Sunday, February 24, 2013

Growing number of firearm manufacturers may refuse to sell weapons to law enforcement if new gun control laws restrict them from selling to everybody.

Courtesy of Alaska Dispatch:  

A growing number of firearm firms in the US are vowing to reverse-boycott local and state governments that enact any new infringements on the Second Amendment. 

Vowing to close what they're calling "the police loophole," at least 50 US companies, ranging from gun machinists to gun shops, are now saying publicly they'll refuse to sell weapons and gear to police in places where governments have banned the use of the same gear by civilians. 

Quality Arms, located in Rigby, Idaho, writes on its website that it "will not supply any firearm or product manufactured by us or any other company, nor will we warranty, repair, alter or modify a firearm owned by any state, county or municipality that infringes on the right of its citizens to bear arms under the 2nd Amendment." 

The move comes as Congress and some state houses are considering new gun controls in the wake of the Dec. 14 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. The most direct target of the "police loophole" movement seems to be New York State, which put into law a raft of new gun control regulations, including limiting the size of magazines, last month. 

"Based on the recent legislation in New York, we are prohibited from selling rifles and receivers to residents of New York [so] we have chosen to extend that prohibition to all governmental agencies associated with or located within New York," York Arms of Buxton, Maine, writes on its website. 

So far, none of the major gun manufacturers have joined the list, and it's an open question whether the smaller companies are bluffing or would even have occasion to sell directly to governments in New York State, for example.

I doubt that ANY of the major gun manufacturers, especially those that have contracts with law enforcement, would be willing to join such a ban, which makes it an empty gesture that smacks of desperation.

However it also reveals a very troubling mindset of those who create this death dealing instruments in that if they there are any restrictions places on who they can sell them to, regardless of that person's intent, they are saying they would be willing to further place the citizens of this country at risk by not selling weapons to law enforcement that would use them in defense of those citizens.

Sounds a little like passive aggressive terrorism to me.


  1. Anonymous10:50 AM

    This is hilarious! Don't these right-wing looney tunes understand that their beloved market forces will undermine this action, as someone else will step in to make a profit off the government contracts they are turning down? These guys are just too dumb for words.

    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      My thoughts exactly. Any idiotic CEO who follows this is going to get fired and black listed by the shareholders.

    2. Yeah. They won't all stand united. ONE supplier is going to see this as an opportunity to corner the market on government contracts.

      Personally, I'd like to see all of the government contracts go to a European supplier.

      Fuck the U.S. fascist gun lobby. Let them eat cake. Or whatever is handiest.

  2. lostinmn10:54 AM

    And then they're going to hold their breath until the laws are reversed. What's the matter with these pansies? They want the general population to be better armed than the cops? Sounds like it.

    1. Yes, they do.

      They want to sell as much to as many as they can. It's all about PROFIT. Not public safety or social good.

      They'd sell as much as they could to criminals if they could. That's why they're against any and all background checks, waiting periods and restrictions.

  3. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Let the gun nuts have their guns, we will keep the ammo.

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      I have my guns & my ammo & you won't touch any of it ever.If you don't like guns don't keep any but don't expect that you will strip my constitutional rights away.What other rights would you like to strip the populace of?Free speech.Your a fascist.

    2. Anonymous12:26 PM

      ...and clearly you skipped English class in school. But we've come to expect that from a certain "Billy Badass" segment of the population

    3. Anonymous12:40 PM

      They're not bad-ass, they're more afraid than we are, why do u think the cling so hard to their misinterpretation of the 2nd amendment?

    4. Where does it say that the well-regulated militia has a right to ammo?

      Guns, yes.

      Ammo, no.

      If you want to read the Constitution as absolute, then you don't get any ammo. And we still get to regulate you very well.

    5. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Let me guess... "Your" the most intelligent one in your family, right?

      Assuming "your" not an ESL citizen, it would be of great benefit to you to learn to speak and write in English, and someone might actually listen to you and understand your message. While "your" working to improve your grammar, you might consider a class or two in critical thinking and logic, for reasons which will be obvious to you once you complete the classes. Finally, you might want to get a dictionary and look up the word 'fascist'. I don't think it means what you think it means. There are likely many other words that you use improperly as well. Just because you choose to be disagreeable doesn't mean you have to be ignorant. But that is your choice, as well.

      By the way, no one expressed a desire to touch your guns and ammo. You must be hearing voices, so you might want to have a doc check that out soon.

