Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Group of parents and students band together to hold separate prom, because their high school refuses to ban gay students from attending the offical one. Update!

More courtesy of Time Magazine: 

A group of students and parents at Sullivan High School in Sullivan, Ind., have banded together to push for a “traditional” prom that would prohibit their lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered classmates from attending. 

The group met on Sunday at the town’s First Christian Church to discuss the possibility of holding a separate, segregated dance after the principal of Sullivan High, David Springer, told a local NBC affiliate that “Anybody can go to the prom” when asked to clarify whether same-sex couples would be allowed to walk in the event’s grand march, set to be held April 27. 

You know nothing represents the teachings of Jesus Christ more than holding an event for the SOLE purpose of excluding a group of people that you don't like. Don't you think?

And that Special Education teacher, Diana Medley, saying that she does not think that gay people have "any sort of purpose," and  lumping them together with special needs students, represents a particularly disgusting form of prejudice that should justify pulling her out of the classroom and keeping her far away from students who might look to her for guidance while dealing with their problems.

"Do you think (gays) have a purpose in life?": 

"'No I honestly don't. Sorry, but I don't. I don't understand it. A gay person isn't going to come up and make some change unless it's to realize that it was a choice and they're choosing God." 

Oh yeah, I want HER teaching my children!

Update: Late yesterday this story had started to go viral, and as you can imagine the response has been quite quite aggressive.


  1. Leland4:32 AM

    Xtians. Gotta love 'em. NOT!

    Ignorant, backward assholes who haven't the first notion of the true teachings of Jesus or his intent.

    Hell, even Lauren Drain and her sister left the Westboro Church because the two have recognized that Jesus never preached hate.

    I'm sorry, but in my opinion, teaching hate like this to one's children should be a crime!

  2. angela4:34 AM

    Ah yes . . .Just like Jesus told them to make sure they aren't around teh gay, he also told them black people weren't supposed to go to their schools or marry their children. And muslims were all terrorist and anyone who wears a turban is muslim (???). Also, women don't have any rights over their bodies and all Mexicans are illegal or criminal, also anything that benefits anyone but them is socialism and you know---Hitler.

    Gandhi said it best,
    "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ"

    1. Leland10:07 AM

      My all-time favorite quote from that man!

  3. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Please take note Sullivan is in SOUTHERN Indiana a truly separate state of mind from Northern Indiana. Yes, we wish Kentucky would annex them and make everyone happy.

    1. dancingthroughlife10:15 AM

      I've seen what northern Indiana can be like to people who are 'different,' and unfortunately, it's not any better.

    2. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Depends on where in northern Indiana. The NW corner is a 'burb of Chicago.

  4. Ignorance can be infuriating, but this same segregation in separating the black and white kids at proms has been going on in the south since 1954. Before that, it wasn't an issue because public schools were segregated anyway. When the courts became involved, the parents for white kids merely sponsored private dance at a private country club or other venue by invitation only, and only white kids were invited. Some maintain this tradition today.

    The times are a changin, but a lot slower where there aren't as many progressive, thinking people. Sigh.

  5. Anonymous5:36 AM

    It's so sad to see so much hate in young people. Hopefully, with time, they will come to realize that their hate only serves to make them ugly, inside and outside.

    1. Cracklin Charlie6:49 AM

      They love their hatred more than they love their savior.

  6. Anonymous5:46 AM

    What it looks like when you raised an asshole... Nice achievement there. Me? I'd like to think I raised my kids to be better than that, but I'm just crazy that way.

  7. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Wanna see some child abuse, Gryphen?


    Lincoln was a man of his day. We don't have to make up shit about him being without fault personally for him to have done things which kept our country together which should be recognized.

    Had the Confederacy won the war, Abe would be a scoundrel in all of the history books, just as he is the the hearts of those who have never gotten over the 'War of Northern Aggression'.

    Happy (belated) Birthday, Abe. Sorry, I was so busy yesterday making fun of Sarah Palin to give you a shout out.

    Namaste, slim.

  9. Cracklin Charlie5:58 AM

    I know which prom I would rather attend.

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      No kiddin'. Not likely the little bigots are gonna bust out a move on the dance floor.

      Nor are these idjits likely to have a condom on hand when they get their little filly's underbritches hanging on their rear view mirror either on the way home.

  10. I am not a believer but I found this which illustrates that those people at Sullivan High School are not 'true believers' either..."Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

    1. Leland9:28 AM

      Gra*ma, don't bother trying to show this to the Xtians! They will probably respond by saying something STUPID. Like "It doesn't mention gays, so back off!"

      Dumb f**ks are to stupid to understand " are all one in Christ Jesus."

  11. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Hey G-Man, have you seen this?

    Giffords's Mission

  12. Anonymous6:30 AM

    So, she claims there no purpose for gay people, then likens gay people to disabled she saying there's no use for disabled people? Does the Shrilla from Wasilla know this? Shouldn't she come riding in on her hobby horse to shriek that Trig is being dissed?

