in a snit. And they say she complains about old friends never calling her any more. Hmmm.
DeleteDr. Martin Luther King can't be compared to Dr. Sarah Palin, Energy Expert.
ReplyDeleteDid King build a hockey rink on schedule and under budget?
Don't think so!
I remember that Mayor Palin did not secure the rights to the land until after they had started building-- costing Wasilla more money. And, she left the place $25 million in debt. It's funny, how much Casa Palin looks like the Sports Palace. What a coincidence! Oh yeah, and Todd and a few buddies built it in their spare time on weekends. I've seen Todd's building skills. That fence was a work of art-- which blew over.
DeleteNeither did Sarah. In fact, she didn't even bother to make sure the city bought the property before building.
DeleteI'll take drunken fence building for a $1,000, Alex.
DeletePlus, Sarah Palin is NOT Dr. Palin! We're not even sure she actually earned a degree at one of the many colleges she attended. McCain said she had it, but it was never proven with evidence, and when interviewed, the professors didn't even remember having her in their classes! Plus, she only stayed in Hawaii, at school, for a short time because she didn't like the color of skin that is in the majority over there. Remember, she is a proven racist - both in Hawaii and Alaska!
DeleteDr. Sarah Palin?
DeleteOh Krusty....you're really fucked up!
Sarah has no degree in anything, well maybe grifting!
ReplyDeleteJeez, Gryph...you have ticked them off over at C4P...
"section9 17 hours ago in reply to lyndaaquarius
Robert Stacy McCain uncovered the link between Jesse Griffin of Immoral Minority fame and two very, very, wealthy California Obama bundlers who owned the house he was staying in back in 2009 and 10 when he was in the midst of his most sclerotic attacks on Palin. A lot of Levi Johnston's hijinks were also financed by the same California almond magates who gave regularly to OFA during the '08 cycle. One of the most angry and obsessed Palin haters, who proceeds from an almost canine loathing of Palin and her family is Malia Litman from Texas. Litman is a lawyer, but she was also a Texas organizer for OFA back in the day.
Very, very little of the efforts against Palin on the Left were either spontaneous or genuine in origin. Of all the people in Alaska, Palin knows this most of all.
One of the reasons Palin and her people hold the news media in such contempt and scorn is that they knew about all this and covered it up."
ROTFLAO!!!!! Almond magnates!!!!!
DeleteC4P is 5 people posting under different names. It gets about 30 hits a month.
DeletePalin hates the IM blog because so much truth has been brought forward about her illegal doings and fraudulent ways! She was not use to being vetted to the degree that people actually found 'the truth' and held her accountable!
DeleteThis includes two authors that wrote books about her entitled "The Rogue, Searching for the REAL Sarah Palin" and "The Lies of Sarah Palin". Both outstanding books and well researched with proof sources for the reader!
Doesn't John Stacy McCain squat in a trailer on Seventh Day Adventist church property?
DeleteWow, and I thought I was the only one whose mortgage Soros was paying :-)
DeleteWhat Robert Stacy McCain doesn't know (a lot), he makes up, like his RWNJ buddy Dan Riehl.
DeleteYou know the funny thing is I cannot even figure out where these morons came up with some of their conspiracy theories about me. The leaps in logic are dizzying to say the least.
DeleteThe house I live in today, as well as during 2009, is my own house. I mean essentially the bank still owns most of it, but I am the one paying the mortgage, and have been since 2004.
My favorite part was how pleased they seemed to be to have dug up all of these "facts" which they still proudly display to this day.
Oh well what can you expect from people who firmly believed that McCain and Palin would win the presidency in 2008 and were equally convinced of an impending Romney victory in 2012?
RSM is a nazi pig!
DeleteThey are quite insane with their hatred of the President & love of Palin - it will not end kindly for most of them
DeleteAlso too - someone continues to suggest giving to SarahPAC - wonder who that would be?
C4Pee-ers are on an all out attack against Gryphen now. I've seen two recent blogs talking about it. Let's see one is at
another article about gryphen, same blog
I know I saw another one somewhere with a lot of comments but it's gone from my history.