    6. Anonymous1:17 PM

      O.k. I skipped English class & you skipped history.What is the first thing an oppressive government does?It takes the guns out of it's citizens hands.Ask a few million jewish people about that.I am not implying our government is oppressive today but what about a hundred or two hundred years down the road.Read the 2nd amendment & tell me why you think it was written?I will in turn study the english language.

    7. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Get back to me when you can communicate as an adult. Otherwise, I have no time for you.

      BTW, I own a .38 revolver, a 9mm pistol, a 12-gauge shotgun and a .410 side by side double barrel shotgun, which is a family heirloom. Oh, and plenty of ammo for each, other than the .410. But I'm not so insecure that being a gun owner is the center of my identity. I have what I need for personal security and for sport. Because only the paranoid and and insecure idiots are fanning this flame of a gun-takeaway. You are a weak person, emotionally and mentally.

    8. Anonymous2:36 PM

      Anon 11:40, you don't know history either. You only understand what right wing radio tells you. Hitler never took the guns from the jews, he only made them register their guns. The Second Amendment was written in time when we didn't have a standing army as we do today. The citizens were the ones called to protect our nation in case of an invasion or an uprising. It's obvious education was not a high priority for either you or your family. I hope someday you start thinking and researching on your own, and stop hearing only what you want to hear.

    9. Anonymous3:01 PM

      Not sure why people would have lots of guns and ammo in a "collection" if there is no intent to use them. I understand hunting; many people simply can't afford to shop for meat at the grocery store. Some like to hunt for pleasure or for skins or trophies. I have zero respect for those folks, but I do understand the people that are hungry and need to shoot their food. I feel for them and I hope to never have to live that way.

      As far as the collectors of weapons meant to kill and destroy other humans, well, there is no reason to harbor and collect these munitions unless one eventually wants to do harm to another human. It's rather guilt by association as far as I'm concerned.

      I collect regional art and Italian Art Glass. It's a rather harmless hobby. I won't be killing anyone with my collection.

    10. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Anon 2:36, I do know history.Everyone first registered their guns & then they were confiscated.I am not stating this to attack you but simply to clarify.

    11. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Personally I am not right or left wing.I find that having only two political parties is disturbing.I choose neither.I vote for politicians not based on rhetoric but based on their record.Two viewpoints that are the polar opposite basically aren't enough to satisfy me.

    12. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Anon 2:36 Not true.

      Go to the Jan. 11, 2013 Salon article titled "Hitler Gun Control Lie" and you'll find out for yourself. They also include references.

  4. Citizens are hardly going to be better armed than the police, with the spate of militarization of local law enforcement, far beyond the threat they face.

    Many manufacturers are preparing to move to states that are not attempting to ban lawful firearms from ownership by their citizens. I find nothing wrong with that.

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Random, mature, etc.

    2. Anonymous2:16 PM

      "Many manufacturers..."?

      Name a dozen. Or five. Or simply name all of those that you know are moving. I'll contact them directly and maybe pick up some business from them in relocating their staff and tools, die, and machinery.

  5. Anonymous11:02 AM

    What friggin bullshit from the gun industry. Are we surprised? Some Americans truly amaze me! Perhaps Americans should be very selective as to whom they purchase THEIR guns from...let's just watch them carefully!

  6. DelMartian11:07 AM

    Sounds like a 'win - win' to me.

  7. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Have these idiots even thought about the cosequences of this idiotic step??? They effectively talk themselves out of business, because... If the citizens can't get the weapons AND the law-enforcement agencies can't get the weapons, then WHO WOULD BE ABLE TO GET THEM???

  8. Anonymous11:26 AM

    What's a constitutional insurgent? Someone who can't spell Krusty.

    Given that the traditional home of gun manufacturing is still New England, I don't think NY has a lot to worry about.

  9. Anonymous11:28 AM

    If that happens - those entities might be forced to buy equipment from other countries. Wonder how that will set with the obstructionists.
    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Those little pissant mom and pop gun shops aren't going to be a distributor for an out of state law enforcement agency, and won't be the source of even their own local city unless they are a larger entity than those mentioned in the article.. These idiots don't even know how business is conducted via contracts for ongoing purchases of guns and ammo for these departments. This article is just a propaganda plant to try to put some pressure on state legislature. I wouldn't be surprised to see the same article pop up verbatim in 100 local newspapers. Gungoon PR.