  13. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Hey look! The Pope is pulling a Palin!

    Pope Benedict XVI Resignation: Pontiff Says He's Resigning For The 'Good Of The Church'

  14. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Sadly, this represents progress for the preacher-men of the latter-day Cult of Isis.

    Just fitty (yes, fitty, shut up) years ago, the church ministers preached against dancing period, as they claimed it was the work of the devil. Then they said the same against rock-n-roll, even before the Rolling Stones and the Beatles invaded the continent, whereas many Fundie and charismatic churches have in-house bands that play during services (oh now, them young christianist bigots just love them some rock music now).

    Later, it was okay to dance, just not with them nigra boys. They was skeered that jungle fever might be contagious, and their daughters, girlfriends, wives, sisters and aunts would just wake up in the middle of the night sometime and want to get Mandingo'd.<--- every small-dicked pasty-white kkkristyun man's greatest fear.

    Damn, I'm glad I'm a librul. And hung like a friggin' horse. And I'm glad the short-peckered battalion was only lookin out for the blah boyz, cuz meanwhile I made out just fine with their little precious girlfriends. Just fine, you betcha.

    1. Remember: once you go black; you'll never go back! -:)

  15. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Sadly, this country was founded by ignorant bloodthirsty religious extremists. It's in the genes.

    1. Leland9:31 AM


      Please tell me you are joking!

  16. "And that Special Education teacher, Diana Medley"

    She's a teacher at another school. And is now under fire. She should have minded her own business.

  17. Anonymous8:04 AM

    That special Ed teacher needs a little diversity in her life. She's like the uneducated bigots that don't even know they're full of bigotry. And that's ignorant. I'd double check her transcript and certification. If that checked out, I'd ust fire her for being stupid, and move on. Next.

  18. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Home fuckin skkkoolin banner at the top of this article. Which wouldn't be a bad alternative if the only school choice was to go with these little non-thinking Hitler Youth and their ass-hat speshul-ed teacher, Miss Blondie. Seriously, I'd hit that once, and then she'd be so damn librul, they'd run blondie outa the skkkool district. Nah, I'm just kidding. I'd probably have to hit it twice before she'd see the light.

  19. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Next year at the prom, ban Christians. Let's see how they like it.

    1. Leland9:34 AM

      Are you kidding? Hell, they won't even recognize that the first 67 years of this country's history, even CONGRESS worked through Christmas - including Christmas DAY!

  20. Balzafiar9:30 AM

    No purpose for gay people?

    Does she have a Facebook page? Better shut it down then, one of the founding partners is gay.

    Does she get her hair done at a salon? Better get her a home-styling kit at Wal-Mart then because the salon may have, or have had, gay people working there.

    Does she own a computer? Better give it away then, many thousands of programmers and hardware engineers that make that computer possible to function were and are gay.

    Does she vet all her service and/or trades people that she hires to do work for her? Better learn to do it herself; many of them are gay.

    Has she vetted all the men in her past that she dated and had sex with because a percentage of them possibly were on the down-low. Better get some blood tests, pronto!

    And when she goes to the lab for the blood test, she should ask them to include a test for terminal ignorance. It's obvious to most of us she is infected with it, and there's no pill that will cure that.

    It's too bad she's a teacher. She needs to be removed from her position.

  21. Leland9:36 AM

    Is that a quote? " was a choice and they are choosing God?"

    This pig is too stupid and ignorant to teach regular children. She still thinks being LGBT is a CHOICE?!!!!!!!!

  22. Anonymous10:18 AM

    She's disgusting. They all are.

  23. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I hope they do a follow up and have new people at both proms!

    I bet the "gay prom" is way more fun!

  24. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Indiana School Decides Not To Discipline Teacher Who Says Gays Have No Purpose In Life

    When news broke that a group was trying to create a gays-free prom at Sullivan High School in Indiana, special education teacher Diana Medley’s anti-gay comments quickly became viral on the Internet. In addition to saying that homosexuality is a choice, she went so far as to say that gay people have no purpose in life. A petition with over 15,000 signatures is calling for disciplinary action, Dan Savage has called for her to be outright fired, other Indiana teachers are countering her message, and thanks to reddit, even the principal from Billy Madison has chimed in. It seems, though, that the school is not taking any action.

  25. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I just wish these busy bodies would learn to mind their own business....

  26. Anonymous12:51 PM

    That FFA heifer in the first video looks kind of butch, just sayin'.

  27. Shari2:26 PM

    I'm just curious, what are these kids going to do when they get out in the real world and their boss or co-workers are gay - quit? No purpose in life - just ask Anderson or Ellen or Dan Savage. Ellen was so brave at the time to "come out" and look at her now!

  28. Anita Winecooler9:22 PM

    Funny, Christ didn't hang out with people like her, unless you include sinners. He lived at home with his mom, never married, and His homeys were mostly male, and all fishermen. Is she saying He had no purpose?

    Just wondering out loud...


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