Robert Stacy McCain is an angry racist bigot who has never come out of the closet. People like him who are so full of self-hate are the worst because they fell that they have to be on the offensive, on the attack, or someone will be able to set the record straight on them. The Other McCain, as he likes to refer to himself, is a shitty wanna-be-but-never-will-be writer who would be an editor's nightmare if he could afford one. His contemporaries who can even put up with this loathsome creep only do so because he is so nasty and without principles that he will turn on an ally in a heartbeat. He's a conspiracy echo chamber of the most hilarious kind, and only low- or no- intelligent people will give this fool any attention. It's good to see his name circulating around with stupid persons though that haven't been taken for a ride. Yet. LOL
DeleteRichard Blanco’s Inaugural Poem
ReplyDeleteOne Today
One sun rose on us today, kindled over our shores,
peeking over the Smokies, greeting the faces
of the Great Lakes, spreading a simple truth
across the Great Plains, then charging across the Rockies.
One light, waking up rooftops, under each one, a story
told by our silent gestures moving behind windows.
My face, your face, millions of faces in morning's mirrors,
each one yawning to life, crescendoing into our day:
pencil-yellow school buses, the rhythm of traffic lights,
fruit stands: apples, limes, and oranges arrayed like rainbows
begging our praise. Silver trucks heavy with oil or paper—
bricks or milk, teeming over highways alongside us,
on our way to clean tables, read ledgers, or save lives—
to teach geometry, or ring-up groceries as my mother did
for twenty years, so I could write this poem.
All of us as vital as the one light we move through,
the same light on blackboards with lessons for the day:
equations to solve, history to question, or atoms imagined,
the "I have a dream" we keep dreaming,
or the impossible vocabulary of sorrow that won't explain
the empty desks of twenty children marked absent
today, and forever. Many prayers, but one light
breathing color into stained glass windows,
life into the faces of bronze statues, warmth
onto the steps of our museums and park benches
as mothers watch children slide into the day.
One ground. Our ground, rooting us to every stalk
of corn, every head of wheat sown by sweat
and hands, hands gleaning coal or planting windmills
in deserts and hilltops that keep us warm, hands
digging trenches, routing pipes and cables, hands
as worn as my father's cutting sugarcane
so my brother and I could have books and shoes.
The dust of farms and deserts, cities and plains
mingled by one wind—our breath. Breathe. Hear it
through the day's gorgeous din of honking cabs,
buses launching down avenues, the symphony
of footsteps, guitars, and screeching subways,
the unexpected song bird on your clothes line.
Hear: squeaky playground swings, trains whistling,
or whispers across café tables, Hear: the doors we open
for each other all day, saying: hello, shalom,
buon giorno, howdy, namaste, or buenos dÃas
in the language my mother taught me—in every language
spoken into one wind carrying our lives
without prejudice, as these words break from my lips.
One sky: since the Appalachians and Sierras claimed
their majesty, and the Mississippi and Colorado worked
their way to the sea. Thank the work of our hands:
weaving steel into bridges, finishing one more report
for the boss on time, stitching another wound
or uniform, the first brush stroke on a portrait,
or the last floor on the Freedom Tower
jutting into a sky that yields to our resilience.
One sky, toward which we sometimes lift our eyes
tired from work: some days guessing at the weather
of our lives, some days giving thanks for a love
that loves you back, sometimes praising a mother
who knew how to give, or forgiving a father
who couldn't give what you wanted.
We head home: through the gloss of rain or weight
of snow, or the plum blush of dusk, but always—home,
always under one sky, our sky. And always one moon
like a silent drum tapping on every rooftop
and every window, of one country—all of us—
facing the stars
hope—a new constellation
waiting for us to map it,
waiting for us to name it—together.
Truly awe-inspiring words. Words that speak to Spirit, Heart, Soul.
Thank you for posting the this. I loved that part of today's celebrations.
DeleteHer last book was a flop. She and her family were an abysmal flop on the cable TeeVee. Fox News fired her. The MSM has stopped covering her. On Conservative talk radio she's become a joke. Not even the internet cares about her anymore. At this point I don't think she could beg her way onto Celebrity Rehab.
ReplyDeleteSan Pornando Valley or bust!
There are only a couple of blogs that cover her these days that have a good following. This one and the CeePea one which I've never accessed (pro the idiot).