    2. Anonymous3:48 PM

      I agree totally with your statement.I would venture to guess the majority of people here have never purchased a gun.These are the same people that want to invade my personal freedom.What they fail to see is that when I want meat I don't go to a grocery store.I hunt.I am not totally seperated from my food source.I don't unwrap it from plastic & styrofoam.I unwrap it from fur.These people are affecting my very survival.An assault rifle is a fully automatic weapon.What I use is semi automatic & a tool.Worry about mental health if you want to stop school shootings.

    3. Anonymous 3:48 PM - The space bar is a very useful key. Please use it.

  10. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Have you ever had someone break into your house at night?Call the police & see how long it takes them to respond.From experience I can tell you I called & I reached into my night stand.When the burglar did forcefully enter my bedroom I shot him twice.Then I waited 15 minutes for the police to come.The bottom line is don't depend on the police to protect you.Be self reliant or you may suffer the consequences.

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Yeah, and then the ninja came out from under the bed and karate chopped the assailant, and the guy got up with all those bullets and did a round house across the ninja's face, then when the cops finally came they shot you because you were the only one holding a weapon and...

    2. No. I lock my doors and windows and I have a dog. I might add I live in a low income neighborhood.

      My Dad, who lives in a middle class neighborhood has never had a break in in the middle of the night. He has, however, had break ins during the day. What was stolen? His guns. Twice.

      Who knows what those guns are doing now?

      I think this self-defense meme has been debunked enough I'm not going to bother anymore.

    3. lostinmn12:44 PM

      Nice comment but you didn't provide the link to your local paper telling the story about it. So, I call urban legend Rambo fantasy BS

    4. eclecticsandra12:46 PM

      This is unfortunate because now you have to live with that. Is "stuff" worth that mental burden?

    5. Anonymous1:01 PM


      All we are asking for are some reasonable restrictions that reduce the carnage that has afflicted our schools and communities over the past few decades. And don't tell me that there should be NO restrictions because the Supreme Court has already ruled on that and many kinds of weapons used by the military are already banned for personal use.

    6. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Well then just shoot them, goddamit. And quit your bitching. What, do you want a medal or something?

      What does this have to do with the article anyway? Sheesh.

    7. Anonymous1:33 PM

      I will bear the mental burden.But I don't bear a physical one.My family is safe & protected.Hell I even saved the tax payers some money for a worthless trial & prison sentence.The police told me that the man that broke into my home was a career criminal with a list of priors including rape,assault,burglary etc.The point I am making is don't neccesarily believe the police will protect you.You owe yourself & your family.If you want a dog get one.Or better locks perhaps.I will keeps my guns & my ammunition.

    8. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Keep your guns and shut up about it.

      By the way, your "The police told me..." tells me that you're full of shit. But Internet cowboys do a lot of shit that mere mortals only dream of, so keep on typing and maybe someone will be impressed eventually, though not all that likely. Links from verified sources or I call bullshit. A big tuff gun goon like yourself wouldn't be afraid to verify your story with more than just your own words, would you? Sounds like a serious case of inadequacy on your part.

    9. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Either supply a link or it didn't happen except in one of your wet dreams, little fella. You sound desperate for attention. LOL

    10. Anonymous2:56 PM

      I don't need to provide a link & provide my identity.I'm respectful to everyone here.I am sharing my opinion so feel free to bash me as you see fit.

    11. Anonymous3:02 PM

      That Bladerunner guy certainly took care of his "intruder" in an expeditious manner, no?

    12. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Did you have an orgasm, little man?

    13. Anonymous4:16 PM

      A gigantic orgasm for sure.Actually I was terrified for the well being of my infant child & wife.

    14. I've never owned a gun and the only times people have tried to break into our house were foiled both times by our dogs shadowing them from room to room and barking like mad. I know this because the neighbor kids across the street told us about the first guy who lied to them, saying he was a relative, when they saw him in our yard. The second time, someone opened a window and then took off running after our dog came to the window. The neighbors had to urge our dog back into the yard again after the would be burglar ran off. Dogs. Dogs. DOGS.
      Guns by their very nature are vehicles of non-virtue and harm and I want nothing to do with them, but's best friend.

    15. Caroline6:09 PM

      Anonymous1:01 PM

      Oh, haven't you heard? Oregon is voting on a bill to allow just that.