DeleteEventually people will even tire of reading and talking about her on IM (to include me!).
Most of us just want something horrible to happen to her. Example: The slammer that puts her away for a long, long time for all of her dirty deeds!
OUR Sarah. By brother and father Creey Chuckies Sr and Jr was a huge seller, want it. Moved about 48 units. What's that, a couple of cases?
DeleteGrifters trying to use Sarah's name to make a few bucks. Same as they did when Sarah was the Gov of AK. Oh wait. No one knew that Brither Chucky was all up in the DairyGate fiasco? And her senile Daddy tried to get in there, too. I hope the FBI is still conducting interviews. There was do e serious graft covered up from the Feds. Loan fraud. Shell companies. All done in self-interest and to benefit family and friends. This family has it coming soon.
'Mainstreaming' progressive values: President Obama's path to a transformative presidency
ReplyDeletePresident Obama's Second Inaugural Address was, for my money, his finest speech ever. Of course, actions speak louder than words, but words matter.
And they matter a lot. In his reporting after the president's speech, Chuck Todd discussed statements made to him by Obama aides to the effect that the president now sees as part of his job the "mainstreaming" of progressive values. His Second Inaugural Address is a great start to this project.
President Obama famously said:
Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not, and a way that Bill Clinton did not[.]
I think that is true. And President Obama has always yearned to be a "transformative" president. Early on, the transformative nature that the president seemed to aspire to was to change the way politics worked—the Post Partisan Unity Schtick. That always struck me as not only fanciful, but more importantly, rather meaningless.
However, a project to "mainstream" progressive values, as expressed in the president's Second Inaugural Address, is not only transformative, it is doable.
It is true that actions speak louder than words, and there is much action the president will need to take on.
But changing the political conversation about progressive values will be as important a project as, say, implementing and improving the Affordable Care Act.
It is heartening indeed to see the president and his folks place high value on that project.
An important moment may be at hand. Consider James Fallows' reactions:
This was the most sustainedly "progressive" statement Barack Obama has made in his decade on the national stage.
I was expecting an anodyne tone-poem about healing national wounds, surmounting partisanship, and so on. As has often been the case, Obama confounded expectations -- mine, at least. [...] More detailed parsing later, but this speech made news and alters politics in a way I had not anticipated.
See also Greg Sargent quoting Clinton chief speechwriter Michael Waldman:
“This was the most philosophically clear of any of his major speeches, and one of the most expansively progressive Inaugural Addresses in decades,” Waldman told me. “And he rooted those arguments in the civic creed of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
Look at me, me, me. Sorry SaraHo, all eyes are on the President, and the lovely First Lady, and the beautiful and intelligent First Daughters. Go back under you rock BITCH, WE AS A NATION HAVE OVERCOME, in spite of you and all of your bullshit.
ReplyDeleteBye Bye Skank.
It doesn't matter what they write for Sarah, Chuck Heath Jr. posted a nasty Tea Party video comparing President Obama to the Messiah, with a halo around his head. Once a racist, always a racist....
ReplyDeleteAs for Palin's Facebook, other than freeing the slaves, what were all of the other freedoms that Lincoln was fighting for? Oh, I forgot, the stifling burdensome government? No, he fought to preserve the Republic, despite states that seceded, and the Civil War.
What freedoms did Martin Luther King Jr. fight for? At his time, African Americans could not eat at a lunch counter, ride in the front of the bus, use the same pubic toilets as white people, go to the same schools, live next door to a white person....He fought for equality of all people. To call that fight a fight for "freedoms" to to show an ignorance about the Civil Right Movement.
Even in November, 2008, many Republicans tried to prevent African Americans from voting. The Republicans some contempt and disrespect for President Obama. Chuck Heath's post of that nasty video is like pouring some more gasoline on the fire.
If I had a child in Chuck's second grade class I would remove him or her posthaste. There is no way that his politics and disrespect for our President does not bleed into his teaching. Elementary teachers hit all subjects from Math to Civics. Tell me how he can effectively teach Civics to young children with his attitude?
Delete@ 2:59 PM Here is a poem that Chuck Heath Jr. wrote and posted on his Porch:
From the outside he appears pretty normal,
Smiling, enthusiastic, friendly… but a little disheveled.
Clothes a little too wrinkly,
hair dirty and too long.
Fingernails jagged and discolored;
a bruise here and there, clumsy.
Looking closer, that smile is a little forced, and the upturned
eyebrows belie an unspoken sadness.
Be gentle with him, please… he’s trying.
I see a child who is needs the services of a social worker or therapist-- a kid who is either neglected, being abused or having some physical and/or mental problems. "Be gentle with him, he's trying." No, he needs the appropriate kind of help, and he isn't going to get it unless a more caring teacher than Chuck Jr. does something about it. Chuck's attitude to that child is a disgrace.
A school that is alright with old man hitting on young teacher is flawed. Those poor parents really should stand up and do the right thing for their children.
DeleteOh I thought he was talking about Mitt Romney after he lost the election.
DeleteDid you hear the one about how the president dropped 'Hussein' from his oath of office?
ReplyDeleteYes, right wing media, we're laughing. At you. Loudly.
So The Washington Times breathlessly reported scandalous news this morning:
Barack H. Obama drops Hussein from the presidential oath
The Barack Hussein Obama of 2009 has been replaced in President Obama’s second inaugural celebration by “Barack H. Obama.”
In taking the oath of office Monday morning before Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, Mr. Obama abbreviated his birth name, giving only the initial “H.”
Matt Drudge instantly jumped on board, announcing to his universe that the president "drops 'Hussein' from the presidential oath." I'm not exactly sure why this was supposed to be a scandal, except maybe they thought it was evidence that our first secret Muslim president was trying to become even more secret.
But aside from the idiocy of hyping the initial claim, there was another little problem. A problem with the facts. Because, in the words of The Washington Times:
UPDATED: The initial post incorrectly stated the president did not use his middle name in taking the oath of office.
Savor that for a moment. "The initial post incorrectly stated the president did not use his middle name in taking the oath of office." In other words, the whole damn thing was wrong. The president did use his middle name. He didn't use his initial. Literally nothing about the claim was accurate. From top to bottom it was false. That would be funny enough, but it gets better, because the truly hilarious part is they are standing by the essential story. Now they say:
Barack H. Obama drops Hussein from inauguration ceremony
The Barack Hussein Obama of 2009 has been replaced in President Obama’s second inaugural celebration by “Barack H. Obama.”
Sen. Charles E. Schumer, chairman of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, referred to the president as Barack H. Obama in his introductory remarks for the public swearing-in ceremony.
So we've gone from the president wouldn't say his own middle name to the president's middle name was dropped from the entire inaugural ceremony because Chuck Schumer at one point in the inauguration used the president's middle initial. And yet the story is still presented just as breathlessly as the original foolishness. Oh, and by the way, the original post can still be found on The Washington Times web site: right here. Clowns.
Funny how this wasn't a problem with, say, Richard M. Nixon, Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower. I wonder if the tint of his skin has something to do with their stupidity.
DeleteAnd we know the dog-whistle lady who whenever she says his name makes sure to say HUSSEIN louder than any other part of his name.
DeleteOn some positions a coward has asked the question, is it safe? Expediency asks the question, is it politic? Vanity asks the question, is it popular? But conscience asks the question, is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe nor politic nor popular but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right. —Martin Luther King Jr., November 1967
ReplyDeleteI am thinking how inappropriate Sarah's sheer Girls with Guns shirt really is. Yes, she wore it on the day that people were supposed to show their support for guns. Today, in addition to President Obama's inauguration, we remember the legacy of President Lincoln and Martin Luther King, both of whom were shot to death. President Obama has spoken to the issue of needing to control guns, so Sarah, had to show her contrary point of view-- a lot like serving sweets on her reality show, saying, "Take that, Michelle Obama."
ReplyDeleteYea, she really showed Mrs. Obama didn't she. Poor old Michelle is having one of the best days of her life and "IT" showed up at a used car show in Arizona and got to have her picture taken with drunks. You really got one up on her didn't you?
DeleteI'm sure you think you look better in your see-through hooker shirt than The First Lady in her beautiful, classy designer dress. Way to give it to her eh?