      Page 2 lines 42-45 and page 3 lines 1-5. These lines deal with confiscation or destruction (de facto confiscation).

      Also, officers will be allowed to enter and search private citizens' homes for what they consider to be improperly stored "assault weapons" without a warrant. Scroll down to page 3 line 39.

      Also, Section 6 (page 4, lines 24-26) declare an emergency so this law will be enacted immediately upon passage - no chance for review or challenges.

      Washington state attempted to pass a similar bill last week.

    16. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Hey it's a good theory.Noone will every come into my home for my guns unless they want to be shot.When guns become illegal I shall become a criminal.

    17. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Written as the second amendment.My rights won't easily be stripped away.

    18. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Aragon64 don't be niave people misuse dogs the same way they misuse guns.Prove me wrong.

  11. Won't it be true, though, that police won't actually NEED weapons because the American population will all be carrying concealed as soon as they can walk?

  12. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I'm sure Germany, Italy etc etc etc etc will be more than happy to outfit police forces and gov't agencies.


  13. Really?

    We import our police dogs from Europe.

    Do they think we won't arm our police force the same way?

  14. Balzafiar12:48 PM

    Not a problem, not at all. The government can just declare a national emergency, then nationalize the best of them and tax the rest out of business. For all I know the states may even have that power.

    I doubt the government is too worried about all this.

    1. Caroline6:43 PM

      And you're cool with the forced nationalization of an American industry due to a fabricated national emergency?

  15. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Shit, Um let's support our troops (9-11), BUT HEY, IF THEY KNOCK ON MY DOOR, FUCK IT, SHOOT 'EM.. Here's my idea, no GED, no gun. You can't read, spell or write, happy slingshot ;)


    1. Caroline6:15 PM

      Our troops swear an oath to protect and defend the Constitution not whoever happens to be in power at the time. Why do I get the feeling you've had no meaningful interaction with a serviceman/woman?

    2. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Why do I get the idea that you have poor reading comprehension ? Nothing you wrote has any reference to what Tap wrote. Oh and Caroline? If you want to play some game,I bet you I have a lot more "meaningful interaction" with a serviceman than you do.

    3. Caroline9:15 PM

      Actually, comprehension has always been my strong suit. I'll go slow for you. Tap described a situation in which troops would come to the door to confiscate firearms in which case gun owners would open fire on the troops without hesitation. I reminded him that our troops swear an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, not whomever happens to be in power at the time. Therefore, the military would not be committing the unconstitutional act of confiscation. We respect our honorable servicemen and women. I'll simplify it further: No shooty troopies! Is that a little easier for you to understand?
      And no, darling, I don't feel the need to play games with you. I know who's in my life, and I don't feel that I need to prove anything to you; though you seem to want to prove yourself to me. Hmmmmm. I know who I am. But, hey, nice try trying to make things personal. .

      Have a nice evening, sweetie - it's late here on the right coast.

  16. It won't be a problem. Eventually they'll arm the police with military weapons, from the military. They'll come up with some Federal plan to assist the states in arming police.

  17. Anonymous2:17 PM

    A 4-year-old boy in Houston died early Sunday morning after finding his father’s handgun and shooting himself in the stomach.

    Houston Police Sgt. Harris told KTRK that 4-year-old Jaiden Pratt’s weekend with his father, 23-year-old Marquez Pratt, ended in tragedy. The father and son had gone to sleep on the couch. After waking up, Jaiden picked up the gun and accidentally fired a round into his own stomach.

    Paramedics tried to revive child, but he was pronounced dead at the scene.

    “This is not a case of a responsible homeowner having a weapon for protection,” Harris said.

    According to the Houston Chronicle, the serial number of the handgun was listed as stolen. Marquez Pratt was expected to face charges resulting from drugs and several weapons found in the home.

    A LOADED handgun within reach of a 4 year old????

    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      One word: Darwin.

  18. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Their 'bark' is BS. The dollar value of the purchase contracts -- the manufacturers are so $$ greedy, they would never pass it up.

    Pure BS as they would walk back those words in a second if the contract came their way.