Yeah, hey, McCain, are you still proud of her? "Game Change" was spot ON! That's what you get when you Google a candidate.
DeleteThis guy can be a complete dick, especially when it comes to President Obama, so this post was surprising...and pretty much, right on, it's a rather measured analysis, overall. Also interesting to read the reactions. If you don't want to venture into RedState, here's the post:
Congratulations Mr. President on your second inaugural.
Saying that makes some of you really enraged. I said the same on twitter shortly after his official swearing in. Several of the replies were embarrassing and atrocious. Some accused the man elected by a majority of Americans of treason. Some accused him of willfully destroying the nation.
I believe the President’s policies are destructive and will harm our economy, our nation, and our sense of national self long term. I believe his policies have the effect of turning us into subjects of the government, not citizens in charge of it. Because of his expansion of the social safety net funded through class warfare, Mr. Obama’s policies will cause too many Americans’ fortunes to rise and fall with those of the government, unable to chart a course for themselves apart from government.
But I do not think the President means to do this maliciously. I do not think he is treasonous. I do not hate him. I am not outraged by it. The President has done what he set out to do. I cannot be outraged by him doing what he set out to do. I am far more outraged by the Republicans not doing what they said they would do.
We have too many outrage pimps on both sides of the aisle whipping the respective bases into a frenzy and fury against the other side. I don’t have enough time or energy to be outraged about it all. There are things to be outraged by, but not everything, and certainly not with full energy dedicated to every perceived slight and grievance.
What I am finding is that among conservatives there is too much outrage, piss, and vinegar. It makes our ideas less effective. We have become humorless, angry opponents of the President instead of happy warriors selling better ideas. We are not even selling ideas.
Conservatives, frankly, have become purveyors of outrage instead of preachers for a cause. Instead of showing how increasing government harms people, how free markets help people, and how conservative policies benefit all Americans, we scream “Benghazi” and “Fast & Furious.”
We’re off key and off message. We’ve become professional victims dialed up to 10 on the outrage meter. Who the hell wants to listen to conservatives whining and moaning all the time about the outrage du jour? Seriously? Mitt Romney ran a campaign on just how bad things are, but he was rejected by a majority of Americans who felt like he really did not care about them and really had no plans to improve their lives.
Bitching about Benghazi doesn’t do that either.
Be mad at me if you need to. Feel free to express your moral outrage and indignity at me. But then shut up and focus on convincing people not that the President of the United States duly elected by a majority of the American people is a traitor willfully trying to destroy the country, but that our policies will allow people to make the most of their lives and not be dependent on the rising and falling fortunes of Washington, D.C.
Be happy. The anger is unbecoming of the party of Lincoln and Reagan.
And if you must be angry, don’t be angry at a President doing what he set out to do, be angry at a Republican Establishment not doing . . . well . . . much of anything.
Hmmm... this is interesting and somewhat encouraging in that there may yet be some logical thinking within the ranks.
DeleteI wonder if he gets a stack of hate mail from his own constituents?
Do you notice that the media including Fox is not writing anything about her anymore. Sarah only showing up in shabby clothes to events that will take her. No one in politics or people of stature want anything to do with her. And so where the fuck is gina these days? I haven't smelt her crusty cunt around this blog for weeks. Did she consume herself with her own hate?
ReplyDeleteGina was funny.
DeleteAnon: 1:50: That's a very unnecessary thing to say about Gina. And Gryphen, I'm surprised you let that get posted. GinaM is a loyal IM regular.
DeleteGinaM is at the inauguration today. I'm glad for her and can't wait until she posts again. She is funny.
HEY you FUCKTARD Anonymous1:50 PM!
DeleteSTFU about Gina before I tear your worthless shriveled ballz off your Methified body!
G is tracking IP's Just so you know.
I've asked for yours and told him how you write vile shit about his "dotter". Watch your mouth.
And wash it will soap you vile POS!
I'm watching the entire inaugural parade on c-span. The LGBT band is playing and seeing the civil rights float brought some tears. This has been a LONG time coming and I remember as a child the day MLK marched from Selma one block away from our house in Montgomery, AL. I doubted for years that I would ever see anything like today in my lifetime and I'm so filled with pride for our country today.
ReplyDeleteWe've come a long way baby. Thank you President Obama! We remain fired up and ready to go!
Yes, Colleen... we have come a long way indeed, and we shall come further if we keep going, all of us who are progressive.
Delete"sacrificially gave" sound like her word salad.
ReplyDeleteGHW Bush: "Barbara and I send President and Mrs. Obama -- and their wonderful girls -- our best wishes and prayers on this historic day."
GWB and Romney still silent. Screw you, we have our BLACK president back! Get OVER it!
DeleteJesse, you can't just read part of the messages posted on your blog, you have to read the whole thing. If you don't then people will know you don't give a fuck what they say. And also too, I'll get my truth about gina through! Again!
ReplyDelete2:08 PM Obsessive much?
Delete2:08, Jesse, you can't just blah, blah, blah.
DeleteWhy yes, yes he can. He can do whatever he damn well wants. You see, this is HIS blog.
Don't like it? Start your own.
Guess what Fucktard @Anonymous2:08 PM your being watched....How does it feel?
DeleteYou IP can tell alot.
Just so you know. You can't spew shit about Gina or Gryphen's daughter anymore, GET it FUCKER?
Hemorrhoids flaring up again, troll? Or did your gerbil get away from you ?
DeleteSarah Palin's freakishly ginormous camel toe = Great Grift Valley
Nothing says Presidential like being filmed coming out of a K-Mart carrying toilet paper and sporting a massive camel toe. That's an image for the ages. Mt Rushmore worthy even.
I thought her toe tended to favor the Grand Canyon and not so much a camel.
DeleteIn that pic she looks like one of those Make A Wish people whose final request was to go to a Poison concert and meet Bret Michaels.
ReplyDeleteThe post sounds like something Piper wrote for a sixth grade history report on Martin Luther King.
ReplyDeleteI can't for the life of me understand why she hasn't had her upper lip fixed. It's just so thin and unattractive and if she's had other things done why not just have them plump that sucker up?
ReplyDeleteHa, Palin's been relegated to posting her thoughts on Facebook, just like some teenaged girl!!! Guess they must to have come and taken the camera and the kliegs.
ReplyDeleteDoes anybody have a clue when the Palin family slam book is coming out? Gotta love that junior high Palin mentality.
DeleteNothing lends a public figure the aura of gravity and dignity quite like a sheer blouse and a black bra. This woman is simply over the moon ridiculous. What in the holy fuck goes through this person's MIND ?!?!
ReplyDeleteNothing says first female Prez like a skank in a black sheer top. Her PooBots must be so thrilled to see her like that, they truly do love the skank to present herself in that style.
DeleteSarah Palin did not write this post.....she doesn't even speak this coherently and certainly doesn't possess the ability to write this. Her ghost writer wrote it so please stop giving Sarah any credit for writing it. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteIf $arah was only there and the "tribe" introduced. Forget respectfully dressed Obama girls, Piper in thigh-high boots.
ReplyDeleteYou're DONE, $arah! Get that inner-family sexual dysfunction under control, would ya? MUAH!
We have a MLK Day, how come we don't have a BSMP Day up in here in Wasilly?
ReplyDeleteDid King give birth at 16?
Did King write a Best Seller memoir about his life at age 17?
Did King have an award winning reality show?
Bristol Sheeran Marie Palin achieved all this before she could legally drink!
I'm hearing Nobel Peace Prize in her future.
BWAHAHAHAHA that is funny.
DeletePalin continues to show her lack of respect for our POTUS with no mention of the first black President on of all days, MLK day. As Colin Powell said "idiot presentations" such as Palin will be the downfall of the GOP and rightly so. As for some poster on a previous post, if she is physically ill and we must live with our disparaging comments against her, so must she live with hers against President Obama. FORWARD!
ReplyDeleteGryph, this is completely OT -- but, well, here goes.
ReplyDeleteI check out Sunny's facebook page from time to time to see how she, Levi and Breeze are faring. Today I noticed that the account seems to have been deleted. I know Sunny's been having problems with nasty messages, and it's kind of worrying. (I hope I don't seem stalkerish here. I root for the young couple and their family and always hope for the best for them.)
Thanks so much.