  19. Anonymous2:48 PM

    This week in Crazy Racist Gun Nut Playhouse

    Holy effing eff, these people are nuts. Whenever someone asks how much of the current hysteria from the gun fetishists is based on crazy-ass racism and general hallucinatory fantasies as to the imminent doom of lily-white America, point them to this, and stand back:

    [Gun Owners of America president Larry Pratt] predicted that President Obama may begin confiscating guns in order to provoke a violent response to justify further oppression, which host Stan Solomon feared would lead to the imprisonment of hundreds of thousands of people.
    Pratt once again insisted that Obama is acting like King George III, a sentiment with which Solomon concurred, saying, “That will happen quickly and they will wipe those people out to set an example.”

    But Solomon wasn’t finished: “I believe they will put together a racial force to go against an opposite race resistance, basically a black force to go against a white resistance, and then they will claim anyone resisting the black force are doing it because they are racist.”

    Howard agreed: “You may be right because he has been sowing the seeds of racial hatred; we were healing quite well as a nation on racial issues until Obama came along and now we have a lot of racial discord.”

    First off, nice touch on the Mr. Rogers sweaters, that really adds a capping touch of surrealism to the whole batshit enterprise. Second off, if you believe President Obama is planning to put together an army of black people to hunt down white people and take their guns away, or whatever the hell that was, then Oh My God you are the pitch-perfect example of someone who should never, under any circumstances, be allowed to own a gun, or a knife, or even a sharp pencil. It's felt markers for you or nothing, buddy. All of these people are about one dark-skinned mailman away from declaring that the race wars are upon us, climbing to the top of their very own custom-built wood pallet clock towers, and shooting anything that moves.

    See, this is what I'm talking about. If you own guns primarily because you think you will someday need those guns in order to someday start shooting at the government for wanting to take those guns, then you are the exact sort of person who should not be owning guns. Good Lord—the NRA wants us to start making a big, national list of crazy people? We've found another three, and make sure to use a bold font for these ones.

    There's a difference between a gun hobbyist or enthusiast and a militia-styled fetishist...

  20. Anonymous2:50 PM

    If anyone is thinking about purchasing a hand gun or shotgun, I would like to suggest Beretta. Beretta is an Italian company although they produce many of their guns in the US. Their model 92 or 92 FS is a very fine pistol and was used by the military for a number of years after going through a number of grueling tests to determine the quality of a hand gun, and what they felt was the best overall pistol for their purpose. But mainly because they won't try to influence legislation on restricting firearms.

  21. Randall4:06 PM

    Call their bluff...
    issue a news release saying that from now on the USA will by ALL their guns from "outside sources" such as Britain, Italy, Germany.

    In other words: Fuck ME? ho ho HOOOO no, fuck YOU

  22. Carli4:47 PM

    Easy way to circumvent that plan. I will open up a business, buy all those guns for the police departments since I am NOT affiliated with any of those states or municipalities. I will then sell them to the police departments. Boom! The stupid gun companies have just made me huge profits! Thanks idiots!

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      Why do the gun nuts hate the American economic system of capitalism?

  23. Anonymous5:29 PM

    These people are NUTS. F*CKING Nuts, that is all.

  24. Caroline6:34 PM

    So, do you just not want your readers to access well thought out opposing viewpoints, complete with citations from reputable news sources (The Seattle Times) and real live published case law? Because that's what I gave you and my post was eaten. Are you afraid of facts?

    1. Caroline6:56 PM

      I'll reply to myself: I apologize for jumping to conclusions when the message about being approved disappeared and my post was gone. I'll be more patient next time if there is one.


  25. Anonymous7:33 PM

    From someone who knows the truth.

  26. Dinah8:08 AM

    Such stupidity. If they refuse to sell to LE, LE can import/outsource. What'll that do for the manufacturer's bottom line? Talk about shooting themselves in the foot, so to speak.

  27. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Texas lawmaker wants to arrest police for enforcing gun control laws...while a Public Policy Polling survey last month found that 49 percent of Texas voters supported a federal assault weapons ban....

  28. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Does this headline mean that the gun manufacters are going out of business?

  29. Anonymous12:43 AM

    How Guns And Violence Cost Every American $564 In 2010

    Each injury caused by a firearm sets in motion a prolonged series of events. There’s a car-ride to the emergency room…or the morgue. An officer investigates. A jury perhaps deliberates. A judge presides.

    This chain adds up. To the sum of $564 per American. All told, firearm injuries cost the United States more than $174 billion in 2010, according to new data from the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation. Most of that expense came from deaths; fatalities accounted for $153.3 billion.

  30. Anonymous12:47 AM

    A Gun-Control Battle That Could Actually Damage The Industry Is Escaping Public Attention


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