Best thing they could do, go private all the way. Good for Sunny.
DeleteI can't get on either. She has such a great, loving FB page. She was the whole world of difference for Levi, just what he needs and I think they are crazy in love too.
DeleteHow come Sarah is only communicating through Facebook?
ReplyDeleteDon't tell me FOX already repo'd her tv studio without giving Sarah two seconds to say her farewells to her Army of 10?
That's not the way to part company. Nobody wants to be thrown under a bus.
C'mon, $arah, you COWARD! You know you have SOMETHING to say if you want that "postage" money still coming in. Creepy Chucks busy tonight and can't speak for you???
DeleteTawd in DC running inauguration prostitution and can't speak for you either???
C'mon out, Miss Know-It-All!
We need to look and see if the studio equipment is being sold on ebay!!
Why did Palin jump from college to college to college to college to college just to get one degree?
ReplyDeleteSince Sarah always needs a ghost writer, did she have to have one in each of her many colleges?
No. 1, did she earn enough credits at each college to acquire a degree? Did anyone ever see her degree? How can you jump from college to college and carry over credits? Why did her short stink on tv, covering famous athletes whom she slept with one, end to short? Why didn't she persure her journalism? I am wondering if she didn't go off to college to cover having a baby? Bristol had mono and ran out of town too.Was there ever one person at these colleges who remember her?
DeleteNo one has ever even seen proof of her degree. I think she's lying.
DeleteIt would be funny if we seen an add in Craig's List looking for a ghost writer to do the work for a certain kindergarten child in Wasilla and they have to sign a confidentiality agreement
ReplyDeleteMaybe she needs to have something or other written every so often to keep her monkeys from getting too destructive. Sometimes they forget to fling their poo at President Obama, and start flinging poo at each other. They tend not to donate when they're covered in each others' shit.
ReplyDeleteGreat insight! There is something seriously wrong with those people that are still living in Sarah's 2008 high. They seem to have no clue about how far she has fallen and that she will never be able to overcome her reputation or deficiencies. It's incredible that they think she can run in 2016, if I didn't know better I would think it was a parody web site.
DeleteSarah Palin, explaining why SHE is qualified to be President, and why Barack Obama has less executive experience than herself:
ReplyDelete"B-b-b-but he's one of those... you-know-whats... you know, the kind of people that used to understand that their place was eating on the back porch and not in the dining room, and they weren't OUR kind of good christian people. And their skin is... darker than mine, even when I lay in my very own tanning bed an hour every day while I'm supposed to be in a meeting. It's a good expensive one that the good people of the state of Alaska bought me, bless their hearts. Ok, I'll say it... He's a ...see, he was born in Africa, that country way over there where Tarzan lived. And they don't have no TV's, so they don't know anything. Barack Obama is a...well, he's black, or only half-black, or so they say, so he's one of them...ni..." ~Sarah Palin
Hey, you, $tupid $carah, or your ghostwriter (RAM, Frenchy?) If Lincoln had been against government, federal government, and instead, like you Teatards, supported states rights, slavery would not have been abolished. And it was also the FEDERAL government,acting to institute and enforce the CIVIL Rights Act,which Dr. King fought for. It was instituted in the face of many governors screaming "states' rights" to discriminate.
ReplyDeleteI look at Michelle in her beautiful red ballroom dress tonight and wonder what is wrong with the world. Here we have a beautiful, smart, loving woman and out comes Sarah; a disgrace to all of us. She is almost 50 and dresses like a biker mama and talks about men regarding their private parts in public.
ReplyDeleteWhy is Sarah even in the news wasting space for those who deserve it. Let's hope the media is finished with her so we can go on with our lives without the Palin trash.
I see that she got those girls installed permanently, not just reserved for the Derby.
ReplyDelete"...and that character alone should be the means whereby a person is measured. ..."
ReplyDeleteWell $arah, that's exactly what we did with you. We judged you by your character and you were found severely wanting for the type of 'job' you were seeking. When it didn't pan out the way you anticipated we then began to see an even truer vision of your 'character' emerge. (for over three long, maliciously deceitful years no less)
It was then that a collective sigh of relief could be heard round this world that we 'judged' your character quite correctly indeed!